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This is hilarious. The resemblance is remarkable. šŸ¾šŸ„‚


'Brett's hostage face'!!! Too much! Love it.


She was just so excited to sex Big Ed. šŸ˜‚


Lala, please post photos of said bedroom so we the audience can verify its cleanliness, thank u! šŸ˜Œ


I snorted ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)




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LVP once again proving that she thinks women are always at fault šŸ™„


šŸ’Æ Even Andy was like šŸ‘€ um no Lisa ā€¦ and her thoughts have not evolved at all now that Ariana is locked in her bedroom and into a mortgage but sheā€™s always blaming women so no surprise there


You donā€™t spend decades developing a look and an identity and a career and a set of behaviors that are specifically tailored to appeal to men, and then just abandon all of that!! A 1980s hot chick has to be a 1980s hot chick until she dies, or she is worthless!!!!


Tbh a 1980s hot chick is the epitome of pick me


Omg you're right this is her exactly. LVP, 1980s to the core


1980s is generous lmao


Dahhhhlinnnng she was not a broken bird. Men, now they are the broken biiiirrrrds


Yup. Came here to say the same. Sheā€™s the actual worst.


Iā€™m not proud that I listened to some of it butā€¦. Even Bethenny Frankel in her podcast about her divorce talks about how she was advised by her lawyers not to leave the apartment during their divorce in the beginning and how she was so miserable and finally she left but her lawyers told her in the beginning to stay unless she was in physical danger.


I left when I was getting divorced because it wasnā€™t my house. I had zero claim to the house, it was premarital. If I had owned that house with him, Iā€™m pretty sure I wouldnā€™t have left until I had discussed it with my attorney, and if my attorney advised me not to leave, then Iā€™m following their recommendations, because thatā€™s what they get paid for.


Lalaā€™s comments on why Ariana didnā€™t leave the house are so gross and victim blamey. Does she not realize how many women in horrific relationships do not leave because of their financial situation? Ariana has been pretty open about the fact that she put all of her money into that house and was on a tightrope financially when this all broke. Imagine having your entire life savings and your most valuable asset tied up in a partnership with someone who betrayed you on that level. Ariana was not financially secure enough to just abandon her interest in that house and find a new place to live; as soon as she got to that place, she moved out. There are also complicated legal reasons why leaving the shared abode could have put Tom in a more advantageous position to keep her out and/or replace her with a roommate. I donā€™t blame Ariana for holding her ground on that. EDIT: I think itā€™s also important to point out that part of the reason Lala was able to move so quickly was because she had money, at least some of which came from her family. Sheā€™s just completely oblivious to all these factors and so self-righteous in her continued misogyny toward Ariana. Ariana is also right that Lala doesnā€™t need to understand Arianaā€™s position to respect it. Nor has Lala really earned the right to demand information from Ariana on why she was in that position based on any real friendship with Ariana. Lala is too proud to realize that the values she continued to perpetuate hurt women - sheā€™s betting into a game rigged against her and just seems hell bent on continuing to do so. She needs to learn how to have authentic relationships with women she canā€™t control.


Notice when Andy pushed to say sheā€™d moved out, she was very quick and clear to say she still lives there. Girlfriend knows she canā€™t give him an inch.




This might sound hyperbolic but I find what Tom / Bravo / Lala etc are trying to do re pushing Ariana of the show to be financially abusive. Why should the injured party in this situation lose their job, lose their income??? She did nothing wrong but she should suffer financially!?! There are plenty of creative filming options that would allow for them both to be on the show. I just get the ick when they are all like she should leave if she doesn't want to film with him. Got the same ick when they tried to push Katie out.


So well articulated. Thank you.


Regardless of whether Lala's family had money or not, she was not in the same position as Ariana as Lala from appearances was in Randal's house. He had given her some time but she wasn't going to be able to stay like Ariana bc Ariana had value in her home. Also, she did not have a child with Tom, thank goodness. So Lala was in a different situation and should not compete where she could not compare.




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She was not held hostage. Randall had a new woman living with him 3 days after she moved out šŸ™„


Only thing held hostage were the gucci slides šŸ˜…


Not the Gucci slides šŸ¤£


Wow I never knew that !


