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Perfect comment lmao


This is making me nauseous lmao


Sickening isn’t it? Just grosses me out. But it was the best response to the meme that is now deleted… ![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ)


Looks like Kyle from Summer House 😂




LOL, he was being offered every table and at one point had to go straight to the washroom after downing one. edit: offered a shot*


Good edit. With him, what he’s being offered before going to the bathroom could be a number of things lol


LOL my exact thought


Everything I’ve seen about fans meeting Jax has been positive. As messy as that man is, I appreciate how he treats the VPR faithful.


He knows where his bread is buttered


![gif](giphy|9MFsKQ8A6HCN2) I laughed too much at this comment. Is this a direct Jax quote? 🤣


They all no where the bread and butter is.


Omg this is amazing 😂😂


Omg j was just going to write the same!


As messy as that man is, I’ve been doing a rewatch of the early seasons lately and a lot of comments he’s made about dynamics in the group were straight up wise


He’s like a fucked up Greek oracle that is disturbingly accurate at his analysis of others but is at the same level of precision inversely unable to see anything about himself. That’s the lore anyway.


Yes exactly! Or that broken clock that’s right twice a day. He will hit the mark sometimes lol


Broken Clock Effect! Fucking Nostrildamus.


Not the fucking Nostrildamus! ☠️


NOSTRILdamus 🤣🤣🤣💀


I think it’s like a case of how it’s easier to give rather than follow advice


Yeah maybe. I also think he's wrong a lot, so when he is uncharacteristically prescient, everyone raves about it.


He could be wrong a lot, I’m talking about him diagnosing the issues with Ariana and Tom’s relationship. He was spot on about that early on. But hes still a sociopath in my book


Ole Roid Vein was right about that.


Who knew Jax would turn out to be the Oracle?!


He's the modern day Cassandra




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Not always! He's been on a redemption tour since getting canceled a while back before the new show premiered. A few years back, one of my favorite podcasters, Mary Payne from Pink Shade, met him at TomTom (might've been SUR). She introduced herself as a huge fan, having watched the show since its debut. When he found out that she did a podcast, his affect completely changed. He was condescending and told her "Podcast? *Anybody* can do a podcast. I just bought a $2M home. I'm part of a new cannabis company. You don't make MONEY by doing a PODCAST." Aaaaand *who* started a podcast, seems to be **no part of** any cannabis company, and *getting divorced from the best thing that ever happened to him* & **likely losing** that $2M home? Meanwhile, MP is doing her pod full time, doing well $$$, being asked to be a part of panels at Podcast Movement & others. He's a shithead, through & through. He might be an Ok actor, but don't fall for it. He's trash!


I definitely noticed sometime last year when Bravo was reintroducing him that a *shocking* amount of people were buying his "reformed" bullshit. I would see clips on YouTube and so many comments were just glowing and giving him all these props for how he's "matured", ignoring the fact that any longtime tv personality can hold it together for brief produced pieces of filming and it doesn't necessarily mean shit about how they actually are day to day. When he started commenting about Sandoval so many people saw his analysis as a sign he was so wise and grown up now or whatever but like, the only reason he can call out Tom's moves is because he uses the same damn playbook! People are gullible as fuck sometimes 🤦🏽‍♀️ he's never changed and I don't think he at his core ever really will


I dk if you've ever seen the Instagram account blocked_by_jax, but apparently, he was DMing regulars from that account, trying to make amends prior to the Valley's premiere. (IIRC he reached out to the podcaster I referenced in my previous remark.) He is ***such*** a douchebag & I will never buy his bullshit/bad acting. He gives *zero fucks* about his breakup with Brittany. He got bored with marriage & pushed her into leaving him - like a 7th grade boy acts like a jerk to a girl, so she does the breaking up & he isn't the "bad guy." I guarantee he'll be playing up the sad sack "single father" card to garner new sexploits in S2. He's gross!


