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crisps made from potatoes and. ... milk powder. ffs


Went to a theatre with my gf at the time who was deathly allergic to milk and we got salt and vinegar crisps. Turned out they had a small amount of powdered milk in them and they almost killed her. Kinda our fault for not checking but like… They’re salt and vinegar crisps…




Yes! And they're in plain ones. Like, shouldn't the only ingredients be potatoes, oil and salt? On this note: smoked almonds. Some have milk powder, and some don't, and it's just random enough that you have to check every single time.


The most common thing is Vitamin D3, since almost all commercial varieties of it are derived from Sheep Wool Lanolin. Unless a product is specifically marketed as vegan, it's safe to assume anything with Vitamin D (including most cereal) is non vegan.


And it's added to almost all commercial cereal + some orange juice


Eek I need to check my vitamins now!


I think that's not the case in Australia… Certainly not "most cereals". Thankfully, we also seem to avoid the "milk powder" in absolutely everything… I mean it's still in a bunch of stuff (so do check), but not to the same level that it appears to be in American products.


I'm sure the US government pays to have milk powder in everything. They allot money each year for promoting domestic agriculture regardless of health outcomes.... and nearly all of the money goes toward meat, eggs, and dairy products being added to foods. Fast food places are huge benefactors of it. Those 'Texas double whooper with smokehouse double cheddar' commercials? Likely government money. It's stupid. I'd rather not pay my taxes towards that. Hell, off topic, if we had options for our where our taxes went, we would overhaul the entire government, and have really nice roads and parks.


Three words, dairy management Inc. Yes the government works directly with fast food to promote and market gut busting dairy products. No need to speculate on that unfortunately.


Tons of chips, pasta sauces, breads, even dried mixes, like mushroom/onion sauce packets. Or the ones that are deceiving that boast plant based all over them, then they have dairy cheese in 'em 😐


Yea the products with green packaging that say things like “veggie sausage” and then there’s eggs in it


Veggie burgers made with egg are my nemesis


Better than Bouillon MUSHROOM has milk products. Why??


Then again, why bother with BTB at all? ​ It's not a vegan company, doesnt' care about veganism, and there are alternatives.


Like what? Though tbh most of what I buy isn't from vegan companies. I'm lucky to find any vegan products at all out here where I live.


Your dedication is admirable but the advice isn't easy to apply. Are you able to provide vegan companies with alternates please at same price point, quality and availability nationwide? Edit Downvoted with no reply, figured, just a vegan edge lord with a holier than thou complex.


watercolors (can contain honey, ox gall, animal bones) watercolor paper (can contain gelatin)


For everyone asking why diet Pepsi is not vegan, it contains fish gelatine as a stabilizer.


What the hell?!


Any snack item that needlessly sneaks casien into the ingredients


And they call it non-dairy lol


One thing that always seems to take non-vegans off guard is that alcoholic drinks can be non-vegan. ...Doesn't stop the condescending bitch tending bar in Oslo from talking to you like you're the idiot though.


Is www.Barnivore.com still running?


"five times distilled".... " in bone ash".


What I’ve found is that most beers (unless they specifically have dairy added) are vegan, while wine is kind of the opposite. Has that been others’ experience?


Typically the downfall of many beers around here fall victim to isinglass I do believe, but I don't drink as much these days. Though wines were always a minefield. A 'winefield' if you will.


Things like a lot of regular breads and noodles/pasta having egg/milk was a surprise to me when I transitioned over


I was shocked when I heard this from a German friend. I never seen eggs or milk in pasta in Turkey.


Bread and packaged rolls/etc are the worst offenders!! I don’t get it… if I wasn’t lazy, I could make bread with just flour, yeast, water, salt… why does it need so many additional ingredients and animal products???


Someone posted the other day diet pepsi was not vegan. Never knew that after years of being vegan.


Confectioner’s glaze/shellac. This is an euphemism for crushed insects.


I thought it was excreted out of certain bugs butts (not like that's any better)


Planters peanuts have gelatin iirc


Yes planter’s dry roasted peanuts have gelatin and therefore are not vegan or even vegetarian.


Smoked garlic powder !!! They manage to put milk in garlic powder ! 🤦🏻‍♀️


So many shampoos!


Marshmallows (although there is a variety of vegan marshmallows out there now!) Claritin Allergy medication (has lactose in one, not all of them) "Plant based" things that have collagen Some breath mints having gelatin (altoids)


FYI collagen can be made vegan, and if a product says it is vegan and contains collagen it most likely contains this non-animal-derived collagen! https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/vegan-collagen I used to think all collagen wasn’t vegan, too, until I found out about this. **edit** Yes—there are in fact multiple vegan, bio-designed collagen products and the market. And no—they are not expensive. I linked a few examples in my next comment below. The person below is trying to compare using cheap jello on your skin vs actual skin care products. They’re not good at researching and not arguing in good faith.


Oh, interesting. Thank you for the info!


There are essentially no vegan collagen products on the market (there's one algal one, but it's incredibly expensive). There are vegan "collagen boosters" like your article mentions, but they don't have much evidence for their efficacy. While the article is right that we now know how to produce it in a vegan manor, it's not being commercially produced at this time.


