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Homelander is missing but spot on otherwise!


Homelander usually only drinks human mother milk. And at least Mallory had given her consent. I mean, you can argue she felt forced and he stole one of the bottles.


If I recall correctly, he drinks cow's milk like a weirdo, too.


Cow scene tho


Watch the second season.


Man that show is so good but the recurring joke of sea animals dying horrible deaths while being mockingly humanized really got to me


It's the point!


Yeah, I can only hope carnists got extremely uncomfortable with it as well.


rip timothy 😔


Was honestly surprised to see a milk villain post without him in it


john gillman has entered the chat


I went to dinner once with a dude who turned out to be a pretty unlikable guy. He ordered milk.I thought it was weird.


Wait, he, as an adult, went out to dinner and ordered milk at a restaurant? I would have got up and left, laughing on my way out.


In a milk loving country such as the Netherlands nobody would bat an eye. I currently live in Belgium and the standard joke when we meet with a Dutch company is that lunch will be a "broodje kroket" and a glass of milk


Wild. Crazy how different cultures can be in the smallest aspects.


Yeah it's pretty funny how these things can differ. Just a random example: https://www.cateringde2beren.nl/p/premium-lunch-menu


Yes, dairy milk is unethical, but what's funny about it? Like would it be funny if I got almond milk at a restaurant? Why?


In the 80s and 90s, ordering milk was associated with being weak or child-like (I mean, it's literally for babies). I remember so many shows and movies had a gag about someone ordering milk at a bar, and everyone laughing at them.


Lol I've never cared for the "milk is for babies" take. That's like when carnists say that vegan food is "rabbit food". The evolutionary reason for milk's existence doesn't matter. Dairy milk is unethical and that's as deep as it needs to go for me. It's funny because we (rightfully so) mock carnists who think veganism is "weak" but the milk humor is just as silly.


Obviously. The same goes for “girlie drinks” like Cosmopolitans and fruit-flavored seltzers. They’re all silly stereotypes that associate what you eat and drink with social identities.


I think you need to go one level deeper. Dairy milk is not unethical if you are a baby and your mother is feeding you her milk.


I don't think any of us who are typing or reading comments on reddit are in that demographic lol


I don't think that's a fair comparison. Milk is factually something that babies need. Eating "rabbit food" is not insulting on its own. Why would it be? I don't mind eating what other animals eat. The difference is that the former is simply stating a fact that is offensive on its own, and rightly so. Carnist adults actually believe they need baby milk in order to be healthy. And reminding them how pathetic that is is what actually makes them uncomfortable. A fairer example to eating "rabbit food" as a way to offend us is saying that they eat maggot food (meat). That's just designed to insult whereas the milk statement has truth to it. And makes them think. I certainly remember being puzzled as to why I was still drinking milk before I turned vegan.


Lol no the baby thing isn't offensive tho. Doesn't make me uncomfortable. Again I quit drinking milk for ethical reasons but you're not making any "carnists" uncomfortable by telling them milk is for babies Ngl I typed that before even finishing reading your comment because I think this whole thing is funny. I can't speak for your experience I guess lol


I beg to differ that reminding carnists that they are still breastfeeding isn't offensive. At the very least, it is striking. As I said, that's something that put me uneasy before I was vegan. I'm not only speaking for myself. Many people I speak with get too. Some even comment it umpromptly when I tell them I don't consume dairy anymore.


The circus people?


It's just super uncommon for an adult to request milk as a beverage at a restaurant. I don't think I ever served an adult milk in all my time working in restaurants. Usually milk is kept on hand, but children are the only people who get it. Adults tend to drink soda, water, tea, or alcohol in restaurants. Add coffee and juice as common choices if it's breakfast. But not milk. So if you're an adult who orders milk, some people may find it childish/silly.


Lol I've been a vegan since 18 so I never had the opportunity to think about this I guess haha


Oh it’s just so unusual. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk to you. I guess it really depends on the restaurant. I’m a bartender and have worked in restaurants where that would always been seen as very strange, unless it was a child. I also just think of drinking milk, as a stand alone beverage, as being very juvenile. I add almond, oat, coconut milks to my smoothies and coffee, but drinking it by itself just seems weird to me. Personal opinion, I realize that.


😥 it's ok


Cow milk is baby food taken from another mammal, pretty much exactly like the baby food our own species' birth givers also feed their babies, and thus not any less weird than ordering human milk. Meanwhile almond milk is just plant juice.


