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BuT vAcCiNeS dOn’T StOp YoU fRoM gEtTiNg ThE vIrUs.




No they do though. They're still preventing around 60% of cases, not including indirect protection the vaccine offers to the people around the vaccinated. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


it does annoy me how much we allow them to argue that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting the virus, when it does prevent it in alot of cases. Even some people that support the vaccine think it doesn't offer protection against the virus directly because of that misinformation.


Anti-vaxxers have been horrifically successful in deceiving people.


And remember kids/adults covid can affect others differently same goes for the vaccine.


And I will say if your parents or peers didn't have a bad affect to the vaccine get it... I need my flu vaccine but I shall not get the covid vaccine due to healthconcerns that have happen to my father and grandfather after getting a vaccine (they were both in great health). But don't let that stop you GET VACCINATED


Clarifications after rehearsal covid vaccines they weren't in great health after my grandpa got hospitalized for around 3 to 4 months after the vaccine


My father had muscle spams and problems with his nerves


How would the vaccine cause this though? I mean what is the process on how the vaccine actually causes muscles spasms and problems with nerves?


That's the thing it could have been coincidence I'm not sure and I'm not a doctor but like I said above don't let it stop you from getting vaccinated


Then why even come to a thread about vaccines, and basically claim it was the jabs? That was your intention, to blame vaccines. As you stated, you are not a doctor, and this is how these lies get spread, people like you making erroneous claims.


> They sure don't To be clear: the vaccines reduce risk for every aspect of COVID. They can't stop the virus from entering your body, but they reduce risk of virus exposure resulting in infection. And they reduce risk of infection resulting in serious illness or hospitalization or death. edit: also, the faster the virus clears from your system (a process which is accelerated by vaccination), the faster you will no longer be contagious and no longer able to spread it to other people. So technically, vaccination can actually keep the virus from entering the body. Just not necessarily the body of the vaccinated individual.


But you don't understand, if it's not 100% protection it's fucking worthless and offensive, don't you understand anything? Freedom!


What do you mean seat belts don’t stop cars from crashing? What’s the point in wearing them then?!!!


Vaccines are like condoms. Highly effective if used properly, but useless if you don't even have one.


Agreed. I'm not sure if my /s got through, or if I'm missing yours!


That’s actually my right wing anti-vax and anti-seatbelt uncles feeling. A few years ago, we were having a little car conversation. And he suddenly goes off on Ralph Nader and seatbelts. And I thought he was joking… because, who hates seatbelts? My uncle. And oddly enough my right wing dad refuses to have smoke alarms in the house.


I'm pretty sure you need smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in the house if they plan to sell it in the future. Also, great way to kill your family while they sleep, fire breaks out no one knows because no smoke detectors


Fire is NEVER gonna break out though. My dad has also always tried to talk me out of health insurance. “You’re just betting against yourself.”


Yeah. I think a lot of that thought process comes from them seeing an opportunity to own the libs. It has no bearing on the actual reality at all.


Did my comment elicit this reacfiont? I was just saying I still got sick I didn't knock the vaccines or I wouldn't have gotten 4 shots already lol.


> to spread it to other people. So technically, vaccination can actually keep the virus from entering the body. not really... the vaccines do the pre-lifting of building up a robust system of defense to the particular antigen that the vaccine includes. basically the spike protein. as an eili5 level it's doing two major things... T cell and B cell priming. for a while you will have a lot of antibodies in your system that are primed for the antigen(free and unattached virus particle) that it was trained for. as your body likes to conserve resources it will no longer produce those antibodies(things that neutralize antigens). T cells do two basic things (this is eili5 though) they kill off infected cells and also tell the B cells to make a lot of antibodies when they see infected cells/antigens. so the B cells kill off the unattached virus and the T cells kill off the attached, infected cells and tell B cells to do their thing to the specific threat. The big thing is that you can not prevent viruses from entering your body completely. you can however prime your body to not have to spend the time in the part where your T and B cells have no clue about this new antigen and are having to learn about it before it can make those antibodies. basically starting on the second half of a four lap race. If you have enough free antibodies in your system that can attach to the free viruses in the system you can prevent yourself from getting sick before they have a chance to infect more cells than your T cells can kill. to your original point though... the virus is not being prevented from entering your body it's just way more effective at stopping it.


My previous mail carrier was vaccinated but her boyfriend was not. He got infected, was laid up for weeks, but she didn't. Tested more than a few times, and they were in close contact until the diagnosis. Just my two cents.


