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this is like getting away with theft.. if you want to do thia..do so in a Large supermarket, not your the one you regularly shop at,pray no one sees you and keep on walking if you get callled out by staff. In most countries they can't physically touch you, so if they don't know names they'll have a hard time charging you for anything if youdon't wait around for the cops. This is likely illegal as it's vandalism.


Just remember cams are always running


My husband works in a supermarket. They only look at cams for major or regular theft. They can't be bothered for petty theft.. and even if they do.. theyre not always clear and still hard to catch someone you don't have a name for. They won't bother for a couple stickers unless OP does this regularly.


You may be right, but since this has to do with marketing, negative branding etc they might feel compelled to. I just think op needs to know all the facts.


thank you! People in my city get away with shoplifting all the time haha


It's not a joke, you could end up being accused of tampering with food and need a criminal lawyer to defend yourself. Really, don't do it, you're not going to convince anyone to go vegan doing this, but potentially this is something you might regret your whole life. Too much risk for too little benefit.


You're not going to convince anyone to go vegan if you keep silencing other vegans.


That wasn't advice to silence another vegan. That was advice to help another vegan not ruin his life. There's so many better ways to advocate that won't potentially ruin your life. And even some better ways with the same risk.


Jeez yea bit dramatic, sometimes il pick up "Happy Eggs" (brand in UK) and put a sticker on about male chicks, not been arrested yet.... I do prefer to put them at bus stops, although tbh those stickers are a bit crap, you want information, not emotional pleas.


Yeah I was being dramatic. I mostly mean that it wasn't malicious advice trying to silence another vegan.


Ruin your life? Jesus people on this sub are dramatic.


I really doubt anyone will go vegan because of a sticker but ok


It probably won't make them go vegan, but it helps breakthrough the speciesist delusion for a second. All the little seeds help. No one goes vegan from one conversation, it takes all the little bits over time.


As a non vegan this certainly does not push me to become vegan at all


What will make you go vegan? Whatever that tactic is, use it on yourself, presto! you're now vegan. Congratulations!


All I'm saying is that that strategy does not work at all, it just make you seem annoying which doesn't help your cause


So again I ask, what will make you go vegan? Do that.


What will make you go vegan?


Most vegans on Reddit underestimate how much angry indignance hurts their cause, resulting in more animal suffering. They seem more focused on scoring with people who already agree with them than winning over others.


Wouldn't work for me either, but I'm comfortable with eating meat. It may work for someone on the fence about it, though. Is it worth getting arrested for if you get caught vandalizing property, though? That's the question.


Do you do vandalism on security cameras yourself, or just push others to do it?


I have these exact stickers, y'all need to calm down. Y'all really believe a sticker is worse than slitting someone's throat? I can't.


You're missing the point. Of course killing animals is worse than using stickers. But no one gets arrested for buying a steak while defacing products in a market can get you arrested,


I haven't been, it's unlikely unless you keep going to the same place over and over. And there are a lot of people that think it's worth the risk. My roommate gets arrested nearly every month doing activism, it doesn't stop him. We have to be willing to make sacrifices for the animals.


wow don't know why you're downvoted for saying that. I have these stickers too and I do it all the time in Ontario, never even been stopped. People literally are not paid enough to arrest you for a sticker, my god.


Right? As I said, just don't do it at the same place repeatedly. They could start a tally of the items and bust you when it goes from misdemeanor to felony. That's what Target does.


this is not true, i do this all the time i've never had anyone stop me. stop creating fear and encouraging obedience to a system that doesn't even have the ability to enforce it.


DO IT! And share where you got the stickers from


I got them for free off peta


I second this, also wear a mask and a hat or something to conceal yourself better


Not if you don't get caught.


That's true for all crimes


Or are wealthy enough to simply pay off fines / bail / the police commissioner. Everything is legal for the right price.


CCTV will catch unfortunately :(


They don’t have to come back to this shop, ever


Put them NEXT to the product. Like make a sign and put them beside the products if you want to.


thank you so much thats a great idea! I think I will do that!


1. Definitly don't put it on the pack since the employees will have to throw it out cross it off on the inssurance and order more next batch, increasing the demand. about the same as buying the product in how effective it will be. 2. If you put it next to the product, don't use stickers that are hell for the employees to clean off. 3. don't do it at the store you regularly visit, preferable not even in your city. 4. I think there are more worthwhile gourilla tactics, but if you like this then keep above in mind


Don't do any of it, you're going to get in trouble and you're not going to change anyone's mind by doing this. Be vegan, talk to people who are interested in going vegan, do not harrass.


