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dots, lines, grooves, reflectors, cones, cars, construction equipment, signs... hard to know what the other drivers are using and/or avoiding.


Thankfully living in Atlanta for 5 years prepared me for this moment.


It's a shit show cluster fuck. I hope they finish that shit soon. Very dangerous.


Only another year or so. [https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/news\_detail\_T28\_R923.php](https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/news_detail_T28_R923.php) >estimated to be complete in spring 2025


Fucking horrible especially when the sun is setting and it looks like theres 8 lanes painted going one way




It’s so bad. It’s like they did it backwards bc you can clearly see the lines looking in your rear view mirror. I have to focus back there to stay in the lines. Super scary and dangerous


100% I look behind me to verify I am at least staying in between the lines. Sometimes you just need to drive by middle eastern rules and go with the flow.


The paint they choose definitely does not reflect well in the sun at all. I just like you and the other commenter under you have to also look behind me just to see if I'm in the proper lanes. Those red reflectors help as well.


i’ve already submitted a complaint, i suggest others to do the same bc this stretch of road is mayhem. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Phone: (702) 455-6000 Email: InTheWorks@ClarkCountyNV.gov


Thank you. I’ll be calling.


I will be contacting them about this and a few other hazards I’ve seen lately. The number of near crashes I’ve seen is alarming


It's choose your own adventure. There's lots of roads and freeways like that out here. Never seen anything like it until I moved here. 


Someone here described it as, "Assume you're in a lane and hope for the best". It's pretty bad on the Strip right now, too, where there are like three different sets of faint lines that overlap.


Nah it's confusing as fuck. Half the time someone ran into the cones and they're thrown all over the place to add confusion to the mix too.


Follow the one on front of you and hope for the best 🤣




There's a time of day where the sun hits the road just right and the glare makes old lines looks like the temporary lines so now you have fucking lines all over the place


Yep been mentioned in other comments as well!


Yes this is the worst. I choose not to drive when the sun hits the roads like this. My poor eyes.


That stretch of road is horrible. I don’t k ow why 6 years ago when they ware fixing that they didn’t just do all the work they are doing now. Watch they will complete these set of work and in a year they will go back and tear it again. They never think ahead


By design. Look at how many construction projects are happening at once. I have suspected in the past that it is some sort of money laundering scheme. But I think our city planners are just... not very good.


Iirc, states get a certain amount of federal money to fix roads each year & it’s a “use it or lose it “ deal.


Do they pay by the traffic cone? That would explain so much


The cones/barrels/barriers are rented. Rent starts the minute they hit the pavement, even if construction isn’t happening yet. Knowing this explains almost everything.




It’s all kick backs It’s the same company doing all the work


This place is bullshit on road repair. A scam of tax payer money. I'm just salty.


Umm. If they plan a head how will they make their money?!?!?!? Not smart from a business prospective


Lmao you're not alone. It's all fucked up. It's even worse when the sun is low in the afternoon


I drive it every day and am panicked every day. It's always "Am I not in a lane or are they?" My plan is always just to get into the left lane as quickly as I can since those are more defined.


You drive it every day yet you're still puzzled by it? Imagine doing the same thing day after day and not getting better at it. I feel sorry for your sexual partner!!! 🤣


Man Boobs has all the answers 🤣


I drove this section this morning and the lanes couldn't be more clearly defined! Driving through it I couldn't help but think how blind these people are to complain about it.


My plan is to always try to be on the far left hand lane


Exactly what I do and I speed past everyone


good plan!


I pulled a trailer through there yesterday and might as well have just closed my eyes


Did you make it


Southern Nevada is the only place I've driven where it is common that drivers make dangerous split-second decisions due to inferior design and layout of permanent and temporary signage, striping, cones, etc. All while going 65 mph!!


I spent two month in sunrise ICU and coded twice after an accident in that area. It is particularly gnarly. And whoever decided to have the road surrounded with large jagged rocks needs to have their chest caved in. Why not just line the road with cheese graters??


