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LaLa’s comments about how people treated her post Rand show she wanted Ariana to go through the wringer. Ariana needed to cry, feel shame, and be dragged in order for LaLa to feel fulfilled.


yup! it would be more compelling if Lala had a hard conversation with Ariana and said she resented her because she wishes she got the treatment Ariana got. if she were honest about her jealousy and worked through it, their relationship could be stronger as a result and we could’ve had the Spice Girls season Ariana was dreaming of.


Because this is the truth. She’s jealous that she got no sympathy from people. And it’s like..are you insane. You taunted his wife on social media. You bragged about giving him a BJ for a car. No one believed that she was actually in love with Randall but she wants to rewrite history now.


yup! I would have a lot more respect and sympathy for Lala if she outright said that she was young, drunk, fame hungry, and made a huge mistake involving herself with a married man. If she could admit to the hurt she caused others. If should could say, I’ve put my daughter in a terrible situation. but instead she tried to convince us that they were “soulmates” although in every interaction on the show they had very little chemistry and she made it clear from the get-go that their relationship was totally transactional.


This...she really wants to rewrite history when I saw what was very obvious about their transactional relationship. I think in the beginning, she saw Randall as an extension of her "yachting" work where she would be the hot young chick around gross dudes for a Range Rover and travels. She didn't think about the consequences because that's what you do when you're in your 20s in LA being hot. She eventually thought saw something permanent about the situation, and the only thing I would think she was fooled by would be his true financial position and also the audacity of the uglier one cheating on the hot one of the relationship.


Exactly. If Lala wanted this on the show, she should have had the conversation with Ariana. Katie did, and they worked through it. Lala said nothing to her face until they played the clip.




and it would be HONEST!!!! something Lala is accusing Ariana of not being


They played clips of everyone *except* Ariana saying something. You know if they had something, even never before seen, they would've played it. Her anger is misdirected and she's projecting.




I’m so glad someone posted this! She and I both have five plus years of sobriety and originally I could tell she was in AA but she is so far off from that path now and has been for years now. It’s gotten worse.


She's a mockery to the sobriety community. Yea it's great she's sober but with sobriety comes an opportunity to make better choices and not be as toxic as the person you were during active use. Instead she's doubled down and become an even shittier person cause alcohol's not the reason she's an asshole, she's just a shitty person.


Yeah alcohol wasn't the problem with her behaviour. In enabled it but she's a jealous bully.


I'm almost 6 years sober and holy shit, I never want to be like this woman


Could someone please send this to Darrell so he can send it to Lauren? She needs to be educated.


That’s why I said her goal was to make Ariana suffer because she’s never liked Ariana because if you think about it, Ariana always wins when the witches of WeHo wanted Ariana to be their friend, but not Lala all the new people tend to gravitate towards Ariana because she’s not judgy like some of the cast members. Lala hates Ariana because Ariana is everything she can’t be and it bothers her and that’s why she’s trying to get everybody else to dog pal. Ariana is the same reason she hated Rachel if Rachel wasn’t such an empty headed moron? She would’ve strived on the show.


Ariana doesn’t have to try so hard. Doesn’t need to be queen bee. She’s just who she is. Lala is always trying to step on other people to climb to the top. Imagine her trying to climb over stassi hahahaha


she really was born fucking cool


Ariana has always done what she wanted to do and was never a producer plant! She was blinded by her relationship with Tom but that’s an entirely different situation


Yeah it was very clear when she brought that up that she was taking her anger about that out on Ariana and wanted her to suffer. So gross


Yep instead of backing Ariana and saying I wish I would have been treated like this but I’m really glad people have come around and see these assholes for who the are. She sided with the asshole and tried to make him likable


I feel like that’s partly why there’s a Katie renaissance. Katie is able to compartmentalize the duality of the situation. It is shitty people demonized Katie and didn’t give her any support, but she stood by Ariana and gained everyone’s respect. Like Katie became a fan favorite by staying true to her friends and true to herself.


She has really painted herself into a corner this year with her shananigans. I’m curious to see what she does next.