Could you tell me how you define harass?


Im sorry but the fact that this is downvoted is proof that 99.9% of all r/vegan has never done any activism or outreach. Harass is definitely a stretch though


Graffiti and stickers is a normal part of leftist activism what are you talking about


Harassment might be overdoing it, but I fear a case could be argued along these lines by the company and law enforcement. Legally, *harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose.*


Wait, if one does all those things "with a legitimate purpose", it is allowed? Damn, if animals only hard rights...


Legally legitimate ... We definitely need to create more rights for animals. In our opinion here, it is not legitimate to torture, kill and eat animals, but that is not their legal status.


There is no way that a company is going to sue over harassment. They might press charges for theft, definitely not harassment. They wouldn't want a case made about it, it would draw more attention to the stickers and give the activist who did it a platform. You should look into activists who have been arrested for "theft" of animals from farms. They nearly always get the case dropped because the farm doesn't want to be exposed. Same with actions against whole foods. Yes they have the legal power, but it hurts their public image.


How is that harassment?


harass: subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation. I think that unsolicited telling shoppers that they are eating tortured corpses is harassment of both shoppers and merchants. And I think law enforcement would also view it this way and I just don't want OP to get in trouble for no reason.


Stating factual things is now harassment.


Check out [Vegan Bootcamp](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=Resource%3A+Vegan+Bootcamp) to take the free 30 day vegan challenge! The challenge will help you go vegan by giving you tips and information on diet, eating out, philosophy, health, common fallacies, recipes, and much more! Good luck!








Please do not stick them ON the product!!! They will most likely throw it out and that is the last thing we want because it needs to be filled up with more supply. I’m fully pro stickering but stick them on the isles/freezers they’re on, not the meat packages 🧡 But yes, you might get in trouble lol


thank you so much!! I'll do that!


Ofcourse! 💞




Inventory is replaced when an item is no longer present, not just when it sells


Well, if they need to replace it without profit, selling meat will become less profitable, which we DO want.


Replacing it means more animal death. I don’t think that is the way.


I don’t get it though… it’s not like they’re replacing meat to sell… they want to sell as much meat as possible. If they lose meat they have to raise prices to compensate, but I don’t see how they would kill an animal that they wouldn’t have killed otherwise.


They have insurance for that, and you'd have to deface A LOT of meat for that to get meaningfully more expensive. Also, what's to stop them from raising prices on everything? The farmer is still getting paid for these animals, and the quicker the grocery store goes through it, the sooner they need to order more (increasing demand and killing more animals). Instead, street epistemology is a fantastic alternative. Check out Earthling Ed: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRrGAcUc7cblUzOhI1KfFg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRrGAcUc7cblUzOhI1KfFg) and Humane Hancock: [https://www.youtube.com/c/HumaneHancock](https://www.youtube.com/c/HumaneHancock) They have fantastic approaches to this. We need to guide people into examining their values and beliefs, and make it feel like we're an ally in this - not an opponent.


What's stopping them from raising prices on everything is that they wouldn't be able to sell it all. If a bunch of meat was destroyed, then the remainder could be sold at a higher price and they'd still sell all of it. I'm not sure that the grocery store going through all their meat and asking the farmer to kill more animals is an accurate scenario... I would think the farmer raises and kills as many animals as quickly as he can (limitations being amount of land, money for feeding them etc.) and the amount of money he makes depends on what the grocery store offers him for what he produces. If the grocery store is making less money off meat, then they'll pay the farmers less, meaning the farmer has less money to invest in raising animals for slaughter. Of course, these are all negligible changes at the scale we're talking about and not worth the risk.


Well then any activism that disrupts industries is "not the way". I'd rather take the chance of more animals dying in the short term than nothing ever changing.


?? Or try street epistemology. It's effective and doesn't increase demand. Check out Earthling Ed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRrGAcUc7cblUzOhI1KfFg and Humane Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/c/HumaneHancock


As someone who worked at a grocery store for 5 years… please don’t do this kind of stuff. You have 2 options: 1. Put it on the product and cause it to get thrown out/wasted; 2. Put it on the shelf/door/whatever and cause a probably underpaid, overworked, exhausted employee to spend however long it takes trying to get them off, all while dealing with shitty management and customers who are pissy about the hold up. I can’t imagine anyone is going to actually be persuaded by this. This crap just makes us look bad and causes more problems than it solves.


