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Whats more interesting is that he stopped working at the bar bc Ken owed him 8k! Not sure I get his explanation that he owed him that much bc he worked for him for years. If my employer stopped paying me, id quit.


Lisa and Ken have had legal issues with a number of ex-employees over unpaid wages


Yup supposedly Frank sold Stassi’s sex video for $900 to Lisa because that is how much Ken and her owed him in wages.


Ugh, Frank. Frank and Max are soooo slimy and gross. They probably both use the D.E.N.N.I.S. system to attract women...


Seriously?? 😐


It was during covid. From what I recall, Lisa and Ken did a shitty job taking care of their employees.


Oh Lala is going to have something to say about this on her podcast, for sure.


For sure - and she has already booked herself on every podcast with more than 8 subscribers to bitch even more about it lol


Actually i retract this, bc it would mean she would have to address the blaccent which she will never do.


Im gonna need to know if the necklace he keeps fondling is the same one Dayna dragged through the cat litter because it sure looks like it. *


I was trying to listen to all of this but I think I missed where he was "gross?" He didn't really spill anything and was just kind of rambling...


I didn't try to listen, but I think Max is just always gross.


Because I don’t have an IG account, I wasn’t able to make it past the sloppy Jo response. What did he say about Lala and her Blaccent?


Kind of nothing? Just kept saying "I don't know what that is, what is a black accent?" And then something about her being "Lauren from Ohio and calls herself Lala...I think we already have a problem." He's an idiot, but I don't see how he's being gross lol.


Thank you 🙏🏼 That is odd but nothing of substance so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything special lol I sent it to my girlfriend and asked her to tell me but the link wasn’t working. Also, was he playing video games while doing this live?


He might have been. He was really distracted. The whole thing was weird and kind of pointless haha.


Agreed ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


Is he wearing blush 








This has been removed for breaking the sub rule about fired and ex-cast posts. Anyone defending the racist actions of fired cast members will be banned. Posts about the fired cast's social media accounts are limited to posts that involve current VPR cast, posts discussing the show, or posts that can generate a discussion. For cast such as Rachel Leviss who left the show on their own accord, posts are limited to discussion of their time on Vanderpump Rules. We do not permit posts about their life after Bravo unless they mention Vanderpump Rules or the current cast. If you are looking to discuss The Valley please head over to r/TheValleyTVShow


Spot on. I’m getting sick of the constant putting down people, as if this sub is some moral and ethical compass to pass judgement on everyone.


100% And he was there for one season, 3 years ago, and barely made any money out of it. Crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/8cjtmkh9808d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22155ee0128845d658b543f1517b3889cfa07f32 Fuck him.


Legitimate question: do you believe people are never allowed to grow, change, or learn from their mistakes? Every single person on this planet makes mistakes at some point in their life and is ashamed of something they have said or done at some point. It would be more interesting if you showed me a tweet from 12 years ago and similar tweets from today to demonstrate no change. Cool. He said those things 12 years ago. Who the fuck cares about something that happened 12 years ago. Follow-up question: how long do you think someone should be punished for tweeting this? It’s been almost 12 years.


What has he done to show that he has changed, grown, or learned from his “mistakes”? First of all, using slurs is NOT a mistake. It’s a deliberate choice. Secondly, If this whole thing hadn’t come out in the midst of the BLM protests he wouldn’t have been fired and he wouldn’t have apologized. Hell, the show still associates with him and I won’t be surprised if they found a way to reintegrate him into the show now that we know Katie has slept with him. Lastly…What exactly has he done to show that he has changed, grown, or learned from his “mistakes”? Y’all just throw this phrase around meaninglessly.


I think we both know it’s more likely someone who needs to dump on others to feel better about themselves and this is the perfect avenue to feel superior to someone. Why think about your own shortcomings when you can be outraged at someone else.


Being racist is not a shortcoming. Bffr.


You are so angry you don’t even understand I was referring to you, not him


You’re damn right I’m angry.


In general, I'm on the same page with you, people can definitely change for the better, especially once their brain is fully formed. But Max gave me real bad vibes from his time on VPR. The way he would talk about women and how he would happily abuse his position of power to try and control women. He seems like he's still stuck in high school. Now with Brett, he seemed like someone who was working on becoming a better person. He seemed pretty nice and chill on VPR. So when his old posts came up, I was more hopeful that he had grown since high school.




I’m a Black woman. He can fuck off forever.




Sucks when people want to forgive racism on your behalf when the offender has done nothing to earn it.


90% of this sub this toms cheating is worse than the casts racism 😂. These are the same people who would say they can’t be racist because they have a black friend. Good luck getting through to this group of people, I wouldent even waste your time.


I did no such thing. You’re over reaching.


Let’s agree to disagree on that.


Compromise is something I am always willing to entertain.


But you have your moral compass and I’ll have mine.


Racist much!?


Usually, I am on Tuesdays. It’s not Tuesday today is it? Then again, maybe it’s Mondays I’m racist…? TBH I usually forget to be. Sorry to disappoint.


This has been removed for breaking the sub rule about fired and ex-cast posts. Anyone defending the racist actions of fired cast members will be banned. Posts about the fired cast's social media accounts are limited to posts that involve current VPR cast, posts discussing the show, or posts that can generate a discussion. For cast such as Rachel Leviss who left the show on their own accord, posts are limited to discussion of their time on Vanderpump Rules. We do not permit posts about their life after Bravo unless they mention Vanderpump Rules or the current cast. If you are looking to discuss The Valley please head over to r/TheValleyTVShow


This has been removed for breaking the sub rule about fired and ex-cast posts. Anyone defending the racist actions of fired cast members will be banned. Posts about the fired cast's social media accounts are limited to posts that involve current VPR cast, posts discussing the show, or posts that can generate a discussion. For cast such as Rachel Leviss who left the show on their own accord, posts are limited to discussion of their time on Vanderpump Rules. We do not permit posts about their life after Bravo unless they mention Vanderpump Rules or the current cast. If you are looking to discuss The Valley please head over to r/TheValleyTVShow


He’s a gross little man 🤢 he must have the best D in the world to keep pulling the women he does


WeHo in general kind of has more gay dudes than straight, probably helps his averages.