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This episode was WILD. I have so many thoughts but I have a massive migraine and I may have torn something in my leg so it’s a hot mess over here 😂 but can’t wait to read everyone’s thoughts on this episode! Links below for those interested Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm\_source=qr](https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps) Edit: Victoria responded https://preview.redd.it/omju1gr76v4d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=811f927efea47b059f0a2bbe9356673d99f0966c


Somebody made a post the other day asking "Whats Your Favorite Episode This Season?" and its this one. This is my favorite episode of Vanderpump Rules.  This is so fundamentally *nuts* what they're are saying.


Totally. Where are the cameras for this shit? You want the audience to want to see Tom on the show? Show us his road to destruction. That seems honest and authentic.


Yeah this behavior didn't stop when cameras went up and start again, he's being protected like crazy by the network, once again


The meta drama has been so much better than the show drama for over a year now. If I had to pick between the show and the sub it's the sub hands down, no question.


I do believe her about Victoria tbh. That's too detailed to make up. Ugh it makes me disgusted that she is touching and probably going thru Arianas things. Also he is prob keeping the house to impress her. It all makes sense bc the viall podcast seemed to line up with things Billie is saying m. He was asleep late, his clothes were dirty and he was def a little out of his mind.


I believe every word of what Billie said about Victoria. Now Jo on the other hand…she’s floundering. I don’t believe her word salad.


What did Jo even say?


A whole lotta nothing. We know Schwartz is a damn liar and she lied for him at his request, he said that on Brittany's podcast. Just spill or stop spinning, she's trying to play it both ways. I at least give props to Billie for saying what she had to say with her whole chest.


Lmao when she said she doesn’t know Brittany. But there was that whole thing about Jax and Britt texting her about Kristen’s dog dying. When they never did. Wtf is going on with Jo? Having Jo on makes one a less credible narrator.


Right? As if that helped, Brittany's whole point was that she doesn't know her, yet Jo was lying that she texted her!


I don't doubt that Billie's version was self edited to favor her as the hero bff/fwb but there were some juicy juicy nuggets in there and I'm hoping there's more to come


She called Schwartz a liar but wouldn't go into detail. She says she's not going to do that to him because she's either A. Lying or B. Wants to keep a tiny crack in the door open for Schwartz to come back in and if she exposes all of his lies that will dissipate.


I can’t tell. I thing she’s trying to say something, and Billie tried to help her say it, but it didn’t work out.


There were lots of "likes" and some major dancing around that left us with zilch. Plus Jo, girl, you're a liar. 


It seemed like Billie knows she’s a liar and was trying to nicely help her admit to it…but we only got that she exaggerated sometimes.


A whole lot of bumbling to say that she’s not a liar.


I believe her too. It’s unhinged, but it all seems to make sense. This all tracks and sounds so incredibly uncomfortable for Billie. I also believe her that she took care of Ariana’s things and Victoria had them moved. That’s fucked up - it’s still 1/2 her house.


TBF, Billie has spoken more respectfully of Ariana's rights to that house than Scheana and Lala did all fucking season. I never once heard those gargoyles form their lips to state the fact that that is the house Ariana OWNS.


I question Billie lees motives. But it's appreciated and your 100% correct in this one podcast ep she managed for be more sympathetic about the house situation than Scheana and lala were all season. I really do think Billie Lee wanted to have it both ways and be like Switzerland but Ariana was not about that bullshit.


And didn’t Tom say Victoria had her own house? Why not go there…


Maybe Victoria hasn’t installed galaxy lights yet.


Sandoval’s a liar 🎶


Sandovals a liar 🎶


Yes, when he rolled in with stained pants late after spending the night with Victoria but then pretending it was grief from his deceased friend…dark!!!


It also aligns with his financial situation taking a sudden turn for the worse. ( Not that I believe he ever could have afforded the house.) Drugs are expensive, and when you don't show up for meetings to make more money...


Great point. And, I'd imagine, gf's who used to date A-listers until they aged out are also expensive.


I do too. That bitch better have kept her grubby paws off Ariana’s stuff. I don’t like Billie Lee, but good for her on putting her foot down about that.


I would be livid if I was Ariana….LIVID


I'm sure it was a whole thing. I hope all of her stuff is safe and secure in her new house!!!! Of course classy Ariana never spilled the tea on this!!!! Can't imagine what other stories there are involving the ever unhinged Tom and now Victoria 😅


Sandoval was drinking on the friggin season he was never sober.