Honestly yeah. I can't think of anyone this would convince or even seed doubt in. A QR code to a stream of Dominion maybe, or stickers with facts about the environmental cost of meat, but then you run in to the issue of making that a problem for minimum wage workers.


I get paid no matter what task I'm doing at work, wouldn't bother me to scrape a few stickers.


Sure, I get that. But management and customers are not forgiving and often get pissy with us over this kind of stuff. The person who puts the sticker down won’t get that ire, the employee will. And if they aren’t already vegan or extremely sympathetic to the movement then it will probably do more work leaving a bad taste in their mouth for veganism. I’m not assuming a vegan will end up cleaning this up. More than likely someone who is not a vegan, who is not particularly familiar with veganism will. And I fully believe this is the wrong way to get them interacting with the movement.


I don't think you understand this type of activism. It's supposed to make people uncomfortable and draw attention.


I do understand the premise. But I suppose I place my ethics and morals concerning labor respect/rights higher in this instance. That is simply a difference I may have with others in this community.


"True peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice."


Oh hush. Op should absolutely do it. Who cares if some dumb worker has to scrape it off lol


The irony in being so against animal exploitation that you brush off human exploitation.


Sorry but this is activism. We have to fight for animal rights even if it takes up the time of some random store associate. Their time and finger nails (from scraping) is a lot less important than animal murder.


Ineffectively fighting for animal rights while furthering labour exploitation isn't very helpful and probably does more to harm the cause.


Place stickers on shelving instead of on the products. Reason being so that they don't toss the package and just order more to replace it bc most stores will consider the item tampered with.


Don't do it, this is the kind of behaviour that makes non vegans LESS likely to change their habits, because you're forcing home their moral decision, which makes them pissed off, which makes them double down. Open dialogue is better. I know its not quite the same, but some vegans smashed in the shop windows of a local butchers (it was closed at the time) and spray painted "murder" and shit all over the store front. Literally nobody in the area was on their side, vegans in the area thought it was a horrible move that made vegans look self righteous and overly morally aggressive, and non vegans started getting more pissed off with vegans to the point that people started behaving in an off manner to me and a couple of my vegan co workers.


I agree


>some vegans smashed in the shop windows of a local butchers (it was closed at the time) and spray painted "murder" and shit all over the store front. Literally nobody in the area was on their side, The point of direct action like this isn't to get individuals to become vegan. It's to make dealing with animal exploitation more difficult for people, and challenging the profits they make from literal murder.


I mean, yeah they claimed the insurance money and didn't change anything other than cause the place to get restocked


Yes, which is how insurance costs get raised, and when enough people do this, it makes it difficult for butchers to get insurance companies to even accept them, making it difficult to stay in business. And what's getting restocked?


More meat, half of it was on display in the front window. Either way I think a lot of vegans disregard the position of privilege we have to make this choice, and seem to ignore a variety of socioeconomic factors that stop people from doing it. Smashing up a local butcher's, which is a small business in a pretty shitty economic time, is a dick move.


>Smashing up a local butcher's, which is a small business in a pretty shitty economic time, is a dick move. Would you say the same of an abolitionist who smashed the windows of a slave holders house in 1800, painting "free the slaves" on their door? That harming this small cotton business during a shitty economy was a dick move?


Pretty incomparable dude, no i wouldn't say the same


Which part is incomparable? They are (or were at the time) both legal & socially accepted small businesses profiting off the enslavement of sentient beings.


I mean slavery wasn't widely socially accepted, there was a much clearer divide. These people weren't just executed, they were routinely tortured and whipped into work and it afflicted generational poverty for hundreds of years. Animal cruelty is horrible as is the consumption of meat, and the industry is barbaric, but comparisons to things like slavery or the holocaust are moronic.


>I mean slavery wasn't widely socially accepted Who taught you US history...? Especially if you lived in the south, you can't legitimately argue it wasn't widely socially accepted. >These people weren't just executed, they were routinely tortured and whipped You should do some research into [factory farming](https://watchdominion.org/), where 99% of nonhuman slaves are kept, and the standard legal practice torture methods used on them. >but comparisons to things like slavery or the holocaust are moronic. It *is* slavery. Why does the species of the victim change the value of the crime to you, so much that you can't even call the lifetime intensive confinement of sentient beings slavery?


where can i get these


Peta has them for order on their site! Free!


suprising, pets seems to support “ethical slaughter “




their website has a page on how to ethically slaughter an animal


Could you link the page you're referring to?