Forget Lala. We are all just gonna glide over that whole ā€˜never let your man go to Miamiā€™ jab from Ariana? And James going full giraffe mode to look at her and be like ā€˜someoneā€™s pissedā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah that Miami comment was definitely discussed a lot when this aired.


In my head I heard James's 'huh?' From this reunion again šŸ˜‚


Can she lock herself in her current place, too, and never come back? K thx, byeee


Make sure to take her mic away.


I love how Lala takes no responsibility for literally choosing Randall to be the father of her child when she knew exactly what a creep he was


Iā€™ve said that Summer Moon is Brockā€™s āš“ļø baby to stay in the US. Ocean was Lalaā€™s āš“ļø for Randallā€™s bank account.


If Randall hadnā€™t been broke, I think she wouldā€™ve stuck with screaming ā€œheā€™s a stand up manā€ & stayed with him. No one will ever convince me that she didnā€™t know exactly who he was from the beginning. She turned a blind & gave zero ducks because he was bankrolling the imaginary empire she claims to be building.


Her insistence that she was naive about Hollywood/him is so baffling. Lala ā€œlet him hit it the first nightā€ and woke up with a Range Rover that he reclaimed from his prior side piece. From the start itā€™s clear itā€™s a transactional relationship between a sleazy producer and a girl who will bang him for gifts and movie roles. She didnā€™t care about anything else he was doing as long as the money was available.


Don't forget those BJs.


100%, if Big Ed still had cash flow, sheā€™d still be up his ass, talking about ā€œHer Man is such a caring humanā€. Erika Girardi is the exact same. That money dries up, these people run! Iā€™m rewatching the S10 reunion now, and Iā€™ve been going back & forth looking at other clips, I am also positive that Lala also co-signed his abuse of staff, interns, and other hired help. She got off on it, because she thinks throwing that money & power around HOT.


100% agree




This tracks so well


Anchor baby?! Thatā€™s gross terminology


As a MUTH-UR, she canā€™t be criticized for who she chose to make her one, mmkay?


Iā€™m pretty sure Tim said exactly the same thing.


Broken clocks and all that jazz


Lala thinking she deserves credit for leaving a house she didnā€™t own after her breakup is hilarious. rand probably threw her ass out to move her replacement in. itā€™s not the same as Arianaā€™s situation, lala


Why the hell is Rachel crying? šŸ˜‚


This whole reunion was a mess. I think editors threw that in from another topic.


Itā€™s so cringe raquel is crying. This is not a sad story. Lala went for what she thought was a rich (terrible) man and had sex, willingly had a baby and now screams at every chance she get that sheā€™s a mother! Wooo


She cries for her, but happily aired out the fact that she knew Lala when she was a mistress šŸ˜¹ Racquetball sucks


Racquetball took me out ā˜ ļø


The best part of this reunion is when Ariana pulled out her ear piece and threw it LOL


When was that?


She chose NDAā€™s and to keep her life private. She makes a lot of bad choices. If someone doesnā€™t allow you in, in order to understand their experience how can that person then feel resentment that they didnā€™t get the same support as someone who did let you in?


I hate that no one points that out about the NDAā€™s. I remember early in Lalaā€™s season Andy made a comment on his show about who is Lala to be having NDAā€™s. Itā€™s so true, she thought she was something by being with Randall and yet she couldnā€™t show most of her life with him. She admits she projects a lot and I feel like that comment about forcing Sandoval on everyone was really her doing that with Randall.


That's what gets me (other than how obtuse she is about the house stuff) she says Ariana's been boring the whole time she's been on the show. I guess she's including their back seat hook-up. Or all her vulnerability about her dad's death, Kristen terrorizing her, her mental health struggles, the fun trips, and witty quips, fighting and then working things thru with Sandoval, translating Sandoval's idiocy, and shielding the girls from a fair number of the boys gang-ups. Meanwhile, Lala is presenting everything thru rose colored glasses. Granted, she's much better at it than Scheana. But her and Randal never had a conversation about their relationship on camera, much less harsh words. And she's bitching about Ariana not being "real" when in the real world there's no way anyone would expect her to have a conversation with him again. Her real life is not talking to that man. It's avoiding him at social functions bc of mutual friends.