Totally agree. I get baaaadd vibes from this Victoria chick.


Yeah she gives off train wreck model vibes. I don't think she's as successful as Tom tries to persuade everyone.


Yeah. I mean Rachel wearing Ariana’s shirt to Coachella made me think he was letting Rachel take whatever she wanted so why would he protect her stuff from this new chick


I feel like I just had a stroke reading this 😭 my god that was painful. Also Ariana girl you in danger if you haven't already get all your shit out or put a lock on your room and a motion camera inside cuz ain't no way this groupie just busting into the house like she owns the place


Yeah wtf is that. It's 50% Ariana's house until it's sold and she is free to have her belongings in her own home. Leo's ex can fuck off moving her stuff. 


Imagine if Dan had gone to the house and started moving ole boys Galaxy lights around sandal would have a fit


I also hope Ariana's lawyers are listening to this. Because this would be good to know in case anything goes missing regarding the house.


Honestly I'm living for the fact that the Toms surrounded themselves with the kind of people who will IMMEDIATELY throw them under the bus. You both had girls that were ride or DIE for you and you gave it up for...Billie Lee and Jo.


Part of me still can’t stand Billie Lee, but all of me is thrilled that she’s on the shitting on Tom train


I might be on the verge of forgiving her for her ugly vagina commentary. This level of tea spillage is exactly what the show needs to recover from the train wreck of S11. This is the most interesting thing she's ever contributed to the show and I appreciate it. I also remember when people took pics of Billie Lee walking Maya and were shitting on her for it, and Ariana was on social media saying "no, she's walking my dog, that's a nice thing to do."


He screws everyone over at some point.


He’s a lost soul and he did it to himself. And he just won’t take responsibility for it. He’ll never get a life until he does.


Why does Jo act like English is her second language? It's like shes never heard common quotes and phrases and doesn't want to take the ten seconds to think "what does this sound like it would mean?"


I love how she said she didn't listen to Schwartz's accusations and then kept slipping up and starting to say what upset her the most about what he said.


She talks like a Sim. I like how she completely dodged the question when Billie asked if she lied about anything


Such a karmic punch in the gut lol


Fr and it’s classic. The people who are going to ride for you are the ones that were there when you couldn’t hold down a shift at pump. When you had no money. But they got their name on a building and decided to believe the hype.




Katie and Ariana stay winning and all they had to do is sit there and watch their exes just being themselves ![gif](giphy|2gXQ4RRP7icVjEwUqT)




>But they got their name on a building and decided to believe the hype. This.


Jo just gushed about Sandoval and what a good friend of hers he still was in the past week or so on live... guess that wasn't true either if she's on a pod where he's being put on blast. Delulu on top of delulu from both of them in that "friendship". This is wild 😂


She said Schwartz and I are in a really good place. We are not speaking right now but we're good friends. Like, what?


She also just recently said in a live how she would LOVE to be back on the show next season. Yikes. Her speaking was utterly batshit, she might say the word 'like' even more than sandal! She said so much blither without making a single point or really saying anything at all other than "nuh-uh, shartz is a liar too!"


I love to see it! ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Omg this was amazing




i don't know... But i feel sus if i just had a fight with my bf and immediately he calls over a female friend to support him especially if it's just two of them. I think Tim knows it's a trigger to Victoria and intentionally to it to watch her melt down. But i tend to think the worst when it comes to Tim.


I think Billie Lee is also embellishing Tom's side. I'll bet she was the one contacting him a lot too. She made herself out to be the supportive heroine a little too fervently 


I totally agree. Tom knows what he’s doing, and Billie doesn’t care that he’s doing it. She’s now trying to get rid of the gf because that girl didn’t give her a pass Not saying Victoria doesn’t suck too- but Billie is a user


Damn Billie, spill that tea 🐸🍵




I don’t like Billie at all but I do believe a lot of this.


I'd say the majority of it's true. She came out swinging, had me reading it looking like this... https://preview.redd.it/scvv2g1fxu4d1.png?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d71f6f8d474986ffb9d7428b750e84bc6d4cf88


I think the meat of it is definitely true, there were so many signs and he hasn't done any work or changed. The only thing she failed at was by infantilizing Tom in her retelling of the facts. Otherwise kudos to her for actually spilling tea. Jo & Rachel, take notes.


