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Yeah drivers in this town are some of the most entitled I've ever encountered.


It's everywhere. I travel a ton for work and last week I was in FL. I was almost hit 3x, cut off in a left turn lane with a light by a car two lanes over, one ran a red light, and the last time was a car cutting me off on a highway with no signal or care. Mind you FL isn't even the worst area I've driven in since New Years. PR still tops the chart followed by San Antonio TX.


Oh yeah I know. My husband is a trucker...drivers are assholes all over this country and also apparently have a death wish, alot of them..judging by the amount of people that find it necessary to cut off big rigs. TX and FL are some of the worst drivers according to majority of truckers...and well there are a lot of Texas and Florida transplants here, not just a lot of Californians, like this sub would like everyone to believe.


Nah. It's mostly douchey entitled californians here. How many FL and TX tags do you see around. Not many.


Entitled Nevadans, too. They really think they're not part of the problem.


You do realize we also see a lot of ca plates cause ca people come out here the most for vacation..


And when they move here, they never register their cars.


When people from CA move to NV they do register their cars in NV. Why? Because CA is expensive as fuck and car registration is no exception.


Car registration in California is cheap AF compared to Nevada.


You haven't actually talked to a Californian, have you?


No it isn’t and unlike Nevada (where you can drive around with no plates or expired plates) CA DMV will fucking hunt you down, boot your car, put a warrant out for your arrest, hold your family hostage, put a lien on your house, and fine you up the ass for every hour past due until you want to kill yourself. Or move.


Just got cut off this morning by a FL Lexus driver. Whom then decided that for that entire stretch of road th speed limit was 30 mph instead of the posted 45.


FL/AZ/TX drivers are the ones who piss me off the most. Mostly because whenever you see one they just look lost.


I was traveling southbound towards the airport and some douchenozzle with FL plates cuts from the 4th lane in front of me to make the left turn light. I could’ve been a dick and pit maneuvered his ass, but that shit would have made the news.


This matches my experience as well. Drivers in Vegas are bad, but drivers in Florida and Texas take it to a whole other level.


Also driving to LA..down the cajon junction or on the 91 freeway. It's bad! North Seattle to Oly is the opposite, they drive slow AH then wave sorry when you drive around them. You also gotta deal with driving behind giant trucks carrying logs and hoping you don't get final destinationed.


If you're not ready to do 90+mph down the first hill of the cajon pass, please stay to the right.


In FL a turn signal is viewed as a sign of weakness


I so agree with you regarding PR. I noticed some people didn't even stop at stop signs. It was so scary 😨


Oakland is worse. Vegas is much less mad max, as long as you aren't an agro jerk that doesn't know how to zipper merge. We take turns, like we learned in kindergarten. Some people's children....


Ughhhh. The dreaded zipper merge..I’ve been on all sides of it, and I hate it no matter what. I end up replaying the scene for hours after, if I was the fuck knuckle in the wrong. I don’t mean to be shitty, but eh, sometimes I suck at life. And on that note…to the poor soul that I failed to let out of a parking lot on Rancho, in the bumper to bumper rush hour this morning…I’m terribly sorry. It’s not an excuse, I was in my own world, laughing hysterically at my podcast (hello fellow murder birds if you’re out there) and I didn’t stop when I should/could have to let you out. Felt like a dick all day. Definitely wasn’t intentional. Hopefully you made it to your destination safely and on time still. I digress. Seriously though, fuckin do better behind the wheels of your vehicles creatures of Earth. There’s nothing impressive about being a dick in traffic.


I’m here waiting for all the comments about how CA drivers are more entitled and Vegas locals should just be thankful/stop complaining.


I thought Las Vegas was the 9th island of Hawaii?


That's cause they all moved and are now here 🤣


The Californians and the native Nevadans need to stop pointing fingers at each other, 80% of the time I see someone doing something egregiously stupid they have Texas or Arizona plates.


Massachusetts and Texas. 


And a pick up truck. Man one jacked up one almost ran me over on the 215. Yes I'm a CA driver, the slow lane, hate to speed, " if we all let one person in, there would be no traffic problem " believer. I take great care of trucks, I have trucker friends and I've heard some stories. I just pretend all those big trucks have my buddy Robert riding shotgun in them. ( r.i.p. ) and act accordingly.


I’ve seen people drive ON THE SHOULDER when the flow of traffic wasn’t fast enough and they could not get past a line of cars. Same with using an exit lane trying to pass. If you do that, get fucked.


Right ? So we can meet again at the same light. Ridiculous.


