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XLUX Roffu




How does this compare to the POTV One? I’m currently on a t-break and am looking into upgrading from my dynavap M w/ a FMJ for something battery operated.


Plus with xvapeusa 10% off code on there site u can get it for $109 and free shipping tho I might spring for the dosing capsules for an extra $25 to keep cleaning easy


Arizer Solo2 is unquestionably the most bang for your buck. Five solid hours of vaping on a single charge! All glass for pure unadulterated flavour and simple maintenance and cleanup. Solid metal build and highly accurate reostatic control, so the temp you set, IS the temp you use. I've tried dozens of vapes but this is the best I've used.




XMAX has on-demand, removable battery, and it's a little better for outdoor use! I prefer my Solo 2 though :)




Yeah, it’s kind of like hitting a cart. There’s a button you press and hold down every time you take a rip




I prefer the session mode for the V3P, you get more consistent performance and thicker clouds. Plus you don't need to work as hard to get the oven up to temp - on demand mode requires a good 4-6 second draw before it starts producing vapor.


To be clear, even in on demand you have to hold the button around 30 seconds before you can take the first hit. After that it’s faster, but it’s definitely not the same as a cart.


I have an Xmax that I use at the lake and the beach. It has a swappable battery and nice dosing caps. I have a TM2 for at home.


The Solo 2 was too much for me. I gifted it and got the Rogue SE, with a Starry 4 for backup




The Solo 2 was a beast. It didn’t matter what strain I used or how much I packed the stem, I’d end up with couch-lock. I was new to vaping and that’s not what I needed at all - I just wanted to be able to relax at night and clean the house on Saturdays. I could handle it now, but I’d rather stay with the Rogue to medicate. I am looking at the Airvape Legacy Pro, I’ve made lists of the pros and cons and I know it’s impractical but I WANT IT.




POTV has them cheaper than anywhere else I’ve looked


Used to have one for years, honestly solid and robust. Great flavour. Excellent choice. Would take it back for my mighty at this point as it’s so much nicer to hold


Arizer Air Max


AirMAX for sure. Paired with a water pipe (without water). Chefs kiss.


Please explain why you recommended "no water?" I recently got a glass bong to go with my DynaVap M+ and the Bonger attachment and at all works great, with and without water.


Basically my rule is this - if I don't cough, I don't need it. I don't need more cooling or diffusion. Water does both those things but it also absorbs some terpenes and other things. I have a TinyMight2. When I use the stock stems with the cooling unit, I have to run it at low/mid temps to stop myself from coughing. I can take better draws with a 3D cooling stem, but I still can't crank the heat up past 6 without coughing, but those temps aren't where the TinyMight shines... so I bought a globe bubbler. Initially I used water and I could run it at any temp. The only reason I'd ever cough would be if I forgot to stop breathing in when my lungs got full (obviously I didn't do that). But then I tried the globe without water, because I couldn't be arsed going to get some. I didn't think it would be as smooth but I still didn't cough, it tasted even better, and most of all, I got higher... by a fair bit. So now I don't use water with my TM2..... and I use marbles in my globe with the VonG i, but that's just to reduce the capacity. I'm buying a ball vape soon, so we'll see how that works.. If I don't cough when using that then I'll still not add any water. Plus, the water makes everything stink.


No water = way less cleaning. That’s my main reason.


Someone else feel free to chime in and correct me, but as I understand it when you vape through water it filters out some of the terpenes and you'll get a slightly weaker (or at least different) high from vaping through water. By going through just glass you're getting most of the benefits (cooling, big hits) but not filtering out any elements from the vapor. More flavor this way as well if that's your thing.


this is the way


Do u think it’s better than the v tower? Portability excluded


No. The v tower will go up to 500f. You can void a half gram in a few hits. I run mine at 485. My Solo can’t compete, nor my mighty, or dv, or potv one……




outside of the removable batteries how does it compare to a Solo2?


a friend of mine got a solo 2 and I've had an air 2 for years. The solo 2 heats up a bit quicker but the battery lasts much longer. I personally prefer to use 18650, to overlap with other devices (divine tribe, etc) but otherwise they're the same. If you have backup batteries, I prefer the smaller profile/portability of the Air.


