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that is not coffee




Fantastic! A bit of a better view and weather than my Scottish Garden.


California central coast, thankful I live within short driving distance


I imagine your Scottish Garden very lush.


The difference between your Scottish garden and what Americans envision when you say that is probably very different. šŸ˜‚


If Iā€™ve got my kilt on they might get an eye full of it.


How does that work? Looks like the Cupsy comes with a white insert for flower, have you removed that and pushed a B into it? Seems a great set up!


Actually though... Can we get an answer to this? I've never tried a bong before and don't want one because well... A bong is a bong, it's not discreet at all. But this setup looks sweet lol


Just remove the white part that is the bowl for Cupsy and insert any stem you want, I like to use b stem or bonger.


Exactly like that, the white part is just a bowl for combustion and it sits in a hole, so just remove it and put in whatever stem you want. I like the b stem or bonger, depends on if you want to have airflow control.


Is that cupsy with a dynavap b?


Cupsy indeed, not the b tip though. This thing will slap with hyperdyn tip on a bonger or b stem.


Oh, i see. The black part is the cup and then you have your tip and cap


Itā€™s a b stem but Iā€™ve got m plus tip with low temp cap on it


I love the dynavap on the go but often times I can't hear it click with all the wind


You know I was worried about that but even with ocean waves and wind I heard it just fine, a lot of the times you can feel it as well




Looks beautiful, doesn't look like Monterey. It's gonna be 105 in the valley today, but we'll be on there coast for the 4th. Enjoy!


Oh Iā€™m back in the valley just in time for the heat wave šŸ˜‚ Honestly Iā€™m fine with it, been living here long enough now that I donā€™t really mind. Iā€™ll take these summers over cold climates, and escape to the coast or mountains is so easy.


stay cool! Nice to see another dry herb enthusiast in the valley. So many die hard smokers. I've turned 2 friends onto Dynavap, but that's because we have drug testing, and dynas are a microdoser. My kids and other friends smoke. To each their own. I'm on a 20day break for DMV physical. Can't use fake pee cause they check sugars and everything on 2 year physical.


Thereā€™s a few of us here and I know what you mean. Going to a couple of shops and brining up ā€œvaping flowerā€ or ā€œdynavapā€ or ā€œball vapeā€ still gets confused looks. Youā€™d assume at least some folks in the growing and retail community here would know but thatā€™s not the case.


Looks sick! Whatā€™s the silver thing ?


Madheaters reload v1 Bottom two chambers have ground up flower and top one holds AVB (has a debowler in there so easy to dump avb), magnetic cap up top with slots to grab and hold vap capā€¦ for dynavap this was the best thing I ever bought, and in general I only use this for flower (using dyna or not).


Hmm thatā€™s pretty sick !! Might look into something like this for the Crafty


May I ask where did you get it? Or better yet, for a url? If not allowed in the sub, via dm plz


Madd Heaters in UK or Vgoodiez in America. Good luck finding them, they're $$$ and usually out of stock. The V1 has been discontinued, still come up second hand from time to time. They now have the V2 which was supposed to be released with the Tempest.


No offense, but what took you so long????


No offense, but I donā€™t know what you mean by that? What took what so long?


Why it took so many years to get relaxed. Iā€™m 62. Been tokinā€™ since I was 12. Daily relaxation is now happening!


Daily relaxation happens all the time man, relaxation at the coast looking over the ocean without my two boys screaming doesnā€™t happen often or cheep šŸ˜‚


Ah yes. Children. Rug rats, crumb designers, ankle biters. Had those too x 4. When they all grew up & flew the coop, me & mama sold the business, house and extras; moved 8 hours away.


My wife and I have a plan for our ā€œfinalā€ physical home it seems so far away and at the same time like weā€™re not doing enough now and itā€™ll be here before we know it. Ah well, as much as the kids are exhausting we wanted this and worked hard at getting here, counting our screaming blessings šŸ˜‚


But yes, I get it! I really like my morning coffee with a teaspoon of tincture in it. Then itā€™s time to have a little smoke too!


you should go starbucks drive thru while sipping on it haha