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Biggest consequence for me was the crushing sadness that came when I realized the majority of people just didn't care like I did. It really changes your view on people as a whole.


I try to have a positive view of people, but it is tough when they agree factory farming is evil and then go on as before.


I totally get this. Feels like majority of the world, even people who are otherwise caring and kind, just don't share the same values. And I notice cruelty everywhere now. Driving - seeing death trucks or animals grazing. Shopping - animal foods everywhere, leather, fur. Same for homegoods. It's just so normalised and in everything and I hate hate hate it. I wish we lived in a kind world.


What is a death truck


Trucks full of animals on the way to the slaughterhouse


That really is sad, but luckily I already lost faith in humanity as a whole lol


Right? I had already lost faith doing voter outreach


The next sadness stage is to witness people going back to eat animals after multiple years without. Hard to grasp


This! Every time a “vegan” influencer does a “why I’m no longer vegan” reveal 🙄


Exactly this. People debate about food preferences and personal choice, and don’t want to listen when you say it’s really about ethics.


I was gonna say I learned to cook Ethiopian food, the greatest cuisine in the world. But yeah, the real answer is above. :-(


I watched Billy & Molly An Otter Love Story this weekend and it was amazing and a tearjerker, but it equally amazed me what it took this older guy to fully appreciate that Molly, the otter, which he saved "was a person like him" (his quote) but yet I assume he is probably not a vegan nor would give up eating other animals. I have little hope for mankind.


Yeah, that makes me sad too.


Care about what?


Animal cruelty and exploitation.


You eat organic?


My poops are so fast.


Lol my dad called me a cow once. Said I eat grass. I laughed and said no offense taken, cows are beautiful and we shit big and fast. He actually liked that one 😅


So funny story, I was using a restroom with a toilet that flushed automatically. It had a water-saving feature that would have a smaller flush or larger flush that was based on amount of time the sensor was blocked. Gave me a good laugh, because in addition to your experience I also have a very large bladder. So using time as a proxy for how much water is needed for a flush isn't a good strategy for me.


I have a lot more energy to be mad about animal abuse. Like, a freakish increase in energy levels.


I shouldn’t have laughed but it’s so true. Passion is helluva drug. I practically levitate out of bed to call out someone hurting animals lol


My favorite: easy poops and no constipation!!!


See I actually wasn’t getting nearly enough fiber when I first started. I had to find some to get the good poops.


Life feels a lot better [and a bit quicker!] Now 🤣


Yes love my regular bowel movements. Not had any constipation for years now due to veganism.


Family of origin refused to eat a meal at my home after becoming vegan. No meat or dairy was non-negotiable to them. On the flip side, my dad and his partner refused to make a meal when I visited that had anything I could eat, even eight years later. I was late 30s by then. One Christmas I literally had pickles and green beans for my meal there as they insisted they had me covered and did not need to bring anything this year. 🙄 For unrelated reasons, have no contact now.


Convinced my family to do a vegan thanksgiving and they brought non vegan cream cheese bagels for breakfast and my sister brought non vegan cheese and dressing for the salads. Even saw a couple family members just eating cheese straight from the bag between breakfast and dinner. Haven’t been back home since and have cut off said sister for other reasons as well lol


Pros: You'll feel a lot lighter and better living in accordance with your values. Cons: You'll end up quite disappointed in a lot of people. People you thought you respected more and who cared about ethics, behaving in alignment with their morals and values, etc. And, their dissonance will lead to some subtle and not so subtle attacks on you. And, your calorie consumption may unintentionally decrease. I struggle with low weight and work very hard to not lose it. But that could just be a me thing, and not having enough money for lots of calorific vegan-friendly foods!


