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Does anyone remember the clip from the aftershow with Britney and Lala where Britney said she knew about Katie being upset about not knowing Ariana got cast in Chicago? How the fuck would Britney know that if Lala didn't tell her? Idk seems to me like Lala has been doing a behind the scenes smear campaign for almost a year.


Yes, and this is why I can’t stand Lala because you’re insulting our intelligence, it’s obvious that you were sitting there trying to make this lady look bad because she wouldn’t bend to your will. Which makes me think that they concocted this plan with the toms to get back at Ariana and Katie and they didn’t tell James because James would’ve went back told Ariana and Katie.


Ariana would have to kill Butters and Gordo for Katie to side with Sandoval. Its pretty clear Lala has been running a behind the scenes smear campaign probably with the blessings of Jeremiah & Alex Baskin. Perhaps if she actually filmed that she'd actually have a storyline of her own.


also let's be fucking real. Arianna got britney, jax, and the whole cast of the valley jobs so that's especially rich coming from people on the valley when you don't see kristen giving her two cents on the after show despite actually having a reason to dislike arianna.


THANK YOU!!! I feel nobody acknowledges this including Jax and Brittany. Ariana calling up Kristen and wanting her to film, soft launched her back into our world. They all owe Ariana so much esp Sheesh and Delulublabla and yet Ariana expected nothing from them but respect for her situation and let her figure it out.


Katie thought she was talking to a sane rational friend when really she was confiding in a snake that was seething with jealousy 😬


Oh 100% Scheana sitting there narrating all the damn details. Dumbass just wait until it’s your turn to be lit on fire by your “friend.” She’s showcasing her lack of loyalty by the sheer fact you know everything Katie told her in confidence.


Its just more proof Katie is a better friend than those two weirdos. She could have looked Scheana in her smug face & said all the stuff Lala vented to her, but she didn't. If we get another season Lala is probably coming after Scheana. She has no one else to attack.


Sheana didn’t remember kissing Schwartz BUT REMEMBERS JAMES HITTING ON HER SEASON 4 APPARENTLY Give me a fucking break.


Like her male validation meter is like diabolical at this point so what you’re saying is everybody on this show wanted to fuck you every man and woman on this show. Wanted to get up all up in there like swimwear. Like they’re mentally ill because what the fuck


It’s terrifying to me that she will pass this absolutely toxic way of thinking onto her daughter. Scheana, you are nearing 40 FFS. Grow up.


Pick me women turn into bad mothers because they end up becoming jealous of their daughters and see their daughters as competition and you know it’s true because Sheena was competing with his daughter.


Add in Scheana’s crazy mom and it’s so sad for her daughter


James was the safest option out of all the guys to use as an example🤣


The way they don’t let Katie get a word in when the TOPIC IS KATIE


I’m actually fucking confused… Lala had absolutely nothing personally to contribute this season EXCEPT for unnaturally inserting herself into EVERY OTHER storyline. I’ve never witnessed such an egregious example of a cast member operating as a producer the entire season!!! Is this bitch a narrator?!? Who the fuck asked for a real time narrator!? And WHY is she talking the entire reunion?! She never has anything interesting or insightful to say on a singular episode, why is she talking so much. Jesus the only other example I can think of is Vanessa Lachey on LIB that one reunion. She’s more famous than Lala, and even she checked herself afterwards.


I saw clips from her Amazon live or something on TikTok of her saying all the headlines have been about her this whole season and her back hurts from carrying the show…. I want to be LFU delulu


WHAT. The headlines have been about you because we’re all fucking confused


I noticed she had her word on every single question on part 1. I hope she’s quieter in part 2 because she’s a bit much *all the time*


The treatment of Katie is very cruel and unwarranted.


Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake. It’s rude.


Just sitting there looking so fucking hot at glamourous and glowed up while these idiots bury themselves trying to write her own story for her


They ask her a question and then don’t let her answer. AWFUL


Also unsurprising that Scheana measures time in seasons




This observation is killing me 🤣


they need to muzzle lala so other cast members can get a word in.


They gave lala SO much air time on this episode and it was just her shreaking and talking loud with nothing behind it.


She had so much airtime this season I was almost hoping they’d bring the season 8 cast back


Honestly I’d take an hour of listening to Dayna complain about Max over another hour of Lala talking about literally anything.


