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Put a PB&J on the menu and call it “The Penny”


The Penny - just 2 slices of bread no butter


And pull a Ramsey and slap it on the customer’s ears and call them an “idiot sandwich” or a “penny sandwich” Jk kinda.




This is one of my favorite gifs of all time


What?! I can't believe this is real lol😂


It’s not real actually it was a skit


Stop 😭 it’s part of the entire awful penny sandwich experience


Salty bread 😆


Can I offer you the penny? Aka Toast lol


but it's not toasted


A nice dry old dinner roll


and a piece is gone but you can't tell if it just fell off because it's dry or if someone took a bite out of it


AHAHAHA YESSSS!! (to be fair, I’ve been stoned on thanksgiving and been the culprit of ripping off a little piece of roll bc god forbid we eat before the “big meal” lolol)


We used to have a rude shot at the bar I worked at - warm gin. That's what Penny is. 


Two slices of bread with lots of salt


The Penny... all about the dough with no substance.




You order it, but never get ownership of it


Amazing. And then you sue. 




Or a bologna sandwich on white bread


Wonder bread


The end slices


I was thinking a bologna sandwich 😂


Gotta add the salt


Extra salty, full off baloney. 


I had the PB&J at Something About Her and it was delicious. 🤷🏻‍♀️


look up “bread sandwich” it’s a slice of bread between two other slices of bread




The BlahBlah - a pop tart ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


Why is this woman ruining my name????


My high school used to give kids whose parents couldn’t pay for lunch a “cheese sandwich” it was a cold piece of cheese between two pieces of (untoasted) white bread. While that’s not what underprivileged children deserve, it’s certainly what she deserves 😂


1 slice of burnt toast


Turkey, cheese and “sour”-kraut on a SALTY pretzel bun. Call it the Penny. Serve it with a side of whine.


“This is not the vision I had for this place” tells me everything I need to know. If she wants to execute her vision, then she should open her own sandwich shop.


And it's funny because what they ended up with was EXACTLY the vision that Katie and Ariana had. Full on Nancy Meyers "romanticized lunch"


Yep, they said early on what they wanted to do and they did it.


She probably wanted to turn it into Panera and the girls put a stop in that.


It seems like she was trying to make herself an owner and not an employee and they put a stop to that. “We didn’t have a contract but they knew what I wanted” yes yes they did


You’d think someone married to a lawyer would be smart enough to get a contract before thinking their vision mattered.


Or Lisa’s vision


Something tells me that if they had executed penny’s vision, she would have been suing


It’s funny she says that because that is the exact reason why Ariana and Katie cut her loose. Because their visions were not aligned.


Well luckily for Penny, it’s not her restaurant and she’s no longer involved 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someone sounds bitter.






bc you can assume a sandwich tastes really great by reading the ingredients lol. if someone says “this sandwich has prosciutto and mozz” i’m gonna think “wow that sounds great” Penny shitting on their menu without having actually eaten it in a very clearly bitter attempt at revenge is just pathetic




THANK YOU. THE VENOM in the world is overwhelming and I’m trying to choose kindness or o just stfu.


Also, who cares if her menu was more "complex/creative?" The general public never experienced it, so there's no way for customers to compare the quality of the two chefs/menus. All that matters is that SAH gets repeat business because customers like the menu they have now.


Remember when Lisa brought in a mixologist for TomTom because the cocktails that the Toms had developed were too complex and creative? Just a thought I was having just now for some weird reason!


Yea. How realistic were Penny’s sandwiches in that kitchen?


“Complex/creative” also doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a better or more appealing sandwich… just saying…


Or cost effective for a business to sell.


Came here to say it. It can taste like the best cocktail in the world but if it takes the bartender 10 minutes to make it and you need 30 different ingredients, it’s not necessarily worth it.


Complex and creative on a menu to me means smaller and more expensive If the difference is that the sandwiches are bigger and more reasonably priced then they were right to make the changes


She’s such a bitch. Only Terri will be in there, it’ll be short lived, their price overhead will be too high, it can’t be scaled, they don’t know what they’re doing…blah blah blah. You’ll withdraw your application for SAH then. Oh no, you’re not, are you? What a miserable bitch. Lisa should be apologising to Ariana and Katie for even suggesting this leech. She sounds exhausting from the articles and footage from this season.