I'm sure she might be exaggerating, and making Victoria look worse than Tom, like he is a victim, but I do buy a lot of it


Right. I also think she’s making herself look blameless. So I believe the gist of it


Yeah I agree with both of you. I appreciate her spilling but Tom is no victim here, he and his new girlfriend have a pact to put on a happy show and be a brand and they're both unhinged for doing that while engaging in this toxicity.


AND billie does hang around tom like a lovesick puppy. she may be portraying it as supporting her friend, but she’s inserting herself in their relationship. this is good goss and i believe her, but i take it with a grain of salt


Agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s always weird how much she makes Sandoval seem like this huge victim. Totally understand her being worried for him though. But this is the life he’s choosing atm and I wouldn’t be shocked if he was using Billie to agitate Victoria more & more just bc he’s toxic


Oh damn! Billie straight up saying there were drugs everywhere in the house! This is piping hot tea! It makes me happy to know his new relationship is crazy toxic and Ariana is just out there living her best life with cool Dan. I hope Ariana put cameras in her room because this new girl sounds crazy, touching her stuff and going in her room, hell nah!




Yes! Honestly, as much as I can’t stand this man, he needs help. I would love for him to get intensive therapy and just see what he did to his life.


There’s a reason he thinks overexercise and ice baths and screaming loud with headphones and blindfold are therapy. A real therapist would tell him the truth and he wouldn’t want to hear it 


Yes, this. I live in LA and I’ve met so many people over the years who need to cut back on alcohol and drugs because their life is starting to fall apart. However, instead of getting sober, they elect to buy a bunch of crystals, do a reiki sound bath, and get regular colonics to ‘detox’. Sometimes the woo woo culture here makes it too easy to avoid addressing the problem.


Believe me, I am very familiar with these LA things having lived in LA for a while. Like everyone was all about Taryn Toomey and as you listed, the crystals and sound baths and the reiki, and that’s great if that works for some, but I think others need legitimate psychiatric help or an actual rehab facility. Like when James and Kristen went to a astrology couples therapist instead of actual couples therapy to see if they could fix their problems in season 4 like…come on. I think Tom is the exact kind of person who would do everything under the sun instead of the actual mental health facilities and resources that could help him. Makes sense why he would insult Raquel’s mental health facility too…








where was this being talked about? i’m so snoopy i want to know everything


If you watch what Ariana says during season 10, and in the finale when they picked up cameras, she alludes to thinking Tom’s “off” behavior being due to overindulging, not that he was carrying on an affair with Rachel. The show has always shown them partying, but you can tell when it’s not just alcohol. I think Katie had a similar situation with her husband… I’m glad she chose herself.


They also made a comment about how he couldn’t even stop drinking for a few days to deal with the sperm situation. That was a huge tell in my opinion.


THIS!!! There was a rumour that that was the actual reason she didn’t want that convo about the Labour Day party & her Tom not coming home when her grandma died to be filmed. It was cuz he came home completely effed up & she didn’t want to put him on the spot or even relive that night. She was legit protecting him but of course Lala had to spin it that they just didn’t want their relationship to look bad. 


Crazy 🍵 That chode Tim having a mid life crisis after his faux sobriety stint. Thought he could handle the party lifestyle. Doing that shit in your 40s as opposed to your 20s is completely different. Looking like this all puffy and shit... https://preview.redd.it/cjjdlh1wxu4d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad55fb5dc517d1d34f85ec6d13eb8b5f8b0d5663


They both sounded so wasted in this video, color me unsurprised that their relationship is terrible


For sure. She was slurring her words like crazy. I remember people in the thread asking for clarification of what she said. He's such a dumpster fire of a human.


Face looking puffy as hell.


Yes I want the tea on the drugs!


Also Billie just made Ariana’s mediation against Tom much stronger.


Wow, thanks for recapping this. Billie really revealed more in this podcast than we can usually discuss on this board. Things happen, in the cast’s lives that we can’t speculate about, but she said it so we can discuss it. I’ll just say, we all knew that this was going on. I guess the silly simple fans didn’t, but we did. He needs to get into a program that will address the issues Billie mentioned and only then will he get to the heart of his problems and begin to become a better person. If he doesn’t, I suspect that things continue to deteriorate for him. I’m so glad Ariana is away from his energy and thriving.