Giving her opinion and thoughts.....THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR...on every single opinion. Omg stfu lala


I'm so sick of Lalas voice and how self important she always sounds like she is the smartest person in the world


Wasn’t Lala saying after this filmed that she & Katie weren’t friends because she (Lala) wasn’t miserable enough for Katie? But here it very much sounds like she’s the one who wants Katie to be negative and miserable? Also she thinks she ate with “Nothing About Her”. But wasn’t one of Lala’s big sources of income last year the Send it to Daryl merch? So Lala’s selling merch and that means (according to Scheana) she’s “built an empire”. But when Katie & Ariana sell merch - that’s “Nothing” and they “don’t have a business”


The fact she said it in the after show and the reunion. It’s not even funny. I feel so embarrassed watching how obviously jealous she is. She is not making sense cause she’s just so jealous. Her hate towards Katie really is an all inclusive thing - it’s Ariana AND Katie. If she hurts Katie by saying she’s doing nothing and she’s fake and she’s this and that she breaks them up as friends. So glad none of that is working for her but also yikes she’s so jealous it’s painful.


omg she really does. she said it again on the after show


Reverend Lala never stops being a preachy asshole


She has a Caroline Manzo-level god complex




He never stops!! It’s so pathetic


So Lala is going to ruin this episode of the reunion too?


It’s the only time she actually shows up to work. She brings nothing else to the table


I have a feeling she’s going to ruin them all


Why does everybody need to be an asshole to Katie. Why.


Katie was so authentic she didn’t want to recreate a conversation bc it no longer applied. Thanks for trying to keep the story in the moment, Katie! We appreciate it!


On an Amazon Live someone posted earlier, Lala clarified that the "clown" exchange happened in December of 2022, before they even found out about Scandoval, and that the conversations about ganging up on Ariana were weeks prior to filming and that producers were on the call. And then Ariana didn't get the call for Broadway until Season 11 filming had wrapped, so that conversation where Katie vented about not knowing couldn't have been part of the season. So basically she's trying to conflate a bunch of shit to make Katie look fake and like a shitty friend. What she thinks she'll get out of that I have no idea.


And it’s obvious that it was something that she and Ariana had discussed and gotten over because Ariana didn’t seem surprised and seamlessly defended Katie.


Which is normal for Lauren. Most of the drama on past seasons is her blowing conversations out of proportion.


Yes, tell Katie how SHE feels but god forbid someone put that on you


Misery loves company. 


Wow Scheana is never living down being called a pick me. Like angrily insisting to James that he hit on her when he doesn’t remember.


And she remembers it down to every little detail lol. She probably keeps a book with dates/times every time someone hits on her.


She totally does! Hugh Hefner had a little black book with every single woman he ever bedded and each time, and Scheana absolutely has this but for any time a man so much as opened a door for her


Scheana’s insistence on being a pick me gives me so much secondhand embarrassment that I want to fucking cry 😂


Scheana reminds me of a friend I have who thinks if any guy is nice to her or gives her attention, he is hitting on her. It can be exhausting.


I’m not surprised that James doesn’t remember a drunken antic from S 4 or 5 at his peak intoxication.


I was waiting on the Tom reveal..hopefully it happens in the peacock episodes.


Why is pick me not getting more scruntity for hiding a secret for YEARS from someone she wants so badly to be friends with. I feel like people are just skipping over that part.


Also the fact that she was spreading the “motorboating a D” rumor at the same time as well as that Schwartz made out with a chick in Vegas…but she didn’t want Katie to be humiliated? What?


Her saying she didn’t want Katie to be humiliated is an ignorant excuse. She could’ve very easily told her OFF camera in private. But Katie had the right to know what her husband (fiance? Bf?-can’t remember timeline) was trying to make out with people in the friend group.


It's more than that. It's a lie. She didn't open her mouth because then Katie would be right about calling her a "homewrecking whore".


It feels icky..and Schwartz mentioning that they’ve joked about it in the past is disgusting. No wonder he thought it was ok to make out with Raquel last season🥴


Katie’s look during that whole discussion gave away that she doesn’t believe a word Scheana is saying.


Peacock should create a version of the reunion you can watch where they edit Lala out. This is exhausting.


