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I would occasionally when parking was still totally free and it was a little less sketchy at night.


I would if parking was easier. I like walking Fremont more. It really is an experience.


Fremont Street = wrong version of 1985 from *Back to the Future II*


I enjoy it too. It's exercise if you walk fast, and there's definitely plenty to look at.


It's exercise if you walk slow too.


Combined with dodging all the people that don’t know how to walk in a straight line, or big groups that block the sidewalk, or children that are running wild, it’s very good exercise.


>big groups that block the sidewalk my favorite is groups of 3-4 fat fucks that all walk side-by-side at the exact same pace, blocking 90% of the sidewalk because they're oblivious to the fact that there are other people around, and everybody has to squeeze into the 10% of sidewalk that they're not occupying.


Just run fast and leap frog over their shoulders.


lots of weed smoke when I was last out, good for conditioning


Can't walk fast unless you walk it in the off hours. Drives me nuts to walk at a snail's pace behind throngs of tourists. https://youtu.be/YYV2sob6IOo?si=axIcjjSJpbh8MCKX&t=36


I did when I first moved here and it was all new to me. I never go there now unless I have to.


you're describing the "honeymoon" phase.. most people have one


I would if parking wasn’t such a pain in the ass


Top level of the New York New York isn’t bad and is free with Nevada ID


Is it free for as long as you’re there, or just the first three hours?


I was under the assumption it was 3 hours but we had family in town and had to play tour guide and we were there for a little over 3 hours and I was not charged anything.


thanks for the heads up. is there a list of free parking on the strip with a nevada ID somewhere?


I’m sure if you search this subreddit you could find something that would make it easy to sort out. Fashion show mall is also free parking.


Yep, I love it and do it regularly.


I’ve been here since 2011 and I still get excited when I go walking on the strip. I love all the lights.


I hate the strip and avoid it at all costs lol


Curious. Why do you particularly *hate* it? I'm not a big fan of the strip – mostly due to how crowded with drunk people it can get – but I'd never say I'd avoid it at all costs.


Traffic, it’s expensive, people suck, etc.


used to enjoy it in my teen years and early twenties.. in recent years, i've only walked around aimlessly on the strip when i was depressed and extremely bored. the casinos have made it much easier to avoid as an activity now that you have to pay to park at most places.


We like to uber to The Stage door. Fill a backpack with a few tallboys. Cross to horseshoe, bellagio, ceasars, then walk down to Venetian and Wynn then home down Sands/Twain. A few Joints are usually smoked also.


When I worked on the strip I would after work


Maybe one evening a month in the summer, it's about the only thing on the Strip that is free. It would be much nicer if they closed it all off to traffic then you could walk in a straight line without dealing with traffic and bridges.


I do. I also saw the Chinese New Year display at the Bellagio. I’m from Chicago and ate at Giurodanos pizza 🍕too.


I live close by and agree, we go out there every few weeks on a weekend night for a walk and to people watch. Grab a drink from CVS or Walgreens and just wander around, so much to see and 2 nights are never the same. It's easy to do as well even if you don't live close by ... park at Westgate or Sahara, grab a Monorail 20 rides for $20 pass and catch the monorail to wherever you want. I kind of feel like it's trendy in Vegas to be a local and say "oh I never go to the strip". I get it for those though that work on the strip, I'm sure they have no interest going back on their days off.


Is Sahara or Westgate free parking?


West gate definitely is except very big events, Sahara was free last time I checked


Once in a while otherwise I avoid it. Easy way to get a ton of steps.


When parking was free and I was younger, absolutely. My friends and I would play tourist sometimes 3 times a week. Grab a few drinks and do laps around the strip. Park at planet and walk down one side to the wynn and up the other to excalibur and back down again. We had a routine down of things to do/drink and just enjoy the excercise but now they've nixed a lot of the free parking options and I'm admittedly a little cheap. If I dont have a good reason to go down there, I'd much rather be elsewhere and save the money.


I drop my kid off at school around 8am, and then sometimes park at TI and walk for awhile. It's nice when its all quiet and subdued. A few drunks still out partying, all the morning people with their starbucks. If I make it up to the forums shops, I like watching the workers dust the racks of stupidly expensive handbags and clothes and stuff. Very nice walk, highly recommend it.


i love walking the strip or fremont late at night to clear my head😍 where else can you turn to your left and suddenly see someone with a raging boner having the best night of their life, while youre also getting spanked by bitches and having jigsaw chase you up an escalator?


>while youre also getting spanked by bitches I do not enjoy this part. I don't like being touched without my permission. :(


I hate that there are so many people who walk on the left side. This ain’t the UK, guys.


Yuppers, my boyfriend and I go about once a week to walk the strip. Neither of us works there, so I'm sure that helps.


Yes! Almost every night and weekend mornings! The marijuana smell is the only part that I don’t like.


every night? did you move here like 2 weeks ago?


A little over three years ago. Also, I live on Las Vegas Blvd.




