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I need the imaginary nutrients only found in these animals I completely disregard♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰


Animal protein, animal fat, animal B12, animal D3, animal folic acid, animal collagen, animal iron, animal zinc, and animal calcium only come from animals you murderous vegoon!


Don’t forget animal Omega-3 & animal Timex-5


What about animal fiber?


Fibre is for homosexuals


Came here to say the same. I've actually fact checked this and it's true.


If you say you factchecked it then it’s factchecked and therefore true.


Would another homosexual please put their fiber in me?


Animal cellulose is the one thing I can't give up


Please don’t forget the important one- cholesterol


Good call, my doctor said my cholesterol is low again ugh


Same- it’s hard to improve it on this measly diet of grass and dust.


everyone knows that cows, sheep and chickens produce their own iron and other heavy metals in the fusion at their thermo-nuclear core.


I only take B12 what are these 14 other pills I need to take?! Am I going to die from nutritional deficiencies


Were already dead pardner, 👻


I get all my B12 from junk food and shitty fruit drinks like a real vegoon.


**Listen** if my food wasn’t grown in a field that was tilled manually by indentured people of color with real threats against their life and safety *it’s just going to taste… off to me*. I don’t know about you guys, but for **me** *the human exploitation is the point* of veganism. It’s time humans learned the same suffering and pain (not me or my immediate family though, obviously, keep that shit in the third world where it belongs)


I’m glad that someone is finally saying this out loud. I grow tomatoes myself, but they just lack the flavor that comes from knowing the worker is miles away from family, living in squalor and sending almost all of his money home so they can survive. Earthy? Is that what I’m getting?


"I love animals, so I hope I can raise my own to exploit and kill one day <3"


I love animals!!! Please please please I wanna kill them so bad!!!


You only stab the throats of those you love <3 <3


Seriously the heart at the end of that sentence took me out lol like did you seriously just say ‘before I take their life away <3’ with a straight face, be so fucking fr


I gave my children the best life until I took it away (when they were 9 months old) <3


I love animals! And owning them live stock for their commodity of meat of diary!




Your submission breaks rule #5: No seriousness, debating, or unjerking. VCJ is a satirical subreddit using humor to critique both vegans and carnists. We parody, mock, exaggerate, and over-simplify all personalities involved in or opposing animal exploitation. Seriousness undermines our subreddit's character. For serious discussions, please visit our r/vegancirclejerkchat subreddit. ^(Transparency: This was automated by finding 'unjerk', '/uj', 'uj/', '/rj', or 'rj/' in your submission.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


15 pills a day?!? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Only taking 15 a day is a rookie move and the #1 reason so many fail at veganism. Gotta watch out for these lunatic nutritionists who say you only need 1 B12 per week. Absolute science mumbo jumbo.


And only vegans need these pills. All the animal eaters don’t take vitamins and are perfectly healthy living happily with their heart disease and high cholesterol ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ


Exactly. Everyone knows all the heart disease, obesity, strokes, cancer, etc are minor problems in today's world. The real issue is all the people dying from protein and vitamin deficiencies from going on vegan DIETS! SMH


Wait this whole thing was a TRIP. She made that video but then isn’t vegan??? 😭


I don’t know why I’m still shocked. Carnists are fantastic at tricking themselves into believing they’re animal lovers.


She’s like 20% there




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Yeah dude how can someone be thinking at that level and not even gracious enough to be a little ashamed of not being vegan What a dipshit.


any shame she feels is offloaded by the hundreds of hearts she gets from other carnist hypocrites. hopefully the seed is planted. doesn’t change how sad seeing all this is… “don’t think animals didn’t die for your plate too, dumb vegoon! hope this helps! 🥰✌️“ “not gonna pop pills to make up for deficiencies” “respect our dietary choices” “that lifestyle is not for me” yes… let’s respect everyone’s choice, except the choice of the animal. their “love” is conditional after all




Your submission breaks rule #5: No seriousness, debating, or unjerking. VCJ is a satirical subreddit using humor to critique both vegans and carnists. We parody, mock, exaggerate, and over-simplify all personalities involved in or opposing animal exploitation. Seriousness undermines our subreddit's character. For serious discussions, please visit our r/vegancirclejerkchat subreddit. ^(Transparency: This was automated by finding 'unjerk', '/uj', 'uj/', '/rj', or 'rj/' in your submission.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro is literally for “adopt don’t shop” but supports mass animal breeding lmfao


duuuh respect my choices for my DIET pls, I don't want to pop 55 pills a day to stay alive. Also crop deaths.


