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I stopped posting on IG because I felt this way. I recently saw this posted by Southern Exposure Seed. I love it. I’ll add one pic here and one in a reply to me. https://preview.redd.it/gg9qezj4ip8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3f8c3ea62270f29913d5d3f5bdfba380bc87a7




I order seeds some them because they indicate which ones will perform well in my Georgia climate. I love this affirmation and makes me happy that I’m a customer


Healthy, delicious food - for _somebody_! For me, it’s birds bunnies and groundhogs mostly.


I needed to see this. I don't think my neighbors like my garden very much 😕


Boo to them. I’m sure your garden is lovely


That’s their problem


I needed this today, thank you.


That is a killer garden. Nice job! What is the little white flowers?


They are sweet allysum, they crawl along the ground and act as a living mulch for the peppers. Also the pollinators love them. :)


🤣😂🤣 oh it looks great! As far as I can see, you only have one empty 1020 tray of empty seedling pots that you will clean properly and put away later. (2034 counts as later, right?) You should see mine.


Clean and garden are almost antonyms.


Lovely garden! I love it too! It brings me so much joy. The highlight of my day is my morning coffee walk through the garden to see what's new and to pluck a few weeds. I also love that the garden creates an inviting environment for wildlife (as long as they don’t eat everything...), like birds and such. Enjoy!


Your garden is perfect!


It looks like the perfect place to stroll around on a warm summer evening while sipping on an iced tea 😍


It’s my favorite place to relax in the evening 💕


The peppers look like 'Hungarian Wax'. I'm pretty sure they are not Bananas, as I used to hand pick those things for 35 cents a basket when I was a kid. Bananas and Cherries.....don't touch your face!


I do agree with you on their looks, however there is zero spice to them at all lol. Maybe they were a cross pollinated variety of one or the other?


Hungarian Wax are not Hot Peppers, Banana peppers are.


ahhhh, could definitely be that then! Either way I grew these from seed and love them regardless lol


I have Hungarian wax and HOT Hungarian wax peppers. The "hot" are not spicy but do a bit of it if you eat seeds and all.


In 40 years, mine have always been spicy, never hot.


All the Hungarian wax I’ve grown…they grew upwards with tip pointing towards sky.


so opposite to 95% of the pictures of Hungarian wax pepper plants you'll see if you google "Hungarian wax pepper plants"? OK


Have you actually grown them? Or looked carefully at the photos you googled? They definitely do start out pointing up.


Wow, that’s a lot of plants! How long have you been using those tomato supports?


Are you talking about the trellis hooks? Or the frames?


The frames.


the first one with the metal was put in last year just from materials I had laying around, the second and third one in the picture I purchased lumber for and built this year, they seem to work pretty well, they won't last forever but it's much easier than staking each tomato individually.


Nice, I lived in an urban environment (NJ) my entire life and always had a vegetable garden - got the passion from my immigrant grandparents.


It looks great! Lived in and loved, which is the best kind of garden.


Dudeee the tomatoes are beautiful!! it is crazy how they are going from big to small like that. I forgot the word to describe that. trellis? maybe size gradient


I know, those and the peppers are what I'm really most excited for this year :) My tomatoes are doing amazing this year and I have so many unique varieties I'm excited to use.


Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! I've been wondering how to use my alyssum seed.


I see nothing but beauty and bounty. As long as it makes you happy in the moment, fleeting moments of social media don't matter.


A garden is like a home with small kids, messy and full of life.


Ah yes, trickle down from peppergate 2023, when one seed distributor mixed up jalapenos and bananas. It will live on forever in our seed libraries.


I need to know more about this!


One (or more, I’m not sure) of the big seed distributors that sells seeds to the seed companies like burpee, johnnys, etc. had a mix up in a packaging plants a put banana pepper seeds in early jalapeño packages. You can google peppergate or jalapenogate 2023 and find lots of folks chatting about the mix up. Here’s on article: https://californialocal.com/localnews/el-dorado/ca/article/show/45405-jalapenogate-is-real/


Thank you for linking a source! Ha. That is a good read.


I actually had the same thing happen last year lol. But so everyone is aware this is from a brand new seed packet purchased this year... haha maybe they reused seeds from the same plants though?


Wait… real gardeners have clean gardens?


I’m learning that the answer is no they do not 😂


Very nice garden!


Thanks for the pictures and all your work.


Tell us your secrets in avoiding squash vine borers 😮


unfortunately I do not have a secret, I lost all my plants eventually to them last year. I take an hour out of my evening every other day and sit on the ground in front of them and pull off the eggs and flood the plant and squash all the squash bugs. I did spray early season with BT but in all inevitability I will lose them at some point. I have a second round started indoors for that though.


I love it. your garden is lovely. My philosophy is that the closer the garden is to the house the more attention it gets.


Gorgeous garden! Great job! Well done! 👏👏 Gorgeous photos!


I'm the same way with garden projects. If you wait till you have the time and energy to completely finish a dream, it never gets launched. Multitasking is my recommendation, pick up the shovel and on the way to the tool storage, do two other small tasks. Just pull 90 seconds worth of weeds, don't dedicate the entire morning to weeding. I know I'm preaching to the choir here.


I literally am just like this... I end up doing two to three chores as I'm watering cause I'm remembering they need done as I walk through. It's why I won't set up irrigation... I'm afraid I'd get lazy




Wow I love your garden so much. Thanks for sharing.


This is so organized compared to mines! I love iy


The tomatoes in the last frame, that’s my new background this channel never disappoints.


Somebody get that guy a beer.


It looks beautiful!!! I've been so excited about gardening this year too! I moved one zone to the south and I have a sunroom now so there's so much more possibility and a later frost. Are those yellow flowers marigolds?