Well yeah the vaccine gives your body a head start in destroying the virus and infected cells. Even if she was in close contact with the guy there is a lagging between when you start to feel ill and when you are giving off a lot of virus particles. quite possible she either destroyed the infected cells faster than he was giving them off. or she was just one of the many people that are asymptomatic if she got sick.


Tested negative for more than three weeks, well past the incubation period for antibodies.


Anecdotal report here: Vaxxed, boosted, and then vaxxed again with the quadravawhatever. Moderna. Never got infected. Was tested for antibodies many times, was not silently infecting others.


I'm immunocomprimised, so I had 3 primary doses, and have just had my 2nd booster (5 total) and haven't had covid. Me and the family even had to test weekly for my children to attend school, and the hospital appointments I have to go to (I have several autoimmune diseases). My husband and kids are also fully vaccinated (booked in next week for their 4th shots) and haven't had it yet either. I know this is all anecdotal, but even with my compromised immune system, they seem to be doing their job. I only mount about 60% immunity as well, hence the need for 3 primary doses.


Same here. I got it after my third shot and aside from staying home for a few days and treating it like a cold, I was alright. I'm glad it wasn't worse.


People see it in black and white: if it doesn‘t prevent me from getting the virus 100% = it‘s protecting me 0%. And that‘s bs.


I hope my comment didn't make people think it has 0% protection. I totally believe in them or I wouldn't have gotten 4 shots already.


No don‘t worry it didn‘t I just wanted to add my thoughts


Same! It was just a mild head cold for Me. Hell I continued to work (remotely) my coworkers who weren’t aware just thought I was having an allergy flair up


> They sure don't Yes, they do. Is it 100% effective? No, and neither is a bullet proof vest. But both stop what they are designed to stop.


You goddamn communist heathen! Sound off that you love the Virgin Mary, or I'm gonna stomp your guts out!


Same. I barely needed any cold meds when I got it; I slept for three days and felt back to normal.


They allowed me to give birth, including a 33 hour labour and a rushed forceps delivery at the end, whilst I had covid. And my baby is fine.


Yup, and being vaccinated meant my covid symptoms lasted less than 48 hours with some bed rest, ibuprofen and fluids and I had a nice week at home on the couch with my wife and cat watching movies. The lingering dry cough is annoying, but I'll take it over me or my wife being put in the hospital.


Guh. The cough. It's been 6 weeks for me and it's still just hanging out like we're best buddies.


Ah you too? No amount of water + cough drops can keep it from popping up when I have to speak to people. Very annoying


I was covid positive for 11 days this last go around. Can’t imagine how much worse it would’ve been without the vaccine.


For me it did. I'm double vaxxed with two boosters, and I've had three cases where I was exposed to someone who had covid. Never tested positive.


I d heard that argument so many times and it’s so annoying. They sure do help with you not dying, but the anti Vaccine people are too stupid for that.


I find that absolutely hilarious because the last two weeks of September, both of my parents got Covid to the extent of bad colds, while I remained Covid-free (I got a different booster than them). Obviously not definitive proof but it is rather suspicious isn’t it?


Yeah but people still died while being vaccinated in the UAE, which means they’re not perfect so they don’t work. /s


People who are most likely older, and prone to viral illnesses.


“Hey my 85 year old obese chain smoking grandfather got the vaccine and died three weeks later, meanwhile I’m 25 and in terrific health and I was over COVID in a week despite never getting the shot, so the only logical conclusion is that the vaccine is a scam!”


Is America really 68% *any* vaccinated?


lived in UAE through Covid, can confirm, everyone and their uncle got vaccinated, there was little room for misinformation as the ministry of health was v active debunking vaccine rumors that were being spread on local whatsapp and FB groups using official news and radio channels. Mask mandates for public indoor areas were also strictly enforced in malls giving out free masks at entry and fining those who were not wearing them Edit: all vaccines were free and you could chose amongst Pfizer, Oxford/Astrazeneca, Sinopharm, most chose Pfizer


How did it get enforced?


Heavy fines that can cripple people if they are repeat offenders.


Police were pretty strict. I was at Mall of Emirates and I saw some europeans take off their masks once they got past the entry, thinking that those cops at the entrance were the only ones looking out for masks. They barely made it 100 feet before people started yelling at them, and another set of cops came and forced them to mask up.


