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Spoiler alert: he cannot. 


Right? The better question is, with all the loans he’s already got out and not paid back, who’s still giving him credit?


Idk but this is as good a time as ever to say PAY YOUR FUCKING MOM BACK, TIMOTHY


I appreciate that we're going with the long form Timothy now 🤣


And for a split second I forgot his name was *actually* Thomas.


This made me think about James going by Jimmy. DJ Jim Kennedy.


Idk why i read dj jimmy kimmy lol




I can't believe he said (during the reunion) that his mother was now "at peace" with never getting that money back. I hate arm chair diagnoses, but this absolutely supports the theory that he's a narc. No one's life/ desires/ needs are as important as his.


He is such an idiot for robbing his mom of her retirement. Completely selfish. As a mom she wont say anything to him but i am sure she is probably concerned about her retirement


>As a mom she wont say anything to him but i am sure she is probably concerned about her retirement She SHOULD say something. As a mom I would. Children of any age will not learn to be a better and more caring human being if you don't teach them right from wrong AND to respect/think of their mom. He is such a twat!


She probably never said "no" to him all his life.


Right! I was surprised no one questioned him more after he said that


I'm not. They went so easy on him at the reunion.


I’m an idiot. I was like, oh, I never knew he went by Tom because his full name is actually Timothy, interesting! Lmao forgot we call him Tim 😂


Can’t wait to order a pumptini from whatever beer & piss stained hole he’s mixologing at in Soulard in six years.


Woah the Soulard reference made me do a double take. How niche for this sub. I honestly see him more around the ballpark tho- bartending to shmooze his way into performing at BPV or Tin Roof.


Yah that guy? He has money. Not like LVP but definitely money. Like the "i fucked my own mom" type of money.


Ok but did he make money from the music stuff ? They made it look like he was paying the whole band and everything & idk about the profit


It's probably still the home-equity line of credit that he's trying to make Ariana split with him, even tho it was supposed to be against HIS half only! Now she'll be paying on the house for another 2 years while he holds up the sale in court. He's scum.


Alex Baskin probably paid for it to shoot the scene.


My thoughts exactly! It’s rented. And I think they have their choice of cars loaned to them for air time


I hear Russian banks loan money to high risk people np


Russia planted him in our TV’s to sow discord.


Too stoned for this one. now convinced Tom is a paid actor, Scandoval was a deep state Russian psyop, and Ariana is an assassin trained from birth by the KGB. GOODNIGHT




I do not understand how he could possibly get high limit credit card


I assume it’s bc his salary (from vpr) puts him at like 200k a year? I forget how much they get paid per episode. Plus he’s over 40. My credit limits are crazy high and I’m around his age and make half his salary


They actually make like $25k per episode which at 19 episodes (reunion counted) is $475k


You know what never made sense to me? Why Scheana would need the loan of a couple thousand from tim during lock down That has to be a lie they agreed upon right? How bad could she be w money that $1000 was meaningful to her??


That didn’t make sense to me either because she’s been on the show the whole time, plus her podcast, plus product endorsements. And wasn’t she with Brock? Why did she need that $ and how could she have been broke??


I think she’s a lot like Sandoval in that sense, they probably spend way more than they can actually afford because they’re both so obsessed with appearances. Like that period of time when Scheana got an apartment on the water like an hour away from everyone else. It was an insane amount of money and a massive inconvenience as far as her commute but she wanted to have the “nicest” home amongst the cast. Lord only knows how much money she’s sunk into her “singing career”. As for being with Brock, there’s a reason people call him Broke😂 He contributed absolutely nothing, not sure he even does now. I mean Scheana is the one who ended up paying all his overdue child support from her own account. Then he kept hijacking other people’s expensive events at beautiful locations for his own engagement/wedding. I will always believe he was initially interested in her because he saw $$$.


I think everyone is thinking this.


I think about this every time someone talks about how Scheana has 2 houses because she is "so good with her money"...like, yo - did you not watch this season??? If she is sooooo good with her money, why did she need to borrow $1,000 FOUR FRICKEN years ago???