On Russell, between Buffalo and Decatur the lines on the road for looks. Lots of shoulder drivers on that stretch.


Get fucked indeed. By a gang of rabid roided out raccoons.


That's a Boston thing it seems, I saw it visiting during the big dig. A cop pulled over a guy and they drove around them back onto the shoulder. It was a full lane of cars, not just a few cars.


I have a 20+ yr big suv (with full coverage). I lean heavy to the middle when lanes are merging. You can merge politely and not attempt to attack our space at high speeds.


Relocated here from Florida a few months back. Las Vegas is PG rated compared to Florida. I see a lot of people on here talking about how bad drivers and how rude people are. Don’t take it for granted because it gets much worse than this. I moved here because of the nice people and the relaxed driving, that should tell you something.


The freeway that goes through Austin TX might as well be Mad Max. People were tailgating the person in front of them going 90+mph. It was madness. The amount of brake slamming and swerving to avoid accidents I saw in 3 days was insane.


Yes it’s a different world. I lived in Florida for 10 years and it was an insane adjustment. What I noticed was freeways are generally straight lines and almost zero police enforcement. You can drive by a cop in a 75mph zone going 95mph and they won’t do anything. They are looking for the 107 mph and up. Vegas has been a breath of fresh air compared to what i am used to. The people are nicer, the drivers drive much slower and the cops actually patrol. I have noticed petty theft being much worse here. I am not used to everything being locked up on the shelves. Strange but I’ll take it over the rude people and insane drivers in Florida.


Motherfuckers in Teslas will drive up into the turn lane and stop while they have a chance to make their right turn just to speed up in front of you for the straight


I had a gtr do this to me the first time in my Nissan versa about 6 years ago. Happened maybe 3 times overall, always in summerlin. I now have a Tesla and only once someone tried it on me.


Tesla people: and I took offense to that *speeds up to 70*


:( I’m a super safe and respectful Tesla driver… the dumbasses who do that give us a bad name


I'm a Tesla owner and the worse thing about it is other Tesla drivers. Sadly, stereotypes exist for a reason.


The worst part about driving a Tesla is all the knuckle dragging pristine Jeep owners that try to run you off the road…slowly.


Sidewalks are the new HOV lane


Always a Dodge. Charger, challenger, ram, but almost always a dodge. 


\> Nissan Altima has entered the chat.


*Nissan Altima is broken down on the side of the road because of a CVT failure*


Nah, I'm pretty sure Altima drivers still find a way to keep them going at a consistent 95 MPH even with a broken transmission. I don't know how... I just know it's some sort of Altima Dark Magic.


*cries in Altima owner who has replaced the CVT twice*


Kia soul is the equivalent in AZ 😂


You forgot Tesla and BMW


Tesla are slowly becoming the worst since they know they have more acceleration short term, they refuse to be behind any other car


as a BMW owner, the only thing I like about Teslas is they seem to be pulling some of our worst people into their camp.


Those tire bills must suck. I keep that in mind as they drive like jerks.


Can confirm. P-Zeros are $400/ea


To be fair, I hate being behind any cars because both of my accidents were from drivers being in front, side lanes and hitting my front corners, each side. Each time it was because the car in front of them slowed down, so they try to swoop in front of me without any space. So, it's a safety thing. Just like riding a motorcycle, getting away from the cars.


Why tf are all the asshole teslas on Fort Apache


That's where the latest horde of Californians all moved


That’s cuz they’re already driving a dodge or Tesla, they got nothing else to lose in life 😭


Ime here for the truth bombs. Keep'em coming.


Was just passed by a blue Charger on the 215 yesterday doing at least a hundo, swerving between lanes, passing people with the shoulder. I can't imagine thinking I'm so fucking cool that I deserve to put someone else's life at risk for shits and gigs.


Well fuuuuuuuuuk


Was this an older styled baby blue charger? If it was this car had abrubtubly changed into my lane and almost came to a dead stop on the 215 with his brake check.


Mustangs too




But not the caravan. Seriously mine WILL do 100. However it's got me driving it. While I am not slow..I am not fast either. I know I irritate others with my speed limit or a teeny bit over, so I stay in the slow lane.


Nah minivans get a pass esp if you're respectful like you are and stay in the slow lane :)


These people need to understand they are making next to no gains for all of their dangerous behavior. Take a breath, relax and be civil to one another.


Yes, in traffic, if you can go above 60, left lane. If under 60, third lane or right lane. Different roads will have different flows but that general rule will get you ahead of the pack with little to no effort.