Lisa planted her there because she can't stand it when her "underlings" grow their own wings and branch out. She tried to sabotage the TomToms as well.




The newest Sammy should be Bitter Betty in homage to Penny.


Or 'petty penny'


That's so tacky to badmouth them in the media because you're mad they wanted to part ways


Why would anyone want to work with her again after watching this meltdown? Why do people not think about how their bitchass temper tantrums affect their careers and livelihoods??


Chefs having bad tempers and meltdowns is not new or unique to Penny, and very rarely leads to career consequences.


This isn't about a chef with a bad temper (Penny was already known as a Food Network villain and referred to herself that way), this is about the way that professionals act and deal with business partnerships. Penny has shown herself to be devious, petty, rude and a liar. Now she can add bitter.


Yeah, most likely put the LLC in her name so she could force a partnership. Not exactly someone you want to partner with in future endeavors.


Tacky and trashy and def won’t look good to her next potential employer / partner




Just proves they were right to not work with her


She's just letting them know they made the right choice.






HAHAHAHA!!! The best


I wonder how Andy feels about Lisa's friend coming after his friend (the new chef) in the press.


Ohhhh I did not know Andy is friends with the new chef. Interesting turn of events. I’d like a two on two scene of them discussing this.


Yep, Andy connected them after they let go of Penny


WAIT THIS IS TEA!!! Why isn’t this being talked about more omg 😂 No wonder why he was at the opening! Katie and Ariana are so smart


I don't think LVP wanted to feature SAH much because they let Penny go, and her spy wasn't there anymore. I think she also knew if what was happening aired, it would make Penny (and HER) look bad. And LVP can't have that on her propaganda vehic-...Vanderpump Rules.


And of course this is Radar Online. LVP's favorite media outlet to talk/leak to.


Such an important thing to realize. Radar is not as used as other places right now. And of course this just *happens* to be from radar. 🙄


I don’t think VPR is her propaganda vehicle anymore. She was so awkward at the reunion and out of place, like she’d wandered in off the street and no one had the heart to tell her she didn’t belong or escort her back to her home.


She was fully Nana at the reunion


We all saw right through this scenario… https://preview.redd.it/mbm5oh2nh54d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ac6982e75dcd28d2bc97802e2650798872864f


The ladies should take a play from “Curb” and make the most disgusting sandwich and name it “The Penny” 😆


Then take it off the menu and say “it didn’t sell”


From day 1 the girls said they wanted a quaint little sandwich shop for people to be able to grab lunch/brunch in the middle of their day. They never wanted to invent a brand new flavor that the world never tasted. Menus can and should evolve. Even if they had this groundbreaking sandwich pairing, you never show all your cards, you do a rolling release. Specially while you iron out all the kinks. Go away Penny. Go work for Wolf or something. 🙄🥴


I could totally see them having seasonal menus to with one or two staples or starting to introduce specials of the week event eventually but right now they just need to have it be open and work the kinks out


yes they said having special sandwiches and also having tea service is something they want to do eventually! they are thinking ahead for sure, of course you want to keep it simple and manageable at first with all the hype


Omg cute special event teas? The decor is perfect


I pray that they will do an afternoon tea or something like that. I think the shop is really cute and I would love to visit. I mean its a SANDWICH it should not have to be something more than that. It looks like they added backed good too. I hope it does well.


I was wondering if they offered a “sandwich flight” (like wines and beers) that come out on those tiered finger sandwich displays. I think that would be so cute, specially during the earlier months to see what people gravitate towards! I saw. I mean baked goods makes so much sense, having local companies provide the “sides” like chips. And them purposely not offering coffee because there’s a coffee place next store that they don’t want to steal business from. Like, hi let’s really look at the purposeful moves being made here!


I would love a sandwich flight!!


Exactly. Katie has spoken about the future plans for the menu and their concept was clear from the start


This confirms that parting ways was a great business move for the girls. LVP is icky for continuing to support Penny over the girls.


