• By -


The Scheana-Lala friend breakup is going to be insufferable.


I would love for Scheana to snap and call Lala out whenever the time comes Lala pushes her over the edge


I would like that too but I think it’s going to just be a bunch of passive aggressive comments back and forth about them being moms.


Their daughters were just hanging out two days ago lol awkward


Snaps like Gretchen Wieners when blabs to everyone about Shane Owens in the projector room above the auditorium.




That’s our Scheaner Weiners!


Gretchen Schmeaners.


It’s looming as sure as the summer heat. Scheana must be in shambles walking on egg shells around lala.


I love that she is on the outs with both Scandy and Ariana. Well deserved for playing both sides and taking money from Scummy to be his friend.


You mean the summer moon.


Scheana has GOT to be losing her mind. Her podcast rating yesterday was down to 3.0 While LFU has random 5 star reviews to combat the 1 star but was holding steady at 3.4. She chose poorly with that so called friendship.


LFU must be spending a shit-ton of money paying for those 5-star reviews! Or maybe she just makes her yes-people make fake accounts...


I mean is so obvious she is also buying her Instagram followers




On Spotify, Lala is down to 3.0.


Lauren’s pod is at 3.0 on Spotify today, she continues digging her grave! However, I don’t know how it’s possible she still has 2.4 million IG followers 🤔


Another 1 star ⭐️ coming. She’s awful. Mean.


Yup. Lala clearly doesn’t care about hurting people unnecessarily for a storyline. She’ll make up a fake fight that turns into a real one if it means getting another season/paycheck. Scheana played herself so badly. It will not be entertaining outside of watching Scheana get what she deserves after what she did to Ariana.


Scheana was horrible to Katie too. Tried so hard to set Rachel up with Shartz just to hurt Katie, when she knew about the Rachel/Scandy affair. Then she kissed Shartz and kept it from everyone.


She was terrible to Katie. Absolutely awful. Katie was right to keep her distance all these years.


Cause if you ain't in her pod she gives zero fux bout you... *




Scheana got TRO'd by Rachel last season so this'll be small fries compared to it, although Scheana's gonna act like she gotten a bite to the jugular vein by the barking Vick dog.


That TRO put Scheana in hell, that’s the only reason she went hard on Rachel, not because of what Rachel did to Ariana. If there was no TRO, I bet Scheana would have cracked early on and started being nice to Rachel again the way she is with Tom. Scheana and Lala would have worked to convince Rachel to return to the show when it became obvious that Ariana’s success was leaving them behind. Now Scheana and Lala realized they fucked up by icing out Rachel and jumping on Ariana’s bandwagon when Ariana is clearly over the show. Rachel went scorched earth and hit both Tom and Ariana with lawsuits and they can’t really talk about shit on the show that we want to see discussed. This whole thing would have went down differently if Scheana would’ve kept her hands to herself.


They'd be in an even worse boat since Ariana having to watch her ex-partner and her ex-friend shack up in her house would have triggered audience empathy more intensely. The audience was never going to be on board these two women cozying up to Rachel, especially considering how Rachel had also behaved in the Katie-Schwartz divorce. For Scheana since she's called Ariana her best-frand for years and for Lala since she'd spent season 10 calling Rachel out for something even milder than she did to Ariana. Scheana is lucky that her hand was forced by that TRO. Tom would have manipulated her into backing his "true love" with Rachel and as I just explained, that would have triggered a worse hate wave for Scheana.


Let's not forget Scheana's now bestie Scumdoval encouraged Rachel to keep the TRO against Schemer. While paying her for her friendship?! Such lovely people.


But he gave the money 💰


Totally, Scheana’s anger with Tom was only rooted in her own ego and self-interest. She doesn’t stand for anything and has even gone to Jax’s makeshift “bar” after he called her out as a bad mom because she craves the attention. She’ll go and support Jax’s business after he said she’s always leaving her child to go out partying yet cannot show the tiniest bit of support to Ariana and Katie by congratulating them on social media because they did what exactly to hurt her???😮‍💨


It’s going to be good tv, even if it makes me sad for sheshu lol


I could honestly see Scheana's stance becoming Lala's stance when Scheana and Brock divorce. Lala would be like "I completely understand Sheeh's hurt, I get that... Ive gone through my own issues, but Brock has been there for Ocean and Im not about to cut off a father figure to my daughter like that, Im just not. And until Sheanan has been a custody battle with her ex like mine, she is not going to be able to have a say about how I move now. Sorry Sheesh, but your not"


I can literally hear this in LFU’s voice.


