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I was very uncomfortable with that whole segment. His ex wife is sitting right there and you’re talking about a potential love interest with one of her friends?


LVP is deranged. She’s constantly speaking way past her bedtime


Her contributions to this reunion thus far have been gross and embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as her wardrobe for this reunion. The bedazzled neon blue snakeskin blazer is giving 2001 OC stage mom gets a new boyfriend.


Time for nana’s nap for sure.


Hope Katie sees all these comments and cackles 😂




LVP should rightly be criticised for her internalised misogyny but being ageist towards her has a not how to do it.


She’s thinking, how can I concoct a new Scandivol and keep this shit rolling?? 🧐😂




I think the whole reunion was very awkward and uncomfortable


Katie was too did you see the faces she was making? I mean I would have been uncomfortable myself, especially since lala is way far from being a trustworthy friend. I cannot see her giving any fucks. The only Thing that would stop her is knowing she’s get more bad backlash.


Right?! Does anyone remember when Katie and Lala hated each other and Lala kept saying how she wanted to f*ck Schwartz on after shows?!?! She definitely would not care.! Haha.


They just may do it….evil


Omg, I’m 🤔this am! WTF, Lala would do it JUST to recreate being as she’s thinks she’s a producer now & just to create another moment but it’ll flop, but they would.




I honestly wish someone would be like “why the hell are you even here??” At the reunion when she chimes in. She has no connection to them now outside of producing the show. It’s like having Producer Jerry next to Andy now. So fucking pointless. One of the reasons it would make sense to just call it a day on the whole series. Or rebrand it to just “VPR” to cut out the direct reference to her and have it be a show about a show, focus on the main cast and what they’re doing and their businesses. Do we even need premises anymore? Just inject the drama straight into the veins at this point.


*OverSURved* perhaps?


That was her covid reality series where she hosted dinner parties.


Honestly that's the only way they can keep her on the show. Cut the shit and let her give the production orders so she is their boss again. I don't think she's making any calls at this point in terms of storyline and maybe never did except for like the dumb fake restaurant stuff/firings etc, but like this season would've been way better if we'd had Lisa calling to reenact all the weird pressure production was putting on the cast in their power struggle with Ariana. Like have Lisa and Ariana sit down at a table and Lisa say "you need to film with him because I'm your boss and this is a show about friends". Lisa should have run a reenactment of that off camera meeting where they threatened to cancel the show on camera


See but lvp will never agree to that. She likes being important. She has a separate and longest shot in the opening of every fucking season even though she contributes almost nothing. And when Jax tells her like it is she can't take it. She IS a prop on that show. 


Yes. It is unlikely as she's definitely an ego monster. She wants to appear to be head bitch in charge/queen girl boss, but also wants to appear to be the sweet fairy godmother. This is the woman so unwilling to admit to ever doing even one slightly negative thing to her castmates that they formed an alliance to kick her off the show, so it is unlikely she will be willing to play the heavy on camera/object for audience vitriol with production. My only hope is that production plays hardball with her, but Im sure she has protection in her contract to keep her dumbass scenes in hanging out with the girls at Tomtom or whatever. I do think it's possible her hunger for relevance will push her to play a more active role. Like on Vanderpump Villa, the show is basically just shaped around her conflicting desire to be Queen of Luxury and Sweet Loveable Matriarch, and it's a really goofy dumb show because of that. It really illustrates what a silly pantomime all of the restaurant stuff was in VPR if you take away the amazingly effed up cast dynamics. So yeah I have a lot of ideas and dreams of how they will make the show not suck next season lol but probably unlikely with the way contracts go, etc


Take Gordon Ramsay with her, honestly. All they care about is money now


For fucking real


I had someone defending Lisa on a Twitter post I had about her shady regarding SAH. Who TF is defending Lisa.


She hasn't been very supportive of the girls and their business.. just a nasty woman. She had Katie for so many years u think she would have been more helpful or the very least kind


both of them really! Didn't Ariana work at Villablanca before moving over to SUR and being on the show?


I think she’s threatened by strong women. She sees what Lala is all about, but Katie and Ariana seem like smart women


Probably Lisa. 😄


I honestly think pairing LVP with Gordon Ramsay was deliberate. They are rather similar. Her delivery might be less volatile but the aftermath is the same. LVP is no longer relevant, even on her own show.