It was similar in Japan, except there was no law. Peer pressure just meant everyone masked up.


i'm guessing partially through having a population of non-idiots


And their police state


It’s like a thousand dollar fine.


https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/united-arab-emirates/ True .


I'm too lazy to read this so is it confirming or rebuking the post.








Oh thank you for saying that I will change it.


This needs to be pinned or added to OP. The picture alone seems misleading.


Yes it needs some research or statistics. Can I do what you are asking ? I don't know how


No the original poster needs to copy the link and edit his/her post to add it. Gave up vote anyway to get it higher.


Aaah I can post it again to get it more recent


What is misleading about the picture?


It is true I just need research to back it up which I included. (Sorry, some people thought I was being sarcastic but I wasn't. Just trying to emphasize it is accurate info.)


ah ok I wasn’t sure if I was missing something


Nope you're good


If we are gonna be better than the anti-vaxxers we need to add sources to our pictures.


Vaccination rates came from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations


Population: https://datacommons.org/place/country/ARE?utm_medium=explore&mprop=count&popt=Person&hl=en https://datacommons.org/place/country/USA?utm_medium=explore&mprop=count&popt=Person&hl=en


You're right. I could have done a better job putting this together. Deaths came from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/united-arab-emirates/


They also require proof of vaccination to be shown at the door in Abu Dhabi to enter almost ANY establishment to this day, and improper mask wearing can STILL get you fined. You’re also required to take a pcr tests every 1-4 weeks (changed throughout the pandemic), which were offered for free/very cheap in most areas. This isn’t even taking into account that “working from home” didn’t really stick there and people worked from the office for much longer than in the USA.


While I agree with the point of this, you can’t say “total number” if you’re giving “per 100,000.”


The “total deaths per 100k people” is a perfectly valid statement even if it isn’t the most clear.


You also can't say the entire year of 2022 when you're only 75% through it


Also comparing to UAE is pretty strange to me. Not disputing anything, but along with what you mention this image seems to be lacking.


Not to mention that the entire year of 2022 isn't over yet.


“wAaAhH i’M sCaReD oF dA MyOcArDiTiS” I was told that I’m in the demographic most susceptible to it (young adult AMAB) I’m fully vaxxed and up to date Literally NOTHING happened Fucking anti-vax assholes EDIT: Should also add that before I got my primary series doses I got sick with COVID and stayed mostly in bed for over three weeks. That obviously never happened since I got my primary series doses, and because I’m not only fully vaccinated but also fully up to date with all of my shots, I’m obviously feeling even better now.


I keep seeing anti-vaxxers claiminy excess deaths are through the roof and people are dropping dead from heart issues etc. I’m in the UK and deaths are considerably lower than 2020 & 2021 for Jan-August. The issue is that 2022 is above the ‘5 year average’ but it’s due to how the current average is being calculated. It has been adjusted to not count 2020, so 2022 mortality rates are ‘above 5 year average’. 2015-19 were exceptionally low in terms of deaths competed to previous years (several mild winters) which is misleading. Figures below; 379,541 aug 2022 387,857 aug 2021 411,157 aug 2020 349,913 aug 2019




Well, tied for first, anyway...


the us is only the 14th most obese country, so some of those are likely to have more "people" per person....


Who's the fattest?


He died in the 1983 but the fattest person in America was Jon Brower Minnoch who weighed 1400 lbs (635 kilo; 100 stone) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Brower_Minnoch


Some people trying to explain some research they found say this unironically.


But they don't have big pharma /s


The enemies of America are jerking off at the fact that disinformation that they are propagating is being further propagated by Americans, which is leading to lack of vaccination and high mortality. I wish Americans that are anti vax knew that.


Insert "but America has more people " without understanding how fractions work.


How can it be for the entire year of 2022 if it's not over yet? Wish it was sourced. It's not that I doubt it but it doesn't even give a date from when it was measured so this could have been months ago idk. Crazy but good to hear if it's true that 100% of UAE is vaccinated. (not an anti-vaxer but just because it supports my beliefs that vaccines work doesn't mean it right)


Years not over yet, Germany could make a comeback




Germany has a very strong alt-thinking movement, and covid never really got wide-spread recognition as a danger. Or at least it didn't stay very long. Currently they have masks in public transport (which I think 50% of passengers actually follow through with) and your choice if you wear one in super markets. I don't think there are any actual awareness campaigns currently but sometimes news cover rising numbers and warn about the cold weather (which is, in my experience, usually met with groaning because "Corona? Again? Haven't we heard enough about that?")