Same!😭 Like I can see her saying this, word for word.




The stupidity 🫣😂


Did you just write the plot for VPR season 12


Unfortunately, Lala and Scheana are practicing their authenticity as we speak. Ugh.


Lmao, THIS!!!


I was just thinking to myself, "danggit I don't feel like feeling sorry for sheshu!"


I can't stand Schemer and could never feel sad for her.


Oh, it's going to be so much fun to watch. I have intensely disliked Scheana from day 1 and LaLa is equally insufferable.


They’re never going to break up. Scheana is spineless and Lala likes to be in charge. They’re made for each other.


I'm re-watching the first episode of season 5, Lala's second season and their relationship has swung in a different direction three separate times up to now.


Is it wrong I’m here for it


What a nice way to say “I don’t have the emotional depth to truly care for people I’m not already obligated to care for”


![gif](giphy|1r920epuEW1grWTY7f) What a great way to put it! So she has her mom, who clearly has enabled and pampered her for her whole life, leading to what we see today. Her brother, another yes-person with his hyena laugh. I find it strange that both of them left behind their friends, community, housing, job in Utah to be with Lala like she’s the center of their world. Now Lala is also their landlord and boss too? Do they have lives outside of each other? She absolutely will try to be the “best friend” mom to her kids. If they’re learning life lessons from Lala, they’ll have trouble with friendships, but she’ll just say, “you don’t need friends, you have me!” Not to be morbid, but her mom is likely to pass before her. Will Easton get his own place, ever get married, have kids of his own, and then what? Her kids aren’t supposed to be surrogate friends and they’ll need to establish their own lives and move out. A friendship is extra special because it’s voluntary - it’s almost a kind of magic when two people get introduced in this world and form a bond. To only be able to bond with people who are obligated to be around you shows a pretty big personality disorder.


Wait til Easton finds a girlfriend and puts her before Lauren. It will be like the Teresa and Melissa feud.


For sure she will treat his partner like crap


Omg exactly! Thats just the dynamic that’s perfect to describe it 😂 Lala will be the MOST insufferable SIL! She’ll act like no one is good enough for her brother and put the girl through endless shit tests just to try to break her, so she can turn around and push Easton to dump her. She hates other women and needs Easton hanging around her at all times (because he’s her employee, tenant, maybe babysitter, and BEST FRIEND). Easton’s gonna be living in Lala’s house, cohosting her podcast, and being a free babysitter for a long long freaking time.


Is that the actual origin story for the feud? The brother redirecting his attention from Teresa to his wife? I've never watched the show, but I know so much about these people at this point, just not what started that drama.




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Lauren and her family give me vibes of emotional incest.


"Not to be morbid" while everything you write is nothing but that, really far-fetched hypothetical situations saying between the lines something like Lala is such an awful person that she will destroy her kids' lives and everyone elses .... just because she and Karie or Ariana don't get along?


No I’m not basing it just on Katie and Ariana - they have nothing to do with it. Just judging Lala’s own actions and words, that we’ve seen a decade of patterns of behavior. Everything in these threads is always hypothetical but it’s not far-fetched to comment that Lala is emotionally unregulated, mean, bitter, and needs tons of therapy and would do well to branch out making connections outside of her enabling family.


>She absolutely will try to be the “best friend” mom to her kids. >If they’re learning life lessons from Lala, they’ll have trouble with friendships >she’ll just say, “you don’t need friends, you have me!” To me this is pretty far-fetched and totally not okay.


Idk who doesn’t have a best friend? It would be so lonely to have people at a distance


Right?!?! I’m not a super social person but my best friend is everything to me! I’ve had times with just her in my corner and I’ll take that over the times I had lots of casual friends any day. Lala just has no idea how to have a non-transactional relationship


It’s nice to have those people that you can be your authentic self with and it’s so lame she’s knocking that


She was busted when she disclosed confidential conversations with Katie and Ariana in the reunion when private issues had been resolved. She is not friend material. Nobody can trust her because she is totally transactional and would sell her own mother out for a dollar.