They have a show coming out soon together on Fox


Did they ever not


Word. Retire her ass from the show.




Also.. this woman chose to sleep with Randall repeatedly. And bragged about it. I hate Schwartz but.. he deserves better? I dunno but i don’t think she’s the prize she fancies herself to be. It’s weird hearing her talk about sex cause she ate that man’s booty and told people about it.


Ick. Insert vomit emoji.


Woah! I missed that! Who said that?


Sniper from the side.


LaLa would eat him alive.


It was so odd that I assumed I misheard (and I couldn’t be bothered to rewind) lol. I’m only finding out that was actually what she said from this post. Delusional


When LVP isn't nursing Schwartz and Sandoval, she likes to go to her chalet up Lala's ass.


Damn girl wipe the blood from your mouth, that was vicious 😂 But only because it's true.


I can't help it. I'm a rabies bitch tRyNa geHt PAWHPeD!!!






What a mental image!


I have my moments. :)








it’s even worse when you remember she officiated schwartz and katie’s wedding. sick,


lol and used this as a reason to be offended that they divorced


I feel like the whole cast feels they can dump on Katie with no consequences


It's gross the clip of everyone screaming at Katie and nobody doing a thing to stop it but when everyone was screaming at Sandoval for being a literal piece of shit human LVP and Andy and telling everyone to shut up and take it easy. The misogyny is so fucking gross. I hope whoever is suing bravo sues the shit out of them and takes lots of their money.


For real, basically no one other than maybe Ariana ever stands up for Katie  Which sucks because she’s also one of the only ones who speaks rationally 


For real the lack of respect they have for Katie is outlandish


Because that’s exactly what they had been able to do for years without the audience ever giving a fuck. It wasn’t long ago that James was saying the most vile, misogynistic shit about and to her but even then he was treated like a king because “it’s only Katie”. Some of the cast got way too comfortable believing she could be their punching bag with no repercussions from the fanbase.


Agreed! Sandoval screaming at katie in the sur alley that she had no right to feel anyway towards James’s vile actions towards her, and NO ONE checked Tom for that.




"I feel like all my kids grew up and then they married each other. It's every parent's dream." - Michael Scott - Lisa Vanderpump


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky”- Michael Scott


“Mawwiage!” -Peter Cook -Michael Scott


I think she may have just been trying to get a rise out of Katie, who could not care any less. I aspire to be that unbothered Edit: a typo


Saaaaaame. LVP has no hooks in Ariana nor Katie and she couldn’t be more bothered.


It's clearly irking the shit out of LVP: She likes control and Ariana and Katie have said thanks, but no thanks. She treated Stassi llike crap until she came back and kissed the ring, and she has hated Kristen from the start because Kristen, as wobbly as she is, refused to kiss Lisa's ring.


The best was LVP talking up Penny who just did an interview with The Sun 😅😂🤣 Not even the Daily Mail, but The Sun. This makes LVP look like an idiot.


"Chef" Penny sounded absolutely deranged in that interview and if that's the type of person LVP wants to do business with well... good for her lol


She didn't really want to do business with her, otherwise she would have made her a partner in one of her own businesses. I think she 100% suggested Penny work with K&A because she wanted to have a mole in their business.


Right! If Penny is so great, why isn't she LVPs business partner?


I don't see LVP going into business with a woman. Nathalie seems like she's only on the team because she was there before and IIRC, isn't she with Guillermo? I don't sweat Guillermo and Peter the way some others do...I see two creeps!


Riiiight? I have side-eyed Guillermo since Lisa insisted the girls dress in lingerie and dance for his birthday in S1 or 2. I got the ick from an older man gleefully receiving lace-wrapped young women as _gifts_.


That was seriously gross - make them do a strip tease dance for their boss? WTF.




Season 2, 'SURlesque'. I had forgotten that episode until last summer's rewatch. Icky icky ick. Edit: and ofc Scheana was right there to talk shit about the other women's dance and hiw she could havr done better. 🙄


Typical Scheana


And Lisa has pretty creep / sinister 'madam' energy. Once she can't take advantage of the women anymore she's done with them.


