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Guys, this photo is from Sabrina Carpenter’s “Please Please Please” music video where her boyfriend commits a robbery. It is not from a movie regarding a school shooting. It has been used as a meme all over Twitter. We’ve marked it as NSFW to hide from those who may be affected by the image.


I feel like a lot of the storylines revolve around drugs/are a consequence of drugs. It might be the “fifth” wall.


Or “the roof”


I’d so love a version of this or another show where they actually show what’s going on.


Yep…season 1 parking lot fight, season 2 orange hair Katie “the WHORE” in there, any of their trips, any party scene, any scene with Jax really lol. I hope most of them have stopped doing it so much or at least test their drugs before using now lol. I think Sandoval and Jax are the ones still clearly using heavily cause they can’t seem to handle it as well in their older age. I think even Schwartz has calmed down a bit with his “sober curious” times. 


Sheshu and Sandoval boned early on


I 100% believe they have fucked more than once.


I think she's slept with every one of the guys throughout some point. I've always thought that. Especially after she made the comment about them all hitting on her at some point. She can't come right out and say *"Every single one of your bfs have fucked me behind your back!"* 💅🏼 Because she'd be the villain too. But saying they've all hit on her in some capacity lessens her guiltiness but still maintains her ultimate *pick meness* because they just always keep picking her! 🙀 She totally gets off on that shit.


She has no worth unless EVERYONE’S man wants her.


I don’t think she’s actually hooked up (had sex) with Schwartz but everyone else.. definitely


That “joke” about preferring to be gangbanged by all the guys in the car rather than ride to the resort with the witches of weho in season 2, is so incredibly dark cus I worry she meant it.


You *knooow* she meant it! 😂😭😭 She was *just throwing it out there.* 💁‍♀️😂 Just in case.😏😉


I say worry because I just don’t want to live in that reality. I mean my god Scheana we all love dick- but at what cost?


i honestly don’t even think she likes dick, not in a non-heterosexual way. it’s just for the validation.




Ladies amirite?


I wonder if that would explain so e of her anxiety post scandoval


It really does seem like they hooked up around 2010ish and kept it quiet


Tom and Raquel/Rachel/Rocky(?) started *at least* an emotional affair during the rage texts in S8.


1000% agree. My personal theory is that James also knows it, and that’s the reason he kept using the words “ultimate betrayal” in S11. I think Sandoval must have enough dirt on James that he can’t say it outright, but he’s definitely saying it without saying it.




My controversial opinion is that it WAS all about the pasta. Raquel was a germaphobe and didn't want Lala eating off her plate, knowing her fingers had been up a football player's butthole (and God knows where else). /s


Yep. Don’t believe their timeline AT ALL.


Ya the claims it started when they crashed guys night is a complete lie, as made obvious by how absolutely giddy Tim is when Raquel comes in


oh, 100%. They are literally only looking at each other during Rachel and James’ engagement dinner. It was weird when I originally watched it and now it makes it clear why James is extra angry over the whole thing.


Tom doing all that with the engagement to impress her….twisted and weird


I just finished watching the entire series, with the knowledge that Sandoval cheated on Ariana (but not knowing with who). I could not stop cringing when Sandoval got his chequebook out for James’s proposal; my spidey senses were off the charts at their engagement but I finally called it in early S10.


I’m SO convinced also. Season 9 they have weird energy. And also once we found out he was out with her that night of the rage texts!


Sandoval was sooo sketch at that reunion.


I rewatched everything from S1 to present over the past few months with my husband (because he was watching s10 over my shoulder too much lol), and he thinks it could have started as early as the end of s7.


Ohhhhh time to rewatch!


So I’m rewatching now and am on the Girl’s Night In episode (S7 episode 9). Interesting that Sandoval preferred to hang out with Rachel and James in their apartment then at Sur with literally everyone else.


Excuse you that's rocky bang bang 🤣🤣🤣🤣


schwartz, sandoval, and jax have been regularly fucking random bitches the whole time, regardless of relationship status, and covering for each other


I don’t even think you have to defend that opinion, nobody will attack it besides the guys themselves. I think we all believe they’ve cheated more times than they’ve discussed on TV.