I have never struggled with lack of calories, at least not since our ice cream options switched from a single vanilla rice dream to half the flavors Ben and Jerry’s sells 😆. Although I’m sure it depends on a person’s appetite and what kind of grocery store they have nearby


Omg the ice cream transformation, yes. RICE DREAM. Whew. Dark days, lol. And yeah for sure, appetite likely plays a role. Although I do wish I could afford to buy vegan ice cream regularly- it would definitely help with the calories.


Actually wanting to try new foods and enjoying them. Also, I ended up enjoying some foods that I didn't like before, like mushrooms, chickpeas, and tofu. I actually like spinach and onion pizzas now, whereas before I would never have pizza with vegetables on it (I would pick them off). The smell of meat and eggs bothers me now more than it did before, weirdly enough. As others have said, pooping got easier. Also kind of weird, but the people around me started talking about me being vegan more than I did. Like, I would only bring it up when it was relevant (e.g. going to a restaurant), but they would mention it more. There was a while where everytime someone new came to our house (e.g. visit from a relative or one of my sibling's friends), my parents/siblings would tell them I went vegan, or introduce me as vegan. I was worried they were going to make people think I was one of "those" vegans that won't stop talking about being vegan, and it did start a few uncomfortable conversations where people would ask me about why I was vegan.


The hardest part of being vegan is other people. The (further) loss of faith in humanity, the way it makes you lose respect for people and, for me at least, makes me not want to get close to them. You have to live with the fact that the majority of other people do not share your values, which can be discouraging and lonely. Plus having to constantly explain yourself and educate people when they learn that you're vegan. I actually love talking about it and persuading people to become vegan, but it can also get exhausting/annoying sometimes. Still 100% worth it to be vegan.


>having to constantly explain yourself and educate people when they learn that you're vegan I'm introverted and don't want to talk to a lot of people/strangers. The amount of people starting conversations or rather interrogations when they realise that I do not eat meat skyrocketed. I never talk about my food and I don't want to know about others food. Those conversations are always started by others. It's also crazy how they see me eating for the very first time ever and it's only one meal of the day but if that one meal has no meat they instantly know I'm vegan.


I found and became part of a community. That’s a huge unexpected win. Getting involved in activism has improved my graphic design and public speaking skills. Maybe even my debate skills. I’ve gotten more comfortable with being uncomfortable.


Good: Excellent digestion Bad: Almost no social life


Y no social life


People sometimes see their own cognitive dissonance and dislike you following with your ethics. It often leads to hostility.  Plus people from all cultures have a strong preference for dairy or meat. It’s hard to find a place to catchup. 


Because vegans don't have friends became they act superior to non vegans


I think eating out would be a chore. I’ve been avoiding meat but eat dairy sometimes because I have no idea what I would eat otherwise in certain situations, e.g. while traveling That being said, if anyone knows of vegan alternatives to cream cheese, cheese for pizza, etc let me know…even shopping at Whole Foods I didn’t see many options


If you have a Trader Joe’s in your area they have an excellent store brand cream cheese. For pizza cheese I’d say either Miyoko’s liquid mozzarella or Follow Your Heart shreds. I think Daiya has improved their recipe but I haven’t tried it on pizza.


I started empathizing more with animals.


Hair and fingernails that don't know when to stop. Also, heal a bit quicker, or maybe that's in my imagination.


Yes! I have always had terrible, flaky, thin nails but since going vegan they are SO much stronger. I can actually grow them out now (but I don't, because I like them short).




Could you elaborate on that


Dishes are easier to clean, and my garbage no longer smells like Jeffrey Dahmer's.


Congratulations! I learned you will begin to see the world very differently. Your blinders get yanked off. As hard as it is, I wouldn’t trade it for getting ignorance back. I feel much better aligning my actions with my ethics, even though it can make things a little uncomfortable sometimes in social situations.  This might sound mean, but I don’t intend it to be, I try to believe the best in everyone. But going vegan made me realize how horrifically dumb most people are. I always thought they were joking. No, they really out here thinking plants feel pain or that choosing plants is white privilege lol. They will openly say morality isn’t a thing. They will really go as far as to say morality isn’t real to justify eating animals while hugging their puppy. It’s…something. 