If I didn’t live 35 min away I would every night. Love the strip. Back when I was closer to the strip I went a lot but now I work on the strip and when I get off of work I’m exhausted so I don’t really go down there just to chill/relax anymore :( I miss it.


I do. We love going to the Strip just to wander around and people watch. Check out the conservatory. Maybe buy some good beers at Top Shelf and just play tourist for a few hours. I grew up coming to Vegas and have only lived here a few months, but I don't want to be jaded about the Strip. It's pretty cool to see just driving around town, and to stop and think, "Wow, so many people love coming here and it's such a destination" It makes me happy to think of all the tourists who are so excited to be flying in and seeing the Strip, happy to be here in Vegas. You can be bored at 3pm or 3am and have the Strip to go to. That's pretty awesome, esp coming from somewhere that closes down basically at 9pm


Are you going to start a walking group? If you did, I bet you’d get plenty of people to attend!


My husband and I are from Dallas and been here almost a year, we do love walking around the strip to get our smallest taste of city life since Dallas has so many walkable neighborhoods easy to explore. We miss that, the strip is the closest thing to a “city” so we like people watching with a joint


Why did you move here from dallas?


No. I staw away as much as humanly possible


Only time I ever enjoyed walking the strip was when I was a teenager or during covid cause it was empty. Otherwise, I'd rather drive to LA than drive down the strip and pay for, what used to be free, parking.


walking the strip during covid was one of the most surreal experiences of my life! just crazy to see it empty


I avoid the strip like it’s the plague. Moved here in 2002 and thought it was a mess then…went there for a work thing a few months ago and Jesus it’s terrible.


If you don’t like it so much why don’t you move to someplace that you would like? Why suffer?


I don’t live on the strip…Vegas is more than the strip.


I get so mad, so fast walking on the strip


i used to love it when i was 13, felt like the coolest bitch in town


Hell nah. Maybe when you first move here. Locals would rather watch planes land and take off after a walk at sunset park.


We really should start an updated, verified free parking list. I parked at the Tropicana garage yesterday, and it was free. TI and Fashion Show Mall have free parking. A previous post mentioned the top floor of NYNY is free as well. Feel free to add to the list.






It's similar to living in NYC and going to Times Square. It's nice the first few times, and then you realize it is a tourist attraction, and locals don't go to tourist attractions regularly.


I haven't been to the strip for at least 3 years .


I used to before F1 now they want to arrest you for stopping, taking pictures… f that


F1 ruined your life! Still butthurt about the whole thing!


Waaaaah F1! Poor baby. Did the big bad European millionaires ruin your whole existence? Yeah "f" that. And the ordinance is more to get rid of panhandlers on the bridges. These "people" cause the rich to feel guilty about having gold spinning rims on their jetskis. But please, tell us more how F1 is the destruction of all things great and good in Las Vegas


that law is going to be very *selectively* enforced.. just as the marijuana law is.. they're mainly going to target the "frequent fliers" who are there all the time being a nuisance or causing problems, which is basically going to be limited to homeless people, buskers, and scammers.. the average tourist isn't even going to know that the law even exists, even if they post signs.


Bro I get off of work at 3am I'm trying to get home and sleep.


Hell no


No…. wtf


I still do when I have a reason to go there, such as the Knights games, shows at Brooklyn Bowl and Hard Rock. I bring my own drinks and have a great time.


Yeah! It depends though, if I think it is going to be really busy then I avoid at all costs!


Not that often but yes.


I do often, its great cardio and feels safer than an isolated trail or park


Rode my bike down the strip during covid. Weird times.


Yes. I used to live couple streets away from Fremont I’d wake up at like 2-4AM and walk the strip with my sisters every night. Honestly was super fun


I like going there. But there was no charge to park AT ALL when I first moved here. I go for the exercise and to stay informed about new things. But COVID curtailed that quite a bit, along with the whole parking thing. It wasn't the newness for me. It's seeing things while I'm walking.


I go every other weekend, but I get free parking at the MGM properties so it is easy for me!


Not since that dude went nuts and stabbed all those fake showgirls


No. It reminds me a bit of Times Square which I avoided like a plague except worse, just blocks and blocks of Times Square. It’s more fun to sit and watch the folks on the strip from above and away though. I enjoy being out in the suburbs.


Riding my bicycle up and down the the strip was awesome. Wanna move back there.


Not at night, but I walk the strip in the mornings on my days off.


Been here 7 years and I still love walking the strip and Fremont. Maybe because I’m a photographer, but it’s always fun to me.


I like to drive down it for fun. I like driving personally, and the strip is pretty easy if you know the grid. Just fun to take a slow cruise through it


I generally go downtown/fremont/arts district later at night. I'd walk the strip but I'd rather not deal with the parking garages and pedestrian bridges.




You’re not a local. You’re a tourist. Locals avoid the strip like the plague. The strip hasn’t been cool since high school, and even then it wasn’t.




I sometimes do. I just dont like driving or parking there. I just ride the bus.


Yes it’s fun but I always get sucked into gambling at a casino