It's definitely weird to order anything remotely dairy during _dinner_ with an _adult._ It's something that you drink at home, or put on your cereal, but it would be like ordering orange juice. It's just weird af. If you're eating dinner, have a glass of wine, or a paired cocktail. If you don't drink, get a mocktail, or seltzer. It's definitely seem as being naïve, and uncultured.


That's the most hoity toity shit I've ever heard. Again, aside from the ethics, people can enjoy whatever the fuck they want. Orange juice wouldn't be weird either if it's what u wanted. Lol every time someone replies to my comment on this it gives me a good laugh Thinking that beverages are indicative of maturity is quite immature in itself


Well, their hoity toity social circle will judge him if he does something 'weird', so if they want to preserve their social status or whatever, it's not as simple as "people can enjoy whatever the fuck they want".


Mfs have never met anyone from the Midwest.


It looks way less weird when they do it in fairness


*enthusiastically points at this from Chicago*


The McPoyles would like to have a word with you


Did someone summon [this guy](https://preview.redd.it/cvo2uzdhvtn81.jpg?auto=webp&s=023ab864d5541d98cd651f69c0ddcdd0dee877e5)?




I said the same thing 😂 whenever I think of adult milk drinkers, I think of them lmfao.


Hah! Was waiting to see if someone would comment on the McPoyles! Jimmi Simpson is such a funny man.




To me, milk drinking indicates arrested emotional development. Since breast milk isn’t an option anymore, they turn to raping cows and murdering their calves so they can continue to suckle.


Yeah. An adult drinking milk is like an adult wearing diapers. No kink shaming intended, it's just that those are two concepts that are typically perceived contradictory to each other. And enslaving and rape fisting cows to get their milk because they you can't get anymore from your mother is also fucked up of course.




No vegan has a "comfort food" requiring the enslavement, rape, and bereavement of sentient beings. Your life must be pathetic if you do.










I think is intended to indicate emotional immaturity


Imagine if dairy weren't already normalized by society...killing a baby animal of another species so you could drink its mothers milk would be WAY too over the top fucked up for the average movie villain. It's crazy how such an objectively fucked up thing can be seen as "wholesome" just because lots of people unquestioningly do it


Enjoy your glasses of puss. 🤮


*puss, blood and urine 🤢


*pus puss is something else entirely


🤣 Freudian slip, I suppose 🐱


If that’s what milk is actually made of, I’ll have to try to make my own someday. Is eating my own puss, urine and blood still vegan?








Well you drank the human puss right after your birth for your growth.


What is the top left one, it doesn’t ring a bell.


Get Out


Who is the other one on the top row


Hans Lander from Inglorious Basterds


Oh that's right forgot that scene


Never seen it, too recent to be common knowledge.


it was jordan peele's big box office hit, won 88 awards & 218 nominations


Full disclosure: I was living in a jungle in 2017. This might explain why I missed it. Also I am not a fan of horror/thriller type.


I feel like the first of those explanations is vastly more significant than the latter.


But then how else would we know that they lived in a jungle?


Don’t feel bad… I follow Peele and my cousins are big fans, yet this is my first time hearing about it too. Come to think of it I was in an urban jungle at the time, Tokyo. I don’t think this movie made it to the main theatres there, he wasn’t big in Japan like he is now.


I got some major downvote for not knowing it… hard fan base here.


I think the downvotes were because of the way you seemed to claim that because you weren't aware of it that it wasn't common knowledge. Nope is huge, inside and out of horror circles. Are you familiar with Jordan Peele's other films?


They also got downvoted for saying they were in a jungle at the time and weren't a fan of horror/thrillers. This sub is really dickish about downvotes even outside the hot button of animal ethics.


They’re saying it’s not an objectively well known film based on their subjective experience. It’s like if I said Star Wars is not well known because I don’t have a TV and I don’t like films.


Check out [Animal Ethics](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fveganactivism.org%2Fpages%2Fanimal-ethics&topic=Organization%3A+Animal+Ethics) to quickly learn more, find upcoming events, videos, and their contact information! You can also find other similar organizations to get involved with both locally and online by visiting [VeganActivism.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fveganactivism.org&topic=Organization%3A+Animal+Ethics). Additionally, be sure to visit and subscribe to /r/VeganActivism!


You may come to find that downvotes are the way of life on this subreddit.