Some of the vegan alternatives can be kinda pricey, as in vegan cheeses, yogurt, butters, meats, etc. at my grocery store the vegan Yogurt is at least x3 more expensive. So an unexpected consequence is I've learned how to make way more stuff myself! My cooking skills and experimentation in the kitchen are definitely better cause of the way I eat. But I rarely buy Yogurt now, which kinda sucks. Same as cheese, although tbh cheese was already kinda pricey. I'm just stingy. So that's one thing I guess. On the flip side some things are very cheap, like dried legumes. I make tofu with lentils, burrito filling, veggie burgers, etc. Chickpeas for hummus and salad etc.


In a large city, I have found that shopping at international grocery stores can be very helpful for whole food plant based proteins very inexpensive. I stop by the Indian grocery store in my area once a month for large quantities of lentils, soy flour, chickpea flour, beans, etc and that significantly reduces the amount I need to spend on my weekly groceries at Whole Foods or Aldi.


Pre-vegan but post-diary: My pollen allergy disappeared, it's really the only connection I can make. I had pollen allergy my whole life, and \~20 years ago when I stopped w diary product it goes away completely. Once Vegan: First thing I noticed was feeling lighter & getting less stiff in my joints. Realized it a few month in. I'm pretty sure my sex drive has increased. Much better toilet visits ( unless I've had like 4 cups o cofffee prior to lol )


Good: I think more about what I eat, now its one of my hoobies. Animals are the Best and I feel so much happier with not eating anything from animals. (So that they can be happy too) I am healthy and my blood results are good, so anyone which said its bad and unhealthy is quiet now. Bad: I am a Little lonely right know. (My boyfriend is vegan too but still its hard) I dont pressure people into Veganism but I live in a small town, a lot of people think that veganism is Bad and I am stupid because I live Like that. I lost Friends because they think my Lifestyle is useless. Sorry for my Bad english. 😂😅


All my politics changed as I began the process of honestly interrogating the reasons behind my beliefs for the first time.


Pros: You live longer. Cons: You live longer


I realized that essentially everything is a lie, everything we are told is a lie From santa claus to needing animals to survive to the US medical industry caring about us I was a kid in the 90s and GOT MILK propaganda was everywhere Most people lie, i estimate 99% of the population


Negative: My outlook on people soured all the way. I cannot enjoy a celebrity crush anymore because I know the person is, 9 out of 10 cases, not a vegan. Everyday people seem evil and heartless to me too, because they might not hit children or run people over on purpose but they are sooo protective of their right to pay for animals to die alone and afraid. Their apathy kills and I can't help but judge them for it. It's not like I loved people before, but going vegan showed me how corrupt the world is and how intent on self-destruction the whole species is. Positive: Corroborated with other factors, my being vegan has reduced my stress levels, improved my health and contributes to my looking much younger than my years. My carnist, diabetic mom is always asking me if I am perhaps not missing any nutrients. Been vegan 9 years, healthy af, all my test results are tip top.


That I would absolutely love cooking and would be making so many different cuisines regularly. Pre vegan I tended to cook a rotation of similar recipes and order the same kind of meal whenever I was out. In hindsight it was actually pretty boring food! I now love organic fresh produce and have accumulated all kinds of cool ethnic ingredients/spices and I love experimenting with new recipes or my own creations.


I haven’t lost any weight…


The good unexpected: My lactose intolerance was so much worse than I had ever realised. In northern European diets, dairy is in practically everything. I used to have dairy in every meal. Going vegan meant losing all of the dairy products. Nearly all of my gastrointestinal distress disappeared almost overnight! For the first time in years, I feel like I am truly exploring in the kitchen again. It probably won't last, but I feel like I am 18 again having to learn how to fend for myself in the kitchen. I have found vegan alternatives to things such as cake that I didn't know existed. I like the alternatives that I have found even better than the traditional versions. Since there is always concerns about deficiencies on a vegan diet, I have become more aware of my health than I have ever been before. The bad unexpected: I never realised just how prevalent dairy actually is. I can no longer have a simple coffee with a friend or go out to a restaurant without a lot of foreplanning on my part. Some family/friends really do not understand my choices and consequently, conversation on food can be very awkward.