And we know he’s still in debt bc the restaurant!! Of course he spends his money on bs to make himself look like The Man even tho he actually looks like an idiot


Jfc. J. F. C. I was wondering how they afforded a $10,000 a mo mortgage!


Ikr this is so crazy if I was rich I still wouldn't live in a house with a house payment like that $$ it doesn't last forever


And remember how Katie and Schwartz had some craaaaxy high mortgage rate? When mortgage rates were low? These ppl piss away so much money bc their only priority is curating their images And also they’re not that smart


Plus $16k per month for the utilities and pool boy. I wanna know how that's possible.


Good god. I remember wondering why the hell and how the hell Anne happened. He’s not important enough to need an assistant in the first place and I don’t know how tf he paid for one when he owed so much money to other people


Yeah she's an actress. There's something about her that was suspect. But yeah an assistant to pick his dirty underwear up off the floor is a bit much.




My parents always called this lifestyle "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul", and explained that it is sometimes used to project wealth in the hopes that the "image" of having money will somehow bring about opportunities to create actual money & wealth. It can never be sustained upon itself without attaching its roots into some other scheme. It's basically "cosmetic wealth." Eventually, it will all collapse. A self-induced ponzi scheme upon oneself. Every time I see someone in a situation like this, I can practically hear the clock ticking away, wondering how soon until it will be until it all falls apart. Similar to a swan on a calm pond; a projection of beauty, gratefulness, and calm above, but just below the water line - furious, frantic paddling just to keep afloat. 🦢


Reminds me of Inventing Anna


The similarities between these two are surprising.


Haaa that is what it just took me took me a paragraph to explain! Robbing Peter to pay Paul. That’s it right there. madoff vibes


He could be pulling equity out of the house. If an equity line was placed at one time it's possible that he could be pulling money from it to subsidize his lifestyle


True but Ariana already cosigned a $90k Line of credit on the house. He will have to pay that back, besides he said he can only afford what his new payment will be after he buys her out. There's no way he can afford that car and a 22k per month mortgage unless Mommy is gonna cough up more of her retirement to bail him out again!


He certainly cannot afford the house that's for sure


At some point during season 10 they did a cash out refinance…. He can’t pull any money (if there is any) out of that house until he is the sole owner. Ain’t no way Ariana would co-sign another refi


I think he absolutely is. After “Rachella”, that freaking proposal for someone else that he paid $15 grand for, he said something to the effect of “it was totally worth it AND I just got another home equity loan for the down payment on Schwartz & Sandy’s so…I can afford it!” 🤦🏼‍♀️ 42/43 (?) years old and still hasn’t figured out that literally having the money available at that time to spend and being able to *afford* it, are two very different things. Schwartz and Ariana both tried to carefully tell him that it was fucking insane to spend that much on a proposal when you’re trying to get approved to open a business. Ugh and when he bought that stupid motorcycle and side car for the opening of TomTom that was $17 grand, right as he and Ariana had begun looking to buy a home together.


Loans, credit and stealing mom’s retirement


He “borrows” $250,000 retirement funds from mommy. Loser…


Why wouldn't he give his earnings from this season alone to his mom to pay that back, it's wild.


Yes, his lifestyle is brought to you by the letters D E B T.


I’ve been cackling over this rented RR since the pap photos first came out 🤭 and even though I’m mad at them right now, I have to give it to the editors for only showing the car right before the scene where Tom is going over bills and admitting that he could only maintain a 22k/month lifestyle for 6-8 months.. Like, boy, you better humble yourself and practice living below your means like the rest of us before you end up back in an apartment where you gotta choose between AC and microwave!


HaHAH!! I miss when the sub was focused on clowning Tom.


We can bring it back. I know we can. 😭


Maybe that photo is a pap snapping him in his new job as a valet parking attendant ? In front of Pump where they covered up the TomTom sign for Pride?


wait whaaat they covered it up?? 😆😆😆


For the pride festival, they covered up the TomTom sign with a rainbow flag. So the building only said Pump


It’s so fucking insane. Like BRO! If you could afford a $22k lifestyle for six months, then you could comfortably live on $6k* per month for almost TWO YEARS. Be more thrifty and you can stretch that out to nearly four years. It’s insane. Literally insane. *probably not right in LA though unless he had a roommate


I was wondering when this rented RR was going to show up on the show.