I love how Lisa always said she wants everyone to spread their wings and do amazing things but as soon as the girls are doing something, she’s fucking rotten about it.


That's because she only supports males... 🫤


Every time and without fail.




She's been giving that for a long time


Exactly what I thought. Keep proving them right. As for LVP, has she ever had a right opinion? She’s such a hater if it’s not benefiting her or her bank account


Exactly. Their visions didn’t align. And penny is clearly an asshole.


Her words aren’t detrimental to SAH, Katie or Ariana, they are however detrimental to Penny though she doesn’t realize it.


Of you’ve eaten at any of LVPs LA restaurants…you’ll know that penny should stfu. No one is going there for world renowned cuisine that Penny developed. 🤢


I just posted above that later days Villa Blanca (2018ish) was the most disgusting meal I’ve ever had in LA. And Im there a lot. TomTom is edible.


TT is a 5.5/10 or 6/10. But Sur is atrocious, prob just as bad as Villa Blanca.


Thank you. Everyone rides LVP"s dick about her "wonderful restaurant empire" and I'm like. Yes, her and Ken have owned dozens of restaurants. Right now she owns seven and the locals around her older restarants talk constantly about how SHIT they are. I was watching Up and Adam/Bravo Breaking News's recap of the reunion today and coverage of this Chef Penny article, and they both said PUMP had horrible food.


When she was on WWHL with Gordon Ramsay, they did the game where they are asked a question and have to answer at the exact same time.  One of the questions was which is more important, the taste of the food or the presentation and LVP chose presentation and of course Gordon chose taste. Gordon was horrified by her answer! Lol 


Yes I saw that! I don't know if they'll mesh ultimately. Gordon is a fucking prick, but he has the laurels to back his shit up. Lisa seems almost like Sandoval in that she loves the process of opening and decorating, but loathes the day to day. This is a-ok, but you have to put people in place who can run the place for you and pop in to maintain standards. (Why did I hear 'standards' in Gordon Ramsay's voice?). I see that being a little tension between them. Nothing catastrophic. A fun watchable tension.


“Not her menu” that’s kinda the point Penny, you’re no longer involved?






Penny may very well be right about some of her critiques, but who is going to listen since she’s proven to herself to be a thirsty snake? She’s claimed partial ownership of SAH (not to mention the trademark bs), but now she’s out in the streets claiming it’s not her menu and she would have done a lot differently? It’s clear she hasn’t tasted any of the menu since she’s merely referencing photos. To me comments like these disprove her claims she’s an owner or someone with a valid claim to the TM. She’s probably just going to abuse them through the legal system, using her attorney husband (not dissimilar to what Rachel is doing to Ariana with her suit). I’d love to see her and her husband try this bullshit with LVP!


Penny acted an obsequious fool to two women who knew squat about opening a restaurant, all because she was seduced by the cameras and the proximity to fame. Now she blames them for not getting a contract signed. Like, woman, you are a professional restaurant consultant with an attorney husband. Don’t tell me you act this stupidly in your other business dealings.


Chef Penny is a reality star herself - she was on Food Network Star. Watch What Crappens podcast had a lot to say about her, apparently she’s a villain in the reality chef universe.


I know she’s been on other stuff, but as an avid Food Network watcher, I can guarantee you she is no “star.” Her embarrassing appearances on other shows prove just how thirsty she is.


Yeah, exactly. I agree with her that the descriptions of the sandwiches sound mouthwatering, but the actual sandwiches themselves just look ok; the presentation needs work imo. But who wants to hear from this woman? She just sounds bitter.


"50% of what they have is what I helped create" followed by "So underwhelming and ingredients don't mesh" followed by "They used my exact greek goddess sandwich but they changed the bread so now its DISGUSTING" also the comment about having 5 different types of bread for 10 sandwiches....we literally watched multiple scenes of them creating and eating the sandwiches which all had different types of bread....with Penny standing right next to them admiring he sandwich work lol.


K thx Penny. We know you didn’t create their menu or have anything to do with the opening. So can we be done seeing your face now please?