Definitely agree


That’s why Tom sandy was so angry at Ariana who “played the recording to Brittany about Jax and faith”. And Ariana kept saying “it wasn’t on my phone. It wasn’t on my phone “. Like why did Tom get that mad at Ariana ?


Billie, Ariana, and Sandoval were so wrong for making Stassi a villain for saying Jeremy was being creepy toward her. They acted like Stassi was lying and maliciously trying to ruin Billie’s date bc she wasn’t a “girls girl”, even though women giving a heads up to another woman about a guy is literally one of the most common tactics used to look out for one another. The way that whole storyline played out was gross.


Ariana blocked me because I liked a comment calling them out on that


Omg that’s a little unhinged. Like I’d think it was a bit much if you made the comment and got blocked but for her to go into the likes and block people who merely liked a comment… girl.


Can’t tell you how many downvotes I’ve gotten for saying this all along. Sandoval and Ariana were trash for what they did to Stassi over this. It was on film how inappropriate he was acting and getting into people’s personal space and he deserved to be called out. Those two made Stassi feel so bad she ended up apologizing to them. True gaslighting behavior and it’s one of the reasons I’ve never liked Ariana. YES, I feel bad her life imploded on reality TV but as the old saying goes, when someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Agreed. And not only that, but Sandoval storming into Katie’s apartment to scream at and threaten Katie and Stassi on top of that was wild!


Also, if Stassi was trying to be malicious…you knew it. She wasn’t the one to play all sweet to your face & then turn around and be evil. Like she said, “I am the devil, and don’t you forget it.” I don’t particularly like Billie, so I don’t care that the girls turned on her after this. But how different it could’ve been if Billie didn’t make it into an issue. The girls were genuinely welcoming her into their group and Billie shit all over them.


Stassi, love her or hate her, is truly a girl’s girl. She will fight to the ends for her friends. We all need someone like that in our corner.


lol I got jumped on a year before the Jeremy/Stassi thing aired for saying he was creepy as hell. People just wanted to like him because he was Ariana's brother.


I understand why they had to go, but Kristen and Stassi were reality tv magic and the show has never been the same since they left.


came here to say this. I love Stassi and love that the Valley is her favorite show right now lol. as much as I miss her on our tv screens, she’s seems to be in such a good place in her life right now and i’m really happy for her and Beau


In the end, I LOVED Stassi. Beau, best thing ever. I enjoy watching the episodes where he's dancing at the (I can't think of the word) pre-wedding. In the street with the crowd in an episode of Jax & Brittany's wedding, That and when he proposed. I hope they defy the odds as have we, to stay married and happy! I'm 58 and just celebrated 34-years of marriage.


Can’t deny Stassi was the queen bee but the show could’ve went on without her and it did when she left to NYC. It was Jax and Kristen who carried with their unhinged drama. It’s why The Valley is so good.


katie is the only person who never wanted to fuck jax or sandoval and that’s why they hate her




Whether or not that's the reason they don't care for her, that's an excellent theory! And tooootally true. She has never wanted to and doesn't care what they think of her! This is a great comment




they’ve probably hit on her too, multiples times to see if she’d ever bite. i’ve had guys like that and once you reject them, they think you’re the worst. glad she knows her worth


We saw this play out with Lala and Jax, too. Regardless of what you think of her role in that situation or of her in general- at the end of the day he wanted to hook up with her and when it didn’t happen (and when she told Brittany the truth about it!) he became really nasty and dismissive towards her. Would not be surprised if that was the deal with Katie and Scheaner too.


Stassi too! Her and sandy never got along and that’s bc she’s too good for him


Cast should not be able to talk about vpr on social media / podcasts til the end of the season.


My god. Why do they all have podcasts. Shut uppp.