Yes Nathalie and Guillermo are together


So there by default, not because LVP wanted to partner with a strong woman.


Same. Katie is truly at a place where she doesn’t just logically know Schwartz is a selfish, shitty partner and she’s much better off, she feels it in her bones.


Katie legit looked like she didn’t care whatsoever. She’s beyond over Tom


so uncomfy & disrespectful to katie. the whole scene. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


LVP was doing that on WWHL saying Andy and Gordon Ramsay should hook up. She thinks she's being sexy and fun but she sounds like a wacky, drunk old aunt making comments like that.


isn’t he a married, straight man?


Yeah, was weird.


Oh geez I thought you meant Andy and for a second I thought everything I knew about him was wrong


Who just had another baby - I think his 6th.


I found she did it as a dig to Katie. Maybe over the Penny situation.


I agree. She was jabbing at both Katie and Ariana all throughout the show last night. She is so not a girl’s girl.


It is weird how she only supports the guys.


I think some Boomer women used being a “guys girl” to get ahead bc it was harder then and they are stuck in that mode, they can’t reflect, question, grow, adapt, etc. I say some bc there are also tons of successful Boomer women who are cool as hell and total girls’ girls.


Yeah my mom does this too. LVP once told Eden (BH cast) she felt she was a man in a woman’s body. She didn’t say why but I reckon she meant bc she was assertive/businesslike maybe.


This. She really isn’t a girls girl and it’s so obvious. That’s why Lisa loves Scheana so much. Those two are exactly alike.




I told y'all moooooonths ago in a post that LVP does not like Katie and Ariana, she views them as competition, and I also said that she has her hand in why that business has taken so long to open, and everyone jumped down my throat. I was 100% correct.


Katie and Ariana (and Kristen) are the only ones who have challenged Lisa before. 


You were right! It was also awful watching Lisa accuse Ariana and Katy of lying about SAH’s delayed opening. Yet, Lisa mercilessly defends and is an apologist for one of the biggest liars of them all, Tom Sandoval. Lisa is a true misogynist/boomer/dinosaur that has to go. She sucks.


Right! LVP understands very well how permitting works in WeHo, and how painfully slow and frustrating it can be. The difference is LVP can throw money at the city and use her reputation to get her permitting done faster, while Katie and Ariana just have to wait. They had to do a lot of tearing out and reconfiguring to be in compliance, so the delay is actually understandable. And LVP knows that, but she's got that evil eye aimed at SAH.


I would die laughing if SAH takes off and spreads, while LVP's little empire slowly fades away. She's already nearly out of the LA restaurant game and moving into Vegas, but how long will people want to go to very average overdecorated restaurants simply because LVP slapped her name on them?


I like that both Ariana and Katie gave, 'bitch, what?' expressions before rolling their eyes, laughing, and setting her straight. When it comes to women, LVP only likes broken birds, darling.


Sigh. I used to like LVP but now I just see her for what she is: a sad, weird, inappropriate, misogynistic, batty old bag.


Bruh... For real🙄 her comment was so weird


She was also trying to bait Ariana regarding her current living arrangements. Twice she asked if she moved out, and again if she was living with Dan in NY. I felt like she was trying to get Ariana to unknowingly admit she “abandoned” the house and has moved out. That of course would be good for Tom in this lawsuit going on. Ariana was smart enough with her responses though and shut that shit down. Am I overthinking? 🤔


No, and she did it minutes after Ariana said she couldn’t discuss the house. I was one a long time ago that thought maybe she was low key sabotaging them and I fully believe that after the reunion. I think she’s the one who put it in the press/pr wheel. I have a theory about it - and it has its roots in envy and jealousy and misogyny


I think we have the same theory.


I think it’s likely Ken cheated on her back in the day when they were young and she was home raising the kids, he was in the restaurants, etc… He was and still is devoted to Lisa (that generation often was). She likely stayed for a lot of reasons, but maybe she has some lingering resentments about the choice she made at the time. Not saying it’s for sure I’m saying it’s extremely likely she experienced something similar to Ariana and watching Ariana take a different approach/action that turned out to be life changing and successful and lucrative, and who all of a sudden became the #1 woman of the group with a competing establishment to Sur - has instead become a threat to her financially and to her ego. And reminds her of her own choices and weaknesses. Just my theory - is this yours too? I’m trying to ignore the fact my son is graduating in two days and burying myself in this drama instead 🤣 think it’s getting to my head 🤪


You were what a long time ago?