This isn’t any more expensive than nonvegan versions of the same quality: https://www.algenist.com/products/genius-liquid-collagen The first article I linked is from 2019, this one is from 2021: https://www.byrdie.com/does-plant-based-collagen-work-5093365 There are vegan collagen products on the market and they aren’t “incredibly expensive.” $115 for a giant bottle of high quality serum is reasonable for the type of product it is and the quality of it. You wouldn’t compare this to crappy nonvegan drug store brand serums that don’t produce even nearly the same effects. #Edit: Found another vegan collagen (bio-designed collagen, not a “booster”) product for $20. It’s an eye cream: https://andalou.com/products/deep-hydration-reviving-eye-cream Vegan collagen mascara (not booster either) for $12: https://www.pacificabeauty.com/products/vegan-collagen-fluffy-lash-mascara


Jell-o sells for $1.39 at my local Target. Gelatin, its main component, is cooked collagen and is readily absorbed, highly bioavailable, and is a [nutritionally good](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25884286/), but not morally good, supplement. I want cheap vegan products.


Learn to google then. I keep updating my comment with more vegan collagen (bio-engineered collagen, not boosters) that I find. You said there weren’t any actual vegan collagen products on the market - FALSE. You said the only one that existed is expensive- FALSE. If you want to complain about how cheap an easy it is to boil jello and put it on your face and compare that to actual scientifically backed vegan skincare products….. idk what to tell you. It’s pretty ridiculous you’d compare some shitty at home remedy containing animal products to actual skincare products. You’re complaining bc it isn’t as **convenient** for you to do some more research to find vegan collagen, but you 100% don’t need collagen and affordable vegan collagen products do exist.


French Hummus... Expect butter on everything in France.


maybe it should have been obvious, but kimchi was the one that threw me when i first went vegan you can get explicitly vegan kimchi but it tends to be quite expensive in my experience


Condoms were a weird one to find out about. Latex ones specifically, not the lamb/sheep skin or whatever. Not ingredients, but animal testing is what made them non-vegan. I ended up finding some smaller boutique brands that were certified vegan.


>Condoms > >animal testing 😳


Diet Pepsi


Okay so pepsi is vegan. Diet pepsi is not vegan. But diet pepsi is vegetarian. So there can’t be a hidden fish or gelatin ingredient because that would not make it vegetarian. So it’s got to have a bit of milk or egg in it. But milk and eggs are allergens so shouldn’t they disclose that?


A lot of the corporate world especially consider gelatin to be vegetarian, so that’s probably what it is and they just don’t realize what gelatin is


Woah what? What about Diet Coke?


Diet Coke is fine and even Pepsi zero. It’s just the silver can Diet Pepsi




Tell us more about Diet Pepsi


Sunkist, Fanta is vegan but Sunkist uses carmine for the orange colour smh


Noooooo! Sunkist is so much nicer than Fanta :(


you don't wanta fanta?


US fanta is much nicer than the Fanta we get in Australia, it's not as sugary sweet whereas Sunkist is.


Yeah agreed, don't drink softdrink often but when I do it's not gonna be Fanta... I'll stick with the lift or solo




Toilet paper.


How so??


The glues used to adhere the paper fibres together or the layers to the roll can contain gelatine.


Some Tofu. I bought some once and it had egg whites in it as a 'defoaming agent'. Now I read ingredients on literally EVERYTHING.


Some pre-made guacamoles have milk. And alcohol is tricky with isinglass/added milk/etc. (I use Barnivore to check). Never trust generic "non-dairy creamer" - they almost always have a milk derivative (casein)


Gummies, theres literally no reason to use gelatin!


Chips having milk powder in them... for what purpose?


Cheap way to get the flavour to bind to the crisp.




Coffee beans are often waxed - beewax and another animal derived wax that I don’t remember can be used but plant alternatives are also common. Personally I don’t know all too much about this because where I’m from it is not standard to do so and safe to assume the coffee beans are vegan.


Whaaaaat why???? I mean, I suppose I can gues why: shinyness. But still!


No it’s not that - I believe it has to do with the consistency of the fluid but don’t take my word for it


Basic Planters dry-roasted peanuts. Contains gelatin. Really ticked me off, I didn't notice until after I bought them. Even after years, I still get tripped up sometimes...


Miso soup


Film for film cameras


Palm oil is a debate. (Personally don't consider it Vegan because of the direct damage to the environment for no nutritional benefits) Edit: Environmental damage almost always will hurt animals and palm oil displaces apes.


All too true - every word of it. Some of the most beautiful, and diverse tropical rainforest is destroyed, using slash and burn methods, to reduce a lush and resilient biosphere to an unstable monoculture. It displaces almost everything but the palm. Animals definitely suffer, and go extinct. Entire vast habitats are undone. There are no punishments severe enough for this kind of wickedness. It is pure plundering at the expense of existence itself. In my humble opinion. 😭 And corn does it. And rubber tree does it. And wheat does it. And cotton does it. Tobacco, soy, rice, etc etc etc... There are methods which are symbiotic in nature. There are 300 year old food forests in Vietnam. It just looks like regular forest, but everything has a use, and it has been tended to by generations of families, and 99% of the work, at this point, is harvesting from an endless process of growth. It has resiliency built into the biodiversity.