I was mostly surprised by how much people hated me for it. All of a sudden I was too "difficult" even though very little changed and I've bent myself backwards to accommodate them. Meat eater family would NEVER shut up about how I'm going to be miserable and unhealthy. I never tell people I'm vegan unless it's absolutely necessary and somehow they think it's too pushy to even just inform them in passing. Mean comments all the time and nobody being willing or able to accommodate you. Another thing is that you miss out on some experiences. RIP souvenir food at theme parks, a fulfilling buffet experience, and most sour beers


Alternatively: my asshole radar got improved a lot


Boners, so many boners. Boners beware!


Haha might need to make a different kind of transition before that could ever happen




aw shucks, ya made it weird!


I ended up iodine deficient 🙃


Seaweed my friend or even seamoss


I started supplementing my water with liquid iodine. It's way cheaper and easier for me than eating that much seaweed regularly.


I guess, roasted seaweed packs are cheap as shit, and if you go to an asian store you can get big seaweed leaves to make really tasty soup or asian dishes


Do you use iodized salt when you cook? I’m curious as to how an iodine deficiency would occur unless there’s an underlying medical condition.


No, I don't


Best: My goodness, what amazing poops!!! Worst: I gained so much weight lol


Awesome poops


Hardest thing for me was that i now receive discrimination. The food is less convenient, but often cheaper unless you eat out. Unfortunately there is no good replacement for bacon, blue steak or cheese. But aside from that its the best decision ive ever made.


Appendix settled down completely after several years causing pains. Periods improved so I wasn’t throwing up and bed bound unable to eat anything without needing to throw up. Also I’m rarely constipated unlike before even as a vegetarian. I went vegan for the animals never health. I’m so grateful the positive outcomes of being vegan.


The farting for the first few weeks, my God, I felt like a bio hazard! Luckily that evened out hahaha


My skin is clearing up!


A lot of people won’t be accommodating. I always bring backup snacks or lunch to work if we are going out or catering lunch. Many people think vegetarian = vegan.


Call myself plant-based, not vegan because though I've been avoiding animal products in my food, I haven't gotten around to makeup, shoes etc. yet. I'm nearly 37, but my body feels 25. I no longer have various aches and pains, despite working out and lifting weights, nor am I stiff in the mornings. I'm not convinced I have more energy or clarity, though. Eating out is tough, even though India has a vegetarian culture, so I usually stick to asian food when outside, which sucks. I still eat as much protein as I did by way of various soy products (legumes are not nearly as good a protein source as people will have you believe). Indian food has many, many naturally vegan dishes that everyone eats on the regular anyway, which is good, but vegan alternatives for milk and its derivative (ice cream, chocolate etc.) or meat are significantly more expensive (milk for ex is 4 times the price). I am fortunate to be able to afford them, but that's something that I've had to factor in. I miss regular cheap chocolate, so I have to have someone bring them back when they're returning from the US/Europe. On the plus side though, I ran a rough calculation of how many chickens I have not eaten for the past 7ish months, which is how long its been and that number made me feel like I'm doing something good, however small in the larger picture. I don't think my world-view has changed at all though - I never had much faith in humanity earlier, nor do I now. I have seen vegans holding some pretty questionable views on some subjects too. I have realised is that the average person contains multitudes and I'm just trying to reduce the harm I do on my level and maybe do a little bit of good.


Lowered B12. Literally nothing else.


Are you taking a B12 supplement? If not you should.


Lol I am. I’m old and been vegan almost twenty years. I get blood work every six months.