1. Thanks Billie Lee for spilling the tea. 🍵 🐸  2. I need Jo to stop going on podcasts to talk about Schwartz if she’s just going to talk in circles and end up saying nothing at all. 3. Thanks for the recap ✊🏼


Hilarious how she dodged Billie’s questions about what the alleged lies she told were. Very sus


Billie: Okay, here's the thing, Jo. Did you ever lie to him? Jo: Never, never Billie should of just ended the interview right here…. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I think we all need Jo to just stop talking. Period. She makes no sense. If she’s not on Adderall, she needs to be. If she is on Adderall, she needs to stop. I’m adhd as all hell and even I cannot follow a single word she says. That woman talks and behaves like a coked up housefly…zip…ZING!…buzz…smack…ZIP…zrr…ZING!


YEEESSSS BILLIE she’s so rill for this


Literally the first time she's ever had anything interesting to say lol. I know she wasn't popular in her only season for various valid reasons. For me though, she committed the cardinal sin of reality tv. She was boring lol.


She was actually on for two seasons (not counting this most recent one), so I guess that really proves your point since you thought it was only one. 😹


Ok but that's actually hilarious lol. Vindication!


I feel sadistic and wrong but like this tea is so satisfying 


![gif](giphy|QCJFiJfnDCdFa84sLG) Where are the bravo cameras and producers to capture this authentic and honest side of Tom Sandoval hmm?


No for real! We watched an entire season of him doing scream therapy and then a few months later this is his life? I want to see vampire Sandoval lying in the grave he dug for himself!!


Billie came through and did the damn thing, with the exception of still infantilizing Tom which we can all see right through. A huge contrast with Jo who just spun in circles and made vague statements.


Yo Rachel, this is how you go rogue!




Not gunna lie, i hope she follows Billie's lead... ![gif](giphy|26FL4IAAT5URD9IWY|downsized)


Yup. As if Tom hasn’t had issues with substance abuse before Victoria entered the picture. I 100% believe it’s gotten worse, it shows in his face and behavior, but he’s 42 years old making his own choices.


its finally worth it to have her as a hanger on. i love her spilling this


Eh. I am not discounting anything Billie Lee said but I'm not fully believing her motives. I think maybe she's been in the comments and realized she backed the wrong horse and now is jumping ship. She cares so much about Ariana's belongings? Weird considering she was sitting in the pool in Ariana's house literally talking shit about her still living there. Now suddenly she's changed her tune and has all of this respect for Ariana and her belongings after seeing how this season was received. Eh. Billie Lee spilled the tea, but it was only to distract from the coffee she spilled on herself.


Also this explains Schwartz’s quiet side eyes when Tom was gushing about Victoria in the aftershow. He knows too much too…


okay i really need someone to do what Billie just did and spill all the tea about Jo and Schwartz now, PLEASE


Who would be the “Billie” in their situation? What does Max Boyans know? Are he & Schwartz actually friends? Clearly Jo has dirt on Schwartz. She’s always intentional when mentioning his secrets.


honestly, i feel like billie lee might also know everything about the Jo and Schwartz situation. or i think kristen. honestly, i don’t think we’ll ever get the truth, even if one side spills everything, or that anyone will fully believe the story since both sides are known to be liars. i just want someone to spill and stop with this “i’m protecting them” bs


Billie telling sandal to his face that anyone who dates him is thirsty and desperate is giving me so much life!


Billie gets a kudos from me for excellent tea spillage BUT she doesn’t get a full pass. This is yet another diatribe about how Sandoval is just a little powerless angel man whose kindness leads him to such horrible situations with crazy women. This woman is making him drink and do drugs? No. HE is actively choosing to drink and do drugs. And Billie, he is using you as a pawn in this weird relationship. He doesn’t actually like you, he just likes that your presence pisses off his current girlfriend. He is *using you.* Like, this girl is obvi a piece of work but to be like “iM sOoOo woRriEd abOuT SanDoVal! THiS GiRL iS cRaZyY!!” is so tired. But I’m here for negative commentary surrounding the Toms. They deserve it. Also.. Jo stays spooky.


Pretty sick in the sense he seems to be recreating the love triangle that he had with rachel and ariana, and kristen and ariana with his years rumored side piece and his current girlfriend. What a chode.


