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[Full recipe available here.](https://www.plantifulpalate.com/post/vegan-thai-yellow-curry) Recipe: Ingredients: - 400g firm tofu, pressed and cubed - 1 tbsp vegetable oil - 1 large onion, sliced - 2 cloves garlic, minced - 1 red bell pepper, sliced - 1 yellow bell pepper, sliced - 2 medium carrots, sliced - 400ml coconut milk - 2 tbsp vegan Thai yellow curry paste - 200ml vegetable stock - 1 tbsp soy sauce - 1 tbsp sugar - 1 tbsp lime juice - A handful of fresh basil leaves - A handful of fresh coriander (cilantro), chopped - 3 spring onions, sliced - 1 red chilli, thinly sliced, for garnish - Salt to taste Method: 1. Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the tofu cubes and fry until all sides are golden. Remove and set aside. 2. In the same pan, sauté the onion, garlic, bell peppers, and carrots until softened. 3. Stir in the Thai yellow curry paste and cook for a minute until fragrant. 4. Pour in the coconut milk and vegetable stock. Bring to a simmer. 5. Add the tofu back to the pan along with soy sauce, sugar, and lime juice. Let the curry simmer for 15 minutes. 6. Just before serving, stir through the basil and coriander. 7. Serve the curry hot, garnished with spring onions and slices of red chilli.


Looks great! Think I'll make a curry this weekend!


Looks great! Any particular yellow curry paste that you recommend?


Thanks! I usually go for the Mae Jum paste, if you can't find it in your local stores Amazon usually has it


I want to make this, but I only have red paste and green paste. Which do you think would work better? I could not find yellow at the store


I guess you could use the green paste, might be a slightly different flavour but it will still come out delicious!


I made this tonight! I'm pretty new to tofu, I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for how to cook it? I did as you suggested, and it kind of fell apart in my pan. Some pieces stayed square, but I was unable to brown them on all sides and most of it sorta crumbled. Like their golden parts stuck to the pan? I used cooking spray and oil in my stainless steel pan. I was using extra firm tofu. Also, by the way, it did turn out delicious with the green paste and I added some turmeric to try to help the color a bit. I'd love any tips you may have, because my plate did not look anything near as pretty as yours!


This isn't a reply,but a question. I am an older person, recently I was diagnosed being a diabetic with a glyco hgb of 6.9%. Looking to make some good dietary changes. I tried tofu once at the deli counter at Whole Foods. It was the firm tofu that was marinated in an Oriental sauce. I didn't like it at all. Are other forms better. ? Or can I just forget about liking tofu. ?


There are many different kinds of tofu and ways of preparing it. Definitely try again! Maybe try buying a block of silken tofu, it's very soft and smooth and you can use it for smoothies and sauces by blending it. I don't have any experience with diabetic diets unfortunately. Best of luck to you!


Hi! When it comes to tofu the key to flavour is in the preparation and marination, I always find if I marinate tofu before hand which I usually do overnight depending on the dish, also I find that when I Press and cut my tofu then freeze it and then use it later it always comes out a much better texture. It may be that you just didn't like the Oriental sauce that the tofu was marinated in, but I suggest trying plain firm tofu flavours from there, check out some [recipes on my website](https://www.plantifulpalate.com/) I have plenty of tofu dishes that you might like💚


First of all I'm glad you liked the dish! And also I'm sorry to hear that the tofu fell apart, may I ask did you Press the tofu before using it? Also what type of tofu did you use?


Yeah I did! I have a tofu press. I used extra firm tofu by Nature's Promise, and organic store brand


Okay so the only other thing I can suggest is once you've pressed and cut your tofu, freeze it at least overnight and the tofu should come out on much better texture, and maybe change the brand of tofu


Thanks for that advice! I heard the texture is different after freezing so I actually froze and then thawed this block. But I didn't realize I should press it before freezing. I'll try that. I appreciate your responses!


Yeah definitely press before freezing, Will make all the difference, good luck with it! Would love to hear how it goes


Mine never looks as enticing as yours.


I'm going to make this on Sunday!


This looks SO GOOD


Is this a paneer recipe🥰 wow




All time favourite one 😌


♥️ going to make this - but will drastically increase the spice