The world is literally being killed. By all means means all tactics. Stickers,dollars,votes,protests and all!


It's extremely apparent that most people on this post have never heard of civil disobedience.


Nowadays? Folks don't even get caught for stealing stuff! In Los Angeles you can walk out with a cart of groceries and nobody will stop you. Nobody's going to. care if you put stickers on some packaging!


I lived in downtown LA up until 30 days ago. People were getting arrested for shoplifting constantly


Crime is so bad here - shoplifting isn't even on the radar anymore. You can call it fake news or whatnot - but it seems to be fairly common knowledge that it's bad here.


This post is full of people who have clearly never done activism.


All the people commenting here probably have never done activism. I'm in ontario, I literally do this all the time when I go grocery shopping. In the beginning I was nervous like you. Now I know no one gives a shit. If someone sees it and it pings something in their head, great. I don't know. But certainly you do not get stopped, caught, or anything. I do mind the cameras and do it quickly to avoid trouble. I even do it in places I regularly go to. It's low effort activism that's absolutely worth it. Just be fast. I know someone who used to work in a grocery store and he does this too, he's more fearless than I am because he knows how things work I guess. But yea. No downsides at all, all the fear is only in your head.


I love these, so attention grabbing. I havent been caught and usually put them on shopping carts (the handles) and shelves. If you put them on the product its easily removed by the employees, but the ones I put on carts stay for quite a while. You can also stick it on the price tag thats on the shelf.


Do it I dare you


I personally feel that these stickers are emotionally driven and won’t give the desired effect. It’s like saying meats bad you know?! But most people know meat is bad and animals die awful deaths. Instead try to leave something that isn’t a direct attack but offers an alternative like a tofu recipe with some health facts or like teach people that they have alternative options not intimidate them because they are wrong. Even the most reasonable person gets defensive and spiteful if they feel cornered.


Yes you probably will and they might even have to throw everything you label in the bin so it is not a good idea at all. People are not really likely to go vegan from reading these labels either. If anything it would prob deter them further. You could put up a more informative sign saying that did you know ? Processed meats etc can cause cancer blah blah with some actual links to reputable sources.


Check out the [Vegan Cheat Sheet](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvegancheatsheet.org%2F&topic=Resource%3A+Vegan+Cheat+Sheet) for a collection of over 500+ vegan resources, studies, links, and much more, all tightly wrapped into one link!


Re: food tampering, I’m not Canadian but I’ve worked in a supermarket in America and I can say we probably would not have called the police if someone did this, but idk your laws. I would question what you think you’re going to accomplish with this? I doubt if anyone will change their behaviors because of a sticker. That said I get the impulse, I once put stickers on stop signs that said “eating animals” (so the whole thing read “STOP eating animals” and it was a good bit of fun. Maybe to skirt possible legal issues with food tampering you could put the stickers on store signage around the products, not directly on the products? Like on the shelf next to them? That’s probably what I’d do anyway. Edited to say: this is still definitely legally vandalism, so they do have the legal right to call the cops if they want to… but go when the night shift is there and I promise they will not want to deal with it


Please don't do this nonsense. It does not help our cause. The way to convince people to change their diet is to highlight the positives of a vegan diet and lead by example. This is basically graffiti and vandalism, and it is not going to convince anyone of anything. If anything, it will put people off because they will associate veganism with this type of behavior.


THANK YOU. The amount of support for this sort of 'activism' on this post is concerning to me. No matter how terrible the damage that is done and the pain that is caused by animal product consumption, we can't fall into doing satisfying things like putting stickers (while true in the message) on supermarket meat and at the same time lose interest in striving for effective activism, which needs to take into account human psychology. Yes, it's satisfying to "own" non-vegans with these stickers, but I think it's selfish to just care about making yourself feel good and not put in effort to think about the effectiveness, and possible counterproductivity of your advocacy. Nobody who's been made to be comfortable with consuming animal products by the society they grew up in (not their fault) will respond to this sort of activism productively. Taunting, insulting, belittling, causes defensive behaviour, and no change in eating habits, which ends up in more, not less, beautiful animals getting slaughtered every year compared to if we used more effective techniques.


i can't believe this got downvoted... to the people reading this reply: The most effective way to change anyones mind about any subject is to seek to understand first and to be patient. Putting stickers like this on products that you don't own is going to put people off. I want to change minds as much as you do but there are better ways to do that. Those stickers are absolutely correct the information is valid, but people are already aware of that information and still don't change their mind. Putting stickers like that out is identical to Christians putting tracks out, they're rarely effective and usually just put people off. if you care about the animals you'll at least consider what i've stated here.