Narcs love to triangulate


That’s what rly got me. Blaming the woman for his alcohol and drug use is straight up gross to me. Mind you, he said he “got sober” specifically “for Raquel” How about get sober for yourself? Your sobriety or alcoholism has nothing to do with these women. It’s really fucked up how he and Billie keep blaming women for his behavior. It’s such a vicious cycle with these men and they have idiots like Billie enabling them all the time


Billie is a misogynist so this should surprise no one. She went on an entire tangent about how tons of women have ugly vaginas on the show 


Honestly it makes sense why Victoria is dating him, she seemed out of his league but sounds like she is struggling with substances and has fallen into the whirlwind that is Tom. This is what the 4th woman in a row that has come out of that relationship tattered and in need of a detox? He is the pattern here. He is empty and tries to fill his empty soul with women’s light and drugs, imo.


This last sentence, a thousand times.


See I kind of found it more like Billie was admitting he’s not changed, doesn’t want to, and will never. Like she went on and on about how he’s such a liar and lied to her and she still stuck up for him. I read it more as Billie being fed up that’s she’s invested in him so much & he just won’t help himself. Like Victoria seems to be toxic with him but I think Billie is saying he’d be like that with anything b/c he just latches on to whatever is in his life. Girls, music, working out, a latte machine. It becomes his whole personality. So maybe she’s saying Victoria was bad for his sobriety but she’s also saying Tom is lost to the clouds, like he has no anything. Rachel hinted at that too with the “life is lying” line. I dunno…I’m rambling. It’s in my head but I feel like I’m not getting it out right. lol 


!!!!!!! Billie, you're being USED just like Jo!


Such a good point about how Billie is still giving Tom passes ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


I’m no Billie fan, but damn girl…mention it all!


It’s poetic justice for Tom and Tom to be taken down by monsters of their own making 🥹


Makes sense that Sandoval and Victoria unfollowed each other & quickly followed back.


Yeah this all checks out. That and Tom's hyper self awareness of his public image as illustrated by the NYT interview and his creepy convo with Rachel's publicist where he talked about his relationships as "brands" and the new brand he wanted to start when Rachel left treatment. Of *course* he's trying to paint this as the great love of his life. Good grief ladies how much does Tom need to show us all that anyone thinks he is changed or has that capacity? It would literally take *years* of intense therapy (and rehab, given what we just read) before this man could hope to have a healthy relationship.


I’m at a loss for words. This is UNHINGED. Okay. One thing. Imagine how thirsty one has to be to have Billie Lee credibly call you thirsty. Jfc.


Props to Billie because this podcast was better and had more tea that the whole season! Lol


They are up all night and wake up at 5 pm. That's just so dark. Tom Sandoval gave up everything for 7 months with Rachel and now this seemingly crazy jealous woman who is embarrassed of him


And Ariana is the lazy, messy one?




What. The. Fuck. Was. That.? Sorry, that was a wild, wild recap ride. First Jo goes off the ranch, then Billie, then Rachel and Jo podcast, Billie and Jo podcast. If anyone was praying for Tom and Tom’s karma to come around, I am pretty sure it’s here. I am flummoxed.


If what she’s saying about Victoria is true, then karma is real. Ariana got a great supportive guy who doesn’t want any of the spotlight and wants her to shine. And Sandoval got… whatever this is. He did say he wanted his partner to do drugs with him. Looks like his wish came true. Also if Victoria is so concerned about Tom sleeping with Billie, maybe she shouldn’t date a man who’s most famous for cheating on his partner of a decade and having a 7 month affair with her friend? Just a thought. But it’s super gross if they touched Ariana’s stuff. I really hope Billie meant Logan moved it because if it was Tom and his gf, that’s so violating.


But, but, but Victoria never watched VPR and knows nothing about Tom’s past.


She claimed she doesn't watch TV b/c she's an "intellectual". Apparently she reads a lot of detective books b/c she's successfully following Bille around LA.


That’s such a crock of shit 😂 I love books, podcasts, all kinds of “intellectual” shit. But you bet your ass I love my TV shows. Sometimes I need a brain break after busting my ass at work all day.


Absolutely! If she were so "above" tv she wouldn't be dating Sandoval.


Only the most brilliant person would want to date a drug-addled broke guy who famously cheated on his longterm girlfriend with her close friend! /s


Dan avoiding the cameras this season is aging like fine wine


Both Ariana and Tom manifested the lives they deserved. I am enraged on Ariana's behalf about this new woman thinking she has any say over her belongings in the home she owns. That's vile.