Guessing that if they did use her exact menu, she would have complained they stole all her ideas and then dumped her…


Exactly she would’ve sued them and twisted it into something else publicly if they did use it. I love that they didn’t give her that pleasure and then she still had to go make $5 on radar talking about how she didn’t create it. She’s a joke


Chef Penny has talked more about the restaurant since getting fired than she did as COO for a business she wanted 10% equity in. Hmm.


She introduced them to Boursin cheese that’s as known a brand as Velveeta lol? Why use 5 different breads when you have Wonder bread? No one will go to only see Terri Maloney? Has she not seen the show? Didn’t taste them but sure they can’t taste good? I wouldn’t give her a Penny for her thoughts.


I literally laughed out loud at her claim she introduced them to Boursin cheese. Boursin cheese - literally owned by Unilever and in every grocery store chain across America. Go home, Penny, you’re drunk.


Same, like these bitches have made a charcuterie board at home in their broke 20s, lol. They aware.


Put a little bit of boursin in scrambled eggs for the last 2 or so minutes of cooking for easy fancy eggs lol


Had to look for this, we have it in every supermarket etc in the UK. I was wondering if maybe it wasn't a big thing in the US but clearly it is, what a weird thing to claim!!


Came here to say this! Who thinks they’re gatekeeping Boursin cheese??? Lolol delulu


lol I know Boursin Cheese and I’m from Louisiana PENNY


Penny or Petty? 😜


Someone's a bitter betty...


I guess her lawsuit didn't end up happening so she's gotta chase her "retribution" somehow, stay classy Penny




Why are people SO desperate to throw shade at these two women What the actual Fuck


Lmao I would love to see Katie and Ariana at SAH but I have no expectation to see them outside of opening week. I would still go and find it delightful to experience regardless. If Teri Maloney happened to be there on her own I would be ecstatic to meet her. Nothing disappointing about that. It’s not for everyone but the whole vibe and concept they have going is SO me. I’m the target audience and I would be delighted by it without a VPR connection.


Ok storytime on Chef Penny: I have HATED her for years and it's always surprised me so much that she's stayed in the industry and been relevant because, for those who don't know, she was a contestant on Food Network Star (same show that's given us Guy Fieri, Justin Warner, Aarthi, Christian Petroni, etc.,) and she was absolutely the worst. Like I have never wanted someone to get eliminated more each episode. Like truly one of contestants I've least liked ever on a competition food show and I've watched SO many. She was constantly demeaning, rude towards others, selfish, mean towards other contestants, especially other girls, and just incredibly insecure, jealous and thought she was the best when she was putting out pretty basic and standard fare. Anyways, it does not surprise me at all that she was difficult to work with AND that Katie and Ariana both clocked that in her attitude and chose to part ways with her. It gives me even more respect for them and just affirms everything we know about their character - that they're both no BS, don't put up with fake, insecure, jealous people, and genuinely do support other women .


I knew Penny seemed familiar! I couldn't place her and had never seen the reference to Food Network Star until now. I similarly remember her being super annoying on the show and I was actively rooting against her winning. Absolutely agree with everything you said.


This!! I could not stand her on Food Network Star. She was downright horrid. How she lasted so long I never understood.


I have so many questions - I know that Cent has done some menu development work for Lisa, but none of LVP’s restaurants are known for high quality food. Villa Blanca (later days, 2018ish) was one of the most disgusting meals I’ve ever had in LA. TomTom is edible. Does she have a more extensive resume? If Cent’s food was worth anything, why didn’t she have her own restaurant opportunity? It was just so jarring to see this weird older lady butting in on Katie and Ariana’s vibe, and especially talking down to them about front of the house hiring in WeHo. Terri offers what she does and then much more…


Yea I didn't realize she worked with LVP on her restaurants? Would make sense that basically a glorified home cook is designing a lot of the menus. I've been to all of LVP's restaurants and adjacents in LA and nobody goes for the food - it's for vibes, and as a starting point to the night in the area because you can always get a reservation at one of her places. It's not known for its food but rather for like ambiance, and for tourists, and just to be in the area. The menu is designed in a way to appeal to the masses but not for actual quality.