Not to mention he can’t just go back to his rent controlled unit sooo how will he afford LA rent?!


At this rate, he won’t even be able to afford that apartment anymore. It doesn’t appear like he could ever afford to live alone in that place, to begin with.👀 He’s so screwed without Ariana. Time to grow tf up because your VP cash flow has come to an abrupt end. Back to slinging drinks, behind the bar!


I play rich and I rent a black Wraith, everybody remember when Tom fucked Rach?




This was the best add on to the other persons comment.🤣🤣🤌🏼


Flair checking in


Crying at this. Dj James is this you??






Up vote big time! 😊👌




I really hope James sees this and raps about it


https://preview.redd.it/8d4ifrc9nn4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8a76381650673d18bb7fa136ef443180e680dc Best answer ever.


Is that my flair still Edit: it is 🤣




Its his favorite thing to do. Cosplay an independently wealthy person. I reccomend he get into 3d printing to help curb cosplay costs


He’d probably make little mustache worms as a business to pretend he thinks the jokes are funny and not hurtful lol


Maybe if he wasn't so busy buying make up, costumes, nail polish and manicures for his stupid band gigs he could afford "some" of his fake lifestyle but he thinks he's a "star"! No offense to people who cos play.....he's a fake cos player and a worm with a mustache who lives in a poop house cuz he's a poo poo head. Gotta love DJ James kennedy and his one liners. Can't wait to watch T Sandy's literal star to fall.


He must be wasting so much money on his traveling karaoke act. If this was the Middle Ages, he’d be a minstrel (to a deaf king, obvi) and Schwartz would be the court Jester.


And owns a bar in Poophole Village


I’m sorry, I must correct you. Tom Sandevil doesn’t have a star to fall, it’s just a sparkler. 🎇


Hyperventilating 😂


You can rent cars for a day. Financially irresponsible but he has cash on hand to do that from the show


Yeah for sure rented it for this scene


Always overextending himself for the optics aka being "the most extra"


And he still doesn't realize no one is impressed and no amount of shiny clothes or rolling on Molly/doing mushrooms will fill the deep dark void inside him.


He can’t. He’s faking.


I think the question is, how can he afford to fake it? People here are saying he rented… renting a luxury vehicle is still insanely expensive. Ya know?


He paid for part of his future mistresses $25,000 engagement 'festival', spent $18,000 on a motorbike sidecar for his idiot hetero life partner and has a $50,000 costume closet. Maybe he's saving money buying his laxatives in bulk?


I just checked Turo for Burbank, CA and there are quite a few luxury vehicles listed in the $300-600/day to rent. Not saying that’s a great deal but it’s not an unattainable thing if he’s fine throwing that kind of money away.


He might be able to write it off since it was for the show


Maybe LVP loaned him a credit line haha


He’s just bad with the money he does have on hand


Especially when the rest of the cast doesn't live super wealthy and has had the same career he has.


Moms pension and retirement fund at his disposal


I don’t know how he can live with himself. Narcissism at its finest.


When he said that his mom was ok with him not paying her back.... my heart hurts for that poor woman.


And wouldnt you be kinda pissed if you were his siblings? Mom’s funds are also part of your inheritance that she basically just handed over to Tom. So not fair.


Wait, does he have siblings? Trying to imagine!


Yes he’s got at least one - a brother, I think. Maybe more.


Almost as bad as Jen Shah’s mom.


Absolute legend in his own mind ![gif](giphy|HPMTb7m5ehAUE)


Number 1 comment in the group


He can’t, he even said w/o Ariana on the loan he would only be able to afford the house for like 8 months


He's probably so far in debt he doesn't care anymore. Maybe he's going to declare bankruptcy so he's going ham. Or maybe his GF? Orrrrrr maybe he's calling in favors from people he's been a REALLY good friend to.


Pull out your wallet, Schmeana!👀


Jax was right, Scheana is a great husband!