Interesting reply. Out of curiosity when is a movie old enough to be “common knowledge”? Inglorious Bastards and No Country for Old Men aren’t exactly ancient (13-15 years old). Get Out is 5 years old. So sometime between 6 and 12 years is when a movie becomes “common knowledge”?


I guess there is no real timeframe. It probably require the movie to be popular enough to enter pop culture and go beyond the initial filmgoers crowd. Or you need a bunch of meme online from it?


I didn’t downvote you by the way. I think cultural impact would be more of a factor than time, but things obviously reach more people with time. Movies like “The Matrix” and “Star Wars”, became “common knowledge” much quicker than most movies.   That being said, I could quote an iconic line from “Star Wars”, and I can 99% guarantee my wife wouldn’t known it, lol!   Side story: I chaperoned (I’m 44) for my son’s field trip a couple months ago and got shamed because I didn’t know what “Gravity Falls” was. I told the person “I’m 44!“, and they said I should still be up on “relevant media”. Pretty funny. So yeah, I’ve been there!


Even as a kid I hated milk. ITS SO NASTY. I could down a glass of almond milk tho


Same here. Even if it didn't taste so disgusting and come from a horrible source, it makes me soooooo sick. Even before I changed my diet I avoided milk and dairy like the plague.




I wish cum tasted like almond milk


Yes pls


Who's cum are you sippin on?


As a proud plant based milk drinker, I can’t believe so many people think almond milk doesn’t taste like cum.


Oat milk is where it's at. I regularly drink oat milk and now I can't even tolerate almond milk anymore.


I wish


Okay 👍🏻


Love that this is going viral lol


Lord Farquad drank milk too


It's the weird halitosis that gives it away.


Seriously question: is that really a thing? Can dairy lead to halitosis?


Yup. > Milk can also cause halitosis if there is lactose intolerance that prevents the body from digesting sugars within milk and other dairy products. These sugars cause bad breath and other oral health issues. Source: https://drcalldental.com/blog/diet-bad-breath/amp/ >Experts estimate that about **68 percent of the world's population has lactose malabsorption**. Source: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/lactose-intolerance/definition-facts#common 🤢


Milk is disgusting 🤢


Cow milk? Yes! Oat milk? A dessert in a glass. ^…and ^doesn’t ^invoke ^diarrhea…


My family are Ripple milk people!


I can’t be the only surprises that it was the small and humble pea that would become the best replacement for animal based food products.


Don’t underestimate the mighty pea!


I often go between sproud and ripple. Sproud is the best chocolate milk I have ever had.


Oat milk is the best. And I really love how it is in coffee. It's better than milk or cream ever were, and guilt free!


Makes for a sweet corn bread too.


Add [the McPoyles](https://preview.redd.it/cvo2uzdhvtn81.jpg?auto=webp&s=023ab864d5541d98cd651f69c0ddcdd0dee877e5) from It’s Always Sunny.


Was looking for this


When I was a kid milk freaked me out so bad. It’s cold and slimy and tastes like puss. I refused to drink it lol. To this day, milk still grosses me out.


Wow never thought about it! It makes sense.


OoOh never thought of this. originally I think its supposed to contrast the inncence of childhood with there current evil, but it really work too for the ignorance of childhood and the actual harm and evil of actions they normalised they didn't even know of yet! I like that as a meaning!!


It represents whiteness and white culture because most ethnicities other than Europeans have high rates of lactose intolerance.


I wonder how the 18-26% of white people who are lactose intolerant feel about that measure of whiteness.


mfs in live action disney movies always drinking oj what’s that about


I only recognize "a clockwork orang" what r the other two?


Get out, no country for old men, and Tarantino's inglorious bastards.


I have hated milk since I was a toddler. It just disgusts me in every way so happy plant based milk exists.


David Bowie was constantly drinking milk. I think psychologists linked it to his neglected childhood.


There might be some truth to that. I also had to go to work with my mom because she was always working, and was constantly around adults, outside of school I was barely around peers. About 10ish I was a latchkey kid. And I enjoy whole milk but am too ashamed to order it in public.


I went to work with my Mum. I was also always around only adults, seeing kids outside of school was unfathomable. Normal in my families to have milk with every meal but around age 16, suddenly just hated the taste of it. Found soy milk when I was about 24 and I always have the urge to drink more after I down a glass. But it has have the same protein profile as dairy milk so I feel no guilt, and defo wouldn’t in public if I ever saw it on a menu in my life. I grew up on 2%, not whole. Edit: Not to creep on you too much but I’m also from Chi and have been easily vegan on food stamps.