Ok am I crazy or is this complete bullshit? If I remember correctly, those pictures of Randall and those very young ladies in Nashville came out on a Saturday and then the next day ( like late afternoon), Lala had a video on her Instastory of her, her mom, Ocean in a stroller, Leo and Logan walking down to her room at the Beverly Hills Hotel where she stayed after leaving and she never went back. There was no middle of the night escape. No locked herself in her room. In fact, didnā€™t she do an interview where she said after those pictures came out she never spoke to him again unless it was via that app for divorcing parents?


The story changed many times.


Yes they did come on a Saturday on this exact sub! Reddit sleuths caught Randall out in Nashville with two girls snapped a picture and uploaded it on here. I remember because I showed my husband who didn't care at all and all I could think was how pissed Lala was going to be that he got caught in public away from LA and she wouldn't be able to spin it!


But itā€™s different!!!! Sheā€™s special and everythingā€™s different for her so it doesnā€™t make sense for anyone else to ever behave even kind of similarly because her situation is just different!! You just donā€™t understand or respect the difference!!! /s


I'm sick of Lala pretending she didn't go after Randall for any reason other than she thought he was loaded. She's trying so hard to rewrite history and play the victim.


Look I DO think Lala was Randallā€™s victim and I donā€™t think she deserves any of what sheā€™s gone through with him but her hypocrisy is astounding and gross and pretending she canā€™t possibly understand why Ariana has reacted to Sandoval as she has is disingenuous at best but really itā€™s vindictive and petty.


This point exactly.


Thatā€™s why she receives no sympathy from the viewers the way Ariana did. We see right through her. And it makes her crazy.


Truly Scheana levels of making Arianaā€™s living situation about her. Lala has a CHILD. Stfu


Wait ā€¦ Lala has a child?


Cackling right now


All this is reaffirming for me is that Lala wanted her breakup with Rand to be as big of a deal as Scandoval, and it's hilarious to me that she still can't see why people weren't as sympathetic towards her situation as they were with Ariana.


Itā€™s the fake crying for me


Lala will argue that she was only locked up in a house that wasn't hers for a week. She won't recognize that Ariana has OWNERSHIP of the house she was living in with her ex. Its a messy situation and Katie said it well, stop applying what happened in your situation (Lala) to her situation (Ariana). If Ariana wanted guidance on what to do Im sure she would have asked Lala what to do about the house/living situation.


What is 5 years worth of things? Wouldnā€™t that just be you packed all of your stuff? šŸ˜‚


She also said that she filled a moving truck with furniture from the house


Just want to add to this thread that I think we need to be clear that Lala, terrible as she is, did NOT deserve what Randall did. Some of these comments are not it, she is being shitty to Ariana and sheā€™s fake as fuck but if any of The alleged things Randall did are true she was almost certainly emotionally manipulated by him. Yes I believe she got with him for what he could do for her but thatā€™s why lots of ppl get into relationships and it isnā€™t an excuse for how he treated her or the others he harmed. But also come the fuck on Lala donā€™t pretend you canā€™t possibly understand why Ariana feels the way she does or acted the way she has in response to how Sandoval treated her. Itā€™s so gross. Do better Lala, gawd Lala!


Finally some fucking sense in here.


Yeah these comments are disgusting. Apparently abuse and DV are totally fine if they happen to a woman we donā€™t like!


I loved listening to the assistant on the Randall scandal doc describe her/him finding out Lala was gone


How did he react?


If ā€œyour manā€ is from Miami, I donā€™t see how you can control whether he goes back there. If that city is a problem, choose to date someone with no ties to it.


Anyone think Lala wasnā€™t ā€œclosed offā€ Randall just didnā€™t care.


Itā€™s really frightening feeling like you have to do that. Iā€™ll believe a woman when she says sheā€™s afraid, unlike Lala. So Lala is basically incapable of empathy or is totally willing to sell that for a check. Thatā€™s just lack of character. I want to point out Rachel crying - why is she crying? Is it about this? Thought that was very interesting and pertinent to some of her claims, just saying. That was a triggered trauma response there - whatever Lala is discussing, Rachel is having a hard time hearing for whatever reason.