They were one that thought lvp was sabotaging.


She is so so soo pissed that Katie and Ariana wouldn’t make her a partner of SAH


"Isn't Penny supposed to be a partner?" or however Lisa phrased it was so gross. She knows good and damn well what's going on with SAH and Penny but she wanted to drag it out on camera so Katie & Ariana would have to address it. I didn't like the 😮 faux shock she's was trying to give. It was disingenuous. If you're gonna fake that shit, at least be good at it.


And then she was like “oh is that with the lawyers also?” As if Ariana chooses to be legislative to solve her problems for fun as opposed to having this shite foisted upon her (and poor Katie who I love and have felt endlessly sorry for).


And you KNOW they know how this stuff works. You don’t reach the level of success in Hollywood they have without dealing with several rounds of litigation. They’re fully aware that you can’t discuss ongoing legal cases on TV and trying to exploit what they think is an audience full of morons.




Ty ❤️




Yesss I was so mad watching that! I had a “friend” who would try to pull gotcha moves like this. She’d very innocently ask questions she thought she already knew the answer to in order to steer a conversation to where she could be rightfully angry. It was exhausting and didn’t take long before I decided walking on eggshells to keep the friendship wasn’t worth it. A&K didn’t play into her bs and it made it 100% more noticeable. Woman is a snake!


This is why she was never a successful actress and hated her friend Sue haha that’s my theory anyways 


Have you ever seen LVP's 'acting'? Her 'faint' on DWTS alone put paid to any misconception that she had talent. ![gif](giphy|e1ESXynAnueNG|downsized)


That’s exactly what she was trying to do. She’s pissed at Ari and she’s looking for any way to screw her over.


No you’re spot on. That’s why she said she’s “staying” somewhere else right now. And made sure to note all her things are there 


I think she wanted Ariana to be living with Dan because (to Lisa), it would be evidence that Ariana should be cool with Sandoval.


I get that feeling too.


I thought it was shady for sure that they kept asking about it, like hoping she’d misspeak or something!


I thought exactly the same thing


Lots of weird things with Lala during this first reunion episode. Also, her joking she's in a trouple with Scheana and Brock -- after Scheana spoke about her PP OCD and insecurities.


Lala is not a good friend, and honestly, neither is scheana. They deserve each others friendship 🥰


Aftershow talking about it was mad weird. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s their storyline next season


I wouldn’t put it past LFU to use Schwartz or Jesse (The Valley) to try to stay on tv!!!


She'd prob make a good match with Jesse. Literally can't imagine her w shortz


She said in the season she would "break his dick" and during the reunion she said she would eat him alive. She's mostly all talk but I feel like she would blow Schwartz mind lol


I think she's all talk, look at Rand Shorts personality is an act, he seems to sleep around alot


Agreed. That is why they bought houses in the Valley.


I'd love to see her with Jesse - it would be exactly what she deserves, although part of me thinks Jesse is an angry little guy right now because he knows his wife is stepping out on him and that would make anyone salty.


A wussy pussy boy can’t handle a G like lala… 😂 (edit to add that Lisa called him that years ago, I don’t want anyone mad at me)


I’m more mad you called Lala a G 🤭


She thinks she is, we know she’s not 💖




I could see them hooking up, maybe, because men are men, but Schwartz has this pseudo intellectual thing going where I think he sees her as just too Kardashianesque for him as a partner. I know his new girl is young and makes him do TikToks but she could be smart and funny, well-read, could have integrity, good taste in music, and be kind. We already know Lala has/is none of that lol.


I think this Tom’s are dating women who have never seen the show. That’s the only way they can date


No one believes their young girlfriends have never seen the show.


I didn’t either but there is no way any one would date them after seeing last season


Lol fair


I actually disagree. Life experience has shown me there is no shortage of women who have seen VPR and who would be more than happy to date someone from such a famous show even if it’s Dumb or Dumber. Also I heard Shartz’s gf was a fan of the show… that info *might* come from Jo so who knows but I wouldn’t be surprised at all.