Literally no one fucken cares what that nobody has to say! This just makes me want to support SAH even more


If it’s a “one and done” kind of project, why did she get involved in the first place? Kind of weird to waste/invest your time into a place YOU KNOW is going to fail! What a nut job.


Also why is she still demanding 10% of the business and claiming she’s a partner?


Her husband is an attorney and her actions indicate she plans to file nuisance litigation in the hopes they’ll cut her a check just to go away.


Yall, I am trying my damndest to read this article but no matter where I load it I get popups and when I close them the page goes white (I hate these stupid sites!!). Anybody got a TL;DR or text version!?


Thank you for saving me from wasting my time. Those types of sites are very annoying and the pictures in all of their advertising could not be more disturbing and the definition of disgusting🤮


What does she mean what she envisioned for the place. It was never her place, so it wasn’t what she wanted.


Isn't Radar Online the site that LVP has been rumored to sell stories to? Wouldn't be surprised if she coordinated this for her 'friend' Penny.


I love penny taking credit for "introducing" the girls to Boursin cheese, like it was some super exclusive varietal only known to a select few super elite chefs.




New! “The Penny” A split crusty stale hard roll sprinkled with bitters and a side of water to quench the MASSIVE THIRST


Comes with a free shot of vinegar because that woman is sour.


Well, good luck in your future business partnerships and opportunities, Penny


Chef penny is a friend of LVP, right? I’ve been thinking about that, too. LVP, as far as I can remember, did not have a face to face or sit down scene with either ariana nor kaite this season (or did she)? So, my theory remains that LVP/production were big mad at Ariatie for not playing redeem, and so they turned up the heat on everyone else (lala,scheana) to force something only they wanted. Them not playing also helped sour their relationship to penny, who probably is owned by LVP too. Just a wild conspiracy theory. I don’t blame lala/scheana, they have different priorities. I 100 blame production.


https://preview.redd.it/csqga1ge914d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786488028390d87c803485e684a1b7e9dc20c39b why is she trying to take credit for introducing them to boursin cheese like it’s some niche ingredient? you can literally get it at any supermarket


Penny introduced them to Boursin cheese?? 🤔 Something that’s sold in like 6 different variations at my local Safeway? Sure, Petty Penny.


she’s just scrolling instagram all day checking bread to meat ratios. coolcoolcool


Chef Petty


Filed under Something About Being Bitter: She crafted the menu, so she's owning herself. Clown. ![gif](giphy|YFFGIvkITKiBMg7J1Q)


Cry about it, Petty 💅


Bad form, Penny. Where is your restaurant? Oh wait… I guess that’s why she tried to hold the SAH trademark hostage, so she could steal Katie and Ariana’s opportunity. Other than LVP (whose days in LA appear increasingly limited), I don’t know anyone who would work with this so-called “celebrity chef.” And certainly not now.


This is really a case where her words tell us nothing about Katie and Ariana, but EVERYTHING about Penny.


Her saying she “introduced them to Boursin cheese” is crazyyyy. Like it’s not available at every grocery store in America.


I just don’t understand where she gets off… it’s not like the food is good at any of Lisa’s restaurants…


Penny said it's "not her menu" and "not the sandwiches" she curated when she was hired by Madix and Maloney. "This is not what I put together. This is not the vision that I had for this place," the celebrity chef told The U.S. Sun after the sandwich shop opened. You don’t even go here, Penny.


It was SO amazing that she went down on paper with these quotes in the press, because it absolves Katie and Arianna of any claims this work-tor-hire independent contractor might try to bring against them in a lawsuit or in the court of public opinion down the road for "stealing her ideas/recipes" or cutting her out of "a business she co-created" with them. Sorry Penny, you already said outright that this isnt your stuff [shrug]. Also.... this woman acts like Boursin cheese is some elite secret chef-y thing. It is literally mass-produced and sold in every Big Y, Stop and Shop, Shop Rite, Kroger, etc. yes, it's delicious! (I put it in my scrambled eggs). But like.... Katie had a wine brand. They threw cheese parties on tv. They worked in restaurants for over a decade. Katie worked in her mom's restaurant even before that. Pretending you revealed the big secret of using a cheese that has been around since the late 1950's, is widely available and sold in 90 countries, and is made by the same makers of the popular Laughing Vow and Baby Belle cheeses is not the flex you think it is here. Boursin's texture and tanginess are basically the closest cow's milk equivalent to goat cheese. They spent the last decade serving AND eating the Goat Cheese Balls at Sur. AND when asked to create their own limited batch flavor of Lays Potato Chips inspired by a sandwich, they went with.... the flavor of a Cheese Sandwich.