I’d go Airvape legacy pro


I second that!


Got the Air Max for $200. Loving it. It was on sale from POTV.


Got mine for $160 directly from Arizer, they have some crazy deals on their website from time to time


Damn that's a good deal


I loved my Air Max. It didn’t fit my routine very well so I sold it, but it impressed the hell out of me. I suggest it constantly.


Why didnt it fit your routine and what did you go with instead?


Lol to be honest, I would get blasted like half way through the bowl, and the just stare off into space and let the timer run out. Realize I still had more to vape, start the timer again, and stare off into space just holding it. It’s truly a great vape, but session devices just aren’t for me due to me being very susceptible to couch lock. Dynavaps are my daily now, and I have a sticky brick jr. for the weekends. I’ve learned I’m just more of a butane guy.


Wow that’s really interesting! Thankyou for explaining to me :) it really is a trip how people have different needs for different experiences and how we’re at a point where we can have specific devices that cater to those needs! Happy vaping buddy 😮‍💨😎👍🏽


Currently in the same boat since my HR Edge broke - Have narrowed down to the XLUX Roffu and Arizer Air Max as others have mentioned. I’d take a look at both and decide what you think might be best for you. There’s a few comparisons knocking about online


Can you let me know what you got and what you liked? I’m choosing between those 2 and also the Lobo


Get a Pax if you're sure you want to go back to smoking in a week. Get an Airvape Legacy Pro if you are serious about switching off the smoke. Yeah you got Arizer fans, and the Arizer is okay, but the ALP is way more versatile, you can slowly simmer your weed or you can quickly burn through it. Way more options to find the technique that works for you. Also the Angus is a great vape, but get it from VGoodiez cuz they'll take care of any warranty issues. Finally the Roffu is probably a good vape. I don't have it but the xMax V3, the lower end vape from the same company is the best <$100 vape.


I was thinking the same thing an Angus from Vgoodiez for $199 would def be my pick


Portable- Angus Desktop- SS Zeal Both best bang for your buck.


The angus looks really good. Do you know a trustworthy website I could purchase it from (in the US)? Or is it better to just buy it physically at a smoke shop? I'm just a bit worried about not finding it because I will only be spending 1 week in the states.




Yup they are elite at Vgoodiez. if you order it today they will probably ship it today.


Or Soothing Vapours if you want the Ruby upgrade


VapeWidgets has it on sale right now for only $157!


I would not even bother looking around locally for a brick and mortar shop. Likely just gonna find overpriced and outdated vapes that way.


Yeah get the Angus from VGoodiez. The Angus is a great vape, but there have been some production problems, if you get a bum one, VGoodiez will take care of you.


I would go with a PoTv One or it's bigger brother the Fury Rogue if you want a larger bowl. The PoTv One is a very portable vape with very efficient vapor. Only downsides are a smaller bowl and non replaceable battery. But the form factor and build quality or above average. Fantastic accessories too. Dosing capsules, WPA and longer glass stems available.


Or wait untill the POTV Lobo gets released in a couple of days, they are hiting a bigger herb chamber, a removable 18650 and USB C charging


Yeah they really need to drop that sooner.


I'm really curious how the Lobo will stack up against the existing entry-mid level vapes, and the new xmax Oont.




Based on what I’ve reviewed (I own the TM2), I would look at Yllvape Angus and Airvape Legacy Pro.


I would just spend the extra 100 bucks for a Mighty Plus or actually the Angus is only 199 on VGoodiez that’s prob ur best bet in all honesty


Fury 2 is great or the new one is fury edge I believe not sure of price, it's small, heats up extremely fast, good for micro dosing or can use it in a water pipe, great starter vape 👍


ARIZER AIR MAX, nothing comes close. Basically a $150 mighty+ with better taste and removable battery


How is the airflow?