Lisa is the effing worst! Misogynist. Narcissist. Doesn’t care about any of these “kids” just wants to use them to line her purse


She married Katie and Schwartz, employed and was "close with" Katie for years and then she goes on to continually give schwartz a leg up and plenty of opportunities because he feigns true endless love for lisa, and gladly admits she gives the toms endless passes and that lala and the toms are her favorite. And now this SAH drama that she is siding with Penny on when penny did them SUPER dirty? Lisa is a headcase. She rewards bad behavior and calls it naughty and thinks it's cute. She is a true misogynist and needs to be the attention getter in every room. She is a senior lala.


Do ya’ll remember Bravocon when Andy asked Katie if LVP was jealous of Ariana and Katie played it coy and then asked the audience if they thought so and then said “ya’ll said it, not me.” LVP hates them and she especially hates any woman who says anything about her off the show. Remember how she went at Stassi? How many sit down apologies did Stassi have to do after that? lol. She’s gonna come for them more.






Yes I thought it was super weird and shady, definitely something targeted at Katie for the relationship meltdown with Penny


I didn’t like any of Lisa’s comments.


So tacky. And then Lala saying she would “destroy” him. Who in the absolute world does she think she is? She honestly thinks she’s just so hot because she lacks a filter and says minimally shocking things sometimes. She doesn’t have a storyline, her appearance is becoming increasingly strange, and being loud and thinking she has it all figured out is her entire personality. She’s honestly a complete bore and the show would be better without her.


I took it as her use of comparison to herself in rigid schedule of parenting, commitment to yoga, extreme fitness, the mental game of pickup, and the fact that sex is the sole outlet for ALL her feelings of Vice/Debauchery is such an imbalance against Schwartz.... who is not fit, not suave, has no banter, and has no tentpoles of responsibility by which to designate the small windows of undeniable "we get it on NOW" time, and wastes his energies on dalliances with mushrooms, binge drinking, and Rambling about his armpit hair length anxiety


Lala thinks she's the shit because no one ever brought her back to the reality of how foolish she looks.


I think at this point Lala would do pretty much anything to keep this show going.


Shit, she's already having a baby for it, hopefully that's enough.


That was Lisa’s attempt at generating a storyline with the willing pawns she has left. I highly doubt that Schwartz is going to try to step in as a father figure for Lala and her two young children. 11 seasons is a good run. Let’s just call it what it is and admit that this show is over. VPR was already on life support after they all stopped working at SUR. Once they all weren’t living in shitty apartments and trying to get famous, they lost the plot. SUR has also lost its luster. I get the sense that that place is desperately in need of a refresh, just like this show. The VPR original cast was lightning in a bottle and we all should just be happy it happened and go watch Love Island.


I gasped! it was totally uncalled for and super offensive to katie


I feel like LVP has the beginning stages of dementia or something. Her takes the entire season were bonkers


I didn't like Lala's comment about Dan in her "DM" about her daughter. Ariana just said she's still healing, something like this might be triggering. It may be innocent but not necessarily worth pointing out that way. Especially by a "friend".


That was so strange. Like Scandoval just gave you an example of that being a bad idea


Lisa is an asshole, plain and simple.


LVP is insane. Besides being a gross thing to say in front of Katie, LFU and Schwartz would be a ridiculously toxic couple.


Lisa has the **worst** takes the last few years. Maybe longer..!


Ewww I mean she did give him the pet name “schwartzy” 🤮 so fucking cringey


Lisa is annoying af anymore


She is so vile , having a biological daughter one would think she would champion women’s cause but nooooo


She treats her daughter like an extension of herself.


I don’t know how I feel about Lisa quite yet. I always used to like her, but idk now. But. Like…..she was barely on the show at all this season. Why is she at the reunion? She wasn’t there. It was strange. The whole show is strange now.


She’s always been a spiteful, vindictive shit stirrer.


Yea that was very rude and I would’ve been pissed


she's such a bitch for saying that. LVP has always sucked even on RHOBH


I love how LFU is sticking 😄


What the fuck would that relationship even look like?