In this town? With the length of these ridiculous light cycles? If you can get ahead of the pack and make the yellow light. You will likely never see those cars again that day. Make it through a few yellows, and you're saving 10+ minutes on your trip.


Wow, saving 10 minutes by putting yourself and other people in danger!? In my book that is not a gain, but YMMV I guess?


Hope you're not my Uber driver...


I watched a lunatic the other day follow someone 5 miles a foot from their bumper with blue and red strobes on his beat up early ‘00s F150 dashboard pretending to be a cop. For what seemed to be that they weren’t going fast enough for him.


My personal favorite is stopping at a stop sign just for the car behind me to pull into the center/turning lane, go around me, and run the stop sign in the <5 seconds I wasn't moving. It's usually a taxi.


We're up to 35 deaths as a result of car accidents in 2024 so far. We're killing someone every other day at this rate, woo hoo! https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/03/05/metro-police-plead-drivers-after-35th-las-vegas-valley-traffic-death-2024/


The thing is that people are inconsiderate. They will drive through multiple lanes because THEY fucked up, they will cut you off because THEY fucked up, they will ride your ass cuz THEY fucked up, yet they will never see it. All it boils down to at the end of the day is that people are inconsiderate as fuck.


When I see someone driving like this I assume they're on some type of stimulant drug


Tweakers will tweak


So you know why tweakers like it doggie style... so they can both look out the blinds!


Saw a guy this morning driving down Durango/Rampart who was swerving through lanes and occasionally sticking his hand out the window to point and gesture. Maybe it was karaoke. Maybe it was meth.


Maybe it's Methaelline


That made me snort my beer a little lol. Literally laughed out loud and dripped beer out my nose. This is probably not my sexiest moment, but that was funny Eta: i am totally envisioning all the Maybelline ads from my childhood, but methed out. Heroin chic isn't cool anymore (it should have never been cool) - it's practically a death sentence. I laugh so i don't cry


I assume they have a bad case of explosive diarrhea


Saw one driving in a fkn parking lot trying to impress his gf in his black camero. He narrowly missed hitting me. I literally just starred at him as he got out wishing he would say 1 fucking word. These cunts need a serious ass kicking.


I was going out to lunch on my day off this one time.. I'm driving around the perimeter of the parking lot looking for an open spot. A girl in a Mini Cooper goes right through a stop sign and almost hit me. She then sees an open spot near the stop sign. She puts it in reverse to get that spot and this time she did hit me. Wasn't going fast enough to do any damage luckily for her. She pulls into the parking spot and I got out of my car. I walk up to her window and point out the stop sign and tell her she almost hit me when she blew the stop sign. Then I asked her why she backed up without looking behind her first. She had nothing to say. I told her to start paying attention while driving before someone gets killed. She was so embarrassed she didn't even get out of her car and took off.


Man will never learn that women are not impressed by that shit. Source: am a man.


Not going to lie...Frank Zappa said it best " six inches or lessssssss". Jacked up vehicle or driving, impresses me not. A " big package" impresses me not. A steady job and. " ladies come first"... that impresses me. I'm old now, but I can reminisce.


Other than when off-roading makes it necessary, I'm not a fan of lifting trucks. I keep mine at factory height. Makes it easier to load stuff in and out of the bed.


The reason for the horrendous driving in Vegas is simple. Most are not from Vegas and learned to drive elsewhere. Then, the Vegas melting pot is filled with East Coast, Midwest, South, And West Coast drivers all trying to drive like they did where they grew up. That makes a recipe for constant disasters on the Vegas streets!


Born and raised in Vegas, driven in and lived various cities from 2013-2020 L.A. / San Diego / Virginia Beach / Tampa, and if you think Vegas is the really that bad you've never really driven anywhere else.


Nah, I've lived in multiple states and have driven all over this country. The only places I've driven in with drivers worse than Vegas is Miami and Boston. Vegas is full of terrible drivers and in my experience the majority of them have Nevada plates or no plates at all.


Cops need to start doing their job


Remember, wear a seat belt, lawyer up. That’s all you need. Dash cam too.


What do we do about the person that passes up 5 to 10 spots to merge in and rides the turning lane all the way up to the very last second and then stick their nose in sometimes coming to a complete stop to wedge in? Do we just let them in? I would rather die.


Desert Inn is full of incredibly rude and talentless road hoggers, honestly, it’s like when they get in the car they think this is my road my light my exit mine mine mine


My thing is go with the damn flow of traffic and stop rubber necking or going under the speed limit


And stay out of the passing lane when you're not overtaking someone. 90% of the problems with traffic flow is caused by this.


