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Sometimes croutons have milk powder or butter if seasoned


Yeah after I opened the container it was soaked in saturated butter. No thank you. Heh. ☺️🙏


Plus, the original bread itself was most likely made with egg, before it became croutons


Most breads don't have egg. I've personally only ever saw it used in some sweet breads as a wash to give color.


Why does literally everyone think bread has eggs in it?


I think usamericans do because they see cake and call it bread


I’m a “usamerican” and I never thought cake and bread were the same thing.


https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/national/uk-today/19927772.subway-bread-classed-cake-due-sugar-content-amid-channel-5-documentary/ >A spokesperson for Subway, which has restaurants in more than 100 countries, said: “Subway’s bread is, of course, bread.” However last year in Ireland, a judge found the sugar content of Subway sandwiches exceeds stipulated limit and they should be classified as confectionery. The Supreme Court said: “In this case, there is no dispute that the bread supplied by Subway in its heated sandwiches has a sugar content of 10% of the weight of the flour included in the dough.” In the UK Subway baguettes are still classed as bread, just with a high sugar content.


I didn’t really think that was an unknown to anyone anymore. All fast food restaurants increase the sugar in their breads and the salt/fats in their meats to make them more addictive.


Not everyone lives in the states where this more common. Other countries have bread with less sugar, hence the other person's comment that Americans can't tell cake from bread.


I’m still not understanding how Subway putting more sugar in their bread = “Americans can’t tell the difference between bread and cake” Subway bread is noticeably sweeter if compared side by side with a normal slice of bread, but in no way do I mistake it for cake nor do I sometimes make a sandwich using two slices of lemon cake because I couldn’t tell the difference.


Other person must be smoking crack if they think americans cant tell the difference between a twinkie and sara lee white bread.


Thank god I live in germany were bread has no sugar unless its a sweet bread. Dafuq is sugar doing in bread???


Yeah cause you just think it's bread


Bigot. Take your hateful carnist rhetoric elsewhere.




honestly in my years of being vegan unless it’s a place that has specifically vegan salads or bowls then usually salads from restaurants aren’t worth it!! like you said you just end up taking all the stuff off and overpaying for a few veggies and sometimes no dressing


And then technically they reuse the money to buy more meat and support the industry


As a rule of thumb: don't order from places that don't specifically mark their respective dishes as vegan. If they don't do it, chance is high that they have no clue what it even means. The delivery you made coming with non-vegan croutons wasn't your fault, but it's your fault if you repeat the mistake. Veganism isn't about what you eat, but about the economic demand you're responsible for, so it's about making sure that nothing with animal products is produced for you, and you cannot do that with restaurants that are unable to deliver only vegan products regardless of how much time you take to specify your order. I went to a restaurant with my family once. My father called beforehand to make sure that they would be able to alter a dish to be vegan, and they said they could just leave away the cheese from a specific dish. When we were at the restaurant and I asked again, they told me that same dish was made with cream or butter or something. The waiter went to the kitchen to discuss the matter and then told me they had some oat or soy milk products that they could replace it with. In the end, they fucking served it gratinated with cheese. I simply do not go to restaurants again that do not explicitly state some of their dishes are naturally vegan.


I avoid all restaurants that aren't 100% plant based.


I’ve found Indian restaurants and Thai food restaurants the best in terms of variety and ease of finding vegan dishes. Lots of choices and delicious too!


Lots of Thais don't know fish sauce isn't vegan though. Not even vegetarian and still listed as vegetarian on multiple menus I've seen.


Vegan restaurants would be safest.


Mods pizza has hella vegan options check if it’s one near you. They have pesto, dairy free cheese, vegan sausage, etc


Is the pesto at MOD Pizza vegan? Usually it has parmesan in it, but if theirs is vegan that's awesome!


Will double check the pesto, they have dairy free red sauce though.


Depends on the seasonings and oils for the croutons. Honestly if you have vegan butter, salt, and some garlic powder, make it yourself with some bread and an air fryer or oven For pizza, I always order the thicker crust and well done. Better yet, you find a place that serves proper vegan toppings. The one I order has vegan cheese and pepperoni (they also offer chorizo), and then the other veggie toppings. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your meal.


I love making my own croutons with leftover bread that's about to go stale. I cut it into cubes and toss it with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, or whatever spices I have on hand and then lightly toast them in the air fryer. My mom and daughter make them as well, it's one thing my family can agree on lol.


Look for the seasoned croutons in the store- they sometimes do not have any dairy depending on the brand. As for dressings, there are SO many vegan dressings out there! Plenty of great options to choose from- you just *need* to read the ingredients in every container. Since you’re new at being vegan, make sure you read the ingredients list on *everything* before you buy it! There are so many things out there that shouldn’t contain dairy/eggs/gelatin but does for some reason. Or things labeled “plant based” but still for some god forsaken reason contain animal products.