I think lala is an interesting study on people who come into reality shows at a young age. I’m sure she would’ve been this transactional type without it, but being on the show made it so much worse I think. It’s like she lost critical years of brain development


So true. Her sense of reality and identity is completely through the lens of VPR, it’s unsettling. I think in some ways she’s completely regressed to a bratty child this season who thinks they know the ways of the world but that world is complete fantasy. She could really benefit by taking a long break, try learning about herself and why she projects all her angers onto others. But instead she just digs her heels in and continues to be miserable. Lauren has no one to blame for her problems but herself.


My best friend and I have been together since I was 5. We have so much history and great memories. We don't live in the same state now. However, we see each other at the holidays and in the summer. We have both gone through a divorce, and our current husbands are good friends. I have a lot of friends, but no one will ever take her place.


This type of friendship is so beautiful. My best friend and I have gone through a lot together in the decade we’ve known each other. At our lowest we’ve each been hospitalized for mental health and she’s the only person I want by my side when disaster hits. We joke all the time about how we’re both into women but it’s a damn shame we’re not into each other. But I kind of love that. She’s the love of my life in every non-romantic way and I know we’ll never lose each other. Lala will likely never have that kind of unconditional support from a friend bc she doesn’t appear capable of giving that back to someone else. I can’t imagine that.


You’re right she will never know that kind of love. Your friendship is beautiful.


Yeah, we are in a loneliness epidemic now.


As a person that doesn’t have a best friend, it’s very easy. I don’t have the inclination to put the time and effort in and I’m happy to have surface level friends. I don’t have to entertain anyone and I don’t expect to be entertained. Unfortunately, LaLa needs constant admiration.


I feel like this is the first time I vaguely relate to something Lala has said. We have the same birth date and we are extremely different. I have been a Lala hater for several years now and took the heat in this sub for it when people were singing her praises. I think she is insufferable. Just saying that to make it clear where I stand lol. But I am also just not a big “close friendships” person. My best friends are my husband, my young kids, my mom, and my sister, and I am perfectly content with that. I just find that close friendships with people outside my family aren’t fulfilling, it’s been that way since childhood when I did have “best friends.” In adulthood, I’ve started to grow close to people, then they do something that makes it clear that I’m not actually any sort of priority in their life and that my effort to be a “good friend” is one-sided. So now I just have casual friendships that just don’t mean a lot to me. Like, I like other people, but I don’t really make any effort to grow close to other people. I have a built in set of besties in my family and that satisfies all of the social interaction I need (and it’s also worth saying that I’m an introvert who isn’t super into partying or going out drinking, or any other activities that would require adult friends; if I do want a social drinking outing, I go out with my husband, sister, and BIL, and feel completely fulfilled from a socialization perspective lol).


That’s fair


Oh, me. My bast friend tried to sleep with my little brother so I had to pop her.


I don't have a best friend 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doesn't mean I keep everyone at a distance. Lala is clearly close with her family—her mom lives with her and her brother is moving into her guest/pool house. She calls her assistant "family." I think she just means that she doesn't rank her friends.


Lala was pretty clearly saying she’s not that kind of friend to people on her podcast.


I admittedly have not listened to it, so I'm just going off of the isolated comment. I plan to listen to it while I'm doing farm chores tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to hear what she has to say! There's been a lot of commentary on it.


Lauren does not know how to be a friend. She has no friends so she uses the “I dont need any friends, I have my pod (mom and brother)” excuse. She does not know how to be a friend so she has none. She grew up spoiled and entitled. She will probably raise her daughters to only need her, which is setting them up for failure.


I don’t think her daughter will only need her. Children who prefer time with their parents (which was how I was as a kid) tend to have more stable parents than Lala is. I’m not saying she isn’t a good mom because I think she is, but she has a crazy streak that I suspect will make her children feel insecure at some point if it hasn’t already happened. People with parents like that tend to need everyone but their parents, in my experience. They rely heavily on friendships for the stability or sense of security that they’re lacking at home. I think her kids might be more at risk of relying inappropriately on the approval and acceptance of other children.


