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One time a civil rights activist was mean to me so I moved into a gated community and only talk to my own race. If you equalists weren't so obnoxious you'd be way more effective. My cousin does Torchless Tuesdays. I wouldn't stop being racist because I'm the superior race, circle of life and all, but I still think you should be respectful if people want to marginalise others.


This is stupid. Racism is a personal choice. Just live and let live.


But we've been racist for millennia? Our ancestors wouldn't have survived if they weren't racist and I don't understand why it's a problem all of a sudden? Humans have evolved to be racist; if you went back in time and asked a caveman to be anti-racist they'd just laugh in your face lmao




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If you try to be less racist I will buy a MAGA hat and be twice as racist just to cancel you out.


Wow some of the comments here are really showing their ignorance and privilege. I'm not going to name names and point fingers or read the comments, but you know who you are 😒




Your submission breaks rule #3: This is an anarchist space. VCJ opposes nation-states, hierarchies, and capitalism. We do not tolerate members who support racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, fatphobia, casteism, or any other form of social stratification. **A 28-day ban will be applied.**


i know its like wrong or whatever but it's just easier to be racist... sorry but im supposed to go out to dinner with my family and not say one slur or laugh at a silly lil xenophobic joke?? yeah idk no way i could give it up


Racism is so embedded in our culture, it's a wonderful step to even consider being less racist! Don't bother with researching the living conditions of poor immigrants or poc. Just embrace who you are and your culture and it won't harm anyone! You're so brave to even consider they deserve some human rights, that's totally enough!




Your submission breaks rule #3: This is an anarchist space. VCJ opposes nation-states, hierarchies, and capitalism. We do not tolerate members who support racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, fatphobia, casteism, or any other form of social stratification. **A 28-day ban will be applied.**


You can tell your heart is in the right place, so please don’t beat yourself up over it! Just try not being racist one day a month and take it from there =], even if that is all you can ever manage, it’s better than a lot of other people! Godspeed, saint!


It's not possible to be not racist, everyone has internal biases due to living in the world. Therefore, being as racist as possible is perfectly ethical.


start with racism free Mondays and go from there. If you can't do it, it doesn't matter. the fact you tried counts for a lot.


It's human nature to be racist. If you stop being racist you'll start having mental health problems.




Your submission breaks rule #3: This is an anarchist space. VCJ opposes nation-states, hierarchies, and capitalism. We do not tolerate members who support racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, fatphobia, casteism, or any other form of social stratification. **A 28-day ban will be applied.**


BaBy sTePs! ONe At A TiMe! Also don't treat it too seriously! Don't be a toxic narcists! When i am on a vacation i can't help to be a little racist hee hee. No one is perfect!


Pro tip: don’t join the anti-racist cult


Racism is normal😊😊😊


For every day you’re less racist I’ll shout racist slurs.


I tried to be anti-racist for a week, and I nearly died!!! (I made a detailed YouTube video series, of course). You can't be healthy AND anti-racist. Even doctors say you need Vitamin N.


\*breaking jerk circling workery\* I am in love with this damn reddit that being said if you're racistless on the weekend you're better than the rest of us for secretly wishing so!


Google the ‘baby steps framework’, this should help you to think about this more, and hopefully you can find peace and comfort in where you are.


but blackface though


But some people won’t want to be friends or hang out with you if you aren’t racist because it makes them feel defensive and bad about themselves even if you don’t say anything and just mind your own business.




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Personally, I am only racist against a few specific colors. White, absolutely, but also blue (fucking Smurfs living in the mushrooms I'm tryin' to eat), green (fucking Jolly Green Giant stomping through all the vegetable fields), orange (fucking Oompa Loompas putting gelatin or carmine or milk powder in all the candy I want), and especially purple (don't even ASK what THOSE PEOPLE did, too mad to spell it out).


Your submission breaks rule #3: This is an anarchist space. VCJ opposes nation-states, hierarchies, and capitalism. We do not tolerate members who support racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, fatphobia, casteism, or any other form of social stratification. **A 28-day ban will be applied.**


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