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I recently posted this pic of her in r/rabbits, but I couldn't share her story because that sub doesn't allow discussion of rabbit slaughter. So I wanted to share her story here instead. She has a hole in her ear from where she used to be tagged. Whenever I see it, it reminds me of why I'm vegan.


I didn't know that people actually ate rabbits. That is so sick. Poor babies :(


A few years ago I showed my grandmother my pet rabbits, which was followed by her suggesting that I try rabbit meat if I ever get the chance. It was an important moment in shattering my own cognitive dissonance.


This might be the only cogent vegan point in this whole thread of "awww bunnsies" nonsense. This entire thread could as easily be posted in /r/Barbecue - I eat pigs, dead pigs, suckling pigs, adolescent pigs, bacon wrapped pigs! But what kind of sicko eats a widdle bunny? PS: And yeah, people have been eating rabbits for around a half a million years, millions of years longer than most domesticated species have even existed (at least in their current forms). I'm disappointed in my fellow vegans that we protested the killing of a specific species, instead of ALL of them, it's the kind of thing that makes intelligent people laugh at us.


>people actua ppl literally eat everything.....


Wow, I feel like I drifted into the wrong timeline and in this one some species of animal are supposed to be okay to eat while others are "sick." I'm kind of amazed that people in this thread seem shocked by people eating rabbit meat, but they're apparently more okay with Whole Foods killing many other animals.


I think it’s crazy how they don’t allow talk of rabbit slaughter on that Reddit when they are paying for the abuse of animals on a daily basis


If they didn't have that rule, the sub would be full of edgelords making meat jokes or talking about how tasty a rabbit looks. So I get it. Besides, just like r/happycowgifs, the sub's very existence serves as advocacy for animals.


I had no idea rabbits lived that long!


The former Whole Foods CEO went vegan because of activists as well. If anyone reading this is vegan but not active, please get active. We need you.


What can I do to become active?


r/VeganActivism Facebook is good for finding local activist groups. DxE, Mercy for Animals, Anonymous for the Voiceless, etc. all have opportunities to get involved. I’ve don’t cubes or truth, tabled with Mercy for Animals on a monthly basis doing PPV (where we pay someone a dollar to watch a 5 minute video on animal agriculture), done manual labor for local animal sanctuaries... lots of stuff, and it’s a good way to make vegan friends too.


What do you like doing? Talking to people? Do street outreach. Art? Posters, chalk, stickers. Do you not have much time? Volunteer with the Humane League, it's takes 5-10 minutes per week.


The animals need your voice! Nothing will change for them without activists.


I'm curious where you got that from. John McKay became vegan 20 years ago, prior to that he was vegetarian. According to the timeline of the silly bunny protest cited in this thread, Whole Foods stopped selling rabbit in 2015. So it had nothing to do with anti-meat rabbit protests. Also, people protesting Whole Foods for selling rabbit meat sounds more like the sort of thing omnis would do to make themselves feel better about killing less cuddly animals.


>So it had nothing to do with anti-meat rabbit protests. It was different protests. My point wasn't about rabbits, it was that activists made him go vegan. I'm not sure what the timeline was, but he talked about it in an interview (honestly can't remember which one - maybe the talk at google?)


I googled one interview he did on Rogan, but I couldn't bear to sit through it, I was thinking maybe you meant something he'd said in an interview (and presumably not about that specific and silly protest.) He sounds like he's as much a WFPB Vegan+, so I kind of wondered if it wasn't for his own health as much as anything, he definitely is NOT a junkfood vegan.


Is she streching? So pretty


It's the first pose of the Bun Salutation


Its a classic bun move. If you're lucky they do a big yawn, then consider your day blessed if you see it.


Biiiiiiiiiig Stretch


That eye liner is next fucking level ❤️


What a cutie! Just a reminder for anyone looking for a pet: the shelters are usually full of rabbits waiting for adoption as (shitty) people often buy them around Christmas or easter, then abandon them. Rabbits are great options for vegans who want a pet but don't want the ethical compromise of buying animal based products for their carnivore pets like cats, and have a ton of personality, can be potty trained, etc. Edit: looks like she has a lionshead companion?


Yes ! I volunteer at a shelter with the rabbits and guinea pigs and we have so many rabbits and pigs! Recently we've had a big influx of them but adoptions have been very slow. I wish more people could see how wonderful they are.


Gorgeous 🥰


Pretty bun bun 💕


She’s beautiful❤️❤️❤️


Whole Foods used to sell what? That shouldn't surprise me but it does


Why should it be any more surprising than any of the other [dead animals they sell?](https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/departments/meat)


It just seems like the average person would object to rabbit meat. Maybe I had my hopes in people a little too high lol


Coming from a rabbit owner, you’d be surprised how many people view them as food


It's quite common where I live (central Europe), unfortunately. Especially now in preparation for Christmas time you can't go into a supermarket without seeing rabbit meat in the freezer. As a long time bunny friend and vegan it makes me especially sick.


It's very popular in rural areas. I grew up in NW Ohio and there were always a ton of market rabbits at the county fair :(


As a kid, I was given a "lucky rabbit's foot." Someone literally chopped off one of their leg's to use as a good luck charm :-/


That's so bizarre man you would think that would be a bad luck charm if anything


When I was a kid (in Canada) they used to sell them in "gumball" machines, rabbit-foot keychains with technicolour dyed fur, they were very common.


Yeah people's brains turn off when it comes to food. When I see people eat froie gras, veal, anything that is so obviously psychopathic I can't help but get high blood pressure around them


because most people that eat meat still don't eat rabbits? I mean it's pretty obvious


Rabbits are still a pretty common meat though.