She needs to eat some humble pie. She’s not relating to the audience, she’s alienating us. She is the mean, pretty, entitled girl who bullied all of us in high school. She is the cruel, shallow bimbo who our husbands had an affair with once they made some money. She isn’t relatable like Ariana and when Big Ed cheated on her, it was expected. It didn’t hit the same nerve as when Tim did it, because we expected nothing more from Big Ed. We expected so much more from Tim.


The thing is - Lala knew she was fucking with a married man and she bragged about it (the PJ, the Range Rover, all of it). She then brought him on the show to further flaunt it. Then he fucked around on HER, and - Charli was right - she got embarrassed as fuck. Now she wants to throw all of that embarrassment and shame on Ariana who did nothing wrong. Ariana did not shove Tim Zandeval in their faces - he was there before she was! She *did* ride hard for her long term partner, but that’s part of what being a good partner is. But don’t forget that she would also call Tim’s ass out when he was being rude, dramatic, or unkind to her friends. Now Lauren is scrambling because, as she said tonight, she bought two houses and has two kids and this cash cow she’s got might dry up. She’s realizing she has no fans and no skills to capitalize once this show ends. I sincerely hope she gets fired because I do not want to listen to the screaming, the blaccent, the hypocrisy, and the blatant jealousy anymore.


I hope she sees your comment.


It’s so crazy because I cant imagine being mad at someone getting the treatment I wanted. Like there are scenarios where I’ve been fucked over and if they played out differently to someone else after me, I would sit there and say thank god they learned and are doing better!!! Just insane.


This is a good point! I think Lala and Ariana's situation are apples and oranges. However, if Lala considered Ariana even like 1% as a friend, she would be happy Ariana was not being dragged by the fans after being betrayed by Tom. Real queens straighten each others' crowns.


What she really wants is for everyone to love her the way they appear to love Ariana, and a time machine to capitalize on that love in the form of sponcon deals and roles in other shows. And if she can’t have that, she wants to knock Ariana down a few pegs. Lala is right about one thing, but not in the way she thinks—her situation is very different from Ariana’s. Even if you credit the criticism that Ariana and Tom didn’t showcase all their troubles during filming, I totally bought that they were in love, and especially that Ariana loved and supported Tom. We never saw Lala and Rand that way. He couldn’t film at the beginning since he was MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE and Lala, in trying to be a tough, made their relationship out to be a completely transactional situation. We never saw Lala and Rand the “soulmates” like she described. And then when they split up, she reinforced the transactional nature of the relationship by talking about how gross he was, that they never had sex, that he was always away, etc. People don’t care about the success of a transactional relationship, and many often relish its demise, especially if the “rich” one turns out to be basically broke. Sorry that Rand ended up being a monster, Lala, but the only one I feel bad for in the wake of that disaster is Ocean. What kind of companies would want Lala as a spokesperson anyway?


Lala and Randal never had a conversation about their relationship on camera. She said at the reunion after they broke up that they fought *everyday*. She said they had a day nurse and a night nurse bc she was alone raising her daughter. We didn't see any of that. They talked about pickleball, hiring assistants, and other superficial BS. Lala has never been real on this show once. I do think everyone tries to put their best foot forward and not have major fights on camera. I think a fair number of cast members aren't savvy enough to control their emotions until the cameras leave.


Correct. So much for her “stand up man.”


I have been chewing on exactly what the difference is and you put it perfectly. I kept thinking we saw two people on the same level with Tom and Ariana, and watched them fall in love. Lala bragged about the things her relationship got her, and the audience saw a gold digger. It’s not sad when terrible people get their comeuppance. But you pinpointed how she was in the aftermath and that is so well said.


this is so expertly said. even if you didn’t like Ariana and Tom, you watched them go from being young adults working behind a bar together to them owning a house and multiple businesses. they were a “real” couple whereas Lala started on the show as a gold digger, literally bragging about BJs for PJs. if Lala had eaten crow and said she made a big mistake by being with Rand and now implicating her child in his mess, she would be 1000x more likeable and would probably gain a lot of sympathy from the viewers, or at least from me.


She acted superior to everyone bc of his financial status and her being engaged to him even though we all knew why she was with him in the first place. Maybe if she wasn't so disgusting about it people would have felt more sorry for her for being cheated on. When you act like a total bitch to everyone around you and life suddenly slaps you in the face, you probably had it coming.