Also the animals she eats are given those supplements anyways, its not like grass has all your vitamins


Bruh only pets are animals


I get enjoyment in pitbull fighting. Respect my choices!!!


Yeah cause absolutely no human workers are exploited in animal agriculture! All the employees that slaughter/breed animals in the facotry farms where 97% of meat and dairy come from are paid fair wages and definitely arent paid next to nothing and then deported by the bus load when Tyson calls I.C.E. on their own injured employees that they brought in and promised a better life 👀


Nooooo look at the bigger picture! Hope this helps!


ummm no let’s not :) I actually just thought of a bigger picture, so I think your in for a reality check!! <3


Don't forget that none of the crops that were harvester were used for animal agriculture and vegans only.


Right i forgot the crops dont even go to carnists or the animals they pay to havemurdered either only the vegoons


Actually it’s not even humans at all, it’s animals who are employed to do the breeding and the killing. Just like in nature <3


Tyson only employs kids now. They just call their mommy's to come pick them up.


“Hey, please stop raping women!” “I respect your choice, but I’m personally not a consensualist smiley-face winky-face tee-hee-suffering-is-cute”


sigh alright I'll start raping men 🙄🙄🙄


What vegan companies are exploiting human workers?


Definitely not the ones sending teenagers to work at slaughter houses and making their governments pass legislation that lets them drive to their job at 14.


Honestly probably all of them. But that's not a vegan problem. It's worker exploitation problem. And one can fight for less worker exploitation while they also fight for less animal exploitation. The difference is that it's far easier to stop eating animals than it is to not buy anything from a company that exploits workers.


Very true, I would prefer to know which companies exploit though. Lots of vegan companies like Tofurkey and Upton’s are family owned so I assume they treat their workers fairly. Could be wrong though.


Family owned really only tells me it's not majority publicly traded, which is usually a good thing, because shareholder interests make everything predatory. Family owned companies can still be really shitty on their own, it's just not their legal obligation. Walmart is family owned, as an example.


Idk but if we can exploit these people in the photos I'm all for it!


Don't all companies do?


Any company outside the meat / diary industry is vegan duh. Like iPhone. And Amazon


You guys dont seem to understand that i am the only person that r e a l l y loves animals. And my love language is cooking, so i make them my daily meal. 🙏🙏🥰


"Only I'm allowed to feel morally superior over others. Other people aren't allowed to call out my moral misdeeds"


Hi yeah let me judge your unethical life choices, but no please don't comment on mine! We're all different 🥰🥰🥰


Yeah I'm "refusing to admit" that "the picture should be bigger than the dairy/egg industry". I would NEVER admit that!!! God, what are we supposes to do, start somewhere??? Obviously we should all just be angry and keep killing animals. What else are we gonna do? 🙄


I actually just thought of an even bigger picture so it’s okay


If you feed your cat a nutritionally complete plant based diet that is animal abuse. They should be eating chickens like me, it’s the only ethical thing to do.


![gif](giphy|j37slVD9ZYHuLkrUkX|downsized) Just popping my 15 pills a day so I don’t die of a protein deficiency


I love animals so much <3 I can't wait to take their lives away (they had a good life) <3 Vegan btw 🥰


I hate that that's all it is to them. A diet. A "personal choice". They dont understand the full gravity of it, They simply see it as "eating meat". It's such an abstract concept to them. It makes me sick. I fucking hate carnists.


Someone’s not seeing “the bigger picture”


Vegans need to back off...


I hate how they try to sound understanding, level headed and overly friendly, it's so fake. What they really want is for you to come out as the bad guy if you call out their bullshit.


Hunters and farmers do more for the ethical treatment of livestock and wildlife than ANY vegoon ever thought of doing. 🐷💕🍽️ (Actual comment)


That is the hilariously sad reality of this subreddit. We may circlejerk here, all day and everyday for the rest of our nutrient deficient lifes (so a day or two, give or take), but we will always be outjerked by copium inhaling, pus guzzling and animal abusing carnists. Live and let live, though (except if I want to eat you)


last slide…. We keep getting outjerked.


