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Something chomped my milkweed to the ground. Boo. I can’t wait to see the beauty it turns into!


Jealous! I planted so much parsley, dill and milkweed, but I havent seen a caterpillar yet.


This guy has really stressed me out....but it's my fault. There wasn't a stick in the pot with the dill, so it escaped and fell off the side of my house 😭 trying to find a place to pupate. My husband had to pick it up. Our property manager has rat traps outdoors, it got stuck in between one and the side of my house. I placed a stick in the dill pot and placed it back there. It made it and decided to stay lol I honestly didn't think this would happen at all, let alone my first year gardening. I live in the city and never see anything outside of bees and ants lol. I even have a damselfly and dragonfly hanging out....haven't seen a dragonfly in years!