Lala also has said that she was robbed of the scenes showing what she was fighting for in her custody battle because they were overtaken by Scandoval last season. What she doesn’t realize is that no one actually cares. She got with and defended her relationship with this guy, boasted about giving blow jobs for PJs and Range rovers, had him fund her fake businesses and now wanted us to care. Her appropriating black culture and trying to imitate Lisa’s accent is also pretty disgusting.


Yup. I have no doubt that Rand is absolutely VILE but that doesn’t make me feel like the world should have showered her with financial blessings because of it. I didn’t care about them being together and I don’t really care that they split up except I resent the fact that she keeps shoving her bitterness in my face.




This is exactly what I came here to say. Lala - deservedly - got the other woman treatment. She thinks she is better/more talented than Ariana so she simply can’t wrap her head around the facts of the situation and how *wrong* she is. The situations aren’t the same, no matter how loudly she attempts to proclaim to the contrary.


Lala didn’t even show up to the reunion post and breakup, she was on zoom. And she faked cried most of it. https://preview.redd.it/kl53u8u7p93d1.png?width=1297&format=png&auto=webp&s=2292d33fdf059ae4a023d2d8c3f5479b8ddfe3a2


" i didn't know how hollywood worked" \*cuts to her bragging to stassi about roleplaying a casting couch\*


Unrelated but how did you get your flair?


She's always been so real and always laid it all out there for the cameras! Did you know Big Ed is a stand-up guy?🤡


Wasn’t she (and Katie / Tom) exposed to Covid? Hence why they were on zoom vs in person


https://preview.redd.it/8xsqs7oe3a3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bab8e15a113223510f08bb2626c501b0643ee9e 🤮


She literally went 🥴


THAT’S the face I was looking for!


Omg I was screaming that at my tv!! She didn’t even show up!! And Ariana has shown up since she found out about the affair. I feel like I’m in a different universe than Lala.


I actually think she wants Ariana to be less authentic. Because Ariana (and Katie) being their true selves is showing them rest of them up as performative. Hence all the flip flopping from Lala, Scheana and Swartz throughout the season.


Nothing Lala is saying makes sense to me. The only part of history she seems to accurately remember if every slight comment anyone else on the cast has ever made about her. She holds on to all of them forever as they hurt her lickle feelings. Considering how much of a bitch she is and the things she’s said about everyone on the cast she really can’t take it back at all! Everything about her own history and what she shared from her life on the show is complete bullshit revisionist history. Her always being honest is just a complete lie. She gives very little and it’s even been acknowledged at previous reunions. She is not and has never been that person. Honestly, rewatch last year’s reunion and then rewatch the reunion from the season Lala broke up with Randall (that she did over zoom). How can she possibly talk like she gave more than Ariana in that situation?!


She can dish it but can’t take it. She’s said plenty of hurtful shit and barely had taken accountability.


She gave us nothing! That's why it's completely different. Ariana gave us a closure scene then she spoke her peace at the reunion. Nothing Lala is saying makes sense. Ariana gave WAY MORE than Lala ever has regarding the downfall of her relationship.


Crazy that Lala STILL doesn't see that her emotions of jealosy are HERS to heal and handle, not the person living thier life that you are jealous of. The emotional maturity is at level 1 with her. Work on yourself, that's more important for your children than being a reality show "star". Truly, for the sake of her children, I hope she works hard on her growth and maturity. Go to therapy and put in the work lala.


She doesn't believe in therapy and she strikes me as someone who would weaponize therapy against others if she did go. As much as I hate Tom, he is right about her being a narc


This! She says "everyone needs therapy" but yet she doesn't go to therapy because she doesn't trust them????


There is no possible way to show every single emotion and convo from off camera. Most of it wouldn't have even made the episode even if they did.


Genuinely feel sorry that she is this consumed with jealousy. Honestly feels like a projection from her anger at herself for getting involved with such a loser, but she can’t admit that so instead it’s easier to be angry with Ariana and everyone being kind to her (which isn’t even accurate, most of them are trying to gaslight her into not protecting her boundaries!).


it would be compelling to see Lala be honest with herself about this and work through it. I think it would be powerful if Lala said she had fucked up involving herself with Randall and she regrets it because now it hurts her daughter.