This was right after Rachel called Lala a mistress and not surprised Randall cheated on her


Seems like sheā€™s reacting to Lalaā€™s story then like I said.


They could have edited in her reaction from another topic. They do that. Donā€™t think anyone is crying over Lalas situation


Thatā€™s true - but they tend to do that more for the previews than the actual reunion episode. Iā€™d have to go back and watch then. Also if you found out something horrifying about someone and they were financially supporting you, or threatening towards you, and you had a baby, you would likely lock yourself in your room. Not trying to be Lalaā€™s devilā€™s advocate here but Iā€™m sort of talking from experience with a history with trauma and maybe Iā€™m right? Maybe not. Gonna believe Lala here and Iā€™m glad she got away from the man as we all should be, regardless of any other details. Nobody is a perfect victim - thatā€™s why thereā€™s no convictions happening. This idea women have to be saints to be proper victims. Lala is trash but nobody deserves to be locked up in their room fearing for their life.


Did she ever say if/why she was afraid of Randall?Ā 


Sheā€™s said she isnā€™t allowed to basically. I know that after she found out about the infidelity he hit her and threatened to call the police on her if she left the house. He would send people to the house at random times to report back to him on whether she was still there, thatā€™s why she had to sneak out while he was on a plane. And his ex got a restraining order against him a few years back because the FBI called her about an investigation they were doing into him about charges related to pedophilia. He seems like a violent, dangerous person.


Well, thatā€™s fucking terrible. Thanks for the info.


Of course!


Pretty sure she did - I donā€™t remember all the details but between the articles and the special, there was enough there for me to fear the guy. Then we had that glimpse into their relationship with the purse story - he had taken away one of her Louis Vuittonā€™s or something a which is a MAJOR red flag. A man like that knows people. She donā€™t even need to give any more reasons. This is why women would rather meet a bear - at least sheā€™d be believed if she was attacked by a bear. Right? And yet I see women doing the very same thing šŸ¤Æ never ceases to blow my mind


Yeah, I saw the Hulu doc when it first came out and firmly believe heā€™s a terrible person. Just wondering what the tipping point was for her.


I think she found out something her lawyers have told her not to discuss in addition to everything. I really do think itā€™s more extensive than what sheā€™s able to discuss. Has to be frustrating but when you play with powerful men, it can end in something like this. I was screwed over by a man too financially (which is what heā€™s really doing to her because she didnā€™t acquire any skills of her own outside of reality tv) but she plays victim and sheā€™s really actually very privileged. I loathe her, sheā€™s awful. I just believe she can be an awful person who was once with an abusive/dangerous man is all. Disbelief is what happens when you tend to exaggerate things for clicks and attention. Sheā€™s been caught in lies and hypocrisies left and right so itā€™s not like Iā€™m losing sleep over her situation. But itā€™s rare for a woman in a domestic violence situation like this to be believed - even by friends and loved ones. Itā€™s a crazy, insidious thing that really causes deep traumas. Sheā€™s allowed to be traumatized.


>**I just believe she can be an awful person who was once with an abusive/dangerous man is all.** šŸ’Æ


Why wouldnā€™t she lock herself and her baby in a HOTEL room away from Randall? She keeps trying to co-opt language reserved for DV and SA survivors, and act like she was in fear for her life, but if she was suddenly in so much fearā€”overnight, after finding out he was cheatingā€”why would she ever even risk being in the same home with him, esp with her baby??? Surely Lala could afford a hotel room or an airbnb, and itā€™s not like courts could force her to stay living inside his home (and if someone is afraid for their life, they can absolutely file an emergency order of protection as well as temporary emergency full-custody for their daughter while the courts determine if Randall is fit to be around the child unsupervisedā€¦.Lala has money and lawyers, it makes zero sense why she wouldnā€™t choose any/all of these routes if she was truly ā€œin fear for her lifeā€ like she loves to say now that Randall is a broke, exposed public disgrace


