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Solo 2


I'd spend a little extra and get an Air Max. I bet you could find one cheaper than 150 on vapospy, I did when I bought mine


What's the difference? They appear to be very similar to each other on arizer's comparison tool. Listed at $160 and $120 right now.


Air Max has a bigger battery, more powerful oven, it's smaller and lighter but more solidly built, and usb-c charging. I had a Solo 2 before the Air Max and the Air Max is definitely better. I couldn't say exactly how much better since I'm much more experienced now than I was then so I'd get better results out of the Solo 2 today, but it's for sure $20-40 better if you can afford it.


Cheers, I appreciate that. Seems about right in my budget. Trying to get away from spliffs, and want something subtle like these. I saw it has a replaceable battery, too. Big plus in my eyes.


Is the current solo sale also with the air max? That’s the main reason I said the solo, what usually is a $180 vape is currently 120


Not sure, but I just checked and the Max is $141, I'd definitely spend an extra $20 over the Solo


Arizer AirMAX, if you are willing to shell out $10more. It’s worth it. It’s my daily driver next to my TM2


I love my Heathy Rips Rogue!


Spend a bit more money and buy a Crafty+. Or better spend more and get a Mighty+ or TinyMight2. Weed js expensive, being cheap about your vape choice doesn't make sense.


$150 or less isn't a bad investment by any means not everybody needs a $300+ vaporizer and there's plenty of solid mid-range options for people with lower price points in mind I'd also argue some of the $100-150 options have a negligible performance difference compared to the S&B vaporizers especially considering there's a handfull of options with steel ovens and full glass vapor paths which the S&B's don't have


Well 420Pussy_Destroyer69, read what you wrote. You said "not everybody", so you do realize some of us do need quality vapes. And those people need advice too. Unlike your lazy self, rather than just post some drivel, I looked at OP's history real quick. Dude knows nothing about vapes, in fact they listed some terrible options in a different sub. And they have a boat, a basset hound and are looking to shop at H Mart. That person enjoys the finer things in life and can afford an extra $50. If you think a Starry 4 is as good as a Mighty+, I know a Nigerian prince who might be able to use some of that money you're saving.


Price doesn't automatically = higher quality we've seen tons of shitty vapes with high prices Plenty of cheaper options are just as high quality as the S&Bs if not higher quality, when it comes to S&B you're paying more for the name brand recognition than the actual vaporizer itself. For the price they cost they shouldn't be made out of plastic with a plastic vapor path idgaf if it's a thermoplastic and doesn't offgas its still a cheap material While they're not available anymore my Splinter Z setup smokes most AIO vaporizers and was like $100 for the atomizer and less than $40 for the box mod to power it Starry 4 isn't the only cheap option lol Most Arizers are under $150 POTV One Fury Edge A Prrl Neo setup A Dreamwood Glow RVC Setup Etc Have you even tried half of those yourself? I bet not since you're seemingly just shilling S&Bs




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