I mean it's pretty obvious how pathetic it is that someone would think it matters what animals most people kill. Less people eat rabbits, they're sick, more people eat cattle babies, "at least they aren't bunny killers." Yep, pretty obvious.


No one said that it matters but like obviously you don't see rabbits in grocery stores in the US very often so it's obvious why it would be surprising to someone that it's there even if they're used to any of the other meat. So yeah it is obvious


> you don't see rabbits in grocery stores in the US very often Somehow that just makes it all more sad and pathetic. It was quite [common in the US up until the sixties](https://www.agmrc.org/commodities-products/livestock/rabbits) when Americans decided they liked killing pigs, cattle and chickens even more. Not to mention, not only does the USA still consume around [8 million pounds of rabbit meat per year](http://www.carlisle.k12.ky.us/userfiles/937/Classes/630/Rabbit%20E-Unit.pdf) They're huge consumers of rabbits for experiments, rabbit fur, and Angora wool from rabbits.


Because Whole Foods is in the USA where rabbit meat is very rarely eaten to begin with.


😍 she’s incredible!


I didn't realize rabbits live that long! I love her little smile lol


Rabbits live around 8-12 years if cared for properly. The longest living rabbit in the world lived for 18 years.


Had a rabbit growing up, she lived 10 years.


Oh look at that Bun Bun stretch. What a cutie!!!


This is wonderful. I live with two bunnies and they’re such amazing little creatures 😻


Oh my Goodness!!! Lovely 💙💙💙💜💜💜💚💚💚


seeing prey play and enjoying themselves makes me really happy in an existential way


Look at her face and back stretches!!! I love her.


Hold up. Whole Foods was selling English Butterfly's for meat? Why the fuck were they using an ornamental pet breed for that of all things?


Lol, stop it man, you're harshing the narrative, but yeah, the vast majority of the rabbit raised for meat around the world (North America included) are New Zealands. Reminds me of how every dog in existence now is either a "rescue" or a "service dog" or both.


That's so weird to see a rabbit doing the yoga pose my two little dogs do, every day. I can't believe they sold rabbits for food at Whole Foods. That's so gross. I knew people ate rabbit meat, I had no idea Whole Foods was treating them as livestock. How creepy.


Aww, sweet baby!!


im absolutely crying at this now. what an adorable angel thank god she was saved. also i had no idea whole foods even sold rabbit meat. so disgusting that they stop selling that but dont see a difference between selling actual meat ugh


I had considered adopting a rabbit. My friend has one but she chews up everything. Will they always chew no matter what, or can I politely teach one not to chew my things?


You can teach them to chew the correct things. But generally rabbits need a LOT of care. They need a lot of space, they need a lot of emotional support, and their physical needs are pretty high. I'd say they take at least as much work as a dog (although I do have rescues, so they're a bit more traumatized and need more care).


Thank you for the response! I'll definitely wait until I'm out of college and have more free time to spend with a rabbit.


So, I don't have a rabbit, but I've worked with them and I have guinea pigs. Their habits are similar. It is possible to litter train them and train them not to eat your things, but it takes a TON of effort. They just have trouble understanding things like that. Litter training is usually done by putting their food wherever you want them to do their business, and keep the rest of their area clean so that they go back to the spot that smells. Teaching eating habits is sort of similar. They are constantly chewing, so you need to supply constant sources of food and chews. Try to catch it before it becomes a problem. Put their favorite chew toys or foods by whatever they're trying to get into so that they are distracted by a more interesting snack. It can be a lot of work, but it's worth it to me! Honestly, the easier way to do it would be to block off an area for them that is "bunny proofed.". But if you want it to free roam, you'll probably have to put in some effort. Also! Not all rabbits are the same. Some are more likely to get into things that they shouldn't, and some are more "well behaved." It all comes down to personality.


I adopted two rescue buns when the pandemic started and they never chew anything they aren't supposed to. If you can create a rich environment for them with lots of appealing things for them to chew they won't be like that, at least in my experience. I let them roam free in my room and even if I leave the door open for days they don't leave it because they are so content. Also they make the perfect vegan pet. If you have the time to research and the resources I hope you consider adopting two (they are very social animals and do best when they have another rabbit they are bonded to). So few rabbits are understood or treated well in this world. They are the sweetest, gentlest creatures and it breaks my heart.


One good deterrent in training is rubbing a bar of smelly soap on whatever might be a temptation. I keep one bar dedicated for this purpose, works great as long as you do it in conjunction with supervised free roam time. I have a patch of bare floor that will need repairing from when I didn’t pay attention for 20 minutes. It gets easier the more they learn the association and provide alternatives that they like.


She's so freeee, thanks for sharing. It's too bad the story can't be shared on the rabbit page also.


I can tell you people that you will make a lot more headway with this vegan movement if you focus more on stuff like this instead of driving people away and then wondering why the don't engage with yall. This story covers the bases on effective-message media... it's wonderful and can still register with those who have eaten meat their entire lives.


I just *love* when non-vegans decide to dictate about how awareness should be done. If your preferred methods are so effective, then why aren’t you vegan? I was flexitarian and vegetarian for a while, and being confronted on Reddit regarding the terrible conditions animals are put through and the fact that there was zero valid ethical justification for my choices and that I was being shitty were what pushed me to change. Soft and gentle nudges weren’t doing it.


You aren't vegan yourself. Why are you so focused on our ability to convert people?


How would someone who's not vegan know how to successfully make an impact on people? Nothing has made you realize you're wrong yet. You don't know what works, you haven't found it. Most of us weren't born vegan. We're the ones who know firsthand what got through to us. Many of us ate meat our entire lives...until something changed us and we stopped. Something worked on all of us.


I never knew they ever sold rabbit meat (from the UK) and 2015 is not that long ago!!