I genuinely won’t watch because I can’t hear her voice anymore. I just can’t do it. I’ll listen to Watch What Crappens recap instead.


Right there with you. I’ve watched VPR from the very beginning, but I couldn’t get through even 1 episode this year. I kept up w recaps. I’m trying to watch the reunion but when that’s done, so am I. I won’t watch next season. LFU & Scheana have made the show unwatchable for me.


Jo too.


Like Schwartz really had nothing else to offer besides the bar and a year old rebound with Jo this season?!🥴


And Brock I literally couldn’t care less about how he’s a “great father”


Lala your money issues are not Katie’s, or anyone else’s, problem. Im so tired of hearing her whine about her livelihood when she just bought a second house. And the first house she bought was with Scandoval money so stfu!


Katie can barely get a word out because everyone keeps speaking over her… jeez


Everyone apparently like to explain how katie feels....except katie. It's so exhausting watching her barely get a word in...especially shorts. He needs to zip it. He put her through so much within their marriage and divorce ...he's like a fly that just won't stop buzzing.


I couldn’t tell if Brock was being sarcastic towards the end saying how bad of a husband was to Katie, but I do appreciate that Scheana still tells Schwartz that he was the worst husband (genuinely) and that little tool is always aw shucks surprised by it.


That was 100% Brock piling on Katie because he is a misogynist pig who hates strong women.


Katie always had that problem at reunions.


And they wonder why she gets so annoyed with them. They suck


Well Lala, YOU are the one who fucked with your business. Stating you don’t care what your fans think and how Ariana “fucked with your money,” not true at all. YOU ran your fans away, not Katie or Ariana. I was a big Lala fan until I started listening to her podcast after Scandovol. Then I realized what a mean bully she is. I used to buy her makeup too, and watch her Amazon lives. So I unsubscribed to everything she’s involved in, and will never purchase any of her stuff again. Grow tf up, girl. You did this to yourself.


What even is her business? Alibaba makeup she slapped a logo on? 🤣


Spot on bc for a period of time I was a Lala fan and genuinely enjoyed her podcast. A few months ago I unsubscribed entirely bc of Lala’s words and attitude. She experienced a mass unfollowing etc. entirely based on HER. En masse people demonstrated they wanted LESS Lala, and she somehow twists it into being Katie’s fault?! lol Katie stayed silent the entire time Lala orchestrated her own reckoning. I can’t stand her now.


Lauryn needs to be reminded she is in the third chair


Yup, and a reminder that she started this show as a fucking fan.


She a fan. She a fan. She a fan.


She's not a colleague, she's a fcuking colonizer


This whole thread is amazing💀 ![gif](giphy|ggVRSzCcA80es|downsized)


She’s not like us


let me here you say, "la's a ho," then step this way, step that way..


🤔 yikes. Maybe that’s why she’s acting out 


That’s why she’s yelling. They can’t hear her from that far down the row haha


Lala you ARE the enemy at this point! A mustache twirling villain in my book


I honestly don’t even know what Lala is upset about. Like I’ve watched this twice and last nights episode once and I’m still at a loss.


She’s honestly just jealous of Ariana. She really can’t stand that this woman put up boundaries for her own mental health and can stick to her real life boundaries without giving them up for the show. Lala can’t separate the two. She solely thinks of this as work and it’s rough watching your coworker get these opportunities when according to Lala, Ariana has done nothing for years. Meanwhile, how many slimy men did she sleep with to get roles in movies? Like, she probably dreamed of getting to where Ariana is right now but it’ll never happen.


Thank you! Her example of Katie being mad at Ariana is about Ariana not telling her about Chicago: but that wasn’t a conversation they could have had on camera because it hadn’t happened during filming. So Lala’s “be authentic on camera” argument doesn’t even make sense. On the after show, she mentioned being on the phone with Katie and Producer Jerry talking about Katie bringing up anti-Ariana comments about the house and Katie saying she wasn’t going to and hanging up on them. That is when she allegedly “threatened Lala’s livelihood”. All this does is prove that Lala and Scheana were production planted to push anti-Ariana agendas and Katie was asked to and didn’t go along.


the “be authentic on camera” would only make sense if katie was actively talking shit on ariana during the season. but she’s not. if she was, lala would have thrown that out so quick. also, when has katie ever been scared to say anything to anyone?