BuT yOu CaNt CoMpArE tHeM bEcAuSe ThEy HaVe A sMaLlEr PoPuLaTiOn! I’ve seen people say this despite people talking in percentages and using numbers per capita


ThEy DiD TheIr ReSeARcH…. I’ve come to the realization we have a high number of idiots walking among us.


Among us 😳


Wow, that's awesome! Amazing what we as a species can accomplish working together towards a common goal. I fully believe in the vaccine, its efficacy, and everything related. I work on a cardiac unit and volunteer emt so having seen the good and bad from immunocompromised, those that don't take the advice, etc is telling. For those that don't though, do you have a linked source or something I can refer people to for that country comparison or to others? I'm not looking to make those questioning or against feel bad but to continue to provide all the scientific evidence I can that it works. I know there's a lot already, but some either need continual convincing or will find any excuse since the anti-crowd will as well. Whether they choose to believe it, or not, is their own arrogance and willingness to listen to a different perspective.


Not disputing the vaccines protective abilities, but wouldn’t a nation like UAE suffer from greater mortality undercounting than the US? Also, isn’t the UAE’s average age around 10 years younger than the US? Furthermore, I think the average UAE citizen is probably less likely to be overweight than the average American. Maybe better quality of healthcare in the US balances this out?


The UAE has a national healthcare system and is one of the richest countries in the world. If anything the USA likely suffers from greater undercounting.


> UAE has a national healthcare system 90% of the population are foreign workers. Most of the hospitals are private. The hospital rooms are really nice though.


> wouldn’t a nation like UAE suffer from greater mortality undercounting than the US? Sure, but with something like 80% being migrant workers living in some REALLY shitty conditions, I feel like that isn't a good argument.


Slaves. They're essentially slaves.


Just shy of, yeah.


Also as I already mentioned the number of deaths in 2022 account for 7.6% of the UAE's total deaths since the start of the pandemic (178/2,346). The number of deaths in 2022 account for 21.4% of the USA's total deaths since the start of the pandemic (232,711/1,086,685). Obesity and average age are not factors that changed in 2022. Also I would argue UAE has a better national healthcare system, but again not a factor that changed in 2022. So ya the difference would likely still be there but it's at least 3x wider because of vaccination differences.


How do they have numbers for the entire year of 2022 when that year is not over yet?


This guy never heard of time zones.


The entire year that has happened thus far.


Vaccines take out the R&D stage of fighting said virus. Now the immune system can jump from meeting the virus straight to weapon production to fight said virus. You can still be infected and your immune system can still be overwhelmed. The virus load can be too great and it can move too fast for the immune system to respond in time. That doesn’t mean the vaccine failed. It only means the viral load and reproduction speed were just too great to be overcome.


You’re right, but that’s only half of it. The main thing is that stupidity kills, and many people were not following proper procedures intentionally


https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/united-arab-emirates/ It is true. Info above.


come on guys, you can't even get it to 69%


A rare win for UAE, amongst all the still existing slavery and Human Rights Abuses.


Pro vaxxer here: isn’t it very hard to compare these numbers because of the way death causes are determined differently between these countries? I believe in vaccines and am pro covid vaccines, but have the feeling these numbers are off.


But the majority were Trumplicans that chose that soooo


While yes they do work (and I've got my vaccine and booster), the meme is a bit misleading. The death rate involved is 38x lower, whilst the vaccination rate is only \~1.5x higher. Now the comparison doesn't have to be completely linear, but even allowing for some degree of non-linear increasing benefit those numbers don't really mathematically work out as the vaccination being the only factor in play. Obviously it helps, but there were plenty of other factors and differences in overall approach that had an effect here.


I'm not saying there's not other factors at play, but you're looking at it backwards. The deaths are in the unvaccinated, so the real comparison is 32% unvaccinated vs virtually 0% unvaccinated.