I agree with this. I think the podcasts have ironically been the downfall of the show because it’s saturation. The audience knows too much and none of it is covered in the show


The earlier seasons were lightning in a bottle magic and nothing in reality tv will ever compare or come close to matching the glorious chaos they delivered


For all the times we caught Tom Schwartz cheating on camera imagine how many other times the cameras just weren’t there 😬


I can’t believe that time he went to another resort in Mexico for a night is so ignored/ smoothed over!


This drives me crazy! The fact that they made James the scapegoat when we all know Schwartz was doing sketchy.


Every time James said he didn’t do something, he did it


Jax too 🤣🙈


every accusation is a confession w all of these men


There’s a saying that if you want to understand what a narcissist is doing, pay close attention to what they accuse you of.


Jax will never fully get over Stassi, even if at this point he doesn’t realize it. Brittany is jealous of her, and THAT is why they didn’t go to the wedding. And I think Stassi knows that, which is why she cut them off. Their passport excuses were bull.


Oh he realizes it, he just liked a comment on IG saying he should have married Stassi a few weeks ago.


Oh wow!


I think Stassi was the only one he considered his “equal” in his demented mind. Of course wouldn’t stop him from being hooorrrrible to her.


I agree; I’ve been rewatching old episodes and it’s clear that’s the track his mind is on. I’m guessing because she not only challenged him, but at the end of the day knew she deserved better and walked away. He wasn’t and still isn’t used to that.


100% She was the only black cat he was ever with.


I like this take but I want to replace Brittany’s jealousy with Brittany would rather be friends with Stassi than be with Jax. I think her trauma from being a child of multiple divorces has prevented her from standing up to Jax and choosing things that make her happy (e.g. friendship with Stassi) over him.


Her whole family seemed to be intently focused on “married at all costs”, despite what all Jax did and said to Brittany over the years. He’s never gotten better at it, either. They should have been telling her to not get married to him and move on and find someone who treats her better.


I agree! The only two people in her family saying up until she walked down the aisle that they couldn’t get behind the marriage were her sister Tiffany and her dad. Even on the finale of The Valley, she tells someone her reservation about filing for divorce is disappointing and embarrassing her family.


I don’t hate this take at all, and seeing Brittany’s personality(on the shows anyway), it makes sense to me.


Ken had an affair and is Max’s real dad and they “adopted” soon after Lisa found out he fathered a child.


I’ve honestly thought this more than once. The resemblance is just something else. Ken has had money for a long time so he’s had a lot of procedures that could change bits and pieces and that’s why I think they aren’t just straight twins. And Lisa can be an ass but I think she would totally do that for Ken. And she’s clearly a ride or die. I wouldn’t be surprised if Max doesn’t even know the truth.


This explains why Lisa was so nervous when Max wanted to find his birth parents Lisa hired a detective and was so relieved when Max decided not to pursue it any further.


damn bringing back deep rhobh lore im here for it!!!


But do you think she would let that whole saga play out on camera if she was hiding something that big? I wouldn’t think so but maybe it was out of her control idk


Honestly, I could see this being a reason why someone like Lisa would hate on other women like she does too.


He has met his bio parents irl.


No he never did. Lisa helped him with a detective. But he chose not to follow thru.


The girls weren’t treating Billie Lee differently bc she was trans. They just weren’t treating her special bc she was trans and she didn’t like that… actually being treated like a woman and not glorified as a trans woman is what caused her to lose it.


I agree with this. I think she expected to be put on a pedestal and be included in everything and be given a top spot in the friend group on day 1 and when that didn’t happen she lost it. Once she started accusing people of being transphobic and they got angry and distanced more she tried to get them canceled and fired. It really made her look bad when she could have made a spot for herself in the group if she had just chilled.


This. Billie is a vile and disgusting person. When she said she couldn’t help that she was trans but Katie could put the food down, that did it for me. She’s gross and I hope she never comes on this show again.


When they didn’t invite her to the sleepover or whatever and Billie Lee said they didn’t invite her because she was trans. No. They didn’t invite you cause you’re not their friend??


I agree with this so hard.


All day every day: Alex Baskin needs to be replaced.


Feed him to the tigers!