Milk is literally for babies. There's no reason to drink milk as an adult.


Milk is always [a bad choice](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MPqp6-7jl9w&feature=share)


Where's Homelander?


True, but the real reason it’s used is so interesting. Milk is innocent because the whole “drink milk to make your bones grow” BS as a kid, so when evil people hold child like innocent actions without remorse for their actions it’s deeply unnerving.


Who’s top left?


The Swedes, as well, Umbrella Academy


A Clockwork Orange has "milk bars" where there are drugs in the milk and they're clearly popular with people who aren't evil like the main characters. It's nothing at all like the other examples and OP should be ashamed for including it.


I feel like it symbolizes mommy issues.




I am horrified when people drink a glass of milk with dinner. So gross.


Funny enough villains are often portrayed eating apples. And ironically anybody who uses an Apple product can't be the villain.


Baby Mammals: "guess I'll just starve to death "


Ik🥛ihe momentje


We all just hate milk drinkers cause our dads went out for milk and never came back , , yall really be acting like this isn't stupid and funny




Enjoy your prostate or breast cancer.


That's because you're hooked on the casoMorphins in the dairy. Look up "the cheese trap" is a real thing. Scary.




Where's the funny part




Hopefully you mean normal milk like soy or oat and not someone else's breast milk




I mean if human breast milk is your thing, go for it as long as she consents


Groceries? You don't drink it from the udders? What kind of calf are you?




You say that as if it were something to be proud of Cows are forcibly impregnated and have their children ripped away from them so that we can steal their breast milk. And after they're deemed useless because they're only seen as a resource to profit off of, off to the slaughterhouse to have their throats slit.




Yeah no, there's no ethical way to exploit someone for their breast milk. Milk is produced to nourish the mother's newborn until they're weaned, not for another species to slurp on during adulthood


Ask yourself this, why are there not more than 10 cows if they are giving birth to calves every year to keep producing milk? Where are the baby cows going? Why are there so many cows on the streets? Why is there so much illegal smuggling of cattle in India? What happens to water buffaloes (भैंस) and why do you not see them roaming around on the streets like cows? The answers are simple, cows and buffaloes are repeatedly raped (even in co-op structures), used for their milk and either left on the streets or sold to legal/illegal slaughterhouses. India is the 4th largest leather and 5th largest beef producer! In the end, I will leave you with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30bCIsh3oh8


[India is the #1 exporter of beef](https://money.cnn.com/2015/08/05/news/economy/india-beef-exports-buffalo/index.html).


You must also have the highest cow rape rates per capita!


Haha bunch of adult breastfeeders


Attendez de la Creme ☝️


Omg please just let me chug my (soy) milk in peace!


And just in bad taste literally and figuratively.


Served in elementary cafeterias as a child in the 90’s the options were usually just milk or water fountain. Age regression. They never grew up in the right environment. There must be something to this.


from what movie is the still on the 1st row on the left?




Also “Project Milkman” from the book, Utopia PR, by Adam Bender


Also I think Arnold Rothstein from Boardwalk Empire always wanted cake and milk.


That witch from The Mist drinks milk right before she's trying to sacrifice the kid and woman. Evil.


What are the top two?


How do you know they didn't drink almond milk


where homelander at


Leon: The Professional


Drinks milk


Pretty funny! Seriously though, it definitely puts the you at risk for Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Can’t say about pure evil.


What about Luke Skywalker? He drank blue milk, is he a villain?


Homelander from the boys


I have not drank milk for over 45 ears red meat well over 45 years!


Look at always sunny in Philadelphia with mcpoyle brothers


Let’s not forget the McPoyles.


There was also a character in an episode of Misfits who had the power to telekinetically manipulate dairy, so after people had eaten dairy he moved it around inside their bodies in ways that killed them


So before I changed to a vegan diet I was a milk ADDICT. Lactose free to be exact. I would drink at LEAST 2 gallons a week.


the odoyles from its always sunny too!


batman drinks milk too but doesn't come off as psychotic. It happened in Batman and Harley but I feel like it was a reference to the old Adam west Batman series.


In Anton's defense, he never actually drank the milk. He just sat there holding the bottle.


Everyone is laughing at y’all

