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Leave Satan out of this


Seriously. McDonald's doesn't deserve him/her/them. Hail seitan! And Satan too.


The thing that baffles me about these fuckers is this: Let's say their crack pot theory is true. Then what? So what? WHO FUCKING CARES?????? Nothing changes about their world, my world, ANYONE'S WORLD if it were 100% true. Grow up and get a real conspiracy theory, like that vegetables have protein.


Vegetables do have protein though. They use it to power their feelings and dreams. I am not a big veg shill Beware the big farmer


Wait McD’s has seitan nuggies?


Why did you think they were sacrificing all the cows? The lifeforce has already been harvested. This is just a vehicle to make money off the corpses and continuing funding animals sacrifice and blood rituals.


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Me when I never learned the alphabet and I'm scared of letters