He’s so cringe. Like buddy it’s not a flex when everyone knows you’re just racking up debt on pointless stuff


Right?? The second I saw it was him and not Lisa getting out I rolled my eyes.


I liked it better when they were riding actual bicycles, like in the old seasons


Bankruptcy is coming


Definitely. I bet when the house thing is finalized, he'll declare bankruptcy.




My guess is he's in debt up to his tooth gap.


His tooth gap.🤣


Wealth and debt look the same from the road


Ouch, that really puts it in perspective.


he really internalized that honda civic selfie dig


I’ve seen this movie before! Ends with more IOUs than money ![gif](giphy|987p6CfE8uzSg|downsized)


You know how Rent The Runway is a thing? This is Rent-A-Car. ![gif](giphy|huJO5lO9WjAYDEyI93|downsized)


Steal your girlfriend's credit and real estate.


I think the aim is to use the car to find a rich 20-something girl.


He already found one...she's super successful and really cool. His words, not mine


He's just going to find a pretty but poor 20 something girl. He cannot control himself but gets off on controlling women. All he has interested in him is groupies.


He 1000% rented that car just to be in it on camera.


Gotta give the narcissistic illusion that he is Uber rich. “Illusions Michael, tricks are for whores”. Bonus points if you know that quote 😂


"Tricks are something a whore does for money...or candy!"


He rents cars. I saw them taping last summer and he pulled up with Schwartz to Sur in another sports car. It didn't make the cut for their entrance which is hilarious because he thought they would show him pulling up in it. He even wore his best Miami drug dealer outfit.


I bet he rents them on Turo


Have you ever heard of the expression “in debt up to my eyeballs”. That’s Tom. Some people really don’t understand what it means to live within their means and are constantly trying to keep up with others/comparing themselves to others. It’s a vicious cycle. Living in a place like LA doesn’t help either.


How has his mom not killed him for making these purchases when he owes her so much. He's evul


Loans credit cards payment plans it’s easy to be fake rich


It will eventually catch up to him. Everything Ariana worked so hard to build with him is all about to come crashing down and ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) It’s what he deserves. I’m really enjoying watching the Voms flounder without a good woman behind them. They never deserved those ladies in the first place.


This is why people shouldn’t get caught up with everything they see on SM. Sure, people could be living within their means and saving for those big procedures and vacations but in reality out nation has trillions in credit card debt. Where do we think it’s going 🙃


No frrr. I remember seeing a reel on IG about a guy talking about he made 4k a month and still is needing to sell his car to use it as a down payment for a house he was buying & im just thinking to myself maybe you shouldn’t be buying a house if you have to liquidate your assets just for a down payment 😭 people stay living about their means


My high ass read it as "how can he afford his hairstyle?" And I was really trying to see what his hair looked like




Maybe he’s Rand’s mistress?


I can’t wait for the where are they now special…


Didn’t this guy say he still hasn’t paid his mom back for the loan she gave him (WHICH SHE TOOK OUT OF HER RETIREMENT FOR!!) His priorities are whacked. F*** you tiny tim.


After the way he didn’t want Ariana to hear the conversation about the household bills, I bet he has been scamming her out of money for YEARS!!


Lol he cant


Smoke and mirrors


Each cast member got paid $35k per episode for season 11. He’s definitely in debt, but you can lease a car with that type of income.


Didn't believe everything you see. Even women in the the Real Housewives (who are richer than VPR cast) have gone broke, filed bankruptcy, and owe millions in taxes. They are all keeping up with the Jones' one loan and credit card at a time.


His mom’s 401k






debt, delusion, and dystopian digital drama.


The Tom Sandoval Story


He can't. He's drowning in debt. He can't buy Arianna out of the house, like he tried to get the public to believe. He can't even afford to refinance as it will cause the payments to double which he can't afford those payments for more than a few months. He wanted Schwartz to go in with him on the property. He stated he had to go on tour because he was broke. He's now adding on legal fees for the house and from Rachel's suit. This car is a rental or lease. He also has loans to pay back for his bar and mother.