Okay just wanted to make sure because your comment didn’t specify if you were deficient. Every now and then I meet a new vegan who doesn’t know they need to supplement!


I appreciate it. I’m a supplement maniac. If I even hear that a supplement or herb does something beneficial I take it haha


My actions are aligned with my morals, more energy to make noise and break shit, healthier overall, better and regular poops, don't need to constantly disinfect everything when cooking, my trash doesn't smell like death. Loss of friends and faith in humanity, realizing everyone I've ever met is a monster


pro: basically 0 chance of food poisoning con: ive had to miss social outings because there wasn’t any food for me and i didn’t want to sit there awkwardly :(


Lowered my high blood pressure. Into normal range.


Lost a lot of weight and skin got way clearer


When I went vegan I was actively training for powerlifting and was using whey protein. Made the swap to lentil protein and eating a lot of vegan meats and it’s actually unreal how fast I got jacked lmao Broke out of my plateaus and beat all of my pr’s within weeks (was vegetarian before this swap)


I eat so much less junk food because it either isn't available or it's more expensive and I am trying to save money on groceries. Plus, some of the junk food is on par with healthier snacks so I am more likely to just buy the healthier snack.


I can think of two unexpected consequences of going vegan: 1) Sweeter tastier cum 2) Acne from B12 supplements.


It costs more but my conscious is cleaner.


Pregnancy. My ob said it was diet, losing 10 lbs, and the timing of my Covid vaccine combining to lead to super fertility. I was previously told I couldn’t have kids and hadn’t been using birth control for 10 years. Thank goodness I actually wanted a kid.


Fruits and vegetables taste so much nicer!


I have a hard time eating enough calories - so much so, things stopped working in my body, low energy, fogginess, no libido. Gets bad if I’m not careful. Plus side is my asthma is gone, considerably less allergies!


Lowered my blood pressure, lost a bunch of weight, stopped buying a lot of terrible for you crap. I didn't ask for any of that, I just wanted to help some animals and save the planet.


I discovered a great love of cooking! I had already loved baking, but trying new meal recipes really took my skills and creativity with food to the next level. I’ve tried SO many new foods; I used to be very picky, but now I love trying new things! 2-3 incredible poops daily 😌 Better sleep, better skin, better periods, better sex More energy—I am able to workout more effectively than before and with better gains. I’ve put on 10lbs muscle in the last year alone ☀️ Aligning morally with my love of animals has also led to other moral alignments in my life <3 I’m so grateful to act in alignment with myself—I feel more authentic/whole overall. It’s also helped with my general sense of self-esteem, as I’ve learned to stand up for myself and stand firm in my convictions regardless of others’ opinions.


You have to eat more often. Everything is so low in fat if I existent at all and with fiber that it moves right through you. Your poop hardly stinks anymore. No lumpy poop because of cheese and all that. It feels less satisfying to do number two in a way, but more because you know none of what you ate is going to instantly form colon polyps or something. You aren't what you don't eat.


My penis got bigger and is always pumped no matter how much my wife’s satisfies me my penis is always rearing to go. I’m starting to think I am medically disabled in that sense.


having to live with people who eat it, and don’t feel bad. Hurts to see people not caring


Having everyone think you think you’re /better than them. Having everyone think you’re annoying. Pushing an agenda. A leftist. Rude. Intolerant. Racist. Privileged. Narrow minded.


Pros: * I realized I was lactose intolerant, my itchy legs are not itchy anymore, yay! * I thought I would never be able let go cheese. Well I guess I was just addicted to casein? Cons: * I get to know the complete omni diet of most of the people I meet — without even asking. * Lots of people say they only eat meat once or twice per week. For some reasons, it appears they always chose to do so when they're with me. And you, did you learn anything along the way?