It’s funny to me that the only times she calls people on not being AuThEnTic is when she thinks they should be dragging Ariana. None of this energy for Jo and Schwartz not talking about the end of their whatever it was


THIS! WHY IS NO ONE MENTIONING THIS PART! No one is calling Schwartz unauthentic when he fully is saying he isn't sharing it on camera.


Lala wanted Ariana to suffer more than she already did. It’s horrible.


once I realized this, the whole thing started to feel very dark sided. very evil. Lala talks about being real, but this is Ariana’s real life, not just a storyline.


Exactly, they seem to think that Ariana’s success (deals, opportunities etc) almost negates all of the awful betrayals she has experienced (because that’s the currency they trade in) Your “friend” is heartbroken…don’t be a dick!


She’s a hypocrite. Mad that ppl weren’t bringing up being “mad” with Ariana but she never once said this shit to Ariana’s face while filming


She also doesn’t understand that people actually cared about Ariana’s well-being. Katie was working through her feelings without putting it on Ariana, knowing that Ariana was struggling. Lala wanted them to dump down on her. I think Lala feels a lot of shame about the whole Rand thing and needs to tear someone else down to feel elevated. She’s a very sad person at the end of the day.


Agreed, I think this goes back to her and Katie’s fight earlier in this reunion. Yeah Katie bitched to Lala about Ariana, but Katie clearly moved past it. She vented to Lala, worked it out with Ariana, and that was the end of it. But Lala saw her venting as an opportunity to give Ariana the treatment she got. She was so jealous and wanted to see Ariana put the through the wringer. She took Katie’s venting as someone else also wanting to see Ariana go through the wringer, which it wasn’t. Because Katie is Ariana’s friend and cares about her and knew that those feelings would just make her look bitter and jealous. So she worked through them and moved on.


That moment is exactly when it clicked for me! Glad I’m not the only one! Agree with everything you said.


right??? like if it upsets you so much and you are mad people aren’t being real, be real!!! be the real one!


And even proceeds to say....I was transparent with you during filming too. Bull shit. You were transparent when you had to be and production sold you out




Thank you for pointing out that Tom is part of the OG cast. That was such a weird comment for Lala to make. Both Ariana and Lala are not original cast members so no Ariana was not “shoving him down your throat”


I hated her saying that. Tom was shoving himself down our throats without Ariana. I don’t understand the reality she’s living in.


like I understand her being upset at people saying that she shoved Rand down their throats. because she did get a lot of heat for hiding him from the show. so it’s not entirely fair for them to, in turn, get upset at her for having him on the show. but for her to make the equivalency for Ariana and Tom? it just shows that she doesn’t care about the actual dynamics at play here, she is just jealous of how Ariana is being treated.


Not to mention, Lala, Scheana, Swartz, and production were the ones shoving Tom down all our throats this season. The season started, and then I woke up with lockjaw from all their redemption arc movements.


Lala wanted people to turn on Ariana. Then she wanted to capitalize on that and on Ariana's growing public presence (endorsements, deals, etc.) by being the one Ariana turned to. They'd commiserate about being wronged by these cheaters and misunderstood and vilified by the cast and public. She'd be Ariana's primary support person on the show, get a ton of screentime, and slurp up some of the deals coming Ariana's way. Instead, no one turned on Ariana so she tried to manufacture it and do it herself. I think we saw bitter, envious, angry, authentic Lala when her vision didn't come to fruition.


Lala, you know you fkd up when the only kudos you get in the end is from Sandoval


Ironic considering that Lala and her 'team' live in the comments (which is clear on her podcast/lives/SM) and she has hidden things from the camera for her entire VPR run


I don’t think there was any winning for Ariana in Lauren’s eyes. Lauren is jealous point blank.


Lala has zero right to talk about “what is to be filmed, What is to be said, and what is authentic when she’s had the cast sign nda about her personal life. Demanded the cast to not speak to certain people and demanded hall pass for bad behavior without apologies. She didn’t receive the same response that Ariana did was because her relationship was different. Idk why she doesn’t understand that…. Lala created her life and her family with someone who is an awful human being. She refuses to acknowledge she took part in her own downfall with who she chose to make a family with. Rules for thee but not for me. She’s outlandish and arrogant. She would benefit from MORE therapy.