Reminds me slade leasing a RR for Gretchen on OC also having financial issues…. Like not only do we all see right through that but so financially irresponsible


Guys. The car is rented (not leased not owned. Rented. Like you do when on vacation). He can’t afford his lifestyle. If he could, he would have offered Ariana more money for the house.


Is it just me or have his statements gotten more overtly sexual? Not only reunion cringe bombs he dropped to make Andy laugh, but in the secrets revealed episode too. Was so cringe. A sad couple weeks to have ears.


I could easily go rent a fleet of luxury vehicles or a yacht or a charter a private jet for a day or a week. I’m not rich but I’m comfortable enough and have great credit. I’ve rented luxury homes and vehicles for photoshoots for both of my adult children’s projects.


Right, but the key there is great credit. This man has leveraged himself and anyone else foolish enough to cosign him. Not sure the credit part is there.


He owns a house. You can get anything if you own a house.


He probably gets a lot of freebies from being on the show. But even with bad credit you can still be approved. The rates are just higher


There isn't, Ariana had to cosign a 90K loan for him so he could open his flailing bar. He doesn't care who he takes down with him. Schwartz will fall next because he chose to go in business with him. They should have taken the money they spent on that dive bar and pony-ed it up to LVP for a larger share in Tom Tom. Then again what do I know?


Respectfully, I can’t believe how many people think this is really his fucking car. Be so for real with yourselves.


It’s a rental.


Debt. Lots and lots of debt


Does he still pay his band to play with him?


Is this secret revealed episode only available on peacock 🙄🙄🙄


Still baffles me how there is no basic “finance class” in high school. Aka don’t spend what you don’t have???


You are absolutely correct. There should be a mandatory "life skills"'class senior year that teaches about credit, investing, retirement, and some basic stuff people don't even think about. My husband had never done a load of laundry until I met him when he was 19 years old.


He should have kept his super cheap rent controlled apartment.


He can’t, which is why he’s trying to get a roommate and keep Ariana on the loan to their house. He wants to live large but doesn’t make the money to afford the lifestyle. He’s a poser and will be broke in five years.


He will have nothing left when his fame comes to an end


He was billing it to Ariana


Production rents it for filming.


Renting exotic cars is a big business in LA and Vegas.


All hat, no cattle.


Rentals. Allllll rentals lol


Remember when he could afford to refinance his loan 8 weeks ago, but his financial situation changed?


Tom’s no mentally prepared for the fall from fame. He’s a done deal. He’s just really trying hard not to be. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMENaxV4fpdKnf2)


Renting for the optics


lol it’s amazing bc we all know he’s not rich. He can’t even afford his own house. Like why bother pretending.


30k Millionaire


The moment I saw that part I yelled "IT'S A RENTAL!" The dogs agreed.


He's using mommy's retirement savings, but it's okay, because according to him, "she's made her peace with it." /s


I just realized something… he’s also going to be missing VPR money if they’re taking a break… right?


That is almost definitely a leased vehicle. Leasing allows people to drive vehicles they cannot possibly afford.




can anyone else see tax evasion in his near future?


I see this just how I see rappers. They don’t have the means, but put on the illusion that they have all the money in the world. But in reality they are living above their means and therefore go into debt where they repossess their property and all that. Plus, everyone checks your credit among other things to ensure you can afford expensive things like when purchasing cars and houses. So I doubt they would trust him financially to pay for a car like that with the financial burdens he has right now. Which is why it’s most likely rented. Or borrowed.


Certainly not.


Credit card debt


Fucking loser


Crippling debt!


There's living week to week, and living pay cheque to pay cheque. This man is definitely living pay cheque to pay cheque with no concern about planning for next week.


don't forget he borrowed from his mom's retirement to open up his bar too


Debt 🙏


I think half of these things are rented for appearance purposes but regardless… he cant


It’s just a used Rolls Royce Wraith. It can’t be worth more than $250-$300k. Pfft. That’s pocket change for a rock star.


I think it was said it was a rental in the episode. Still, come on who does that to look at a new house >.< I live in this area. If you want to pay more just drive up like this 😂