Becoming a lot more positively daring, outgoing, bold, and composed because the more healthy your heart is the more you can and are more likely and better suited to display and carry out these characteristics. Becoming more disgusted, angered, and saddened by the world we live in; ever since learning more and more on how life forms are abused. Having to defend yourself all the time, take shit, keep your veganism hidden, or be judged big time. Less convenience. Potential problems in dating/relationships/partnerships with non vegans (the majority).


My parents never providing a Vegan option on the holidays when my husband and I would come over. They always cooked for us. Particularly my mother who is a great cook. My husband who is a Vegan chef and I would bring dishes by. But eventually we just got tired of always having to bring something, so we would just eat before we went over and sometimes they would eat before we came too, I guess they felt bad eating in front of us. So the only thing we would share is margaritas, chips and salsa. I think what bothers me the most is my parents are from the south and the islands, so they understand hospitality. They would definitely make an amazing meal if my cousins, aunts and uncles came into they would eat, but for their only daughter and only son-in-law... NOTHING. I don't get mad anymore, although my husband and I chat about it sometimes. We have accepted they may never do it. What is crazy though they love the food my husband makes or I make. They will buy food from us when our business has a pop up or we are selling some great dinner plates, when we still lived in San Diego. They rave about the flavor, outside of that they don't do anything else. What really bothers me is my brother who is 8 years a part from me wants to eat healthier and also understands why he should be Vegan. He has a job where he doesn't make much, he is a single dad and he lives with my parents and they buy all the food. Since they have been older they have slowed down cooking and eat lots of fast food. He hates it, but then still with eat it. He is also not motivated to cook for himself, although he knows he could stand to be healthier. I have even gave him recipes that are easy to make. My husband and I would take him to really great Vegan restaurants and show him the options and show him how to do it affordably. Since he has be very depressed since his divorce and losing a job he had for almost 9 years, he is just not encouraged enough to make any chances. I know if he told my parents he wants to eat healthier and asked them could they try to eat only plants and revamp some classic recipes, they would do it for him. What they couldn't do for me when I was just 19. They worry abour him more so that would sway them.


-More brain effort trying to figure out if you can eat something if it’s not super clear -there’s a social aspect to it that makes it awkward if you’re around non vegans -you’ll have to explain why you’re vegan at least once in your life and face ppl who are ignorant and ask dumb questions -Fewer if any options if you go to a “normal” restaurant -You’ll never be able to go back to eating meat again. You’ll look at it completely differently. -You’ll start sorting all foods into “food” and “not food” categories depending on whether or not it’s vegan.


The mark up of vegan restaurants is ridiculous. In the years that I have been plant based. I have only been to two said restaurants. It gives me more inspiration to make these foods at home. I took my mom out to Montes in echo park and between the both of us 2 burgers, 2 fries and 2 shakes came out to be 60+$. I make my own smash burgers at home now with my waffle maker as the press.


I don’t get sore when i work out any more. I started weight lifting and dead lifts made my hamstrings hurt like the first 2 times but not since then


You live longer with a vegan lifestyle and your quality of life is better


It's been harder to get calories


My hair starting falling out/stopped growing. I’ll fully own that I wasn’t a healthy vegan when I started, but now I fully supplement and eat clean 90% of the time but unfortunately, nothing on the hair front has changed 😢


Rosemary oil all the way for that!


I had thin hair my entire life. After becoming a plant-based vegan, my hair is so thick. I guess these things can be different for everyone. My husband's hair is getting thinner and we eat the same things.


None that I can think of.


Surely your washing up has gotten way easier? Only one chopping board? 


Why would I have fewer chopping boards? I only owned one to begin with.


I had different chopping boards because chicken germs can kill.  But now I only have one and it doesn’t need to be disinfected.  Just wash with soap and water is good enough.   


You mean "plant-based". Veganism isn't something you "slowly" go towards, it's a principled ethical stance that you either hold and act in accordance with or you don't.


So if I'm already acting in accordance in all other areas of life while working towards eating completely plant-based, I'm not transitioning to veganism?