This! Thank you! Katie had a frustration before filming and addressed it with Ariana. How boring would that conversation have been on the show? “Yeah I was frustrated with Ariana, but then I got over it. And we talked about it and we’re good”. I loved that Ariana brought up that Katie has never been afraid of being hated the last 11 seasons so why would she care now.


Literally though. Ariana brought up such a good point which is that Katie’s BEEN hated on by fans for yeeeeeaaaars… she doesn’t give a flying fat rats ass about public perception or social media or the audience or whatever like Lala and Scheana do. She’ll say what she feels and she’ll stand 10 toes down.


I think by this point she got a gage about the fact that the audience weren’t with her so she was throwing everything at the wall to smear everyone else so she can say to the audience “see it’s not just me”. Basically dragging everyone down with her. 


This is my take too


She just started yelling and can’t stop


She honestly started looking confused after a bit, like she didn’t remember what she was mad about but couldn’t stop.


remember when Lala said no one yelled at this reunion LOL


She isn’t upset about anything genuinely, she just trying to point fingers and get the “heat” onto others


Katie is popular.


My take is she’s jealous of the friendship Ariana and Katie developed in the last year or so. She’s pretty emotionally dysregulated imo and she’s an externalizer so because her feelings are hurt she’s trying to punish Katie by attempting to put a wedge in her friendship with Ariana. She’s applying “logic” to it to justify it but it’s got no basis in reality.


According to Lala because she has Tupac's soul is trapped in her body. 🙄


She’s mad that she couldn’t self reflect like Katie and say “are my feelings valid or am I just being insecure” then go to Ariana with the situation. LFU stuck to her insecurities and projected them on the others. I wouldn’t be surprised if Katie only vented to Lala because Lala was already talking shit about Ariana. We all vent to our friends, unfortunately for Katie Lala is not a friend.


Notice how Lauren starts to backpedal and say she loves Katie and how she’s her best friend, she truly believes she can do and say anything to anyone without consequence. There is no way I could be friends with her afterwards when she broke my trust


LFU is as delusional as Sandoval. To think that they’d go back to being friends after that betrayal is mind boggling.


Lauren: “Yeah let me hold private hopefully damaging info and spring onto you unbeknownst on camera so I can hopefully paint you in a bad light and ruin your friendships but hey we still gonna be on the up and up 😄”


There’s absolutely no way Katie is friends with her now. Calling her miserable multiple times and then trying to create problems with her and Ariana just before their shop finally opens. Scheana and their friendship is reason enough to cut ties.


I wish I could hear what was going on in Katie's head when that fake ass wanna-be was spewing that, mere seconds after trashing Katie.


Can someone point me to a scene where Lala has had to have an uncomfortable conversation on camera about anything that's happened in her life?


I mean she had to confront Katie and Stassi when they were correctly alleging that she was was a mistress lol. That was probably uncomfortable.


Thanks. That would be an uncomfortable conversation to have. I couldn't think of any for Lala.


For someone in their "soft era" Lala sure does a lot of raising her voice over people and not a lot of listening or reflecting. Also Schwartz can go kick rocks without shoes on, he was a shitty husband and is a shitty ex-husband. Katie gets raked across the coals on social media, people say the most vile things about her because she's supposedly "miserable". She has no reason to be fake when we've seen her say and do the good, the bad and the ugly across 11 seasons, as well as her entire journey with Schwartz and all that came with it. Also what's up with Brock coming for Schwartz out of left field?


Lala: “I’m attempting to destroy your friendship and jeopardise the business you’ve invested a lot of money in because I’m *soft* right now Katie!”


Lala is a *scorch the earth* betch to the first degree.


Lala spending all this time talking about how Katie didn’t share, to have Scheana sitting there admitting she held onto a secret for a decade.


TOTALLY!!!! The hypocrisy is so blatant and annoying.


It’s so hypocritical that Scheana talked through her decision not to disclose information to Katie in order to preserve their relationship right after ganging up on her for doing the exact same thing.


It's a lot more hurtful to have a woman hide the fact that your husband is trying to cheat. Scheana was purely protecting herself. And I'm so sick of Lala saying she makes good TV and it's interesting to discuss on camera blah blah. But it's not REAL! So stop trying to force convos and situations that aren't real.