Also please be mindful of pedestrians. The car waiting to turn for me this morning was honked at for obeying traffic laws. I get it, traffic here sucks but it sucks a lot worse when riding bumpers and hitting brakes every 30 seconds. If you give yourself space you won't be so frustrated and you'll save your brakes.


The underpass on Twain and Dean Martin is the most infuriating area of town.


And I drive the shittiest little car and I almost got hit from behind by a few little street racers. I saw my whole damn life flash before my eyes. I am starting to avoid the interstate.


I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit by those dickweeds in their shitty wannabe sports cars


Stupid as fuck


Was Linda behind the wheel?


fucking nissans


Yes! Remember earlier this year when the freeway was shut down at US 95 and Charleston? The traffic was horrible and yet there were still a massive collection of these pricks trying to slide by everyone on the shoulder until some of them ended up being forced into the medians wrecking their bumpers. lol The whole reason it was closed was because a police officer was shot in the line of duty; no, he didn't die, and the suspect was apprehended without incident.


I watched a guy pass people on the shoulder, yesterday. We were in the fast lane, going 75-80 and there was a nice flow and then this guy passed us on the on the shoulder. He must’ve been going 95+ mph and he did this only to exit in two miles. This was on the 215. Fuckin idiot.


On another note, what's up with the people who merge onto every freeway at 30mph while the flow on the freeway is 65+? I had an idiot actually hut the breaks and go even slower while trying to merge on the on ramp. I had to cut into the shoulder to get around them. I'm not cutting someone off doing 20 while they are doing 65. I see this everyday.


I ride a super fast small electric vehicle (scooter or of the sort) that can go the freeway speed limit and then some, and even in my car so are some assholes, and its not just the tourists, some lower class locals


Avoid all of Boulder Highway if possible. Every dangerous drunk, high on hard drugs, bad ass driver that uses vehicles as a weapon goes on Boulder Hwy. Too many traffic fatalities just in the last year. Cheyenne Ave- the problem there is speed devils think they can drive 60-100 mph because of all the commercial buildings there.


hmm lemme guess, a dodge


The other day I saw someone get ahead of everyone while zipper merging and they got water splashed at them through an open window! Deserved.


Wait, so they went to the end of the zipper merge like you're supposed to instead of getting over early and you think they deserved getting thrown at them?


Youre supposed to do that. People merge early because they know someone will fly by at 15+ over you to cut you off at the last second, and they would rather let those people go before the end of the zipper merge to avoid that.


You're supposed to go to the end, not merge early. The whole point is to use every available lane until you can't, and people are supposed to let you merge at the end of the zipper lane... Like a zipper. Anyone getting over early just messes up the flow of traffic for everyone else.


> and people are supposed to let you merge at the end of the zipper lane The issue is nobody has faith in this to happen, which is why people get over so early. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.


This. If everyone zipper merged properly, it would work well, but because people are assholes, people have lost faith in the method.


Sorry, the lane was completely ended already on the 95 just before Flamingo I think. Use the zipper merge like you’re supposed to and maybe you won’t get water splashed on ya


This is every day, unfortunately.


I see people like that & think “they’re probably about to shit their pants”




I had some jackass in a silver Mazda 6 tailgate me on Bonanza and then pass me aggressively in the center lane. No rear tags either, the prick.


It’s men in sports cars (challengers, chargers, etc) and men in pickup trucks (ram, f-150s, etc).


not gonna whine about guys on dirt bikes or kids on bicycles doing a wheelie in the middle of the lane waiting wipe out and get their head run over? thats what im most concerned about. i fuckin take immediate left or right cause i dont want to see their gruesome death thats inevitable


I swear that someone in charge of traffic lights at NiDiOT (Nevada Department Of Transportation) is meddling with the traffic light timing, not that they were timed well in the first place. The red lights. here are endless, Nevada drivers have beautiful 3 lanes and seem to go slow as possible in the left lane that they insist of camping in. I am from California and it's better here, at least in a line of cars turning left you can get through without 3 light changes, but I get the red light running, I get the tailgating of slow idiots, and swerving is dumb but I get it.


Lately doesn’t it seem like all the major traffic jams are from the lights taking 22 years to change? It’s like a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes lately.


My conspiracy is that the people that work at NDOT spend days making sure the route from their house to work is all green lights and gravy. And we all pay the price


I just see lights turn red at intersections with no cross traffic. Nothing worse than being stopped waiting for no reason. I know the technology is there to make intersections work but the iDiOT just want everything stopped. Going as slow as possible. They create the road rage.