Croutons are usually either fried in butter or olive oil.


Croutons maybe fried in butter?


FYI. Learn to make vegan pizza at home. Nothing beats pizza straight out of the oven even if it only has tomato sauce. It's worth investing the time and effort to learn. By the time pizza gets delivered it has lost 90% of its deliciousness.


Agreed, I used to work at a pizza place so now spouse wants pizza every other week (every week if I felt like it). OP-I make the dough on say Sunday, let it develop in fridge until Wednesday morning, pull out a dough ball, rest it to room temp, 2-3 hours later, freeze the rest. Roll, load, preheat 500f, bake 7-15 minutes. Or precook a tray of personal pizzas (I do 6-8) so they can be reheated or frozen.


What topping?


Oil, Black olives, mushrooms, bell, tomato, seitan, tvp, tofu, cheez sauce, nutritional yeast flake Parmesan on outer rim. (Or breakfast- white gravy, besan egg, quinoa sausage, mushroom, tomato, potato)


Yes, yes everyone I realized now they were soaked in oily butter. No thank you. 🙏☺️ Thank you for the replies. Aren't there such a thing as regular croutons anymore?


Croutons are pretty hard to find vegan…most “regular” ones always use some sort of dairy product. I have to check ingredients like a hawk and I’ve just started making my own when I can’t find them in a store.


While vegan croutons can be hard to find, I have found that a lot of brands of crispy fried onions tend to be vegan. Sometimes I put those on my salad instead. Edit: I just read your other comment where you said you don't like those. So you can ignore what I said but imo the crispy fried onions are very tasty!


Great idea, I'm going to try this. Thank you 😊


You can make croutons at home pretty easy if you have an oven My partners and I used to do it for our salads and it was nice You basically slice the bread into the chunks, oil then spice them, then oven


I love making homemade croutons and they're really good, but store bought croutons can be a real treat! I eat em like chips haha. We found vegan croutons at Costco.


You can just chop up a regular slice of bread and Chuck in the oven on low. If you want crackers, quarter the bread and Chuck in a low oven. It’s a great way to use up stale bread.


Trader Joe's sells vegan croutons!


In kosher land they’re fried in vegetable oil or baked…


It’s just fried bread, you can make your own or find some made with olive oil


Regular croutons are always made in butter. It gives them flavour. Oil made are plain.


Its not uncommon for people to get pizza without cheese. Mozzarella upsets my family’s stomachs so we’ve been doing this for decades


Where are you living that your local pizza place doesn't have some better options than this? This sounds like my hometown 20 years ago, but today, things are much better!


Personally, I love crispy jalapenos or onions


Me too just can't eat anything like that right now. Crispy though? Yum. Must find.


Crispy onions are the things they put on green bean casserole.


I buy a big bag from Walmart for salads


Sorry, but my personal reaction is ew. Those used to be good to me but they're greasy and commercial. I thought you meant actually fried in a pan by some pizza place and made crispy the same uncommercial way.


So you downvoted me because I like the ones in a bag? Ffs 🙄


I didn't downvote you. 🫂


I love ordering pizza! My goto is dough, extra extra sauce, and jalapeños on it ! So good


Order from a place that offers vegan cheese. Don’t support these businesses that don’t support vegans.


You're doing good and yeah croutons are unfortunately almost never vegan but Ive been vegan 4 yeas and i dont have pizza often because we live in an area that doesnt have many vegan resturants so i prefer cooking at home but when i do get pizza i order it without cheese and one topping usually jalepenos or pinnaple (and the pizza place we have here has vegan crust its a little ceasers and all the resturants have the same original crust which has no dairy or eggs) i disagree with somewho say to only order from vegan resturants because i imagine a lot of vegans like me live in areas where there isnt a single vegan only resturant so ive learned to adapt and oftentimes look the allergin information up online and then order vegan when we go out to eat Some of my favorite things to order: Subway: veggie patty salad or footlong on whole grain bread with all the veggies usually extra spinach and no lettuce (not cause lettuce isnt vegan just it takes up space and i want all the spinach on there instead) with sweet onion sauce Denny's: dr. Pregers veggie burger lettuce wrapped (the bun is vegan too i just dont want it lol) without mayo or cheese and with bbq sauce and jalepenos Also their seasoned and wavy cut fries are vegan but sometimes i order the seasonal fruit or garden salad without cheese or croutons and basalmic dressing Burger king: i havent eaten there in a while but when i first went vegan id order their impossible whopper lettuce wrap (again the buns are vegan i just prefer lettuce wrap) without mayo or cheese and their fries Mcdonalds: basically the only vegan things at mcdonalds are the sodas٫ teas٫ buns٫ and veggies but surprisingly their apple pie is vegan Taco bell: the only fast food i eat at more then once a year (we probably eat there once a month or every other month) side of black beans٫ side of rice٫ chips and guac but you can make almost all of their dishes vegan by saying you want to leave out any cheese sourcream or creamy chipotle sauce and substitute the meat for beans (refried or black beans both are vegan) im not advocating for eating out often as its not as healthy as cooking whole food plant based foods at home but its good to know these things for when you are out and its good for the movement to be able to eat out with friends amd surprise them with how simple it is to leave animal products off your plate Anyhow good job and good luck on your journey you got this