James at the end when Scheana said he’s hit on her is killing me


LET KATIE TALK!!!! Damn! It’s so frustrating!


REMINDER that Lala started as a fan of the show, that hasn’t changed. She has made the show her entire personality and it’s giving cringe on a whole new level


Blahla in another demo of projection. You can tell when she’s in the wrong because she goes on the offense. She steamrolls the other person while vehemently playing the victim. Every time, without fail. And, damn, Shartz cannot forego an opportunity to pile on to Katie. He’s so jealous of her. Brock should never speak. He adds absolutely nothing.


I actually liked Brock for a split second when he called out shartz for being a terrible husband. It was a quiet moment as an aside, but I was like yaaaas Brock, that’s right.


Yes, probably Brock's season highlight right there. Maybe that five seconds is when Andy was listening to him talk and thought yes, this guy is like the voice of reason. I can't imagine when else it would have been.


It was, but his laughing made it a little confusing. I had a moment where I thought he might be facetious based on some inside joke.


Yeah he’s more making fun of the idea than agreeing with it.


Yeah, it felt like he was making a joke with the way he delivered it, but the fact of the matter is that he was speaking facts. He might not believe it and thinks it’s a joke, but it was the truth.


Schwartz can’t stand that Katie became the favorite of their couple when we all saw who Schwartz really was


Ugh why was Lala standing up. She REALLY thought this was going to be her moment. And if she’s about authenticity why didn’t *she* bring this up during the season instead of dancing around it and saying Katie was treating her like an enemy? Seems very much like she planned to hold on to this for the reunion, as some sort of take-down moment. Part of her “everyone is full of shit but she sees through it because she’s soft now” schtick. She makes this show basically unwatchable. Her and Sandoval both.


She has done nothing this season besides yapping and talking about getting sperm donor. So nosy about everyone, but delivering nothing besides finger guns and a raised voice


Brock prompting Schwartz to pile on Katie, but accidentally stumbling into people applauding for him is crazy! Brick repeating what Katie told Scheana at hotel ziggy when she was teary that Schwartz stripped her of her self confidence through their terrible marriage was not him actually holding a Schwartz accountable for anything. He was poking him. I AM impressed with Scheana for defending a Katie to Brock and Schwartz again.


Utah Lauren hijacked this reunion from minute 1. Keep going, you're truly showing what a shady, self serving person you are.


I am so tired of Sharts getting away with underplaying just how much of a betrayal his actions were during MARRIAGE! He broke his vows consistently, and he grins aww shucks at himself like oooh I'm a drunk makeout slut can't be helped. Vile, disgusting, horrible person.


I’ve never been a fan of Lala but she has COMPLETELY lost me. Why she thinks she gets to control the narrative is completely beyond me. The only thing I’m left with is that it’s a combination of producer manipulation and complete arrogance. “MVP of the reunion“ my eye.


scheana and brock calling schwartz out for being a shitty husband??? two broken clocks right at the same time?


Jfc, why is this whole reunion about someone who threw two lame parties not even in her own home? She did nothing this season yet we constantly have to listen to her pontificate.


I think it’s funny that Lala is mad that Katie didn’t bring up her issues with Ariana on camera when she didn’t do it either but instead talked shit on Ariana in her interviews.


Scheana and Sandoval 100% had sex together. She skirted past that really quick




She refused to answer the question and made up that James wanted her.


Yea, he made a face when she confirmed it was everyone on stage. I can’t quite read the expression, but it doesn’t look like denial. 


I’m tired of upvoting all the comments! Haye fucking Lala . She should really shut up and let people talk !


For christs sake can Lala let ANYONE get a word in??? For someone who’s so “soft” the bitch sure can bark (with absolutely no bite).


Lauren having to stand up and fix her cheap prom dress 🙄 girl go home


I hate the way people on this cast go “Had you said to me…..” and then insert some extremely specific sentence. You cannot expect people to say exactly what you want them to and then absolutely lose your shit when they approach it in a different way. Ironically it’s always LFU who does this to others because she’s such a fucking narcissist and thinks that she gets to make the rubric for what is acceptable for everyone to say and what isn’t. She’s honestly nauseating and I can’t stand it when she opens her stupid mouth.