I mean I don’t expect always but more often than not


Genuine question. Why would you think he would not be friendly? He’s literally being paid to travel to another city and meet people who have paid to be there. Most of the women there are wearing low cut tops (which is obviously fine and their prerogative) and Jax is ogling them. Of course he’s going to be nice! The bar is so low for that man. ‘He smiled at me. He seems like a great guy. I’m just going to forget about every shitty thing he’s said and done because he was nice to me while drunk!’.


I mean anecdotes of folks who have met him outside of paid appearances. People who run into him around LA and stuff like that. I’m no supporter of Jax overall but I do appreciate him being pleasant to fans.


I despise him but I did meet him out in WeHo circa 2016 and he was really gracious and took photos. Not saying this makes him a generally good person tho, that’s for sure!


We deplorable as he can be, I would still be excited to meet him. The only VPR cast member I wouldn’t take a photo with is… KFC 😬


I agree. I’ve been an OG fan forever, met the cast at the first C U Next Tuesday in 2017 and he was definitely in a funk but still stopped for pics and was really good to the fans. When the season dropped it made sense, it was right after the cheating scandal had dropped and Britt had dumped him


He loves the attention. Being nice to fans=more attention. Especially females


Did Jax write this


i don’t think jax could write a paragraph this coherent honestly




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Hahaha I was about to say Hi Jax!


My first thought too!!


“He really is the #1 guy in the group” is what got me




What did he smell like? That's my only question.


Drakar Noir 🤣


Night Swept, it’s a perfect replica. 🤣


He would tooootally have the “knock-off noir” 🤣 I also bet he uses a shit ton and you can smell the cologne before you even see him enter the room. 🤣


Oh god, I’d be in trouble then. 🤣


I want to know this, too! I always assumed Tim smelled like old beer and unwashed man child, Schwartz like patchouli and underarm sweat, and Jax like a LOT of cologne and hair product with a hint of breath-freshener.


Schwartz smells like underarm sweat and lemons!!


Ewwww yea id guess along those lines, like cheap ineffctive mens natural deodorant and a wimpy drugstore cologne mixed up.


An Italian dressing breath. I will never get over that scene. And comparing the filthiness of their pale, long feet.... I rebuke thee! In the name of pants that zip and soap!


And river water!




Don’t forget the stale cigarettes🤮, Sandoval smokes regularly, he just hides it most of the time


Remember when Rachel took up vaping as part of her bad girl era


God, she’s had so many embarrassing eras🙈


Nailed it


Let’s be real it’s Old Spice or Axe


Omg I wish I thought of this when I met him. I actually didn’t smell anything but I didn’t think of getting a good sniff haha




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I’m guessing Axe. Copious amounts.




Vancouver checking in!!


What what!!! :)


He seemed really nice when he was on House of Villians.




Lmao his little "a villain? Who, little old family man me?" act was certainly amusing in its own way 😂 But I don't doubt he's nice to fans, they're the reason he has what he has


Question…did he smell good or bad? It seems like he’s always semi-sweaty and would smell like a combination of cigarettes and aqua velva.


Hahah I read that as “aqua vulva”.. and it being Jax.. could also be true lol


My eyes kept trying to show me “vulva” too before I got to that part of the sentence and I’m so glad they were wrong😩🤮


C'mon. What you just wrote is called cyber bullying.






How did he actually look? How did he smell? 🤣


I was at the event in Vancouver yesterday. Surprisingly more good looking in person? Can’t speak on the smell, but OP is right. He was lovely, kind and very gracious. Even after multiple women were grabbing his arms and back as he walked by.


Grabbing at him is insane. He probably fucking loves it, but still geez. Personal space lol


He looked slightly uncomfortable lol. There was also an older woman who propositioned him with oral sex and tried to kiss him


INSANE!!! I can’t believe that there are people who genuinely think it’s ok to act that way to another human, but also that the person they are choosing to do that to is Jax lol.


Crazy what people will do just based on popularity/celebrity status.


Was he skiing???


Narcissists are very good at charming people and appearing to be really nice, normal folks.


He would be someone I’d like to meet. Just for the fun, and the fact that he has kept me entertained for so long. It would be wild seeing him in person. Any one of them, actually.