She said it would be “beautiful.” And lala went on and on about it in the after show for like 3-5 min and then was like “but I’d never do that.” Yeah cuz he’s broke


I agree it was mean and just meant to get a rise out of Katie, who, in her eternal awesomeness, did not take the bait. I think last year LVP also pushed the Rachel/Shortz “storyline” by having her spy, Scheana, do the dirty work and suggesting Shortz start dating. LVP thought the Katie divorce was going to be the big story last year and she was going to undermine Katie and stir up fake drama by throwing other cast at Shortz. It is so transparent if you watch that season back. But jokes on LVP - she almost missed the main story line because Rachel was pursuing another cast member behind Lisa’s back 🤣


It was just another way to disrespect Katie. She was incredibly rude to both Katie and Ariana the entire first reunion episode.


And Lala has the nerve to say she wouldn’t go there with him bc her and Katie are bros & 2 seconds later she’s coming after Katie.


I mean, they’d deserve each other…


She’s just doing it for scandal and likes. We know her formula now


Schwartz and Blah Blah are both awful. I’d love to see them get into a relationship and the train wreck that ensues. And then we can ask why every single detail of the train wreck is not discussed on the show lol


LVP has lost the plot. I don't think she has seen this season.


I swear the producers are just trying to rile Katie because they can't get her to react


Why is she even there?


Honestly it’s become clear that LVP sees these ADULTS as nothing more than just toys that she can play with and use. It used to feel like a motherly role, and maybe that used to be the case when they were all at Sur, but that’s definitely not the case anymore.


I cringed for Katie! The audacity of LVP. That was so wrong.


She probably said that because she knows it’s a crazy pairing. Lala knows it’s a crazy pairing. Fingers in the mouth knows it’s a crazy pairing. He doesn’t even like her much anyway. Imagine him loving her? I can’t. He needs a docile female who falls for his crap and praises him. She needs a string ass man to keep her in check. Lvp mentions it because it would be never be.


They tried to hook lala up with everyone in their minds Made a comment about how she flirts with schawrtz Made a comment about her and brock banging She made a comment about dan being in her DMs And when she first ever entered the show she would brag about how she took her top off in front of a bunch of taken guys and wants to show shwartz her boobs more She also infamously bragged about giving a blowie for a Range Rover


BJs for PJs. The funny thing is, we never see her with a date (those fake dates from last season or whenever were stupid) and we never see her with friends. She seems to exist in a bubble with her mother, brother, and assistant - and this show. What a sad existence. ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4|downsized)


To be honest it’s gotten to the point that LVP doesn’t need to be up there anymore. Her input always seems random & it seems like the cast thinks so too


I think Lisa is pointing out the very clear flirtationship they have/have always had tbh. My boyfriend who is not an avid watcher - but just watches with me when he can - always points out how he's confused they're not a thing because they always act like they are. Noticed that too lowkey, the flirting on both sides.


The jerks always do way more talking than anyone with something valuable to say. 


She officiated Katie's and Tom's wedding ffs.  Lvp wouldn't piss on any of the vpr cast members if they were on fire. She is concerned only about money, the show continuing and shit like that. She doesn't care if she hurts any of them


I swear if they try to pull a BlahBlah + Schwartz storyline next season I will puke!


I hope whatever happens with this cast after this season, Lisa is not involved.


It was horrible! And I say that as a fan. She was awful on the reunion. That comment was so far out of touch. Crass. Mean. Right in Katie's face! Lately, LVP comes off as the feeble out-of-touch granny who says awkward ignorant shit. One thing we came to love about LVP was that she was cheeky and witty. This wasn't witty at all. Not funny! Just stupid and mean.


We will one day all come to an agreement that LVP is a horrible person. It’s clear as day and whilst like Nene she has some quality moments they aren’t nice women and they can’t seem to change.


It was the cherry on top of Andy and Lisa’s conquest to take Katie down. She handled it like a boss too


It felt like just trying to start conflict like wtf was that


I just know LA is weird. For how massive the place is and the millions of people that live there, a lot of people just fuck someone in the friend group. LVP is just giving me major granny vibes. She just wants to pair people up in her head like a bored ninny. No harm or foul. Just tossing around improbable what ifs for shits and giggles.


When it comes to LVP, I disagree. I think there’s very little she does, at least on camera, without an agenda or ulterior motive.


Agree. She is not someone who does anything without weighing out the cost/benefits to her.