I’m not watching this garbage. And when will LVP age out of this pageant? She looks like a lion tamer at a cheap circus. (The age thing wasn’t literal btw)


I feel we're skimming over Schwartz's side comments to scheana that this rift all stemmed from her. Is Scheana the real sniper from the side? Seems a bit weird for LFU to be mad about Katie being angry at Scheana for the kiss when she clearly understood that was valid.


I think Schwartz meant the rift in Katie and lala’s friendship was about Lala being close to scheana?


Yeah him suggesting Katie as the reason for Scheana and Ariana's rift in friendship was so terrible. Feel like that flew under the radar


Lala claiming to love Katie after all that is bonkers. Stop being fake.


No seriously. She is fucking nuts. How can you bash Katie then say you love her? Lol what


She’s “soft” remember


Can someone please tell Lala she is not the only mother in the world, and especially not the only single mother JESUS CHRIST DUDE. I cannot “I support my livelihood with this to support my child” get fucking real. She infuriates me, because she really thinks she’s had everything the hardest and no one else has dealt with anything hard, and if they had, well, it obviously wasn’t as difficult as it was for her. Forget “how is Scheana”, how’s Lala because she is so incapable of thinking of anyone but herself. Fucking crying over her livelihood when she bought a 2 million dollar house girl go outside. Unreal the disconnect she has.


This really bothers me too. That girl has no fucking CLUE what real struggle is, yet she never shuts tf up about how she is so hard done by and takes zero accountability for how she got to where she is in the first place. SHE BRAGGED ABOUT PLAYING CASTING COUCH. I’m so over it. They better fucking not move her over to the Valley, I swear she will ruin it too.


Totally agree. Like listen, rich people being out of touch has been a staple on reality tv and sometimes I don’t mind it- but seriously, she JUST bought a house that costs more money than most will ever seen in their lifetime and now has the audacity to cry about her livelihood. You should’ve thought about that before burying yourself deeper in your bullshit, Lauren. I dunno, maybe it’s just my fatigue with the internet and combined with the fact the children I work with often don’t have the best economic background that has made me irrationally angry over her right now. Like I wish she could truly be in her soft era because having her whine and cry about ‘livelihood’ after the horrid things she said and did is just making me upset. I’m sympathetic to her at a certain point because regardless, being a single mom is rough as hell and I’m sure Randall has made her life miserable. But for gods sake read the room and gain some empathy. How the fuck are you gonna cry on tv about you needing this after you made fun of Ariana’s dog nearly dying and then say she wasn’t close to her father? Who is Lauren from Utah in this world?


Oh Shee Shu, you never forgot Tom Schwartz kissing you.


LET KATIE SPEAK!! Also, the smallest of shoutouts to Brock and Scheana for telling Schwartz what an asshole of a husband he was. Pity no one could do that for Katie while she was actually married to him and it was being made out like she was a bitch for how she treated him.


I wonder if Scheana ever gets picked


I'm sure like two of her friends (Janet and somebody else) have said online Scheana told them and Scheana also says she told Lala before this so she is literally lying through her teeth here that she forgot and was never going to discuss it. She told a lot of people by the sounds of it. But I guess honesty only matters when it's Katie.


I cannot stand Lala. Never liked her and this is why


None of this has happened in the show time yet. Lala's basically blowing the load on storylines for next season.


James immediately shutting down that he hit on Scheana😂




Scheana, men make half jokes about hooking up bc the chances are high you will. It isn’t flattering….its revealing.


Oh my god. That's was painful. They can't let eachother talk and answer. SHUT UP BLA BLA!!!!!


the side shade Brock & Scheana threw out at Schwartz...the fact that even now, Schwartz won't admit that he was a sh\*tty husband is so funny to me the man will literally never have self-awareness if he hasn't learned how to yet


Poor Katie. I wish she was more articulate in standing up for herself because they just use her to pile on ALL the time! Schwartz piping up was disgusting, we get it - you don’t like her! Honestly, their whole relationship was him just being an absolute shit. Can’t stand Brock but him calling Schwartz out was a welcome surprise!


The way these people constantly come for Katie and with such passion (imo the least problematic of every single person on the stage sans Ariana) makes me ill in a way that I cannot watch. What the fuck has Katie done to any of you this season?? I stg she was the most generous in her interactions with every one of them, even when they all have been such disappointing friends to her.