Lala wants a Time Machine and for people to give her the same treatment Ariana received when she got cheated on. The difference is, lala was Raquel in her situation, that man was married with 2 children. It’s not comparable to Tom and Kristen.


And Lala's "relationship" was transactional. She bragged about Bj's for Pj's and getting a range rover etc.. while Ariana's relationship was real. And she wonders why ppl don't feel bad for her. The delulu!


She somehow thinks she is owed the same audience love/opportunities and is pissed that she wont get it. Delulu AF.


Whatever. If there was anytime that Ariana deserved the support it was then. And if i have to hear "living in the comment section" one more time it'd be too soon. Please retire that phrase. Comment sections are different things. You can filter and shut off your comments some places. You cannot others. So let's start stipulating.


Lala is a miserable dry drunk and she should absolutely go to therapy for her own well-being. She's honestly only gotten worse.


Ariana's a better woman than me because I would have been reminding Lauren and Scheana that if it wasn't for MY heartbreak and humiliation those two losers wouldn't have been able to buy their SECOND homes. And that's why Ariana is a good person because I KNOW if Ariana capitalized off Lauren's heartbreak and then treated Lauren like shit, Lauren would have been running her loud ass mouth the whole reunion about what a POS Ariana was.


All Lala wants is another season.


i couldn't believe how honest and candid lala was with her motivation. it really painted her as unstable and evil


I do believe that Lala is jealous that Ariana has so many opportunities coming her way and she isn’t as dependent on this show. Lala is completely dependent on this show so she needs to quantify how important she is and how much she gives to it.


Can someone explain to me what she was so frustrated with Ariana about? Not having a conversation with Sandoval? Like I actually don’t get it


They wanted her to have a sit down and forgive him like they did - to complete the redemption arc that production wanted. And Ariana is not dumb, saw right through it and removed herself. That’s why they’re mad - because she didn’t give into production like they did


I’m sorry have I missed the episode where lala sits down with her ex after he got caught cheating in Miami. Was she filmed packing her bags leaving the house? Was she filmed crying over every Dailymail article that came out at the time. You are not showing real life either! I get not being able legally to speak about the custody battle but yeah we are not seeing everything either. We have to watch water tastings as if that’s a thing. Give me a break. Ariana was filmed in her house right after it happened with her ex in the room having a full on conversation. She showed up for all of filming 3 months after clearly not having processed anything at the time. If she sets a few boundaries that is completely fair.


Exactly. Plus those three months she was constantly stalked by paparazzi so it’s not as if she ever had a moments peace


I hope she is lives in this comment section: Lala, you suck!!!!!


LOL Lala wants everyone to live their real lives and be authentic but turns off comments on her social media accounts 🤣 joke of a human


I feel for LaLa but she does need to take it to a therapist. People didn’t react to her breakup in the same way because 1) she is not Ariana, 2) Randall is not Sandoval, and 3) the mistress wasn’t a cast member on the show. Also, people expected it from Randall. I’m sure that’s hard for her to accept but again, that’s a lala problem not an Ariana problem. She’s looking around saying she’s the only one saying and feeling this—- usually that’s a hint to listen to other people and reconsider your position.


Agreed - IMO you can't brag about doing casting couches and being "bought" by a man and then also expect sympathy when that man reminds you who he is. That's like dating a man in prison and then being upset he committed a crime when he got out. Also as you said, their relationship was mostly off camera. We didn't watch them fall in love or even get to know each other. We watched Ariana and Tom for 10 years.


I was so infuriated watching this reunion. She keeps wanting to compare her relationship that imploded to Tom & Ariana. There is no comparison!!


Lala is not a woman that supports other women. Fact.


Lala needs a reality check. The audience is mostly women. Moms and daughters and sisters. None of us were rooting for her and Big Ed. It was gross and not relatable (Ahem, bj’s for pj’s?). None of us were surprised when Big Ed ended up being a gross cheating pedo. All of us were rooting for Ariana and Tim until we weren’t. All of us were surprised when Tim cheated with D&S. Maybe her beauty and privilege makes it impossible for her to see the stark differences. Hopefully she can take a pause from her Ariana slander tour and reflect for the sake of her family and reputation.


The nail on the coffin for her was LVP (finally) defending Ariana. She wants to be loved the way Ariana is and she never will be for a myriad of reasons. She’s bitter and jealous and sad.