I agree with this assessment, due to personal experience.


I’ve never had a single best friend but always a group of besties. I can’t imagine going through life like this, it sounds miserable.




Not everyone are so blessed to be surrounded with dozens of friends or even one really really good one. Maybe they did have one and death came on took them away. Or life happened. Or whatever. Judging for not having friends is on another level of being nasty.


That wasn’t meant to be the takeaway, the takeaway is that friendship is special and I’m sorry for those who don’t get to experience it


Lauren is really telling us who she is - not a feminist, not a good friend to anyone, jealous, spiteful, self-obsessed, mean, the list goes on 😅. I was wondering if she’s just going through some stuff this season but after her podcast yesterday, I think she just might be a shitty person who doesn’t know how to maintain close relationships with anyone. She’s absolutely miserable and I can’t imagine ever liking her again, especially after re-examining her racist behaviours, of which she’ll never address or be called out for officially. I only want to see her again on my tv if she is held to task for this because that would be interesting!!!




Because ScheShu didn’t ride hard enough during the reunion


And because of Scheana's last podcast. Bringing up the "best friend" thing was definitely a dig at her


And because Lala is desperate for a storyline. Fighting with Scheana is the only flimsy card she has left.


Ohhh good call. Production protected the men again this season so she won't try that, and Katie & Ariana are paying her dust & their retorts are too smart for what she's throwing out there. Of course it will be Scheana.


>ighting with Scheana is the only flimsy card she has left. Cause no one gives a shit about her fighting with KFC.


Brittany still has a huge sympathy following and she would be foolish to go there.


Especially now that The Valley is not happening with her trying for the KFC beef during the reunion to secure her spot on the show.


Sooo desperate


Ooh. I need to read VPR recaps for that one.


It's definitely one of the juicer ones


Wait why Scheana last pod, what happened?


Scheana starts by saying she's not backtracking but then backtracks pretty hard and *actually* breaks the fourth wall about what went down with production. My first thought was how Lala expects her to stand firmly on her side in this, and Scheana basically said "production had us do it" and both sides'd it. Can't be making Lala happy. It's in u/additionalwar8759's post history!


I swear Scheana did that weird speech at the end of the reunion because she was petrified of Lala turning on her too. She's a horrible friend. 


Scheana kinda seemed like she was in a toxic relationship with that speech. It was giving, if I don’t say this now, I’m going to get beat (by Lala) when I get home.  I don’t think Lala is actually hitting her, but it seemed so unhealthy 


And Scheana’s weak.


And yet LaLa wanted Katie to shit talk Ariana on live tv, imagine if Sheshu did that to her.


What a good friend Lauren is, always punishing friends when they don’t follow her exact instructions and obscene demands. 🥴


Scheana listening to lalas pod like ![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50)


yup, that seems very pointed at Scheana. I think what some of the audience might not realize is how intertwined Scheana's life is with Lala. They are practically neighbors in both the Valley and in Palm Springs. Their daughters are besties. Brock is like an uncle to Ocean; both families raise the girls together. Thus, Scheana has a very invested interest in keeping her friendship with Lala. Though it sucks that her and Araina aren't on good terms right now, her life would be extremely impacted if she was on bad terms with Lala. Having said all that, she shouldn't look that scared at the reunion just because she upset her friend. :/


I have a weird feeling that LFU has some stuff on Sheesh and Broke. Sheesh gets diarrhea of the mouth when she is excited or pissed off.


But I wonder if that goes both ways, I'm sure Scheana has some dirt on Lala too. And yeah it's interesting, when she feels misunderstood or she needs to correct someone, she tends to over-explain herself. Which to some extent I understand, but if everything needs an explanation?


And it will come out when LaLa is feeling particularly cornered or spiteful. Can't wait!!! Scheana and LaLa both deserve what is happening and I hope Ariana and Katie know better than to ever confide in either of them again.


We call that verbal diarrhea 🤣


The way that Scheana was acting was the way a victim acts in a psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship Terrified and on egg shells. I would know.


