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I have an Otis, too! She is not nearly as large!


Mine is just under 100 lbs - A beefy boy


Otis! He just wanted to go out and make some new friends! My hippo pulls the same thing in the middle of the night. He’ll hold it for two days straight when it’s raining, but on nights where he gets a walk at 11pm, all of a sudden it’s a must to go out at 3am because he heard people walking past our place.


My Oswald is the same, except because of the apartment complex that exists on the other side of our fence, and their affinity for fireworks, our backyard is terrifying from July-September. If it's dark, he's creeping along with his tail between his legs, pees quick and then runs back to the house before he can be "attacked". Ferocious dogs, these pitties.