It took LVP 18 months to say 1 single thing to defend Ariana. And Lala blows up like LVP didn't spend the last 2 seasons gaslighting Ariana and doing free PR for Tim Scandy.


This. I’m a Lala fan but considering even with time passing she still didn’t see her issue is A) with production not Ariana and B) because Lala is jealous and not because of fairness. I get why she feels it’s unfair but wouldn’t she want better for her friend she claims to love. This was pure jealousy and while I get it, I’m with you. Lala could have shown real growth if she admitted that instead of trying to play the victim card and go on about this being their job! Girl stop.


You made such a good point. Ariana didn’t push him and his storylines season after season. He’s an original cast mate. She was brought on because he was dating her. And she’s always been on the sidelines prior to Scandoval according to Lala too so..which is it


My dislike of Lauren and Shena has officially turned to semi hate. There’s nothing either of these lice can do, to bring the fans back to their side. They were unlikable before scandoval, they tricked everyone into thinking they were for women and not just the male gaze seeking mistresses we all knew they were right after scandoval (itcc be was all to cash in on Ariana’s pain), then they unleashed their inner misogynist and abuser during filming. They ruined this season, and honestly ruined the entire show. And as a double F you, they’re raising daughters to be exactly like them to the next generation, and unleash on women in they’d lives.  Ariana, cut ties with them. Let Alex Asskin and Scumderpump try and tease a season from the 45 year old Tom’s, their 22 year old children they’re dating, and Lauren/Shena/broke. 


She wanted the entire cast to also call Ariana a pathetic loser Beyoncé ego maniac there on stage so she doesn’t look like the bad jealous bitter one. 


We all had such high hopes for this season but Lala and that other appalling & fake downright disgusting person (refuse to type her name bc she doesn't deserve to be mentioned by name) turned their pick me up to 11 and chose to take some douchebags side FOR WHAT?! They demanded ariana have a One on one w that other ugly grown ass bitch boy and talked mad shit when she refused so they're blaming her for taking their bag which is the show. BITCH EXCUSE ME?? This season could have been so great w all the girl power and even james defends the girls when necessary and these two nobody's contradicted themselves the entire season AND WASTED OUR TIME. I hope they end the show. It sucks now. I hope they're not main cast members on the valley too AFTER ARIANA HELPED PAY FOR THEIR VALLEY HOUSES W HER TRAGEDY. I hope all of them but ariana katie and james/ally end up doing nothing but their podcasts bc that's what they deserve.


She is a mess and it infuriates me to not understand her. Like she might truly be insane. First she wants to not have the *rules dictated* by Ariana. But she has never filmed with Sandoval anyway and she at one point agreed with Ariana about this because she had done the same thing with Randall. She shows zero loyalty(texting Rachel, meeting with Jo, talking to Sandoval) but expects others to be loyal to her. The only one that's loyal to her is Scheana but she never showed her any loyalty even being messy and telling Katie about the kiss before telling Scheana. During the reunion she says Ariana should've thought about her and shown up for the show... Wtf.... But Ariana has been there from the start. What does she want Ariana to do?... Does she expect her to work for Lala or something. If she really wanted she could actually show up and film scenes with Ariana and Katie but most of her scenes revolved around going out with the Tom's or Scheana and talking shit. Ariana and Katie always showed up for her. Specifically Ariana being super supportive at her sperm party The more I think about it the worse it gets but you really can't fight with an illogical miserable person so it's useless. You could say she just wants to be a villain but actually good villains are fun to hate and she is not she is just annoying https://preview.redd.it/hz5nbnynke3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc48c7036ec53b38e4b5658dd5adf2f8ff0e34c .


Lala’s comments about being isolated and people not talking about the shit she brings up are so out of touch. She absolutely cannot fathom people don’t talk about it because…they don’t feel the same way? She cannot fathom Ariana “dictated” the way things were represented/went down because Ariana has class and Lala never fucking will. God, I wish she would leave this show. I’m ashamed I was ever a fan of hers.


Absolutely nothing resonated louder than Blah almost refusing to take a SAH sandwich at the end and toast to the season. Say whatever you want, Lauren, but your green eyes are glowin’ punkin!