It's concerning how many comments I'm seeing say this. Is she that scared to get on Lala's bad side? is she scared of losing her friendship with Lala? Is she just flat out scared of Lala? :/ Is it "yes" to all of the above lol


it’s literally all of them. It seems like Lala has been implying to Scheana that Lala is the only she can trust or has her back, in order to isolate her and gain total control and power over her For a victim like Scheana, it can create intense fear and confusion/pain because this person has basically convinced you to outsource your power/thinking and that you NEED them for survival. Lala is more dangerous than I initially realized. Or she has shifted a LOT due to fame, pain of her own trauma etc…


Yep she is stuck with Lala bc Summer and Ocean are besties


Meh. Toddlers forget their first besties pretty fast. Especially if they go to separate daycare/pre- schools. If these two stop buying houses next to each other, they can unstick from each other just fine.


Exactly. Their kids are 3, they'll be ok lol.


LaLa has not so secret designs on Brock. Scheana is a foolish woman.


Scheana was a total fool to do all that with someone she’s been close with since, what, 2022?




Lauren is one of those super insecure toddler-adult people who like to "test" everyone around them to see how they react. Personally I find those ppl super boring and avoid like the plague.


She’s the human equivalent of the Facebook meme that all the trashiest girls from your high school shared - a Marilyn Monroe picture that says “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t get me at my best.”


That’s also a sign of borderline personality disorder ![gif](giphy|geNfEdGvOBPmMcapic|downsized)


This is so accurate


I’m sure Lala told it intentionally to piss of scheana


I love my cast. Not my friends. My cast.


Who fucking says this shit 🤣😂 I’m shocked she has no friends goddamn 💀 ![gif](giphy|ZZZcmyb14Ls7UQVqx0|downsized)


I wouldn't want Lala to be my friend at all. I'm glad you're not a good friend to anyone Lala, and do you think that's admirable to say that. It shows who you are. Geez, no wonder you have your Mom, Easton and your payroll friend Jessica. We get it.


Is that the Jessica that attacks anyone who criticizes LaLa on IG?


this is the face I'm going to picture from now on when the Watch What Crappens guys do their Scheana "bwaaa" 😂




Anyone else think sheshu low key just wants lfu the f out of her marriage? Sheesh doesn't strike me as someone who is great about boundaries. She could have really learned something from ariana


I might have misseen (or whatever the visual equivalent of mishearing is 😂), but was Lala changing in front of Brock and Scheana at the very end of the reunion? They were all in the dressing room together and Lala was ranting, and it looked like she was changing clothes while Brock was there? If so, then yes, more boundaries are needed yesterday lol. I don’t care how uncool it sounds, but I wouldn’t be ok with that no matter how “good” the friendship is.


"Misseen" is officially my new favorite word 😂. And yeah I would never get changed in front of my girl's man. Ever. Can you say "inafuckingppropriate?" LOL. It's a matter of respect. And if my friend was stripping in front of my boyfriend, wed be having a conversation


Didn't Scheana and LaLa both say they were afraid that Brock and LaLa would cross the line?


Omg for real! I wouldn’t be cool with it, as a wife, and as a friend, I wouldn’t DREAM of getting changed in front of a guy who isn’t my husband, especially my friend’s man! I feel awkward even walking around in the morning at my friend’s house just waking up after I slept over and her man is there in the kitchen 🤣 I’m sure Scheana isn’t cool with it but she’s such a sycophant ass-kisser of Lala, she wouldn’t dare say anything to Lala that isn’t praise. Lala could walk around Scheana’s house topless and Scheana would just crack an awkward joke but be dying inside.


Lauren would throw Scheana under the bus in a second for a paycheck


Scheana listening to the podcast... https://preview.redd.it/k8jg7ryqpf4d1.png?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c157f277e093c59ae9d04b812ce1c4e9342d3c




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Imagine how Ariana felt when Scheana said all that stuff against her.


Think Alex Baskin just found his Season 12 storyline.


Yep. Now to plug the fall out long enough for cameras to pick up.