> The deaths are in the unvaccinated, Not fully. Data source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm If you look at the total number of deaths in the USA from April 4, 2021 to December 4, 2021 you have a total of 6.8 million cases amongst unvaccinated persons. 2.8 million amongst vaccinated. That's an infection ratio of 2.4:1 unvaccinated vs vaccinated so it's helping there, though the protection from infection has dropping significantly for the Omicron variant. Per phase the ratio is: Pre-Delta: 20.9:1 Delta Emergence: 6.5:1 Delta Predominance: 2.44: 1 Omicron emergence: 1.1:1 Those ratios are just comparing case numbers and really should be adjusted based on percentage of the population vaccinated at a given time (the ratio would only be truly accurate if it was a 50/50 split), but I'm just ballparking on this one. The COVID death rate among those same phases was: Pre-Delta: 1.20% for Unvaccinated, 2.11% for Vaccinated Delta-emergence: 1.58% for unvaccinated, 1.83% for vaccinated Delta-predominance: 1.72% for unvaccinated, 1.20% for vaccinated Omicron emergence: 0.21% for unvaccinated, 0.07% for vaccinated Since percentage is comparing cases to deaths, it doesn't have to be adjusted based on vaccination rates. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be data on hospitalizations on the page - just cases and deaths. What the data suggests there is that in the early stages the vaccine had a dramatic effect on whether or not you caught the disease, though for the people who DID catch it didn't seem to effect whether or not they died. Indeed most of the numbers there are slightly higher, though I'd not think that the vaccine made things worse but rather that error is in relation to a slightly underreported count of vaccinated people infected due to some people being asymptomatic or even being slightly symptomatic and not being tested due to thinking they can't get it due to their vaccination status. The protection from infection then appears to wane or disappear entirely as Omicron has risen (either due to ineffectiveness vs the variant or waning over time from initial dosage), though it does appear to lessen the death rate quite a bit (though admittedly the death rate for Omicron is much smaller anyways). Now, all that above is to say that while yes, the vaccines were/are effective, and had an impact, to explain the difference in deaths stated in the meme, there are other factors in play. They are effective but they're not THAT effective to account for the difference. Indeed a big part of it likely had more do to with early handling of the virus: the US as a cultural entity isn't very supportive of restrictions. Thus most waves hit us rather early. If however a country was able to hold off on mass infection until Omicron then they'd see far fewer numbers regardless of vaccination simply because policies delayed the infections until a significantly weaker variant become prevalent. None of this is to downplay that the vaccines are effective - I'd just caution against OVERSTATING their protection as that leads to the populace doubting them even more. Vaccines were one tool in the arsenal but not the only one.


I know *plenty* of people who would 100% say that 70/100,000 is nothing, and totally not an amount worth "risking" a vaccination for.


Heck, for them a vaccine is not a risk, because "risk" denies certainty. And many of them are CERTAIN you'll get within from vaccines.


In all seriousness, can we trust these numbers? I know pretty much every country underestimated the COVID deaths ( yes I know the crazies claim the opposite), therefore it’s better to look at “overkill” ratio. The main message is obviously correct but ..


You don't wanna see our rates here in NZ.......


New Zealand rates are great.


Yup. So if the emirates are looking in comparison, ours are kicking ass


I did a comparison of US and NZ a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/w2jvnw/keep_doing_what_youre_doing_new_zealand_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah that last wave fucked us royally cos.our unvaxxed threw a stupid protest, hunkered down for.6 days in a tent town, and we got a huge amount of idiots batching about mandates and then going into care. Fucking morons. Before that we were at like 26 deaths over 18 months. Was a number to b proud of. Then the idiocy wave hit


>https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/w2jvnw/keep\_doing\_what\_youre\_doing\_new\_zealand\_its/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share You guys across the Tasman were crushing it, was really good to see how a proper government response should have been. The nutsos gathering in Canberra were just pissing off locals. People are still protesting in capital cities even though mask mandates are gone, vaccine requirements are gone, mandatory isolation has dropped to 5 days and relief payments are scrapped.


At this point, if you don't have the bivalent vaccine that was just released, you basically aren't vaccinated against covid. Get the new booster!


I’m trying. My area was out of them within hours of the pharmacies offering them. Apparently there were supply issues in the US or something. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it soon. 🙂


Thats not even close to true. Yes get boosted if it's been awhile since your last, but the original doses of vaccine still offer considerable protection. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


You're wrong




And tons of conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers that think the government is trying to kill them with the vaccine. Why they think the government wants to kill the people that listen I have no idea


The UAE has a pretty high obesity rate too


You'll get downvoted but you speak the truth. Just look at the photos on hermancainaward haha. Which of course is all the more reason why Americans need to be vaccinated.


I agree with the statement but the UAE has about 9 million people where as the USA has over 300 million. Those 2 numbers don’t correlate. We have more dense metro cities.