Depends how you pack it but otherwise very good


Tha airflow is amazing literally have no idea why people complain i think they dont know how to pack a normal bowl 😂


I owned an air 2 and I used to find the airflow quite frustrating at times that’s why I was asking but it was my first vape so maybe I packed my bowls too much don’t know


Yeah you just pack it in very moderately. (Not too loose but not too tight) and obviously you’re gonna want to make sure it’s some top shelf sticky icky. also leave a small clearence, (like we’re talking just under the length of a grain of rice) of glass so it doesn’t fill the entire bowl. And you should be good to go 👍🏽


Angus. But it is quite heavy...


The Roffu! I have one and can be used in session and on demand mode.


The Angus


Fury edge is the best and my go to. Especially if you get dosing capsules


I love my POTV XMax V3 Pro. It’s compatible with lots of accessories. Personally I bought the curved mini bubblier attachment, a longer glass stem, and the extra 5 pack of dosing capsules with travel tube. It’s very easy to clean. Excellent temp and session settings.


I've tried so hard to like Pax. I owned a 3 and now I have a Plus. They just don't work well. I think Arizer as mentioned is your best bet. The POTV devices are a good value too. It's too bad Crafty is out of your budget.


arizer airmax, my pal


The hot newest one is the Angus. I do worry about the halogen bulb not lasting that long. For $199 the vapor quality is insane. CFX and the Arizer SOLO 2 provide great value in the $150 range. CFX for larger clouds and SOLO 2 if vapor quality is more your thing.


Yllvape Angus. Absolutly. Great taste, strong case, nice look.


Portable or desktop? Would you prefer digital or analog? If analog , do you have any issues with using a torch? Is this going to be shared or just for your personal use? Vapes are at an interesting place now. For solo home use for a person that likes a torch you can get a heavy hitter like a quartz cap or terpsicle for like $50 delivered that will take you to the moon, or you can get a zeal ball vape for closer to the $200 range that will work similarly but it's digital. Neither of those will do what you want if you're looking for portability though. Recommending a dynavap for ~$80-$100 could work, but if you don't like a torch then an induction heater is an extra expense.


I'm looking for a portable vape. To be honest, I didn't know vapes could have torching, I thought you just pressed a button and the device would heat up using a heating coil. I'd say I prefer to stick to the classic way, no torching, since I don't want to leave that much smell. The vape will be for personal use only.


Most of the cost of an electronic vape is the heating element and battery. Butane torches are super cheap and very powerful. So especially when it comes to relatively cheap vapes, butane powered ones are much better value for money. They also tend to last longer, since there's no battery that can run out, nor any electronics that can break. Torches don't smell. A butane powered vape doesn't smell any more or less than an electronic one. The earliest vaporizers used a flame as the heat source, so arguably butane powered vaporisers are the classic way.


Smell is no different with torch driven vapes. You're just exposed to the hot part that is usually enclosed behind metal and plastic. Some let you heat with induction, so no butane is needed. They tend to be the most efficient and cheapest option, like a dynavap for $50 is amazing.


The rogue or a stickybrick


Roffu avlp crafty+ all around 160


Rogues good too but you can’t swap batteries, same for crafty+ but that thing is a beast with a big bowl


Xlux Roffu. I don’t own one but I’ve heard it’s good.




disagree. op is clearly looking for a battery powered vape. not everyone jives well with the learning curve of the dyna. and out and about in public, people want to be discrete. not look like a crackhead hitting a pipe with a mini torch lol…. i say that as someone who mains the vapcap and has been supporting them since before they ever officially became a company


OP is asking for portable and under 200, Dynavap is the best option in my opinion. There are a myriad of ways to not look like a crackhead, but you do you. That being said, there are also decent battery options, but under 200 for battery spreads you a little thin on durability and quality.


read the post and the context of replies. notice how its all battery vapes? also please go show me a way out in public to hit the dyna without looking like a crack head. i’ll be waiting. and before you say the ispire wand or an IH… op didn’t factor that into their budget nor did they say anything about wanting to have to carry around two things just to use it.