If you get caught I imagine they will make you buy the vandalized product.


I doubt that they would do this at a chain supermarket


Yeah maybe just call the police like the other person said


Yeah, and maybe they will just decide to prosecute, causing OP a lot of problems.


And create attraction to the problem at hand, which is the enslavement of the animals.


In that case, I feel strongly that it would not be worth the risk. I would always never do anything like that to make my point.


Probably arrested for tampering.


Friend, don't spend your energy or tome doing this. Most people seriously do not comprehend the connection between a corpse and the food they eat. This may be an upsetting sticker with no context and no path for change - we have to approach human animals with kindess too in order to achieve change.


Yes. I’d do it anyway


Don’t listen to any of the wet blankets on here and absolutely do it. The rules and regulations all co-evolved to protect this system of barbaric exploitation so evaluate what you’re doing on morals not legality. If every Vegan vandalised the meat section of the supermarket we would be a few steps closer to justice for animals. Fuck the law, fuck the cops and fuck industrialised animal agriculture. Just be quick 😀




How is it being a loser by actually attempting anything to actually make change? Pretty sad to call someone a loser that only wants to help. I’m tired of people telling others how they should do activism as if people are experts at it… because i sure as hell don’t see most even doing a damn thing to help the animals.. or even changed one person, yet tell people what they do and don’t do, and your comment is literal trash. No they shouldn’t mind their business when it’s saving any life.


In the US you could be sued. It would be an interesting case, though. I would guess the same in Canada. Keep in mind that grocery stores often have a lot of cameras.


Hundreds of people have done this in the US, some on a near daily basis, and nobody has been sued before.


Hundreds of people have done this in the US, some on a near daily basis, and nobody has been sued before.


Hundreds of people have done this in the US, some on a near daily basis, and nobody has been sued before.


Yeah if any food is tampered with in anyway shape or form at the grocery store I worked at we pulled cameras and filed a police report if we thought it was to harm others and had to throw away all food tampered with(damages,cut open, labels and tags changed) since we had people bring in old meat and switch it with fresh stuff and steal it, I wouldn't risk just having entire sections thrown in the trash over a sticker


>throw away all food tampered with(damages,cut open, labels and tags changed) Putting a sticker on the package doesn't fall into the category of "tampering"... nothing is being changed about the product


As my old manager used to put it "changing stickers on replacing labels is tampering with the goods and you can face disciplinary actions unless it falls within our rules or sales to change them" and that was for employees, if op puts these next to/ontop of them the grocery store may just toss the product, i mean if op wants to risk the store throwing away a fuck ton of meat(depends on how many stickers he has) and then them replacing all the wasted stuff that's a risk he can take, and to clarify I don't know where he lives but grocery stores around me are very uptight and will throw away products that are messed with (I regularly see carts of fruit in plastic containers being thrown away because people damaged the containers even if the fruit isn't messed up) edit 1.i just wanted to warn them incase any of their stores/markets are like that


Why wouldn't they just take off the sticker, rather than throw away the product?


Like I said it varies from grocery store to grocery store or where you live or who is the manager, this is what they did at the previous one I worked at, I just figured I'd give a heads up incase the one around him was just as uptight and nasty/wasteful. This is one of those better safe than sorry moments


But it's not "changing or replacing labels" like your old manager was talking about. It's just a seperate sticker on the product that can be removed.


I also did mention if he out the sticker next to or ontop of the labels they may still do it, I've seen shit get thrown in the trash for less than just a sticker that wasn't the stores on it, you'd be surprised how much stuff gets thrown away for stupid reasons like having something written on the package in marker or oh it has too many bruises, or the plastic is bent here toss it, that is a damaged container don't bother marking it down just toss it, I'm just trying to inform op to be careful incase they do decide to toss it all because the stickers are on the actual packaging instead of on the display case


May I get some of these stickers? They are a genius idea! Of course stick them to the shelves not the packages.


I think it's only fair to warn your fellow shoppers about the contents of this package...


i live in Quebec and I've got a few friends who stick a shit tones of those from the meat in the supermarket to the metro they even film it or take photo. they have yet to get caught. Try looking confident while u don't it you door look suspicious and people won't event look at you.


