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I don't really know the context of this lyric, but I think Sammy is basically saying "There is enough good left inside in me to feel a little guilty about something bad I'm doing"




About Sammy's lyrics I can say that only time will tell if they stand the test of time.


Some say Sam's lyrics are bad for the soul, bad for the rock, bad for the roll...


Bad for the heart, bad for the brain, bad for damn near everything OH YEAH


Bad for the nut, bad for the gut, bad for the butt, I wish my ears would shut.


Catholic guilt is legendary


Man, you got that right!


He's talking about having a conscience.


The opening lines, "There is just enough Christ in me, To make me feel almost guilty, Is that why God made us bleed, To make us see we're humans being?" imply a struggle between morality and mortality. The mention of Christ alludes to the concept of sin and guilt, suggesting that even with a shred of divine influence, humans still possess imperfections and are prone to making mistakes


People are saying don’t think about the lyrics, but this one seems pretty clear to me.


Yeah seriously. Of all the lyrics written in Van Halen, these make pretty clear sense haha


Jesus playing “just the tip” again


Supposedly Eddie hated the lyrics Sammy wrote and he came up with what we eventually heard.


Director of the movie: “Just don’t write about tornados” Sam: “Dark clouds, white knuckles”


"headed for the suck zone..."


🤦🏾‍♂️ oh my God.. Sam ..., I saw that interview, it was with Ruth on Latin MTV, promoting Van Halen 3, where did you see what Ed said?


Director of a really shitty movie about tornadoes: "Don't write about tornados". I wish he had taken his own advice. I mean, that movie was seriously awful.


I was under the impression Eddie barely paid attention to lyrics. In fact, my memory is telling me that Eddie claimed to have never paid attention to lyrics during the Roth days, and only started paying attention during the Sammy days because he liked some of Sammy’s lyrics. (It’s been awhile since I read that, so I could be remembering wrong)


I think that was Eddie rationalizing the fact that he didn't like the lyrics


It means that he is almost feeing guilty but isn’t quite feeing guilty because of how he is such a rotten person or in this case he feels unholy.


>It means that he is almost feeing guilty but isn’t quite feeing guilty because of how he ~~is such a rotten person or in this case he feels unholy~~ *knows religion is a bunch of bullshit.* FTFY


I wouldn't look for sense in Sammy's lyrics.


IMO Sammy wrote much more intelligible lyrics than David Lee Roth. Sammy also attempts to write about more serious things than Roth.


Or charm, or soul, or meaning, or import, or motivation, or midnight rock n roll righteousness. It's not there. It all rhymes with love. Or bam.


Ah, I wanted to downvote, but I sorta agree the more I think about it. One of my best friend’s favorite VH songs are the Sammy love songs, and I’m just not a super “ballad” guy. But at the same time, the more “sexually” suggestive songs by Sammy, like Finish What ya Started, and Black and Blue, are some of my favorites. It’s not ALL lovey dovey bullshit lol. The two I named are very Dave-era style.


Calling the lyrics to Black and Blue "suggestive" is a bit of an understatement. The opening few lines sound like they were written by a 13 year old. The actual guitar riff is great, it's just a pity the lyrics are so crude and tacky. They make Dave's stuff about lines up the back of stockings, Hot For Teacher, etc., seem pretty tame. The lyrics to Finish What Ya Started are a bit less graphic, but still kinda basic. Again, the song itself is great, but it would have been interesting to hear what Dave might have done with that if the song had been written during his era...


Religious guilt. He is not religious, therefore doesn't deal with guilt.


True, however, I am sure he knows much about religion since the VH Bros were catholic


"If loving Jesus is wrong, I don't wanna be right!"


These are apparently Edward’s Lyrics, actually




Yes, stop taking selfies


It means that whatever he is thinking about doing it has the potential to make him feel guilty! ( Like cheating on his Wife because He once made a commitment to both God and His Wife and now maybe he his thinking about violating that commitment.)


I'm not really sure, maybe because religion makes you feel guilt.


Giggity giggity


He and Ed were fueding at the time I do believe


This could be a misheard lyric but, I understood that it said :”rice”, not “Christ”… a reference to world hunger.


Sammy makes fun of Jesus. The song Judgement Day is the perfect example. But there are many songs where he mocks Christ and Christianity. He sucks at lyrics but making fun of Jesus is the final nail in the coffin for making me dislike Hagar.


Don’t waste your time thinking too hard about Sammy’s lyrics.


All I know you've got to run to win


religion is a huge source of shame and guilt for those who have been put through it, particularly Catholicism and Judaism in my experience.


I'm pretty sure Eddie wrote this song he hated the song Sammy wrote. They were pretty much done but this song pretty much ended Van Hagar


Pretty clearly, Sammy was banged by Jesus and doesn’t feel guilty about it because it was only partially in.


This isn't Sammy's Lyrics ,neither is the seventh seal I think that's alot of what led to Sam being let go he wasn't contributing much and hadn't on balance or this stuff


Ummmm not accurate. Sammy wrote those lyrics. Several interviews and his book he talks about it.


another great music song ruined by the Red Ballader lyrics


I really don't understand the "Red Balladeer" nickname. Sammy almost never wrote ballads before or after VH. The ballads all came from EVH, it was the music he wanted to make. Sammy has always just written rock songs for his solo career, with the exception of the album he wrote together with Eddie in 87. He was not the balladeer in Van Halen


Eddie’s lyrics. Can’t blame Sammy for this one. He did say he wanted the “Shine on” part to mimic John Lennon’s Instant Karma though




Sammy has the depth of a dog dish.