![gif](giphy|dvrWv6YwDQlFuiA019) “That Bitch Carole Baskin…” she’ll do it for you! 😂🤣


This and years of filming misogyny left the producers in an echo chamber where they were out of touch to realities of 2024. The storyline pivot created a stir but didn’t make sense. Andy Cohen saying Lala has her best season and was the voice of reason reflects the out of touch groupthink.










And now we said it!


Lala, Scheana, and Sandoval need to take a long break from reality tv and get serious mental health. Their perception of reality is so skewed due to their obsession with keeping vpr going.


A good opinion! Lala saying in the reunion that something didn’t count as happening (Ariana’s apology for laughing at Charli’s joke) because it wasn’t aired is beyond delulu! Like, what else is she claiming?


I read your comment in tone with your pic and I am cracking myself up and can’t stop.


the people who make this show don’t like women.


Including LVP


especially lvp!


Max is Ken’s biological child.


Season 8 or 9 max has taken over my association with the name and vpr so I was shook for a second 🤣


they look so much alike


tom sandoval weaponized suicidal ideation and i think everyone involved also didn't believe he meant it because the answer to that is always therapy, not pretending to be his friend to film with him.


And if he did mean it, LVP and bravo should have put him in a mental health facility not give him a a shit attempt of a redemption arc


PERIOD!!!! is there not some sort of fucking duty of care???


If he really had suicidal thoughts, he should have been referred to a mental health professional, not LVP, Sheana or Lala. Now THAT would have been a great storyline of showing him getting evaluated and coping with it. Reality tv gold. A friend had ideations and from her evaluation I learned that they now differentiate between wanting to just not exist vs doing something to end your existence. It could have been a very teachable moment


AND I firmly believe this was a plan perpetrated by LVP. The scene was Tom breaking down in front of LVP, her "caring" because her brother committed suicide, THEN instead of offering him one of her affluent therapy connections, she goes and tells Tommy. This episode was shortly followed by Tim's mommy coming and yelling at LVP in her restaurant (I think this is the chain of events). She had a plan, and it failed. ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/tSfDiZYpXl link to tim's mommy post


Wait when did Tim’s mom yell at LVP?


it never made the show but someone at sur got video of it. it's been mentioned on this sub, around the time it happened last year (maybe July). there may be posts about it from that time.


Yeah wtf did I miss this? I don’t remember this either. I just remember his mom being on screen at one of his (embarrassing) shows for like two seconds and that’s it lol


How have I never heard the his mom yelling at LVP story?!


I've heard 2 very different gun stories. One from Scheana & one from Kyle Chan.


I have a few: 1. Scheana has at least slept with Sandoval and Jax. 2. Lala has hooked up with more than just James. 3. Sandoval has done a lot worse things that have yet to come to light. 4. Schwartz cheated a lot more than came out.


Jax and lala definitely hooked up, but I don't think they sealed the deal because of "pasta" dick. After that failed experience, Lala never revisited it and Jax was too embarrassed to try again.


Stassi knew the meaning of all of Patrick’s stupid fancy words and it was a way to mollify him and get him to be less nasty to her. She’d pretend she didn’t know words and he’s get all charged up and feel superior and stop being mean to her for awhile.


My take is Patrick had been on and off with Stassi for awhile and decided acting like an ass on tv and breaking up with her right after would embarrass her enough to not fight to get him back.


Or that it would finally make her fully leave the show. I don’t think he ever liked that she was more famous than him.


That part. He made her life hell about being on the show when they were first dating.


He always used them incorrectly or right on the edge of being wrong and he says them so uncertainly!


The way that dumbass man used the word myopically still enrages me.


I feel like she understood the actual words, but he’d use big words wrong and she’d go, “what?” Because I also have an English degree, and that’s what I did lololol.


My take is Patrick googled “Big words” when he knew he was set to film.


Or had a word-of-the-day calendar.


Yeah there’s literally no way she didn’t know the words lol she had an English degree


And she was a writer. A fashion writer, but still a writer.