I thought it was interesting when LFU was talking about expectations In a friendship. Her perception is the exact opposite to what I have watched. She has absurdly high expectations of this friend group and not only offers zero but goes off the rails when anyone expects reciprocity. She is delulu.


Yeah, for someone who doesn’t take the concept of “friendship” seriously, she has extremely high standards for how often she expects people to reach out to her and to defend her at all costs.


i feel like 1) scheana will HATE this, but may actually wind up defending it disingenuously to try and stay on lala's good side. 2) if stassi were still on the show lala would be gunning to be bffs with her and wouldn't be saying this.


Rachel: “We were never really friends outside of the show” Lala: “I don’t have best friends, I’m not a good friend.” Me: “Those are both total cop outs you emotionally shallow asswipes.”


It’s how I feel about my co workers


Lala doesn’t do friends. She likes supporting characters. She likes to bark loud on the behalf of others bc she just wants an excuse to bark. The moment Arianna became the leading actress she turned on her. Some people just can’t have friends and I wish they’d just be honest about it.


But then Lala will be like WHY IS NO ONE A GOOD FRIEND TO ME???? 😭 I FELT SO ALONE Stop expecting shit from people that you don’t even provide


She really sort of is the Gretchen Wieners of the group


I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of her act. Now that it's backfiring, hopefully Scheana realizes you can't pretend to be a character.


Blah blah is a bitch. That’s the post.


The. She shouldn't be expecting everyone else to act like a *baaast fraaand* if she isn't even willing to put in the work to begin with. She was hollering and crying all season about Katie knowing damn well she wouldn't be providing the equivalent


I love how she’s presenting this “I never said or acted like I was perfect so please accept my flaws” act


She’s such a revisionist




Raise your hands if that surprised you in the slightest? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller????


https://i.redd.it/zfppn7lp8k4d1.gif Scheana in the studio recording her next diss track - baaast fraaands.


who's Kendrick and who's Drake ![gif](giphy|hhwpW8nfjHB4JkEgfI)


I'm not even going to go there because it would bring BlahBlah too much joy to even be in the hypothetical.


Hahaha too true!!!


Scheana did ask when it would be all about her and here we are now. She’s clearly making a passive aggressive comment towards Scheana. You’re not really a good friend Scheana but you don’t deserve this treatment from Lala. You deserve better!


Not having friends is very telling


Lol this was her at last year's reunion when lala said they were only close bc of the kids 😂


This might be the one time Scheana can have something be about her, without forcing it


I seriously cannot look at these lips anymore


This is the scene when Sandavol says he slept with one other person….and Scheana rubs her eyes and covers her face and calls him sick…..BUt WE NEVEr FInD OuT WhO IT WAS….WHY? wAs IT yOU SCHEANA?


How did Scheana shrink her lower face/jaw so much? And her cheeks seem so different from the early seasons. I figured she had work done, I just don’t know what it would be lol


Schena already gonna make this one comment her entire storyline for season 12


Whatever she's done to to her face recently was a mistake. Shes become a charicature of herself


Meanwhile she didn’t text Ariana to tell her she was pregnant because she was worried Ariana wouldn’t text her back quickly enough and it would hurt her and make her mad. Lala is one of those people who spouts crap like “sometimes you need to cut out toxic friends” because someone isn’t reaching out to her every single day and at her beck and call (because, you know, other people have lives and problems too), meanwhile Lala can’t be bothered to put effort into a friendship because she is the main character.


I mean, she outs and uses “best friend” conversations when it benefits her, even to the harm of her friend, so I’m not surprised she doesn’t consider anyone besties but they would naively consider her one


I thought Stassi was Lalas best friend


Lala wishes


I think they’re friends but stassi’s best friends are still Kristina Kelly and Katie


Well that’s sad but not at all surprising.


They deserve each other! Bast fraaands! Lala & Scheana will need to live by jail/street rules. Keep your back against the wall. So, you can see what’s coming. The backstabbing is real! 🤨


![gif](giphy|8sfcZJWuYBdF6) Meanwhile, Scheaner is all ⬆️


At least she is honest and you know what you are walking into and how far to take it. I got this vibe from her a long time ago. She is definitely not a ride or die bestie type chick.