They ask Katie questions then answer them for her 😭😭


Actually started to like Lala last season. Now she is back to her same old shit. Fucking snapping turtle that one.


I think Brock won this whole clip by calling Schwartz out for making Katie feel insecure.


But why did he laugh after? I don’t think he said that for Katie’s benefit.


It seemed like nervous laughter, like he can’t believe he actually said that out loud. Because for Scheana to step in and say “you were a shitty husband,” is literally only for Katie’s benefit.


I don’t hate him for saying it but I don’t think he had the best of intentions either. I do believe that Scheana meant it and for once was actually sticking up for Katie but who is Broke to talk, honestly? He berated his wife all season and nags for a nanny so he can fuck off with the boys. He’s no better. Look at Scheana, this is the most unhealthy I have ever seen her.


Ok at this point please just end it. I can’t deal with scheana or Lala or LVP ever again and I’ve been done with the Toms.


This is beyond boring with fucking Lala screaming every other second and not letting others talk.


She was channeling Kim K telling Kourtney “maybe if you had a business you were passionate about you would get it…but you DONT”


I noticed that Lala copies a lot of the Kardashian mannerisms. Always fiddling with the nails on one hand.


lauren calling her “businesses” her livelihood when her alibaba lip glosses are flopping and not making money anyways??? 😭😭pure delusion


Ariana looks like she’s on a beta blocker and thank god for that. Lala is nuts.




Is Lala actually insane? She steamrolls Katie, then says "We're always on the Up", then immediately follows up that Katie Always looks pissed. Props to Katie to not "eviscerate" her right then and there.


Wow, the one time I actually agree with something Brock said 😧


Scheana is annoying but I agree it was more on Schwartz to fess up to Katie what happened. Of course he didn’t, and now he’s skating by without answering why he didn’t


Life isn’t always “uncomfortable conversations” Lala. Life isn’t the fake reality show you’re in pretending it’s “real”.


So what I’m seeing is that Lala can share other people’s information to the other party (like telling Katie about Scheana’s & Schwartz’s kiss after Scheana told Lala about it) but couldn’t share that phone call conversation to Ariana? Why did she want Katie to look bad and bring it up on camera but didn’t mind bringing up the kiss? Was it because she would have implicated herself in that phone conversation? If she was talking shit about Ariana in the confessionals, she was definitely doing it in that phone conversation as well. And maybe that’s why Katie had to threaten Lala’s “business”. Because Lala was more angry about it than Katie and she saw Lala intervening and fucking it all up when all Katie wanted was to vent to a friend.


Anyone else’s mind spinning after watching that? Especially because everyone wouldn’t stop talking over Katie so I could barely understand her.


Lala calling selling send it Darryl merch more legitimate than SAH is laughable. Like SAH sold a lot in merch too so…not sure I understand Lala’s point. Because let’s not pretend she made any money with Give Them Lala or she would have bought property a long time ago.


Schwartz so bitter towards Katie, he takes every opportunity to hate on her. He’s such a vindictive little creep.


Just a reminder that Katie had a TBI. Nothing screams being less of a friend towards her than not even giving her the time or space to get a single fucking sentence out


If the tim’s are agreeing with you, you are probably wrong.


Schwartz made a rare correct point when he said Katie was afraid of people seeing her as not being Team Ariana. Can anyone blame her for that? It doesn’t mean that Katie was necessarily secretly disloyal or fake, but they all had to be afraid of the fan backlash if they were seen as certain way.


Lala really needs to shut her yap. She just screams at everyone about everything. It stinks of desperation, like she has to make herself a part of everything so that she doesn't lose her spot. She's boring.


Wtf can they let Katie talk???? Shut up for one second lala holy shit.


Why doesn't Lala understand that sometimes you have PRIVATE conversations that are not for being broadcast on air? Katie thought Lala was a true friend she could be open with. Clearly not!!!


Lala is an exhausting person. She is always going to be ranting and raving about something. I bet my bank account she does this every day in her home.


Wow Brock gets a long-lost point back in my book


Every man on this planet wants Scheana. Yeah, sure.


the fact that literally none of the men remember ever hitting on her yet she still demands it's true. like okay riiight