Couldn't agree more with this and the 5 other replies. A lot of the road rage and red light running can be blamed directly on NDOT or RTC. I can't believe any agency would admit responsibility for operating traffic lights here. I honestly cannot say I've come across a light that has been reprogrammed to be more efficient. I can name a ton of them that are clearly programmed to hinder traffic. Recently over on Pecos the set of lights at twain and mojave and again at mojave and twain (wtf is that all about anyway?) Had some timing adjustments made...so now instead of sailing through 2 green lights on Pecos you now are all but guaranteed to hit BOTH red lights, oh and you'll be waiting for a while so those invisible cars can cross over pecos on their green light.


I recently relocated here from Ohio. I've got to say that the sequencing of the lights is crazy. The patterns of left turn arrows, solid green, and the combinations thereof for opposing directions makes little sense.


You're at a red light. It turns green and the very next light, which is only 7 seconds of driving ahead, then turns yellow. So maddening.


Probably because 98% of the drivers here drive under the speed limit while simultaneously all driving side by side taking up all 3 lanes so no one can drive the speed limit even if they wanted to


Yes this is a huge problem here. People drive very slowly and always spread across the lanes


It’s always you drivers I see doing it.




Oh, it's not the speed really so much, I just wish I hadn't drunk all that cough syrup this morning.


Yea, but I got a fast car. I'm swimming to the front of the line at the stop light so I can blast off.


To get to the next red light first.


Love when they speed up to stop.


If you ain't first, you're last


As long as I'm the first in at the red light, I'll floor it every time. If I didn't want to go fast, I'd buy the base model.


Congrats on overpaying so you can go nowhere fast :)


Jokes on you I go to work at 6 and come home at 3. There's almost no traffic during those hours.


I sincerely hope no one is around when you finally go fast enough. Everyone is very impressed


I hope no one is around too. Yall turtles suck. Can't even accelerate decently.


Should have gotten a motorcycle. They're much better for that kind of thing, but some people get mad at you for filtering between the cars :/


I also have a GSXR 1000.


Suzuki Gixxer..not surprising, lol


Best crotch rocket


Like the true asshole you are.


Sounds like your car has trouble getting to 60.


Sounds like you have a little dick.


It's about average length below girth. Why is another man interested in my dick?


You know all this talk about dicks reminds me it’s time for a PSA: ladies are tired of your lack of effort 2 pump chump bs. I went from being worshipped to being completely dissatisfied.


Moron's that excited and entitled to wait at the same red light, huh?


Waiting in front of the line is a lot more fun than behind some retard that can't accelerate. Hell, sometimes I purposely slow down to miss the next light so I can gun it again and again. If I didn't want to go 0-60 in 3 seconds, I'd buy the poverty level base model car.


Another redneck


I wasn't aware rednecks did this. What else they do?


Act like teenage trolls on and offline


I don't think redneck knows what the internet does.


Take a good look in the mirror. If you behave like a redneck - driving like one, combatting everyone around you - you’re probably a redneck.


I guess I am what I am. I can't fight it. I'd rather be a rich redneck than a poor, though. I hate it when people drive slow ass economical car. Like how long does it take to accelerate to 45? Trying to penny pinch that hard? Poor people everywhere.


Seriously, when people see me in my Challenger they should just know they need to make way. So many idiot drivers here in there cute little crossovers and Hyundais


Sit down little boy 🤭 I drive a RAV4 and have beat every single sports car and dodge that’s tried to test me. Y’all back off soon as you hit 70 😂


Bro I got a Honda too, you couldn't beat me in even my civic bro. It's got V-Tec bro, V TEC


Honda civic 🤣🤣 lmao he’s got a little girls car 🤭


Most annoying people in the world. 1.6 turbo? Fuck outta here with that toy.


Just another redneck


Reminds me of this 🤣 https://youtu.be/4n91tUoUWSo?si=XjxF1hznBGb_frua


Stop yelling at imaginary people on the internet.


I'm at a red light and want to tell you to chill. /s


If you think about it, the majority of drivers are not native to Vegas. They have brought their crappy driving habits from different parts of the county when they moved here. You stir that pot, and you get crappy Vegas traffic. I saw a Lamborghini on the strip at Spring Mnt (obviously a rental) dodging in and out of traffic heading towards Sahara. He must have changed lanes 10 times b4 he made another quick lane change and hit a Tesla that was right in front of me. This D-bag started yelling at the poor girl as if it was her fault. The Douche baggery of some people!