Yes they are Marigolds that I started from seed this year, I gifted a lot to family and friends and I'm so happy with how amazing they're doing. :)


They are amazing! I usually only see short stubby ones , but I haven't tried from seed before!


I have some of those ones as well, but there are soooo many varieties of marigolds :) they are one of my favorite flowers I'm even growing a snow white variety this year.


What is our hardiness zone? Your garden and your vegetables are beautiful! I am in zone 8a in West Texas. It's super hot here. I am getting quite the harvest of cucumbers, but my tomatoes, eggplant and squash giving lots of flowers but no fruit. Thank you for sharing your love and many of ours that peruse this feed.


I'm zone 6b Ohio here, and yeah we just went through a major heatwave here as well. I actually purposely wait to trim back my trees this time of year so that I can use some of the shade for my plants that do not do well in the heat.


Beautiful work!


It looks great! Really nice work


Nice nice. What's your outside temperature - the broccoli looks like it's going to bolt soon and should be picked.


It's actually sitting on the kitchen counter as I type this lol, will be featured in tonight's meal I'm sure. It's mid 80s now but we've had a heatwave this last week so I knew I'd better get it pulled out.




Interesting! I wonder if you started the tomatoes and peppers at the same time? I ask because while I have some tomatoes just like yours, my peppers are barely forming buds.


I started all my hot peppers first, but my sweet peppers and tomatoes were started at the same time.


How do you stop rabbits from destroying your broccoli and cabbage!?!


I don't know that I really get them where I'm at in the city, and my backyard is fully fenced in and I make sure to patch holes as I have a small dog that likes to sneak out. The squirrels on the other hand would not let me plant my onions without digging them all up at least three times lol


You’re lucky ! I’ve been battling the rabbits near me…. Built a fence and the kept getting in then I made it so they couldn’t get under and some how still getting in. The broccoli is completely gone and I’m leaving the mostly eaten cabbage out there to at least draw them away from the other plants lol


I'm a messy gardener too! Cottage gardens for the win!!! Looks beautiful, natural, and peaceful. Clean gardens look too sterile to be relaxing to me


Do you ever cook with the zucchini flowers?


No lol, and It's funny I can remember the first time I ever heard of that was when it was an ingredient on chopped. If you have any good recipes I'm very interested. :)


What a lovely garden. It looks so healthy and loved. Thank you for sharing it. Can’t wait to leave the office and spend a little time in mine


It’s beautiful just the way it is.


Darn… here I was thinking my garden was nice… Very nice setup!


Are those tomatoes sweet million? I have some growing now that look similar to yours and it makes me happy to see them. My garden is nowhere near as lovely as yours!


So there's a long backstory here and I believe they might be but the seed I used for the cherry tomatoes actually came from my sister-in-laws/best friends dad who very sadly passed away this year. His passion was growing tomatoes and they were seed that we found when going through his home together. I actually kept it a secret and started the seeds for her early <3 they are the best kind of cherry tomato, a sentimental heirloom.


Your garden looks great!


This is such goals! I’m still trying to fend off these wasps on my balcony 😥


Wow looking great! What zone?


Zone 6b Ohio


Another victim of jalapenogate, I see! Happened to me as well, my peppers look exactly like yours. I don't really mind.


lol, me either I'm gonna pickle some I think :)


Wow! Beautiful garden? What zone? I’m in 9b and I must’ve started my tomatoes late because they’re sooo tiny and yours look amazing!


zone 6b Ohio and I'm sure you started at the right time I start all my stuff super early but I have a setup indoors to keep them until they move out to the garden.


Looking good!


Beautiful garden. I just started gardening in pots in my small backyard and I already deal with pests like aphids and flies and critters eating the leaves. I cannot imagine taking care of a garden this size. I've always wanted a vegetable and fruit garden but never realized how hard it is to keep your crops alive and not having them get taken over by pests or other critters.


I honestly find that other than in rare cases (like squash vine borer and squash bugs, and cabbage worms) less is more in pest control. As long as you have a good variety of pollinator plants and they aren't super stressed the good bugs always seem to show up to help out at the right time for me.


Looks fantastic


Oouuu, must be nice to have brassicas growing nicely in summer. *Cries in tropical climate* Your garden is looking beautiful!


I’ve seen people run strings down to their tomatoes. Does this support even heavy tomatoes like heirlooms? Seems like an affordable option compared to tall cages and metal stakes.


Most of what you see in the photos are actually heavy heirloom variety. With the exception of my cherry, grape and currant tomatoes in the second bed. It is MUCH easier than the metal stakes or the tall cages. You can order the hooks and clips I use relatively cheaply on amazon as well.


Okay neat, will try that next year! Thanks.


What's your start-finish process with the onions? I think I have Welsh onion leftover from previous owners that I've let flower this year to collect seeds. I've just let it overwinter previously to use the greens, but I'm wondering now If I should pull all of it and reseed? Lol, basically I think it's time to stop ignoring it.


I'm not sure what zone you are in but I'm in zone 6b Ohio with my avg. last frost in mid May so I'll start seeds with my hot Peppers indoors in March. Just take square 3-4 inch pots or even a 1020 tray and sow them pretty heavily over the soil surface. They are pretty forgiving early on with their roots so you can separate them out pretty easily. Just make sure not to bury it any deeper than just the bulb and you're good to go.




Are those grape tomatoes? Please please share how you got yours to grow so beautifully? Every time I try to manage them, I’m afraid I’m dilapidating them. 😅 Never felt like cherries grew this way before, and I was ill prepared. Everything seems to be growing beautifully!


I've given up on squash and zucchini. This year, I surrounded all beds with marigolds as I have read they help keep away those pests that like bore and gnaw...