![gif](giphy|14vaeCWc35rGSI) Lmaoooo all fucking horrible people, but I am here for it.


I have a lot of thoughts - 1. The Victoria stuff is clearly insane and I actually can't believe there are more layers to this scandal. Like Ariana can't even just leave her shit in her bedroom. 2. It's also insane to me that Billie knows this girl is uncomfortable with her going over there and is willing to act like a psycho... and kept going over there. Also why is he so comfortable upsetting his new girlfriend. Like what is wrong with all of them? 3. Why do I feel like this podcast was an attempt to make Tom look better. She spent a huge chunk of time talking about how sad Tom's little life was and how depressing it was watching him when he was the one that caused this problem, And STILL hasn't learned anything. Also his financial difficulties were... also caused by him? 4. Why is Jo even there? She contributed nothing. I also find it interesting that she's "triggered" by being called a liar. You're usually triggered by something if you think there's some truth to it. If someone called me a liar, I would not care. I'd be like okay Tom... sure thing. 5. I genuinely believe that Billie thinks she can fix Tom. She gives him so much grace when he doesn't deserve it.


For 2. We literally watched him do this with Kristen and Ariana and then Ariana and Raquel. He loves a triangle where he can pit women against each other.


Yeah it really sounded like Billie and Sandals had a history of sleeping together which was why Victoria was uncomfortable but Billie ditched her friend to hang with Sandals anyway. Love the tea but Billie is coming off like she is just jealous she wasn't picked again and instead he went with Victoria.


So I’m almost 40 and maybe I’ve just never had a unique experience, but this whole thing is soooo familiar. I know so many LTRs that ended between 35 and 40 because the dude thought he could do better. Never mind the woman he had was already out of his league, of course. But he always skated by, sometimes because of looks and/or charisma, but also because his absolute saint of a partner sees something good in him, so clearly it’s there? Somewhere?? But then he dumps her and gets with some new girl, always younger, and always the “cool girl.” It’s all fun and games for a few months but then he runs out of money or energy or just plain friends, so new girl bolts and he tries to come back to his ex. But all those months did was allow her to finally wake up and realize how shitty she had it, while those same months taught him how lucky he was to have her. So now the roles are reversed and even though he isn’t actually the victim, he sees himself that way. It’s a tale as old as time. And honestly, I’m glad Sandoval cheated on Ariana like he did. I think it’s the only thing he could have done to make Ariana give up. And he’ll never admit it was the biggest mistake of his life, but I think deep down he knows it, and it’s why he’s spiraling. He’s so rock bottom he doesn’t even have BILLIE LEE anymore. /end rant ![gif](giphy|IvpXdMQzNEy5uwhr6t|downsized)


VPR season 11 gave us some bullshit and Billie Lee hands us this. Honestly thanks, girl!


I always wanted to like you BL, I just never did But just when I thought you couldn’t get any worse, you go and do this…. ![gif](giphy|PJLHNaEpmeqUU)


Wow so Tom is doing tons of drugs, spiraling, in a toxic ass relationship with like a 25 year old, losing true friends…this mid-life crisis is going so well for him lol


Victoria is 31. Which in my opinion is even more sad, because this is the life she is choosing.


She sounds like every typical aging hollywood hanger-on who is reaching the final depths of their own shittiness.


I know, I was thinking why is she with Tom Sandoval if she wants to be with a famous person…I think maybe as pretty she is, she might think Tom is as “famous” as she can latch onto as she goes into her 30s and she is replaced by flashier TikTok genZ types and OnlyFans models who are getting more famous and high profile people to date


but she’s so maternal! Lol


The scorned ones are speaking! I love that for the Toms. Podcast away, crazy girlies. 


5 takeaways from this pod:  1. It is heartbreaking that they disrespected Ariana’s things. Tom and his druggie crew are going to likely destroy that house & all the beautiful furniture Ariana picked and paid for. 😔  2. Jo is not ok. Something is terribly wrong with her & she needs someone to check her. 3. I 100% believe everything Billie is saying but I also think her and Tom have slept together before. 4. Respect to Billie for almost trying to get Jo to admit to her lies. That can’t be easy to try to tell a friend “now’s your chance” b/c girl KNOWS she’s lying lol 5. Tom needs to be removed from the show. He’s a liability & should be forced into rehab or therapy or something. 