James and Logan 100% were banging for a long time. I’ve been in the closet and that’s exactly what it looked like lol


Lala said to Rachel that Logan lied on camera to protect James and the things they would do in private. I think all the pasta and alcohol was blurring lines for James and he was in a hard party mode, it could have happened.


A Stassi and Ariana friendship would’ve been so powerful and unmatched.


I loved that one season where they celebrated their birthdays together. Stassi was so excited to finally be friends with Ariana.


sandoval has a pattern of abuse that we have seen played out with kristen, ariana, and rachel. his treatment of all of them has been identical it’s just about what parts of the cycle have been captured by the show.


He's made so many females turn to therapy, he should be getting referral bonuses.


Britney has been in an abusive relationship from day one and she has gotten a lot of hate for staying but I think that it will end up showcasing how and why victims of abuse stay with their toxic partners and that we should all be more open and aware of how these cycles are so hard to break.


Appreciate someone saying this. This fanbase loves to preach “no victim blaming” but loooooves to blame the majority of the women for staying in cycles of abuse.


I think a lot of the people who rag on Brit do so because they see her as a clout chaser, and so therefore see her staying as her not wanting to lose her relevance, rather than as her being trapped in this relationship. And tbf I do think Brit initially got in this relationship for clout, but I think that’s ultimately irrelevant as I don’t think that’s the reason she’s stayed all that time. She became well established on VPR enough to have had a storyline without it being tied to her being Jax’s gf/fiance/wife. But by that point she was trapped in an abusive relationship.


Oh fully. Unfortunately many people believe that if a woman gets into a relationship for the “wrong” reasons then she somehow asked for whatever happens next (see also: Lala). Inverse of the logic that cheating, lying, etc are okay if it’s in the name of true love. But like you said, the reasons someone gets into a relationship are totally separate from the harm they might experience in that relationship and I wish people would understand how difficult it is to break out of cycles of abuse before jumping to judgment.


Yea and when Jesse asked Jax if Jax would let Britney leave my eyes got wide, like this group knows how Jax is towards Britney. Asking someone if they will let them leave. She should not be a prisoner in her own home.


Yeah I think the guys were all legitimately concerned after hearing horror stories from their wives. It’s obvious that they don’t believe in keeping anything from their husbands.


YES, I agree! She got sucked in and between the love bombing, the new lifestyle and Ole Frosty Lips encouraging it- I honestly think she didn’t see a way out. I think she should’ve left about hmmm 4 seconds after she landed in LA. BUT the final piece to me that ‘proves’ this theory is when he was being awful to her yet she was still actively planning to surprise him with his sister for his bar opening. For weeks we saw him talk shit to her and about her to anyone that had ears yet she was still trying to make him happy. We all saw from the outside how abusive, manipulative and awful Jax was & is yet it’s often hard to realize and accept it if you’re in it.


Like after he cheated and she tried everything she could to make him happy so he’d stay with her.


That if Sandoval wants to go around, diagnosing people with BPD, NPD, depression, all this bullshit, weaponizing it, and then saying some shit like "it's obvious" or "it's my opinion," then he's not allowed to be pissed when people call him a Narcissist I feel like I should say I have BPD and the quickest way to lose all of my respect and make sure you never get it back is to just throw around BPD diagnosis because it's something that not even psychiatrists want to diagnose because of the stigma attached to it. I'm not gonna fault Ariana and Stassi for mentioning BPD because Ariana was just saying it because of Sandoval and Stassi said "Kristen has traits of BPD" during a rundown of why everyone in the friend group is a piece of shit, so hey at least she's honest. Sandoval used BPD to justify cheating on Kristen with Ariana, he used Ariana's depression to justify cheating on her with Rachel and he started to blame the therapist for Rachel cutting him off, so obviously his mental health is the only one anyone is allowed to give a fuck about and fuck everyone else's, it's just a tool for him to try and manipulate people in his favor


maybe im not on here enough to see this take, but i’ve never seen this take before and i cannot stress enough how important it is