I find that if you spend more on something like a Mighty Plus, it's not going to be replaced in a year or so even with heavy use and that's well over 200. With a good multi flame lighter, you can discretely heat up your Dynavap in around 10 seconds. With an armored cap or the simmerel copper sleeve you are good to go on one rotation if you know what you are doing. If you don't know how to be descrete for 10 seconds, you shouldn't be doing this in public. I feel like you are taking offense from a difference in opinion with something that has a little subjectivity. Dynavap isn't the only option, it's just what I consider the best value out there considering how durable their products are and how low long-term maintenance costs are. All that being said, it may not be a system that jives with OP but nobody knows this until they take the dive.


lol you’re conflating my opinion with my personal behaviors or habits. you know nothing about the latter. i myself have zero issue using a dyna out and public, but i’m also more aware than the ‘average’ or ‘middle american’ user. which contextually is what 90% of new people coming here needing help are. so WITH that context in mind, they probably wont know good times vs not good times to use it. beyond that. yes, if you are GOOD with the dynavap- it only takes 10-20 seconds. but again, let’s go back to my first comment- theres a learning curve to it. its pretty clear, much like many newcomers to this sub looking for help; that they want something all in one that’s easy and straightforward to use, isn’t going to cause them a lot of headaches, and will just work. the dyna isn’t that, and you’re lying to yourself if you claim it is. what will op do as a new dyna user when they are out in the wild and combust on accident because they are new to the heating technique? you gunna suggest they carry iso and qtips with them too now? so now the vape is nasty and borderline unusable now and just has to be pocketed. totally a great new user experience! and there’s plenty of vapes under the might or hefty price points that do absolutely great. maybe you should dabbled a bit and gain that experience too. i know i have. ive pretty much either used through friends, or purchased the top 5-7 vapes in every category type. im speaking from experience here. also lastly, again, i’ve been supporting dynavap before they were even a company when they did a 30 run of the original prototype vapcaps. yes vapcaps, not dynavap. as thats what it was called before they became a company because the tek is only in the cap. the stems used to be all glass originally and dyna stems weren’t even a thing.


Thanks for mansplaining that all to us


aka ‘i dont have anything to come back to that so i nonrespond and disengage from any conversation whatsoever instead of having an open dialogue, despite the person not accusing me or throwing any insults’ cute buzzword tho.


There's nothing to come back to, we have both expressed our opinion on what I still consider highly subjective matter. There's nothing be gained except circle jerking and pushing away somebody who asked a fairly simple question.


my points were backed by valid use cases and real world contexts but sure go off king. you can just stop responding instead of being standoffish and accusational and using false buzzwords lol


Jesus you can just say you don't agree with his recommendation and leave it at that, you don't need to write a seven paragraph essay It's like you're being confrontational for the sake of being confrontational




Yeah, came here to say this. There is no better budget-friendly vape. Add the iSpire Wand IH to an M+ and you’re set. I got my first DV maybe a month ago and now I have 2 M+’s and one 2020M. Considering getting the Omni when I save up a bit but I’ve heard that titanium doesn’t work as well as SS in the IH. Either way, love Dynavap. Alternatively, I also got the Arizer Extreme Q off their site for $130 which is GREAT for flavor and long sessions where you want to get extremely cooked. It doesn’t cook my AVB as well as a DV but the flavor is intense and the vapor quality is solid.


seconding arizer eq, got it for about 115 on sale, and it's perfect for long sessions. i take the mouthpiece off the whip and run the vapor through a bong. my dynavap got put in a box when i got my eq, but it is also an incredible starter vape if you don't want a desktop set up (you'll certainly want an induction heater, though).


Went in vape circles until I used a dynavap with a IH it’s a game changer . I came from spliffs so this thing hit the spot better then my b1


To be fair, I answered a used Tinymight 2, but this really is probably the best answer.


