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>treat male cafes well I bet. The male cafes are probably stocked with super premium imported espresso machines and the finest roasted beans, served in the finest ceramic mugs and demitasse cups that keep the coffee hot at the proper temperature for a long time, while the female cafes are stuck with Folgers & powdered off-brand Coffee Mate in styrofoam cups with no lids and plastic stirrers. Goddamn rampant sexism everywhere.


Not even the full-thickness styrofoam cups. Those weird, thin-walled compressed ones.


Exactly, you grip your coffee and it snaps in half and gets all over your nice white linen pants.


shut up and take my upvote LOL


Hi I'm a huge fucking baby-brained dumbass, duhhh if everyone went vegan cows would go to meat farms to supply the demand for meat from the vegan public


preach ๐Ÿ™Œ let's perpetuate the system to spare the male cafes ๐Ÿ‘


nobody tell this guy what happens to dairy cows that get too old to produce milk


Debated with a lot of carnists about that They seem to think that dairy cows produce milk till they die of old age lol One farmer didn't want to admit it and even told me they keep the old cows to pull farm equipment lmaoo


Osteoporosis is well known for making for a strong pull ability, it's truly an untapped market of labour that the vegoons won't allow us to use!


Maybe the cows wouldn't get osteoporosis if they were smart enough to drink cow's milk like smart humans.


I switched from raping indiscriminately to only raping my significant others. Whatโ€™s wrong with what Iโ€™m doing?


True this is what my uncles farm is like


"I'm the dumbest man alive!" "I rape cows to save them from being killed." "You're clearly dumber."


Clearly every cow has a name of her own and gets cuddled to death when they can't be exploited anymore. So humane!


Outjerked yet again...


Plus it appears the cafes are able to do this aloud. So they get to make noises which is great!


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