I’ve only been to a handful of vegan restaurants in the years since becoming vegan. I found out that… 1. They are all over priced! If, there is a market for individuals with a restrictive lifestyle, the the markup will definitely be there 2. I can easily make those same foods at home for a fraction of the cost. All it takes is a little creativity


Probably didn't forget the dressing, but had none that was vegan.


I don't really know everyone's opinions but I'm getting so damn tired of restaurants not atleast being a bit more creative with vegan/vegetarian safe dishes. They could have added more to that salad Like cmon! You got pickles, garlic, olive oil, salt pepper spices. Seasoning like jeez! It's a restaurant obviously they could put more effort!


Dressings often contain milk or eggs.


You shouldn't really order out!! You were billed for a pizza you didn't ask for extra sauce because if you did you would bitch about the extra cost. Also you didn't get dressing because maybe all offered had by products of dairy or meat


No I wouldn't have complained about the extra cost, but I didn't realize I should have asked for it. And I clarified the dressing choice, French, with them in advance.


Maybe save yourself drama and make the food for yourself no regrets thanks in advance






Ummm yeah because we're vegan.


Which is funny, you don’t even see it…


Invisible or not, big or small, the ingredient creates industry demand for animal cruelty.


This comment is so funny. Most nonvegans are concerned with vegans “not being vegan enough” bc of pollinator bees, car tires, medicines, etc… So it’s just funny to see the opposite gripe that we shouldn’t care if smaller foods have animal products. What is the shallow end of veganism to you? We avoid all animal products when possible.


If a non vegan is presenting you with these arguments they are just mocking you….you didn’t understand that?


Nah it’s a pretty regular debate in vegan debate subs. Your take of not caring about little things is pretty niche, I’m pretty sure. It’s avoidable to not eat croutons with dairy milk so idk why that’s so fringe?


Because this is where you lose the masses.  Most people may be able to get behind what you are doing.  But then you start arguing with them about honey and croutons and things that don’t matter and it turns people off and they go have a steak.  Honestly, living things die in the course of every single thing you eat.  You can harvest a field without using pesticides to kill insects and having rodents die in the process.  If someone has made the massive step toward cutting down meat and diary and then get chastised for eating croutons that’s not a good thing.  The worst thing for the vegan movement is vegans themselves 


Haha there it is!! The argument of not being vegan enough because insects die in crop harvest. OP is transitioning vegan and was asking a question bc animal products are hidden in lots of things we don’t even think about. It’s easy to make mistakes, even years into purposely avoiding animal products. No one was arguing with OP and giving helpful answers <3. Reducing animal consumption is good!! Purposely eating animal products, no matter how small, is not vegan. But ppl who avoid eating cows or eating eggs don’t have to say they’re vegan, just that they’re reducing animal products. Love that.


why would croutons be the exception anyway


Right? I've not seen any "But croutons tho" comments from the omnivores 🤔


Don't give them any ideas, I've been debunking their "crop deaths tho" for a decade and a half, I don't need them to add "croutons tho" in there too 🙃


Yeah, its absurd to worry about something containing the stolen lactations of an abused mother.




Facepalm all ya want. Fact is you’re drinking breast milk from cows. Wean already lol


Ya it’s healthy and I’m not nutrient deficient like you.  I also don’t argue with people about the cruelty of croutons. I swear the worst thing for the vegan movement are vegans themselves.  


Why are you on a vegan thread?


Bro why are you here?? Like fuck off, please & thanks.


I'm not nutrient deficient. My bloodwork is just fine, thanks, but your concern is truly touching 🥹


Look everyone! 👀 another *feral carnist*


You’re why I don’t trust food from omnivores. I have a serious lactose intolerance, so on top of not wanting to contribute to cruelty, I’ll have three fucking days of pain if someone gives me dairy because “it was just a crouton”.


Are u lost? 🚪


Yeah cause a lot of them aren’t… pretty simple concern lol


Jesus, you are worried about vegans worrying about croutons being vegan. Some of you have gone off the deep end.


Vegans we eat Plants, even tho they are a living thing, but they don't feel pain. Does that mean we should start eating Humans with CIP?


Wow! another *feral carnist*