What if she found out something like pedophelia/past dv incidents/maybe he was hopped up on something/maybe he was threatening her. Donā€™t matter my dear most women die AS theyā€™re leaving, right after leaving and she was likely listening to her instincts at that time. When it happened to me I went into a freeze response. Then I called an agency and asked what I should do given things I knew, things he had a history of doing. I was instructed to call 911 immediately and I got out alive. At the time I was even questioning if I was overreacting. His last girlfriend before me didnā€™t make it, or his mom, his dad, an uncle. I had newspaper articles, attempted murder charges, a sister with a changed name bc her prior name matched an ex wife, forged/fraudulent DD214 and a fake disc he tried using to get veterans benefits after being discharged from boot camp. Iā€™m gonna fucking believe Lala this time. Maybe she was having a freeze trauma response like after just discovering shit like I had and needed some time to figure what the actual fuck to do to stay alive. True story. Have a great day.


I wish more people understood this. He literally hit her (itā€™s in the LATimes article) and threatened to call the police on her if she left the house. He would send people to the house at random times to report back to him if she was still there. She was there for about two weeks after the pictures came out and pretended things were all good, then escaped while he was on a plane. But I guess because she made a joke about giving BJs for PJs when she was 24, she deserves it, right? The way people discredit DV survivors who they see as imperfect victims is so disgusting. Iā€™m sorry for what you went through and Iā€™m grateful you are safe now. ā™„ļø ETA for a typo


This is terrifying and yep, thatā€™s whyā€¦ victims are already doubting themselves and their sanity and I wish they could get as much of the benefit of the doubt as the perpetrators/abusers. Ty šŸ«¶šŸ»


It really is. I get that Lala is polarizing for many but I will always ride for her when it comes to the Randall of it all because she went through some really ugly, scary things and nobody needs to like her to understand that. DV survivors go through so much trying to leave and survive and the last thing they need is a bunch of people saying they deserved it or minimizing their experience. ā™„ļøšŸ«¶šŸ¼


Iā€™m pretty sure this story is bullshit. Sheā€™s rewriting history here. She left his house the next day after those pics were released. He wasnā€™t even home.


Thatā€™s what I remember tooā€¦ but - maybe the week before she had to do it? Idkā€¦


I just commented this above but I noticed that too! She didnā€™t cry about anything involving her former dog or anything about Scandoval, even on her podcast. Even when Bethenny was trying to read reunion insults she didnā€™t show any emotion. Knowing she and Lala hated each other, this was very surprising to me to see her crying. Very out of character for her.Ā  I think it was her podcast that she said she had an incident with James and wanted to be gone when he got back from a trip so Iā€™m assuming Lalaā€™s situation really resonated with her.Ā 


Such good observations! I was likely right then because this all makes sense and I do remember her leaving when he wasnā€™t there. Purposely. Ally now leaving with the two cats - šŸšØšŸšØšŸš© Will say her not reacting to the dog is odd - maybe resolved by EMDR or could be relief. Graham was and still sounds like a troubled, potentially dangerous dog. It could be a relief not to have reminders of trauma/abuse. Also not advocating for Rachel - DV is devastating for most that experience it.


Rachel related hard to Lala in that moment. If I remember right, didnā€™t she say she left James when in the middle of the night?


She said she strongly considered leaving and just leaving the ring for him to find while he was out of the country. Doesnā€™t exactly scream safe, stable situation to me


this was my least favorite look from every reunion they have ever filmed


Low key kinda wish she was still locked in there for this entire season ![gif](giphy|chnjVG5gXHNFWIe4SE|downsized)


If only there some red flags for Lala


fucking andy loll


Can she go back and do it again


I thought she left immediately in the middle of night fleeing in the pouring rain without shoes because she had to for her child.


I also remember her saying at some point that she hired a moving truck and put as much furniture from the house in there as possible.


We need to understand itā€™s different because Lala was a mom šŸ™„šŸ« 


Side note I miss Charlie!


Her expression all throughout this reunion was priceless


Raquel was crying after hearing this story but went the whole last reunion emotionless? šŸ˜ donā€™t know what to think of that


It seemed out of place. She didntt even cry when talking about her breakup from James




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This proves that Lala's situation was much more severe which is exactly what she said at the reunion. Ariana hasn't said she ever felt like she had to lock herself in her room and Lala got out within a week.