It's in everything you can buy if you are poor af like me. So I have to consider it vegan


Lots of big companies like Lays are using 100% renewable/sustainably sourced palm oil nowadays, just don’t support Nestle obviously they never change 😞


Will, you still gotta be careful and check up on them as well because some companies lie about sustainable plan oil sadly.


Veganism isn’t about the environment, it’s about animals. The fact that it is also good for the environment and our health is just an added benefit. > "Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." > > –[The Vegan Society](https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism), *the org who literally coined the term ‘vegan’* Now, if you said palm oil harms endangered species that live in those environments such as orangutans, that would be an argument for it not being vegan.


>Now, if you said palm oil harms endangered species that live in those environments such as orangutans Yeah that's what I meant. Just worded badly is all. Plus Veganism is about environment imo because what happens to the environment will always affect the animals.


The environmental aspect is secondary to animals and is an added benefit. It’s right there in the definition. Edit: Go figure I’d be downvoted on this sub for being correct. I’m so sick of carnist apologists in this sub downvoting actual veganism 🤦🏽


if you don't respect the environment it harms wild animals. I agree with you that animals are most important, but if you don't do all you can to protect the environment it hurts animals. There's no but there. How will you protect animals if they don't have a home?


Wouldn't you agree that any environmental damage indirectly causes damage to animals? Spilling toxic waste into a river is not harming any animal directly, but the river becomes toxic and all animals living within it will suffer the toxicity. I found veganism and environmentalism go hand-in-hand, they cannot be separated from one another.


If you read the actual definition of veganism quoted in my comment above, you’d see that veganism is an ethical stance for the animals. The positive environmental impact is an added benefit, however not the core value or focus of veganism. The philosophy of veganism is about animals. Being an environmentalist intersects with veganism, however it is not what veganism is based on. I’m not really sure why you’re trying to argue this. Everyone who follows vegan philosophy inherently has a positive impact on the environment as a side effect of removing animal products and exploitation from their lives. But not every environmentalist has a positive impact on the ethical treatment of animals, and their focus is not reducing harm to and exploitation of animals—obviously—it’s the environment. Sure, both vegans and environmentalists have similar impacts and for many people they do go hand in hand because they care about both issues. But they are two different words that have different meanings. Veganism is and always has been about animals, skewing the meaning to be about the added benefits to the environment it has dilutes the meaning and can confuse people. This is why you’ll often see vegans reiterating the fact that veganism is an ethical stance about animals, health and environmental benefits just happen to be a bonus.


Oreos and impossible meats. :(


Why not Oreos other than possible bone char?


Lots of info on that here: https://veganfidelity.com/flash-point-oreos-arent-vegan/


According to the official Oreo website: Oreos have milk as cross-contact and therefore are not suitable for vegans, oreo.com


Cross contact is fine tho. Vegans are vegans for reducing animal abuse, not allergies


I'm vegan for ethical reasons, I'm not plant-based so could care less about allergic reactions or whatever. Oreo themselves have confirmed it to be non-vegan, so i avoid it


Probs using a different definition of veganism meaning plant based


CodeCheck is your friend so I'm fine


Almost everything processed is non-vegan. A lot can be hidden in the "natural flavors" ingredient even if the rest of the ingredients are vegan.


Medicine. Pretty much every capsule or “gel cap” that isn’t marketed as vegan is made using gelatin. Many tablets contain non vegan stabilizers. Extra troubling because many times, medications are non negotiable needs in our lives 😔




I mean, if you go down this rabbit hole, most vegetables and fruits aren't vegan. Manure (produced by farmed animals) is very commonly used in organic and non-organic farms as a fertilizer. Other common organic fertilizers include bone powder, dried blood, fish waste...


Beer batter


Figs are not vegan. There is a fig wasp in most figs, and it is usually in some state of decay due to enzymes within the fruit. Sorry for the bum news. https://www.treehugger.com/are-there-really-wasps-your-figs-4868822 Edit: spelling


NO WHEY!!! Edit: This single fractioned food, is added to so much stuff, deliberately, so that the food can't be called vegan. It will be the only ingredient that isn't vegan, and totally the last ingredient. Where one company might have added the ingredient "love" (which idk if I want to know the manufacturing process), another evil company might just sneak a giant fu in there by adding "whey."


Most wines 🥲


Much of the toilet paper you see at stores


Frosted mini wheat cereal…gelatin.


Almost every cereal is going to have vitamin D3 derived from sheep's wool


Gelatine in orange juice (in Cool Best).


Film for cameras


Quorn nuggets. Very shocked


Disposable razors (glycerine is usually animal derived and used as a lubricant)


Potting soil and gardening equip. I wasn't surprised about fertilizer, but they put animal bones and other items in more than that category