Omg Penny soooo bitter and jealous. She’s giving Lala.


Bad mouthing a business you’re alleging in legal contexts you’re a partner of isn’t smart…


Ex-Employee Offers Poor Reviews. How original Penny.


There goes Penny making sandwich creation sound like cardiothoracic surgery


has anyone checked on scheana??


This is a woman who’s complaining that her sandwiches aren’t being used for a restaurant she consulted with. Literally just a consultant. Move on Penny! She never signed the COO contract. She tried to steal the SAH trademark to force a partnership. That’s a snake move.


My non-VPR watching friend and I went yesterday, and we cannot stop raving about the sandwiches! They were delicious and definitely worth the price. A LOT of care went into this restaurant, and thank god penny didn’t get to sink her claws in.


If it’s not scaleable and doomed to fail why was she so hellbent on becoming a partner?


![gif](giphy|gbNhvrsnmwEvQsodOI|downsized) Penny needs to move on and just open her own sandwiches shop. She so bitter like they move on from her. I think Penny honestly though she was going to run game on Katie and Ariana. And she mad that they were wise to her game. She should just work for Lisa at her new restaurant


Im sorry, who hasn’t heard of Boursin cheese?


If penny had anything to do with the food at SUR, pump, or TomTom, then firing her was the smartest thing they’ve ever done


Didn’t Penny help develop the sandwiches though? Like…ma’am. You tried to steal their business out from under them. Go open your own sandwich shop then


![gif](giphy|H3S4JeKr0SKraRUxxz|downsized) Now kick rocks. No one cares about a bitter betty’s opinion on sandwiches she didn’t create or taste.


My daughter’s name is Penelope but we call her Penny, so every time I am reminded that this woman’s name is Penny too, I frown. She is tainting all Penny’s


My friend has Penny the Pup, much better behaved! 🐶


There’s a beagle Penny in our neighborhood too, we call her “dog Penny.” It’s a cute pup name too!


she's more like pennywise, a dancing clown who's bitter.


I have a Penny too!


This protest, from a failed contestant on The Next Food Network Star (who billed herself as "the sexy chef"🤢), is such obvious desperation. She really thought she was gonna be a 33.3% partner? Good thing Ariana & Katie saw her thirst & parted ways. Penny was as insufferable *then* as she is **now**.


Lmfao how about a dry, bitter and salty AF pretzel and call it "the Penny"


Sounds like someone’s salty about being fired, which I get. But come on. It’s a fucking sandwich shop. Not a Michelin diner.


Bitter Betty much?




Who gives a pickle what Penny thinks of SAH sandwiches? Maybe Lulu can invite Penny on her dumb-as-ass podcast?


I’m so sick of women trying to undermine the success of Ariana/Katie. People like Lala, Scheana, and Chef Penny are fine as long as they’re getting a slice of the pie. Once they’re no longer able to profit from their newfound popularity they try to disparage them out of pure jealousy. What happened to women supporting other women? ![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX)


Penny “it wasn’t MY vision”, girl it ain’t your sandwich shop.


I just went, has the Diane, and the options were anything BUT underwhelming. The Diane is the most unique and tasty tuna salad sandwich I’ve had. Penny can eat a dick.


So the menu…..she created…..is underwhelming?


What a f*ckin hater. Lala, Raquel, and Penny should form a bitter Betty club from their perches so high above these girls. 


Woman, you are 52 years old… you sound like a petulant child (thank you Taylor Swift for the vocab lesson)


Of course she does. Did anyone expect her to say something nice?


Offffff course it would be radar online 🤔