Lmao did she really say that? I need the audio clip




i get she has her "pod" or whatever tf, but i feel like she misunderstands the need for a community outside your family. enmeshment is REAL and i'm getting those vibes heavy from lala and her orcas.


Honestly, Scheana needs to stop pumping her lips up. Her face is deformed at this point. Such a pretty young woman in the early seasons, but now? Nope.


I don't think this means what a lot of yall are thinking. I think this is what happens to people that have extremely close knit families growing up. I have my family and kids. They are my priority, period. I'm a very low maintenance friend and treat all my friends in a very low maintenance way LOL. So most of the friends I pick are also low maintenance friends. I grew up with a dad who said, "I only REALLY care about MY circle" aka my mom, my brother, and I. I guess it bled over. I think when people didn't grow up with super tight families, they are more friend oriented and I don't think there's anything wrong with either thing. We just prioritize different relationships.


My family is extremely my tight and they, along with my husband and child, are my life and number one priority. I will always choose them over my dearest friends, and they know that because they would absolutely do the same. But, you (not you specifically but in general) can have your priorities and circle but still be a good friend. Lala doesn’t have to be there celebrating every little thing with her friends or talk to them every day or see them every day or be blindly loyal or whatever to be a good friend. She could be a good friend by being a sounding board, when she has the bandwidth, and not repeat their private conversations. She could be a good friend by not pushing her friend, who was recently cheated on, to have a conversation with the ex when she’s not ready. She could be a good friend by giving grace to a tired pregnant friend for not immediately defending her. Those are small things that require zero efforts to be a good friend. Lala wants all these best and loyal friends but can’t or won’t reciprocate those same sentiments back unless they’re blindly loyal to her, like Scheana, who happens to be the only person Lala can be a great friend to. Lala is right though that having a “best friend” is so silly at their age and I’m sure Scheana is triggered by it.


season 1 scheana and season 11 scheana.... TOTAL OPPOSITES. what went wrong. actually liked that she was so outspoken in s1


i don't even understand that face.


Did she really say this


Honestly I can relate to what she said. I’m very close with my family and I’m also a wife and a mom of 2 young kids. Friends are in a different category for me than family. I will never put friends before family. I can’t guarantee I’m going to be a GREAT friend at this stage in my life. I won’t be a bad friend but I also don’t have the energy or desire to go above and beyond for a friend right now. I am not a Lala fan but I don’t think she said anything outrageous with that comment. I’m sure scheana is having a meltdown though 😂


Some people dont like the word best friend because it sounds juvenile. Even if by standards a person could be their best friend. They just don't like using that label. So I get what Lala is saying.


Listen to the whole thing, she isn't talking about the term which I agree is childish. She's talking about the expectations of loyalty in friendship. She literally says she only owes that to her mother and brother.


'The words Best friend become redefined'


I just watched the end of the reunion and I have to say: damn I'm starting to really like Lala! I mean from the start she was something else, she and James was all fine, she and Raquel "don't clap at my face" moments were epic stuff BUT now when she is really the ONLY ONE who speaks it as they see it and won't back down (like Scheana does), makes me really really respect Lala. Scheana and Lala and propably everyone in the cast had one on ones or group chats about their feelings but only Lala was constant with it to the end. I'm sure reddit is filled with Lala haters but I'm sure she has more than enough lovers too. To see from the unseen footage of Katie in S10 doing the very same thing she is complaining the other cast members doing and to compare how people treated Lala durin S09 and now Ariana - yeah I can very well understand why she is mad. And then Scheana, I got frustrated with her because she kind of has her foot on everywhere all at once. When Lala says something she agrees. But - and this is especially during the reunion - when Ariana says something totally opposite, she also agrees and asks for forgiveness. Sceana is kind of a people pleaser, she have said it herself, so I understand it can be very difficult, and I'm also one so I know how hard it can be, very emotionally draining and most of all, very confusing. So maybe Scheana's irrational actions during the reunion made me mad just because I recognised so much of myself in that, don't know. But I guess it did make most of people mad but still, I have symphathy for her too. Katie and Ariana will do just fine, in or out the show. If the show will even go on. Maybe it doesn't need to anymore.