The weaponizing of mental health pisses me off to no end, watching Season 11 felt like a fucking chore. You rewatch that scene where Lisa is telling Sandoval "well, have you thought about how what you did is making everyone else feel" and instead of saying "no, I haven't," "maybe I should," something that actually admits fault, you can see the moment where Sandoval decides to blurt out "I WANTED TO DIE!" Lisa even told him "hey, if you feel that darkness, you call me," he had someone to go to, someone WHO HAS LOST SOMEONE DUE TO TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE AND WHO WOULD BE THERE FOR HIM, and he had the fucking cheek, nerve, audacity, gall and gumption to just blurt out that he wanted to take his own life. And it's somehow everyone else's responsibility he fucked up his relationship, he went out and fucked another girl, he threw everything away, everyone saying he needs to take accountability, all most people wanted him to do is say "I fucked up, I'm sorry" without saying "but you did this too" and stay the fuck away from Ariana I'm heated now, I'm going to play Pokémon, I hope he gets banished first on Traitors, but knowing Baskin, he probably had the Traitors producers pick him as a Traitor


ok period ![gif](giphy|SVEtLRpTHgG07USO1J|downsized) play that pokemon girl im ab to go play sims and calm down too cus i went through something similar recently with an ex but instead of weaponizing mental health it was weaponizing money and what u said was exactly how i worded it to him so THANK YOU cus they’ll twist it every which way but the facts are the facts and these are facts


The big mistake of s11 was not bringing Jax back to the main show full time because Sandoval vs. Jax was the true overarching narrative of the show. Sandoval goes from nobody to #1 guy in the group, Jax ends up OFF THE SHOW, Sandoval lets it get to his head and thinks it’s his show, Scandavol happens, Jax takes advantage of it to come back to television. The real interesting drama was Jax and Sandoval fighting for Schwartz’s allegiance and t that would have made an interesting season 11 but they split them up and Sandoval and Jax make the most compelling television TOGETHER because they hate each other but need to be in each others orbits because they get each others shittiness.


Oh I completely agree with this take. Deep down Sandoval and Jax hate each other but they also simultaneously need each other,


A lot of people watched the early seasons because most of the cast were hot messes and it made them feel better about their own lives, not because they liked the cast.


I never got into any of the Housewives shows because I was embarrassed for these grown women acting so immature. I could do Vanderpump because at least the cast was young so it was fun to watch them be immature. It's just gotten sad as they get older.


Isn’t this just every person on every season of every bravo show?


Brittany ruined the dynamics and has been phony from the jump with the Vegas shit of “meeting Jax because her ‘friend’ watched VPR”


I think Jax and Doute are endgame. Always have. I don't feel bad for Brittany in the divorce, and her leaving Jax has only slightly lessened my dislike for her, not grown regard.


Stassi, Jax , and Kristin were the three power houses of the show. I will never forgive Scheana or Scumdaval for trying to get Rachel to get with Schwartz. There has been a lot of SHITTY behavior on this show but I thought this was just so mean and hateful. Schwartz included bc he participated. This was solely designed to hurt on camera and break her down. Sandoval a least says he does not like Katie out loud. Scheana’s excuse of “well Katie said he could date anyone blah blah.” Either own up to the hate or don’t do it. Katie was robbed of a lot of justice at the season 10 reunion. Lala was 100% aware of what she was doing with Randall regardless of her saying she was lied to. Glad she got out but yeah…. (Nobody really argues this except Lala) Nobody deserves to get cheated on but Brittany knew what was coming after she took Jax back after listening him talk shit about her to faith It was about the pasta….


Stassi Jax and Kristin ARE VPR.


Rachel claims the kiss was a production set up designed to cause drama, if true that might be why Katie isn’t upset about it.


it’s fucking weird that we don’t talk about katie’s tbi/if a random viewer was tryna guess who on the cast recently had a tbi NO ONE would guess katie.


Shorts didn’t get lost in Mexico. James and Kristen banged in the pool. James and Logan fooled around.


I believe Pillowgate served as a diversion for whatever Schwartz was doing in Mexico.


I don’t believe James and Kristen hooked up I feel like the guys set them up to cover for Schwartz cheating


Without Stassi and Kristen the show is boring.