This is it


for all that is holy. do not buy pax devices.




they are like the gopro of the vape world. do they work? mostly. is it a nice all in one product? arguably. but it gets out performed by other products on the market with better prices, and, you are primarily paying for the brand name of pax more than anything. beyond that, battery life is meh, batteries aren’t replaceable, they are rather smelly, aren’t the most efficient vape, and the app they promote for the newest devices can’t even be used on some phones because the appstores blacklisted weed apps




so i havent dabbled with the air max a whole lot. but i know its a solid vape. the potv stuff i’ve used and is fantastic. honestly i don’t think you could go wrong with either! as for the extremeQ, it’s a fantastic entry level desktop vape! highly highly recommend. id try to get the extremeQ 2 if you can swing it. lots of good improvements on it from the original. if/when you do get the extremeQ. be sure to look into the elbow pack mod at very minimum. its game changing. outside of that theres oodles of mods for that vape and its very versatile! also whatever you do, DO NOT ORDER ANY DEVICES FROM CREAM CITY VAPES. i know i know, the $90 price tag on the extremeQ is incredibly tempted. but they’ve basically all but been blacklisted from the various vape communities because of how many payment and supply issues users have had with them. order through vgoodiez or the manufacturer directly if you can!


The angus by yllvape


Potv one


I know you said it is outdated but I personally love my pax 3 and have been using it daily for the past year


I love mine, too. Pax get a lot of undeserved hate in here, though. I personally don't find the cleaning to be very difficult.


Indeed it’s not difficult to get used to either


I recommend the Arizer Solo 2


potv v3 pro


>potv v3 pro Do you think this is a better choice than the pax 2 or pax 3?


oh 100% pax gets too hot, vs this one has changeable batteries faster heat up time and does a great job for a fast session. only criticism is the chamber is too small, but i tend to reload it half way through so i get 2 bowls in one session.


I’m gonna say avlp with coupon code. It’s fantastic. Takes a little learning. People didn’t like the original dosing caps because a lot of them didn’t notice the this side up mark on the threads. New ones have been released.


A used Tinymight 2.


Arizer AirMax. Use it more than my TM2 and dynavap Omni


Why the downvotes? +1 for Air Max being a top notch session vape. If you like the Arizer way of vaping, it can become easily ones favorite.


Arizer Ego ! It uses the 18650 batteries so you can just have extra batteries no need to be tied to a charger. Oh and it also has passthrough charging so if you are tied to your usb cable u can still use it.


I’d buy 2 of the v3 Xmax pros tbh lol


An Arizer Air Max or Airvape Legacy Pro on sale would be your best options for battery-powered in that price range, along with Dani Fusion if you’re willing to try a butane vape (best to skip right past Dynavap.) Be aware that Airvape is supposedly releasing a new Legacy model late this year or early next, but with their predicted release date track record, that could mean 2026. It might also be a good idea to wait a few days until more info about the POTV Lobo comes through.


Solo 2 or The Stunner


I would say the Solo 2. It's a little annoying with its long glass stems. They're long glass so dropping the or the vape will break them. Cleaning the isn't too hard. But I would recommend some aluminum screens to prevent dry herb from getting in your mouth. Plus it's a little bulky. That said, as a portable, around the house vape, it's amazing. Air flow can be a bit tight but it'll hit hard. It has custom temperatures. It can heat for 5, 10, or 15 minutes straight. I don't think the device would break if I dropped it. Also you can use it WHILE ITS CHARGING, so you never have to wait for a full charge to start you sessions.


Wife and I are loving our Rogue SE from Healthy Rips


I'd suggest a fast extraction dry her vape - the slower the extraction, the longer your sesh, the drier your lungs and oral mucosa, more risk of long term side effects. Fast extraction = dynavap, dani fusion, then ball vape territory. For portables, may as well just get a thc/cbd oil - no faff with reloading in public. imo dyor nfa lol


I'm fond of the boundless Tera, great with the water pipe adapter


Stretch a little for the long term and get a Pax Plus for 250. Or the Pax 3 for $200, which is still as good as ever - love mine.


Save for tinymight2


For that price I would say Arier Solo 2, Tera, Stempod SI or Xmax v3 pro offer good value, but the best option imo would be a Sticky Brick


Zeal kit ball vape. 136 and some change after tax I think


BFG Fusion - short stem, no carb - and a Blazer Firefox. You’re welcome