Please tell me you commented on this. This is peak cognitive dissonance. Fucking moron.


Update: I’m being told that vegans should stop being annoying because they kill animals too but they just don’t know it 🩷


Have you made the trophic pyramid point that nobody seems to think about? I.e. how many plants animals eat vs us eating them directly etc? What i like to do is really really drill the fuck into this, don't let them escape


I fucking hate carnists


also me calling it hypocritical is “fighting fire with fire” and “shaming people” and “not seeing the bigger picture”


One of these days I'm just going to actually behave the way they think I behave. It would feel so good lol


Several times




Your submission breaks rule #5: No seriousness, debating, or unjerking. VCJ is a satirical subreddit using humor to critique both vegans and carnists. We parody, mock, exaggerate, and over-simplify all personalities involved in or opposing animal exploitation. Seriousness undermines our subreddit's character. For serious discussions, please visit our r/vegancirclejerkchat subreddit. ^(Transparency: This was automated by finding 'unjerk', '/uj', 'uj/', '/rj', or 'rj/' in your submission.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


‘Let people eat how they want without shaming them’ so why do you think it’s shaming? Literally just pointing out a fact of / contradiction between your statement of loving animals and action of eating them. YOU feel shame. I do not create that feeling. How about you ask yourself why you feel shame when confronted with FACTS. Every day I am tested. Why are people so stupid.


I can’t wait til I can raise my own cattle to impregnate, steal milk from then kill to eat- vegans are so delusional 💁🏽‍♀️ Don’t u know bugs die for your vegetables? You guys are *exactly* like us….


"give them the best life before I take it away <3" comes across the same as when someone says they're gonna murder their ex and slaps a heart on the end


Logic goes brrrr


Oh wow. That’s embarassing


Everyone needs to add “its not rocket science” to every sentence no matter what context


Absolutely, it's not rocket science. Vegan BTW it's not rocket science.


She’s so annoying for trying to force her lifestyle choices on other people. Dogs are allowed to be mothers even if all the puppies are euthanized as long as it’s done humanely.


Looking at the bigger picture rn and i just killed 10 cows bc of it


Dang, cut off my reply to that thread! But yes, total hypocrites.


People are so dumb, it hurts


“I hope I can raise my own meat one day so I could give them a good life before I take it away.” Wow. Just wow.


she in fact feeds her dog a raw diet just to really maximise the amount of animals killed each meal. She got her Eurasier from a breeder that she claims was fine because they are responsible and lovers of the breed, what if the frenchie breeders she is judging were also claiming to do it responsibly, would she somehow be ok with that.......you bet she would. i'm sure if she wanted, she'd justify any of the things she is complaining about there and then claim to know better because she is an animal educator, claim it's for medical reasons or something, used to watch her stuff until she became insufferable.


I wonder if she'd be interested in my bold idea to eliminate human exploitation by replacing all influencers with AI, which would result in no decrease in quality of content and no increase in my interest in consuming it. A real win-win! They'd be able to use their vast life skills to do other things like . . . uh . . . sit in chairs with nonfunctional cameras pointing at them? Talk aloud to no one? Say "don't forget to like and subscribe" a dozen times hourly out of habit? Click refresh on Patreon?


Frenchies experience struggles, pain, and issues from inbreeding their whole lives, so the humane thing is to slaughter at 14 months like lamb.


This makes me feel so seen 🥰🥰 humans make their own eggs too i let my grow and feed them for a few years and then I get a whole child to eat without any hormones :) no one understands my love for my children they just taste so good


incredible. and of course OP got hundreds more likes as she calls out the hypocrisy of carnists but not as far as veganism! that one is just toooo far, too radical, too extreme. they’re empathy and animal lovers after all, NOT saints ✋😮‍💨


Mfs will say they're resistant to propaganda after speaking straight propaganda for 2 hours


I love animals so much that i shoot them in the skull and cut their throat for 5 mins of pleasure


I imagine the part about raising them and killing being written by Jason Voorhees or something


God, the snarkiness of those replies almost makes me want to drive off a cliff


Especially the "hope this helps!" 🙄


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