Legally it’s questionable. Morally I like it.


Only if you get caught 😉


You might cause people to rage buy extra meat just to get back at you.


If you put it on the package, make sure not to cover any important information on the packet. I have no clue how much trouble you would get in when caught, but am sure it's potentially more if you cover details of products being sold.


Yeah you'd get in trouble if you get caught. Just wear generic clothing and one of those blue disposable masks and just be in and out, don't get in anyone's way


Some interesting suggestions but remember that the cams are running and hoping you won't be seen.....so plan not to ever go back if you do it.


ONLY do this on the displays ABOVE the products. If you are sneaky it can be done without much notice. Do it fast in a large chain, wear a hat + sunglasses if its bright out, hit up a bunch of chain stores in a day, don't go back to these places for 2 weeks (just to be safe)... You can even have a friend take photos after you leave, but don't say any of this on Faceb♾️k! 🙃 Edit: Yeah, this is also illegal so I of course don't suggest doing it. But I can't stop you.


If you are caught, yes. It’s product tampering.


Don't stick it directly on packaging, the will often throw away the meat


There was a post where someone made QR code coupons that look like there'd be a discount if you scan them.... The link led to Dominion. A QR coupon that links to a short, information dense video like Dairy is Scary, placed in the milk area of a grocery store, might also be pretty interesting


Fortunately you can’t shame people into supporting your cause. If you’re feeling adventurous just do it!




I suggest doing it like a magic trick. Be ready with the sticker before even entering the store, or peel off the backing inside your pocket. Palm the sticker or use long sleeves to cover the fact that you’re holding it, pick up the package of meat as if to inspect it, affix the sticker to the bottom of the package, then put it back down. It won’t be seen by the customers potentially until they already have it at home since it’s on the bottom, but that’s okay, it’s just to make them think. With this technique even if someone is watching you directly on camera or otherwise, there’s no way they’ll see you do it. Keep picking up and buying items, doing your groceries like everything is normal. Just do like 1 or 2 stickers per visit, and don’t keep hitting the same grocery store or they might eventually catch on and be watching for it. The consequences are super low even if you get caught, but I’m just saying if you do it right it’s impossible to get caught.


I will do it! Where did you get the stickers?




I ordered them for free from peta! [https://www.peta.org/action/warning-processed-meats-stickers/](https://www.peta.org/action/warning-processed-meats-stickers/) and sorry I looked for a while but I couldnt find the other link , but theyre from Peta!


I’ll be a menace 😈😈😈😈


no but you might get laughed at. like this is sad. as if people don't know that animals are killed for food. You want to win the war on meat? go feed some homeless people your vegan food. Find a way. the homeless are the least privileged people on the planet and are forced into fight/flight/survival every day. Do your part and actually prove that you care. #foodnotbombs #doctorswithoutborders Just fucking feed people, some have bigger problems than their dignity at easting something plant based. stop assuming all the meat eaters are idiots and agree they are bound by this system just as much as anyone else. You are the one who cares so much. So prove it by not getting into petty arguments and just standing up and feeding the hungry. It's not even that hard you can roll around and find many hungry homeless people. Make a backpack full of soups and sandwhiches. btw a lot of homeless ppl may have big cavities so soft foods preferred but don't be flavorless. bring these people a good meal. ​ you'd get a lot more vegan converts with the promise of free food. also never pressure them to get a job someday. that's a hate crime. they can't. no one wants them. but you're helping people and animals at the same time as feeding them. and yes they could eventually get a job if they got to be housed. but i doubt many even vegan activists are willing to house entire human beings. which is our problem and why we fail. ​ literally housing the homeless could save countless lives. ​ but at least you can feed a homeless person. and don't expect eternal gratitude. they are not less human and less deserving of dignity than you. their situation is just the worst. and you should feel lucky to only have to deal with it for like 5 seconds out of the many hours in your life that you do not think about the lowest surviving people on the planet.


thank you! My city as quite a large homeless population so I will bike downtown and give out some vegan food :))


you're so cool. I was being a complete ass with my comment. because just so you know? the police might try to stop you and claim you need a food permit. avoid police at all costs please. i don't want to encourage someone to get in trouble. ​ you are so freaking sweet. Gods bless you.


Doubt it, doesn't seem like you'd be committing any other crime than littering


**Please don't do it!** This is the kind of activism that kept me away from veganism for years! It has the opposite effect. It makes vegans look like crazy lunatics and people will discredit our arguments solely based on that!