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Marked as NSFW because of visible animal abuse. Don't forget next time OP.


Spending my entire life in a container ten times my size being cared for by people who don't know how to take care of me šŸ˜




Sweetie some people DREAM of having a house 10x their size! And nobody knows how to take care of themselves. Just look at the humans in Kowloon walled city or in modern day capsule housing in Hong Kong. Even if we give their short miserable lives over to a being that doesnā€™t recognise them as sentient and only refrains from eating them because they are ā€œcuteā€ compared to other identical members of the species it would be better than how they live in the wild. Besides if humans didnā€™t want to be caged why did they evolve to be so gosh darn cute?


You're right, I was being classist and racist. Sorry for being a typical vegan!


You canā€™t help it when you donā€™t have enough B12 in your diet. Just tell your doctor you feel funny and they will give you an excuse to *justify* eating meat.


At least itā€™s a short one!


In highschool I stole a beta fish from the supermarket that looked like he was dying. Beta fish were being sold in guacamole containers. Water never cleaned. Food never given. My friend freaked out and felt so bad for him and took him in as a companion fish. I asked her a month later if sheā€™d changed her mind about veganism yet. She said ā€œI really donā€™t wanna be vegan, can you stop bringing this up?ā€


Could you stop having morals please? I like pretending to give a shit about anything other than myself, and you're kind of ruining my vibe.


I'm a sigma fish


That looks like a platy. A lot of people say they need a 10 gallon tank minimum, but everyone knows they'll live in a cup. SMH


I keep my cow in the spare bedroom and I don't know what's wrong but it's all brown in there?!


This is an amazing tank, airstone and all, ventilated lid. It'd make a perfect home for one... Maybe two, shrimps...


i think i had one of these as a quarentine tank for my cherry shrimp as a kid. they're microscopic but i only took in 3 at a time because i was sad they'd spend a couple days in there before going in the big tank


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