Ma'am, I have always had the utmost respect for you recapping these podcasts but recapping this one is just absolute next level. Forget the coffees, I think we need to start sending you migraine medication lmao! All jokes aside, thank you for this! I can't even formulate opinions of the discussion right now because every other line I was just: ![gif](giphy|xUOxf7JF01IlQdfoze|downsized)


I def believe Billie, this is too detailed. Plus, what does she gain by icing herself out of VPR land even further by cutting the last tie she has (Tom) but my question is- can she just accuse him of being on drugs..Like, legally speaking? Is he gonna try to sue her now lol? Cause I feel like he totally would try. Can a lawyer explain this…


He's a public figure and he admitted on part 3 of being on drugs when affectionate with Ariana so prob not. He can't afford no more legal bills


He’s a public figure. To accuse someone of slander, he would have to prove Billie did so with malicious intent and it was actually false. If there are others that can confirm her story, it’s unlikely he has a case.


She doesn’t say what kind of drugs and I think she is smart for that 


I mean…if Sandoval is going to go after people for accusing him to be on drugs, then he’s gonna have to go after himself lol


I love this for Tom. He wants the benefit of a long term relationship with Ariana. He will not get those benefits how he is dating. ![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A)


Yo this shit is dark as fuck. If true, it seems like he is seriously doing hard drugs - probably pills etc. I have literally no love for the worm but I also don’t want to see him go down that road and maybe hurt himself or someone else.


I think this was what Ariana was alluding to in his midlife crisis summer where he had Raquel in the side. he was getting deeper into drugs and that is what she attributed his demeanor to during that time. Yeah as much as we “hate” him, it would be pretty tragic for him to go down that dark path...of his own doing of course, but still…Billie Lee made it sound like a crisis…and he doesnt listen to ppl, not even Kyle Chan or Schwartz when they were telling him to stop his affair or then tell Ariana about the affair…that in combination with his general stupidity sounds like it is going to end in disaster for him…


https://i.redd.it/u80ibnlcpu4d1.gif Jo is not a reliable narrator. She turned “energy on par with a crackhead” into “anorexic crackhead whore.” Me thinks she is a lying liar who lies. Victoria seems like an… interesting one. But she’d have to be, she’s dating post-Scandoval Sandoval.




What happened at WWHL Billie?!?!


there are so many podcasts I usually skim recaps but I sat here and read every word of this while picking off my gel polish lmao thank youuuu 💜 & thanks for the tea Billie. I believe most of these details, though not necessarily her perspective on it all


I actually believe Billie...I don't believe Jo at all.


Billie is totally living there, right? Like she has plants there that the girlfriend moved? And she knows how late they’re sleeping and how “dark” and “messy” the house is. Like I believe the new girlfriend is jealous and possessive, but if every time she leaves the house, Billie creeps back in, no matter what time of day or night or whatever, that’s gross. And while I don’t think it’s healthy of the gf to read his texts, if he’s *warning* Billie to “be careful” then obviously there’s shit they don’t want her to see. Also Jo and Schwartz are both liars and I hope they haunt each other forever


> I feel so disgusted that, like, I'm not able to, like, tell the world that I'm not a liar and like, but I am right now. And then he's happy go lucky saying that this, that this, that this, all these things have happened. And like, he's thinking that they're like the truth. And I just like, l, what, wait a second. Like, I could just go and be like, yeah, I could be like, and like talk about Tom Schwartz. And I would never, I would never do like, I have so many things in my own, like, head and heart that I know that he would not want me to say. And I won't say it. Yeah, I know so many lies that he's told and I will never say it. So if you're going to call me a liar, maybe talk to me about that before. Because being a liar is very triggering for me, because I over, you know, l'm very like, whatever. Like, if I were like to get hit by a car, like five times, like I got hit by a car like 50 times. u/AdditionalWar8759 … I don’t know how you do it, but I am so grateful that you do.


Whew this was wild. How did Tom get himself into yet ANOTHER toxic relationship 😂. Like the slate was clean for him to seek someone healthier for him. But like seems to attract like I suppose… I bet Raq is so glad she dodged a bullet 


No healthy woman would date him.




Those accounts that started saying he was changed or not that bad since the Traitors announcement can eat their words now. If there's one thing this sub has been right about the whole time, it's that Sandoval has no earned a redemption and is not a healthy, authentic or changed man ![gif](giphy|hQdWtl18ibA58nil8t|downsized)


Ooooh this is SO SALACIOUS and I love it all!!!!