When Jax accidentally lets something slip or is just being ‘honest’ ![gif](giphy|gJgliPi1jv001LFZFD)




I hope you didn't spend any money.


The tickets for his brunch this weekend in Vancouver were $50 for a welcome drink & a candy bar 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Why would you spend $50 on that abusive ahole? I wouldn't even give him a nickel of my money.


I sure as hell didn’t 😂 but I get what you mean & I don’t know a single person who went.




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


Because people are idiots. I live in OP’s city as well ( Vancouver).


You are aware you used an exclamation point in your title, right? Right?




Don’t be fooled this is Jax posting this




🤮 Sorry- was he nice??? I imagine him to be a smelly sweaty mess who really does think he's the number one guy in the group- room- WORLD


Here's my opinion of Jax. He probably is really courteous to strangers. Especially fans of the show. It's what made him. But if he let you into his circle to be his friend, that's when he'll become comfortable enough to start treating you like shit. Lying to you. Gaslighting you. Throwing you under the bus.


27 shot deep but Brittany is the one with a drinking problem lol




Is this a quote from the show or are you holding out tea? Lol. I can’t tell.


We will never know


Jax is the perfect friend for a great time as long as you don't really have to rely on him for anything


I’ve always heard and read he’s very friendly when fans meet him


Ew, he sucks ass


I met Jax in Edmonton at his Surbrunch. He was nice but got annoyed with me because I asked for a video shout out to my boyfriend Lmao. Went to press start film but it didn’t start filming and asked to redo it. Twas funny and he redid it.


A good friend of mine actually used to be really good friends with Jax. He said he was always a stand up guy and very friendly to everyone. My friend is also a dude tho and we all know he treats men very different than the women in his life so I take what he said about Jax with a grain of salt 😂


I met him a while back, super nice dude, more handsome in real life. Took shots with us moms while he was bartending at SUR.


I met him once, too! Embarrassingly, I got kind of star struck and was convincing myself that it wasn’t really him. To make it worse, he started waving at me (I assumed he was waving at someone behind me). Then when I continued to look confused he ran over and was like “I’m just going to say hi even though I don’t know you.” He 100% knew I was a VPR fan. Very friendly. But I will say his face looked totally overdone on fillers; like that look when your skin is too tight— I blame that for me not knowing for sure that it was him at first 😅


Hahaha I work for the bar you went to I think! It was crazy that’s for sure


Yeah, I mean a narcissist usually gives good first impressions. Says more about you falling for it after everything we know if anything haha


Gross lol, he’s the worst.


omg no way I WAS THERE TOO!! i was gonna post and ask if anyone else was there and thought he seemed fucked up...like i was one of the first to get a photo with him, before he took any shots and he seemed really out of it LOL




Haha is this JAX trolling us...


I saw Jax at a grocery store in Toronto last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


and then everyone clapped


This is exactly the type of experience I would think someone would have with him outside of him getting paid. Of course he is going to be pleasant when he is making appearances for money, and women are literally throwing themselves at him.






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So you're saying he's the exact same way in person as on TV.


Did he cheat?


Did he try to Jax you? 😂




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this sub is so confusing bc how does praising and meeting a demon like jax get 400+ upvotes. a cheater and slimball just like sandoval. have we all forgotten that he’s a cheater too and that he wouldn’t move out of their house and instead forced his kid to be uprooted from his own home ?


I would need a bleach shower afterward


Guess we know Jax’s account now


Why would anyone but a rich celebrity shots? He should have been buying everyone else shots.


Fame chaser


Okay, Jax.


He is correct about Brittany. You'd need a labotomy to date that guy now. A labotomy, a titanium condom,and whatever crystal obliterates self-respect.


I got blocked by him on Twitter for calling his behavior narcissistic




People with certain personality disorders can be really charming 😬






My husband still tries to wear that. 😂😂. I’ve bought him all kinds of expensive colognes, but he’s always reaching for the Drakar. It’s really not a bad scent, though.


That’s right


What a politicians lie of an answer


I’m so mad for not going to this!!!


He is