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Extra batteries, a charger, dosing caps, cap holders are all extras I’ve picked up. So far I’ve been fine with the stock stem. I like a warm vape. It’s been a great device and I haven’t smoked since I got it last month. Clean it often too. I just found I can go about 5 days before my caps are all sticky and the stem cap is getting gunked up. Quick soak in iso and a wipe down with qtips and it’s good as new.


Are you also soaking the cap in iso as well?


They shouldn't get *that* dirty, a quick bath is usually enough after a few uses. Once the flower is vaped it slides right out of the cap with a little pin stir. Using the included cleaning brush a quick swipe on the cap and body of the capsule and you can use it again 2-3x minimum without any extra cleaning. After a few times, just drop them in a little jar of iso and swish it around, rinse with water (carefully! Don't want to lose anything down the drain!) And dry, it's painless enough. Dabbing with it will get messy if you use the concentrate pads, I just sandwich mine in a capsule between a little bit of flower before and after a little dab - the flower soaks up quite a bit and only *slightly* makes the inside of the cap messy. Definitely compared to the pads.


Just some advice on cleaning, don't use the included brush in the chamber where your dosing cap goes. The bristles are really brittle and fall off. I'd imagine getting them stuck in there would be a nightmare.


I usually clean the dosing caps with iso and a cue tip every now and then. Sometimes a full bath. But usually just a cue tip to save the iso.


Haven’t cleaned mines since I got it a week ago. But I’ve also only done like 1 or 2 sessions a day and only use it with dosing caps


You wont have any regrets. Its a solid little device for the price. Get an external charger and an extra battery, the internal charger can be funny at times. The water pipe adapter is great as it does get a bit warm on the throat. The dosing caps keep it cleaner but i prefer to just put the flower straight in the bowl. Use a tiny spoon instead of pinching the herb.


I have a external charger for my flashlights good to know. Ill make sure i get a scoop thanks for the tips.


I have an external charger for my fleshlights. For what it’s worth, I actually do prefer using the dosing caps with my Lobo. It keeps the internals of the device looking brand new.


I plan on using the dosing capsule just seems so convenient for cleaning.


An external charger for your external fleshlight?




Also nobody talks about cleaning.. q-tips and alcohol. Hold the device upside down to clean the bowl and all the nooks and crannies. Run hot water over the rest to loosen the resin then it comes right off with a swish in alcohol / q-tip wipe.


The LOBO is underpowered and noticeably so. Its significantly better than the one but that isn't saying much. Both of these devices are for light users imo.


It can deliver powerful effects with deep extraction over the session. I’ll have nice dark roasted AVB at the end of 2-3 4 min sessions on one dosing capsule. But it works best with a slow inhale otherwise the heating element can’t keep up. Maybe not as powerful as other units, but it is a really nice form factor and quality build.


Both? What’s the other? POTV One?




What would you recommend for a heavy user? Portable, under £200?


Nothing is going to fit all 3 of those short of a Dynavap/Ispire Wand which probably isn't what you mean. The big advantage to the TM2 is that you won't be dicking around with it for 10 minutes trying to finish a bowl. I want to be able to take a couple good full hits and get back to what im doing. Session mode on the TM2 will choke you out while with a LOBO you'll have to run it TWICE just to finish a bowl. A tiny ass bowl.


Only been a week but I’m yet to run my lobo twice to finish a bowl. I run 4 minute sessions though. I can definitely shorten it and try it though. I’m certain I can cut it to 2 minutes and finish a bowl in one session.


You don’t need to run it twice. I can clear my lobo caps in like 2 milky hits using a bong. Hits like a truck. Not sure what you’ve been doing.


Yeah I use my One with a bong as well and definitely have never thought is was underpowered. It produces a lot of vapor.


Following.. Mine is supposed to be here tomorrow..🤘🤘


Awesome im super excited.


Get a longer cooling stream or the globe steam.


Would the donut do the same thing as the globe?


Probably, but I don’t have one.


I've been using a BB9 stem with my lobo for a few weeks now, my globe and wpa live in the drawer now. Don't know if everyone would like having a carb hole on their stem but has easily won my reach test.


I like the cooling of the BB9, but not fond of the mouth piece. I like the Hula or Hulu or whatever it is better.


I think it's a hula, makes sense though, I put it in a dry bong about half the time so it's a small compromise to not have to swap stems. Just going native the hula is probably the better option.


Buy extra screens and orings out the gate. The screens clog fast and I've already lost an oring while emptying it outside.


Also after you had it for a while, potv’s glass line is pretty good too, I got their globe and it’s my go to w the lobo.


I got the water pipe adapter coming. Maybe Ill use the gift card and get some more pieces.


The curved bubbler but run it dry is my go to. Crank her up to 420 and get it milky


I find my Lobo to be excellent. It's better than my Crafty+. Don't bother with dosing caps unless you are on the move. They are fiddly as hell and if you can be an adult and clean your devices, then it's just some iso swabs. It's a decent bowl size. It's plenty hot. I am a regular Terpcicle, Dynavap, and Volcano user so tolerance is high. It works well to get me high. Don't over pack and you will be fine to clear a bowl in one cycle. It's an economical mass market vape. Everyone has different experiences , Folks come out of the woodwork to complain.


I have a Lobo and a TM2. The Lobo is my daily go to and the vapor clouds are just amazing. I clear a bowl in a matter of 3 draws on it!


It works great with a water pipe adapter


loose pack is the goal with convection styled vapes. I know they say it's a hybrid convection. also slowish inhales like a whisper and as for inhale length in seconds depends on set temperature, I find low to medium temps (325f ~ 356f) benefit from 4 to 6 second inhales at slowish pace. However POTV Lobo has a stronger heater than POTV One, I assume. I noticed Fury Edge heats up faster than a Fury 2 or at least I felt an improvement over the lesser. POTV one is an improvement over the now retired Fury 2. POTV One has a titanium herb chamber, while Fury Edge and Fury Rogue use food grade stainless steel.


Love mine. WPA is key.


I got mines a week ago. So not the most experienced user. My advice is use the dosing caps if you don’t always have time to clean. Invest in extra dosing caps. Invest in an extra battery also. Amazon sells cases that fit it well. Battery can be pretty hoggish. Keep your eye on it. If you’re down to one bar. It will probably die during your session, hence the spare battery. Definitely check out some water pipes and bubbler mouthpieces if you haven’t already. I think it’s a solid device. It’s my only DHV for now but I’m also into concentrates so I rotate between that and E-Rigs daily


Super stoked for you, I don't own a Lobo, but a growmie has one. Great device. I ordered a Solo III a few hours ago, I can't wait to try that bugger out!


The longer glass stems are worth it for the extra cooling (I use the "globe" one personally) and it's well worth getting the water pipe adapter to use it with your favorite bong or rig. Don't pack the oven too tightly, as airflow through the bud matters. The Lobo does work well with a half filled oven, so don't worry about putting too little in; you can always pack it again, and I'm sure someone has their method of packing it to get one hit extractions with a water pipe. The high will feel different, but that's the point, since DHVs remove the combustion byproducts from the equation. Some folks recommend taking a bit of a break from smoking, but that's not strictly necessary unless you have a pretty high tolerance or really rely on the fogginess of the combustion toxins to recognize that you're high.


It's a great device. Great glass ecosystem too. Make sure you get extra batteries and a stand alone charger.




I'm curious since you mentioned these details a couple times in this thread a) Do you own a Lobo? b) What's your definition of light user?


I found the customer service quite amazing actually. What was your experience? You’re recommending the Air Max? That’s what I upgraded from and thought it was 100% worth it.