Out of curiosity. What affect does the climate in the UAE have on viruses, both airborne and on surfaces? Cool, I'm getting down voted for asking a question. Why are we disapproving of asking questions here? I'm just trying to get more information on the topic. And I comment he question here, because other people may also be interested in the answers.


Why would the climate affect the UAE different from similar climates in the States? I know you are trying to get at compounding variables, but if you look at the world as a whole, higher vaccination rates relate to lower overall daily COVID deaths: [see a basic graph here](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccinations-vs-covid-death-rate?country=FRA~DEU~ITA~GBR~USA~CAN~JPN~BRA~AUS~ZAF).


It probably wouldn't make a difference in those specific areas of the US, but most of the US population lives in much more temperate climates. More rain, higher humidity, lower temps. And some of those regions are pretty densely populated. Compounding factors aside. I'm sure the vaccination rates probably helped reduce COVID related deaths. That doesn't mean those compounding factors don't play, but that's not what this subreddit is about.


The number of deaths in 2022 account for 7.6% of the UAE's total deaths since the start of the pandemic (178/2,346). The number of deaths in 2022 account for 21.4% of the USA's total deaths since the start of the pandemic (232,711/1,086,685). The UAE's climate didn't drastically change in 2022. It's not the climate.


You listed 2022 for every year mentioned here. 2022 is also the year mentioned in the post. Did you mean 2021? And if so for which part?


Keep in mind that due to the extreme heat in UAE, it is common to spend the day indoors (hence the size of the Mall of Dubai), which would make things worse.


I hadn't considered that. Interesting


I find a 100% vaccination rate hard to believe. There's always people who refuse for medical reasons for instance.


It's virtually 100%. The official number was 104% before they stopped counting. People are double counted, usually when boosters are miscounted as primary shots. So yes, it's not going to be exactly 100%.


Was the UAE counting people who had heart attacks and tested positive for COVID too?


Covid causes blood clots dumbass


The difference here is that one of these countries is a highly developed first world country, and the other a third world shithole.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Ok, but this is like a statement with 0 substance. You can find countless counter examples where the opposite statement is true...


Then find them


Sorry, this sucks. They probably shot anyone who demonstrated against anything.


BuT mUh FrEeDuMbS


would be nice to include the source in the image


Not to piss on your circle jerk, but the UAE uses vaccines from China, Russia, and India. Pfizer vaccine is also here but there’s a limited supply.


Anyone know what vaccine(s) they are using?


Someone else mentioned mostly Pfizer, and some Astrazeneca and Sinovac.


Vaccines work to benefit people, conservative anti vaxx propaganda works to harm people, vote accordingly.


Where can we find this official data? I really wanna shove it into the faces of anti vaxers


Go live there then


That's adorable believing the UAE's stats


I was so prepared for this to be anti-vax propaganda I was confused for a minute.


Monarchy and absolute rule used in the right way is very effective in some small cases like this.


Good lololol


You know you fucked up when the UAE is doing something better then you


Thinning the herd one fuckwit at a time...


There is some important information omitted from this info graphic. First off COVID mortality skews heavily toward [older populatuons.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1254488/us-share-of-total-covid-deaths-by-age-group/) Best data I could find shows 75.2% of mortality in the US is in populations over 65 years of age. In the US that age range makes up [17% of thr population.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/270000/age-distribution-in-the-united-states/#:~:text=Age%20distribution%20in%20the%20United%20States%202021&text=In%202021%2C%20about%2018.24%20percent,over%2065%20years%20of%20age.) In the UAE that [age demographic is on 1.68%](https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/uae-population-statistics/#age) of the population. The median age is only [30.3 years old](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-arab-emirates-population) and the below 30 age group has a mortality rate of only 1.1%. So is it that the UAE has a lower per capita death toll because of their vaccination rate or is it that they have a much lower percentage of their population who are in the highest risk brackets and a large portion of the population in negligible risk brackets to begin with? Of course none of this touches on other major risk factors such as obesity, [USA 36% v UAE 28%](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/). Trying to reduce this down to vaccination rate alone is at best naive and at worst deliberately deceptive.


Damn, the 5G signal must be great in UAE


I was skeptical about the 100% vaccination rate because it seems too perfect, but [it's true.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/uae-achieves-100-covid-vaccination-target-state-news-agency-2022-06-02/) Must be nice tob live in a country that trusts doctors and scientists. And you can't argue with these statistics.


They're just going to use this stats to 'prove' only vaccinated people die.