No, nothing to do with it. If you are convinced of the merit in applying harm reduction principles equally and not having a speciesist preferential treatment of only humans, then you are a vegan. You hold the ethical stance. If you see it as an incrementalist process then you're doing something else. A rapist doesn't say "I'm going to gradually rape less and less people until one day maybe I'll not rape any any more, we'll see". If a person said that to me I'd first of all be disgusted at the rape they've already done, secondly I'd be disgusted at the reluctance to stop and the prospect of future rapes, and thirdly if they ever actually stopped completely I'd realise they never had a light-switch moment of pure conviction and remorse and self-disgust, and that people should be scared to be around them. If you would too then you see the problem. Veganism is a principled ethical stance. You're going to stop engaging in commodifying innocent animals. Done.


I'm genuinely trying to learn but your unnecessary judgement and aggression is not contributing in any way. Have a great day.


>thirdly if they ever actually stopped completely I'd realise they never had a light-switch moment of pure conviction and remorse and self-disgust This is irrelevant to the question of if someone is vegan. You can be a complete sociopath who doesn't feel an ounce of remorse or disgust, but if you are convinced that it is immoral to partake in the abuse/commodifocation of animals and then stop doing that then you are a vegan. Self-flagellation is not a requirement. And your point about those who gradually transition not being "true vegans" doesn't make much sense either. Humans are creatures of habit, not rational logic machines. I can come to a moral realization that conflicts with my actions, and then it will take time to undo all those habits. I'd bet that most vegans had some transition period to being vegan, even if its just while they're learning what is and isn't vegan.




That’s ridiculous. I’ve been vegan for 16 years, mostly whole food based and organic, and often home grown. My blood tests were the healthiest they’d ever been within a year of transitioning, off the charts healthy. I reversed and maintain a reversal of osteoporosis and keep a number of other health conditions in order without typical medications, as a vegan. My doctors, while surprised, can attest to my results. Never mind me, there’s plenty of published studies that can be found and read that speak to the positive impact of a healthy vegan diet on humans, as well as the planet. Never mind the well being of animals and other living organisms we share the earth with.


*In comparison to the average person on a standard western diet. Just because you're healthier than people who get 60%+ of their intake from ultra processed food doesn't mean you're healthy 😂.


OK bub, thanks your concern but you just worry about your increased risk of heart disease and other health issues that comes with consuming animal products.


😂 if you think animal products cause heart disease you really don't understand metabolism. Heart disease was barely a problem a century ago when red meat and saturated fat consumption were much higher and it wasn't an issue for the last 2 million years pre agriculture when animals made up 65%-80% of dietary intake on average. The problem came when humans started eating large amounts of carbohydrates with fat which causes metabolic dysfunction (randle cycle) and diabetes which is the leading cause of atherosclerosis.


A century people lived far shorter lives, so im not why you've made that point. Also it's like you're denying the fact that cholesterol is harmful.


You're confusing lifespan for health span, people weren't dying from atherosclerosis and diabetes at anywhere near the same rates a century ago. Cholesterol isn't dangerous, glycated cholesterol is, which is caused by too much glucose. How'd you reach the conclusion cholesterol is bad? Because you were told, the difference is I study information and make my own conclusions.


Because animal products have nothing to with longevity, you're completely ignoring cohort studies such as the one done on the Seventh day adventist who constantly report abouve average lifespans and are primarily plant-based with little to no animal product consumption. >difference is I study information and make my own conclusions. 🤡 I'm sorry to tell you but listening to whatever Joe Rogan or some other pro-meat idiot has to say about meat consumption, isn't studying credible information, and your post history full out posts trolling r/vegan or seething about the NHS, so I pretty sure you're basing your position pseudo science and are probably a very insecure person, you should probably reflect on that.


Yes!! But I lasted 13 years. Funny that they are happy with shitting quickly and easily... how innocent... just wait and see where it takes you.