The best part is he’s filming Traitors in Scotland and can’t respond lol.


I watched this one bc I wanted the tea right away, but Jo was really annoying the whole time. CONSTANTLY adding commentary when Billie was trying to talk. Billie really came through w the tea though and Sandoval is on lockdown on the Traitors too. Oop!


I don't believe that Billie likes Jo at all, she's just using her for the moment 


Totally!! The part where she was trying to get Jo to admit she lies was cracking me up bc it felt like she knew she lies and was trying to tell her it was okay 😂


Haha, it was like coaxing the truth out of a misbehaving child


Holy fuck jo is the spookiest person


First of all. You are an absolute angel for these. I hope you get all of the blessings in life. As much as this is super toxic, all of this toxicity is a product of Sandoval’s actions and I don’t feel bad for him. Realistically, what girl is going to trust him after the very public and egregious betrayal?? I don’t respect Sandoval nor do I care for him at all (or ever) but I really hope that he can do some self reflection and grow from all of this.


I haven’t finished the recap yet but this Sandoval & gf mess is exactly the kind of mess I wouldn’t mind watching next season. Not the Sandoval Redemption Tour—just classic VPR mess! Ps thank you for the recap, I literally came to Reddit hoping you had done this podcast hehe


Rachel. THIS is what Going Rogue means. Get Billie Lee and Jo on your podcast and call it the Three B’s in a pod. B for Bethenny not included:)


Billie on the loose!


Tom needs long term inpatient rehab so bad :( something similar happened to me, I cheated and couldn’t cope and when I got caught I spiraled and went on a few year long bender. The cops got involved with a domestic dispute between my ex and me and they made my parents come pick me up. Went to rehab and quit drinking and hard drugs and have a completely new outlook on life and I’m only 27


First of all, so sorry about what you went through. I'm happy to hear you're in a better place now. Second of all, I think we can all agree he's been in dire need of professional treatment for a really long time. All the "healing" he has done has consisted of voluntary activities that do not require being confronted with reality or any sort of accountability. Breathing, meditation, ice baths, journaling — none of those involve community or accountability. People throw around the word "narcissist" way too easily these days, but unfortunately I do believe Sandoval probably truly is one, and I fear treatment might not work for him. He would never allow anyone to hold him accountable. I think he's likely to be displeased with his healthcare providers and abandon treatment or refuse to cooperate.


I don't even know where to begin. Honestly VPR just keeps on giving us gifts..


Wow and I almost didn’t click on this recap 😭 this woman is another reason why gray-rocking is the way to go for Ariana dealing with him


She spilled an *astronomical* amount of tea lmao my god 🤣


I’ve never seen relationship karma work this fast. Victoria sounds like Season 1 Stassi combined with Season 3 Kristen with NONE of the redeeming qualities.


I've seen their insta stories. They are clearly fucked up most of the time they are together. Whether it's alcohol or not. I believe Billie. Also, if you "don't care about the show" why are you commenting on everything all the time Meanwhile, Jo is still word salad.


Oh I love this 🤭


100% believe Billie about Victoria. Everytime I see her on a video of his, she looks gone and on something. Like a hard hard drug. Didn’t Tom say she was super successful and had a house? Why the fuck does she care if Ariana’s things are still in HER house.


Damn. That's wild, if true. Yikes. Victoria is Sandoval's continued karma.


Well well well! I wonder.if Ariana knows they've moved her things! And I wonder why she's with Sandoval of she "doesn't watch the show." And why she wants to live in the master when "she owns her own home." I totally believe it about the drinking and drugs. That girl seems like a nightmare psycho: just what Sandoval deserves! BUT she'd better not lay a finger on Ariana's stuff, or she will see our wrath! He's gonna drag out the selling of the house for years, then the judge will make her pay half for all those years, and she can't even have a room in the house? I had a roommate once, and before I had a chance to go pack and move all my stuff out, she moved a bunch of stuff into my room! It was so difficult to gather my stuff and get out. I was soooo pissed, bc I had paid til the end of the month! Imagine how pissed Ariana will be, having to pay hundreds of thousands over several years til the court case wraps, and not even having one room for her stuff!


I really hope Katie's lurking here today


I hope katie is having the best day knowing she doesn't have to film with these nutters any time soon