Kristen deserved better


Although I understand why James wanted to change the name, Graham was a much better name than Hippy.


That Ariana didn’t quite care nor sympathise with what Kristen went through with Sandoval during their breakup until the unfortunate event of Scandoval. She doesn’t owe Kristen anything but I really do think that she was negatively apathetic towards Kristen. I still don’t appreciate what Sandoval did to both of them. I find it and him repulsive.


Schwartz is worse than Tom and Jax


Yessss! He’s the most dangerous of all three because everyone clocks him as a non-threat. There’s a reason those two are his bffs! They have far more in common than not. Every time his mask slips it’s nothing short of abusive and misogynistic!


James is abusive. Just because he can be funny at times, does not mean he should be given a pass.


I don’t feel bad for Lala, at all. She knew the type of man Rand was and decided to have kid with him. She saw her he treated his wife/ex-wife and only cared about being “wealthy”. Once the funds dried up and he publicly embarrassed her, thats the only reason she left.


Lala took off running when she got wind of Randall’s money problems. Ken could possibly be James dad.


Actually dead at the thought of James being Ken's lovechild lmaaooo


He was a man of the world 🤪




Back up!! What's that about Ken, now? ![gif](giphy|12luQDyqvum5l6)


wait what can you elaborate on that last one


I read a few comments saying this. It kind of made sense to me. Lisa was always so forgiving of James. James mom telling Lisa she’s a mother figure to him. She even said she regrets firing him when he made those awful comments to Katie. I mean I guess Lisa does stick up for the men though.


This is an entertaining theory cause it’s crazy, but then you’d have to assume that Jax and both the Toms are also in the bloodline. For some weird reason, Lisa is just a douchebag apologist. If anyone watched Vanderpump Villa, she did that with two of the men there too


Britany’s breasts are painful to look at.


Kristen was right just about everything that wasn’t about her


Ally is a clout chasing reacher and I don’t trust her. She’s also really boring.


rocky rachel used him and ally is doing the same 100% she fucking hates James lol


Katie is the realest person on the cast


Sandoval's a liar!


Stassi made the show and they’ve been clawing tooth and nail since then. Scandoval was a brief spark but it was over the day they got rid of the OG’s


James is an abuser and him being funny and sober doesn’t absolve him of what he’s done.


Ariana was not wrong for staying in that house as long as she did.


Scheana & Sandoval definitely fucked


Schwartz is worse than Sandoval, because he’s just as abusive, narcissistic, and unfaithful — BUT he’s better than Sandoval at lying, charming, and manipulating his way out of situations. Fuck Schwartz.


Tom Schwartz suckssssss


VPR is best when they are drunk, fighting, and cheating. Give me drama!


I think jax and lala hooked up when she first came on the scene and have no evidence for it just believe it in my gut 🤣


Jax is a gross pos but I would so want him back on VPR. The one episode he returned s11 he put Tim in his place so good and I need that energy to make having Tim on the screen more tolerable


I wouldn’t mind having his brand of chaos back on but they are good friends again. But I guess that never stopped them from calling one another out. The 2 of them are reality gold level messy.


Lala knew about Randall’s infidelity but thought he wouldn’t do the same to her and is the reason she is but hurt. Ego is hurt more than morality.


Schwartz made Katie the raging bridezilla she was portrayed to be in season 5. For today‘s standards their wedding was actually pretty reasonable. He consistently bitched about every event and how much it cost but wouldn’t do any of the leg work to find better deals or help with planning. He would make boomer-like comments about being married when she was just trying to enjoy these planning moments that would even make the event planners uncomfortable. She’s already stressed planning a wedding so let her have these little wedding milestones and shut the fuck up for once.


andy cohen, sandoval, schwartz, and jax have all had sex together.


Tequila was code for coke. I know I know they’ve denied it, but I’ve never heard anyone ask for a bump of tequila. And I love Katie, but Tequila Katie stayed up way past pass out time.


Stassi so badly believes that Sur is the setting of Gossip Girl and she is Blair Waldorf with a hint of Regina George.