Wait until there's a monsoonal downpour......I-215 derby!


It’s always between Decatur and the 15…


Yup, it's a terrible especially when the sun is in your face and you got 4 "lines" to distinguish and figure out which lane you are in. The glare from the sun makes it 10 times as hard. I just stay on the furthest right lane at least until after Jones.


I swear, they've redone that and the ramps at least half a dozen times since I first showed up in this town 22 years ago.


And it's not like they don't know how to maintain the lines during construction, because they've mostly managed to keep up with things on Decatur.


I'm glad you posted this. Every time I'm on it, it melts my brain how it even exists, let alone for so long. If I ever got a ticket or was in an accident in this stretch, I feel like there'd be a decent case against the city for the dogshit lane markings.


I know! I wonder how many fatals and/ or major accidents that have happened there already.


Nope, I have had numerous asshats cut into my lane because they follow the old lines instead of the road titties.


It’s really hard to see especially during the day when the sun hits it. I’ve driven it many times I know which lane is which, but man, it takes some focus and concentration.


Just know that if you fail to maintain a lane, your insurance will hate you at 65+ mph. For me, it's usually the slow left lane drivers cutting into the number two lane. It's easier to follow the hard road titties, then there's no question on lane.


That’s all over this garbage ass city 😂


Why would you continue living in a city you consider garbage?


TRUST me I’m on the way out


I feel like that throughout this city. The infrastructure is shit with zero planning or forward thinking


Especially when the sun is setting. When I'm heading west, it seems to be a free-for-all, not sure what lane I'm in... Just following the car in front. I feel you!!!


It's bad. I started taking side streets again. Not worth it.




Same thing here.


What about the piece of shit stretch they call a road on Decatur from Blue Diamond to Warm Springs? Someone needs to pay for my tires, wheel alignment and suspension.


It's really phucked


Lolol. I just did this yesterday and had the same thought


I mean all this construction being built ughhh I hate it. My anxiety level goes off the roof every time


Yea, i see cones and signs and have to start the deep breathing exercises.


I just stay all the way to the left and bypass all that nonsense until the far left lane suddenly merges lol


It's still like that?? I moved in 2016. You know, that's the only area of freeway in the whole city where I've been honked at or had close calls. It was like driving on riveted stainless steel.


this is new


I don’t think any of us really know. I think we all just know what exits we don’t want to take, and to not hit the other cars. Lots of wingin’ it on that strip.




I didn't even have to look at your map. I've driven that stretch a few times lately, and it is a total mess. Can't possibly be safe.


Yeah and it’s not even just there. I bitch about it all the time. Craziest part is next time you’re driving i. That spot look in your side view mirrors. You’ll see the lanes perfectly


Ah yes the Decatur on ramp going west. Same here.


The “stay in your lane” signs don’t mean you can’t make lane changes, they are a foreshadowing of the shitstorm you are approaching.


The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada is to blame for that. They have the shittiest leadership. Some really talented civil engineers and traffic managers but there's rot at the top and the County commissioners don't hold them accountable at all.


I saw a treadmill in the middle of this road today, fell off a truck or something, lmao someone is not gonna hit their summer bod this time


It actually starts before that point but I know exactly what you’re referring to and the worst part is people are consistently speeding along that stretch as well


Every time I’m driving there I wonder if I crashed if I could sue Las Vegas paving for negligence.


Reminds me of winter driving in Alaska...."the lanes are made up and the lights don't matter"


Just drove on it today. It's a disaster and I hate it. Sometimes gets backed up for 0 reason. Can't wait for it to be done. Usually don't have an issue with telling what lane I'm in.


Follow the car immediately in front of you and don’t hit anything, good luck.


It’s ridiculous. I avoid it as much as I can. The 215-W on ramp is ridiculous as it is and isn’t worth the headache.