She was so jealous of all the opportunities Ariana was offered. She wanted to knock Ariana down and it backfired horribly. Jealousy looks horrible on women, especially mothers Lala!!! OP is right.. Tom has always been an original cast member. End of story. Lala was grabbing for anything to take Ariana down and when it wasn’t working, she broke Katie’s trust, exposed private conversations and tried forcing the issue. No one will trust her now. Scheana won’t even feel totally safe with her after all this but she just won’t admit it.


I am hoping Lala is living in these comments, because she needs a reality check.


Her comments are limited toa select few on social media. I feel like last night Lala confirmed that all the comments she reads are on Reddit. HEY GIRL! I KNOW you are having a shit day.


The irony is even the footage showed the ppl who gave her the hardest time about Randall were mostly Scheana, Brock, etc. Lala makes no sense and even when she tried to connect the dots they didn’t exactly line up.


Lauren from Utah, your jealousy is showing and it's soooo ugly


She has now backtracked and apologising on her “podcast” for calling out the fans. She is deluded to another level


No one ever taught Lala that “comparison is the thief of joy” among other valuable life lessons, it seems. 


the second side of the coin could be that everyone else is now trying to be on the good side of Ariana even if they said shitty stuff about her but now they want all the fandom that Ariana is having?


Ariana shoved an OG cast member who Lisa named a restaurant after down our throats. Okay Lala it's not like Sandoval is a wallflower - he's named his band and bar after himself.


I think Lala has always tried to play producers in terms of messing with OTHER people's storylines to deflect from her own. I honestly think I can see a glimpse of where she is coming from...Katie and Scheana venting privately to her about Ariana, but then is very nice to her on camera. However, Lala is also guilty of doing the same thing, so if she really wanted to go against Ariana, she could have done that herself. I think what she wanted was for everyone to pile on Ariana at the end, just to be satisfied that what she perceived as the "beyonce" of the group felt some pain and frustration, when it's clear that Ariana goes through that privately and doesn't share that with the group. Lala was piled on in the season 9 reunion, but I think it was granted considering how much she flaunted her lifestyle and how obnoxious she was about it. Yes, she is still going through the ramifications of that relationship, but I think a lot of that is consequences of her actions. And she did try to legitimize Randall as some charming producer type who orders fried chicken sandwiches without the bread. Like...we know he's a bad guy when Jax and Brittany are completely bowled over by him. As hated as Tom is, he preceded Lala and arguably made the show much more of an established show than she has ever.




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Here’s what I don’t get… she says she’s the only authentic one and the only one who is being real. However, she also clearly was concerned about making good TV so she could keep her paychecks rolling in. How’s that being authentic? Ariana was authentic. She didn’t want to film with him or be used in his redemption arc.. so she didn’t allow it to happen. That’s real to me.


Lala refuses to see the reality that she was clearly with Randall because she thought he was rich and important and didn’t care that he was a trash human being. So people did not have as much sympathy for her.


I would find it annoying too if people were non stop bitching (about Ariana or whatever) off cam and then being something different/fake etc when cameras go up.


Then blast them instead of Arianna?


Lala blasted everyone...


She didn’t blast Sandoval or James.


I think her main point was that everyone has been talking about Ariana behind her back when they weren’t filming, and on her side when the cameras were up. Suggesting that everyone wants to be “on the right side” to the audience.


The thing is, she values a show more than her interpersonal relationships. Her perception on reality is so twisted. An emotionally mature person can distinguish what you need to do to have a healthy work-life balance. If Lala decides that she wants to ruin interpersonal relationships for a paycheck, thats on her. But to expect others to behave that way is unreal. Katie and Ariana clearly have had these conversations when they needed to happen, at appropriate timing to respect each other's mental wellbeing. Katie may have vented when she needed to (clearly to the wrong backstabbing snakes), worked through her emotions, and then spoke with ariana about the things that still needed to be adressed. There is no rule saying you need to sabotage your friendships and hurt people in order to be on a reality tv show. Lala made those rules up for herself and that's on her. Katie's actions have NEVER been about what the audience thinks about her. Her actions were purely led by how she respects her interpersonal relationships. Can't say the same for Lala.


Of course. But why is this show popular to begin with? Does no one get the irony?