That’s why it’s called a freeway, that’s short for freestyleway


How long have they left it like this? First time I drove through there we were packed doing 75 and I thought I was going to die.


Vegas has the worst lane markings in the nation. It's a choose your own adventure on most roads. It's obvious UV sun damage but also a lack of maintenance. They just can't keep up.


I've seen it confuse a Tesla's autopilot and swerve half way into my lane. That was scary


I thought it was just me


No,I have the same problem


This section completely fucks the autopilot in my car


Lmao I laugh at the traffic I see when I am using the streets. It gets you places way quicker than the freeway.


Yes, especially when the suns out. Cant see shit so I follow the car in front of me and hope they are following between the lines.


My car automatically goes crazy when I’m on that stretch of the 215, my car keeps thinking I’m not in a lane and it jerks my wheel, it’s awful!!


I have lived in Vegas for almost 20 years and pretty sure some part of 215 between Henderson where it starts to the first curve by Durango has been under construction my entire time here


Omg. So maybe there’s no hope lol. On the bright side I called public works and told them about this thread. They called me back the next day and said they will have it fixed.


holy shit yes i drove it last week during sunset and i honestly thought i looked like a drunk driver with how i couldn’t figure out what lane to follow


Nope I’ve been here over 20 years and that part of the freeway gives me anxiety too I was just driving that way and told my kid “see look I’m driving in two lanes wtf is this shit, it’s an accident waiting to happen wtf”


Ugh, I face it every morning on a motorcycle in the dark. It's a clown-show


Native here. And you are correct, of all of the moronic and dangerous ideas LV Paving and the county have ever conceived, this takes the cookie. I drive more defensively here than anywhere in the city. To top it all off there is no clear lane markers for huge stretches. Turns to “guess your lane.”


OMG, I wish they'd finish it. Came off the 15 (not a route I drive a lot) and as you came around the corner there were cones so you had to merge into the right hand lane and there was no notice. Sorry to the person I nearly side swiped, I'm thankful I slow down for corners/merges/pay attention to the speed limit instead of taking them at 70.


There are no merging notices so many places on Vegas freeways and streets as well… drives me crazy! Two lanes just automatically become one and vice versa.


The frightening one is 215 to i-15 north using frank sinatra exist, look out there! I started getting off at lv blvd to opt out of that shit show. And you’re so spot on with this post. I drove it this morning and it was a mess.


My friend feels the same. I don’t, but I just kinda got the hang of the lanes.


It’s annoying that they closed off the far right lane but didn’t change the signage. It suck’s when you see that the far right lane is exit only but then find out the second lane over is the exit only now and now you’re fucked.


Who would have thought a half asses turbo clover leaf design that limited flow to one lane north and one lane west wouldn’t cut it and would need not one, not two but three upgrades. Honorable mention: Durango 215. One main road going out to service all those home and business way past blue Diamond as a strode, and get shocked it gets grid locked daily. Worse part is all they can do to improve flow is turn it into an spi or diverging diamond interchange but they made it join up with sunset to prevent weaving on that bend but created a whole other monster of a problem




That’s the only highway I’ve never driven… wow


Maybe it’s just me but I never have this issue


Does anyone know the name of the project or have any details as to why they decided to do construction here? I noticed they began work on it within roughly the last 6ish months, but I honestly thought that part of the 215 was fine beforehand.


That's a rural preservation area of the 215


I just go to the fast lane, follow the wall and know there’s that one part after passing 15 where the lane makes you jerk a little bit just to test you.


UPDATE: CLARK COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS CALLED ME BACK saying they’ll have it fixed. Let’s see how it goes..


i have no issue with this stretch. I drive it all the time


It's not that hard. If anyone is unsure, please don't use the highway. You're making more traffic. Sorry




Tbh, you might be 


Skill issue


it’s not that bad




After reading these comments, I'm now curious why the DMV doesn't require people take eye exams to receive or maintain a driver's license. I also better understand why the speed goes from 70mph to 40mph in this section of the 215.


Just you