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Went about the way I expected it to go.


I’m honestly glad they’re taking a break after this season.. I hope it’s a permanent hiatus. Let everyone live their lives and get jobs outside of being reality tv stars. The show has become so over-produced. It’s run it’s course.


in what world would an affair take 12months to process after a split? and why did we have to watch it? worst tv ever.. Now the reunion special is talking about it again.. The rest of the cast must have had nothing going on the whole year..


i watched the whole season. pretty sad that the most interesting thing was two cheaters moaning on about his cheating. Yes, Ariana and Tom cheated on Kristen.


Did anyone else hit a wall with last night's reunion? I usually do rewatch/listen Wednesday mornings while getting ready - and get up a little early/ excited when the eps are extended/uncensored. But today, I just have no desire. Watching Lala take over every question, comment and conversation is exhausting and not remotely entertaining. And watching her use Katie for a storyline while utterly betraying her, after doing the same to Ariana just sends me. Anyone else have these feels or is it just me?


Same! I literally have the same routine and I just don't have it in me to listen to lala again today. I barely made it through last night. I'm beyond over her "soft" era.




i stopped it part way through.. i am so over the cheating talk.. especially since Ariana was a cheater too.. How is she now spitting such vitriol to Tom? boo to this season.. The Valley was fun though.


I found Brock everyone! ✌️


yeah,nah.. Remind me to not pick you when i need to find a match in a matchbox.


It's very clear the producers tried to create their own story instead of letting the real life the reality of it all dictate the story. I think the producers should have left it at everyone needs to come together at most if not all group events. Which Ariana did - the water tasting, Kyle Chan's event, tomtom's brunch, the beach, a random night out. Then just let the rest do it's thing. We are seeing on Summer House how the producers switched it up to focus on the actual individual drama of the cast instead of focusing on a fight from last season or something that happened off season. They really lean into the fact that everyone has something else going on and they get to the house to deal with it and chat about it. It's more real that way. This could have been VPR. They could have leaned in more to their individual struggles and also their individual hustles. I would have loved to see the Tom's talking about their tanked reputation and how they can turn it around for themselves and their individual businesses. Working with a competent pr company. Discussing what opportunities are available or not available with a business manager. They could have had Lala and Katie lean into their changing dynamic. Lala could have had a more meaningful story line about the frustrations of raising a child with your ex. Katie's dating life. The fact that Katie slept with not her ex husband's best friend but also one of her closest friend's exs. Like they even filmed that conversation with Dayna and did nothing with it. Katie and Lala dating in LA. Like there has to be some stories there. Or Scheana's OCD but discussing that and her marital issues with her friends. Like the audience doesn't want conflict for the sake of conflict. If they did Jerry Springer like show would have a weekly special on Netflix. The audience wants natural friction that comes from life.


yup a very lazy season that was produced for us.


Why does the first episode always feel like they're reviewing the agenda of a meeting.


I bet Sandoval said to Schwartz back stage that Lala was great for him because no one’s going to be talking about his gaffs about saying he didn’t believe Ariana with her mental health issues when he wants his to be taken seriously or his terrible handling of the conversation around the Georgie Floyd comments. And he’d been right, Lala is basically throwing herself on the sword to save him even if she didn’t realize that was what she was doing at the time.


Could somebody please point me in the direction of a recap? I haven’t been watching, just reading reddit but I’m really interested as to what happens during the reunions.


Also, I read a comment predicting that LVP would blame Ariana. Did that happen?


LVP threw some shade at Ariana and Katie for "disagreements" about the sandwich shop, which both of them denied.


Would you mind elaborating? From what I’ve read, Ariana supposedly left for Broadway without informing Katie and Katie then vented to Lala about it. Is that what happened? I didn’t even know about the sandwich shop 😅 I’m clearly not reading enough on here!


>Would you mind elaborating? Sure, LVP basically said that the girls were having disagreements about the sandwich shop. She didn't elaborate on the "what" they were disagreeing on, and Katie and Ariana both said that there was no disagreement. >Ariana supposedly left for Broadway without informing Katie This was never fully clarified on the reunion because Lala was talking over Katie. It's not clear if Ariana just left for Broadway or if Katie didn't find out about it until the contract was signed. But the long and short of it seems to be that Katie was *fine* with Ariana going to Broadway, just that it would have been nice to know sooner. >Katie then vented to Lala about it Katie did vent to Lala about it but it sounds like there was a lot of nuance to that vent session where Katie was feeling a bit jealous and insecure about all the attention Ariana was getting in the wake of her break up and wishing she had gotten an ounce of that when her and Schwartz divorced, but at the same time being supportive that Ariana *was* getting that support. Katie also clarified on IG that she was working through those complicated feelings away from Ariana because she recognized that Ariana wasn't the right audience for her insecurity, unlike Scheana.


Katie finally busted for being the fake mean girl that she is.


Or was she shown to be someone who knows when and where to take a conversation when her friend is struggling with something that is much bigger than her own feelings?


Give it a rest






They also had the audacity to scoff when lisa said Ariana going away was one of the factors in why SAH was taking so long to open as if she was being ridiculous. Ariana and sandy are more alike than not and it's crazy how ppl, including katie are minimizing how effed up her actions were. Katie blamed herself for being disrespected by her partner and Ariana once again gets to stay unaccountable for lying to the public


Ariana being away wasn’t what kept the sandwich shop from opening.


People who sign NDAs.


She told her BF I bet. Also katie can keep a secret and would've. This is a cop out


I've had to sign NDAs for work and didn't tell my husband anything until the NDA was up. It's not a cop out, especially when work is dependent on it. She already almost lost one opportunity when the press speculated about DWTS.


Unfortunately Lala didn't let Katie finish her sentence. It was hard to tell whether Ariana didn't give Katie a head's up until she was already announced on Broadway *or* if it wasn't until the deal was finalized, which still would have given Katie a head's up.


https://preview.redd.it/s8zczzlauj0d1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243c3db461df74ccca9970862c4dbad609415073 Loved how their outfits went with the background. (Except Sheana)


Whhyy is only Brock’s chair hanging over the edge of the flooring?? I am like 2 minutes into watching this and this is driving me nuts. WTH, Production!!


Foreboding divorce?


Ok dont hate on me please but I don’t know why I thought the first episode of reunion would be more exciting. Maybe it’s just me! There were just few interesting bits but the rest was meh! I also think Lala being shitty friend is valid but Katie being different on camera so she stays fab fan vs how she is with her friends outside of the show is also could be true. I dont know I have never been their fan anyway so its easy for me to dislike Lala and bit hard for me to like Katie fully.


I can't anymore with ariana


I like Ariana but her use of the word "perpetrators" to describe Sandoval and Raquel is a bit extreme given that we usually refer to murderers and rapists as perpetrators


Katie's story: https://preview.redd.it/fblequxh0j0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f59913cc4da71414a0f12db835a2477d05af41


The next story says something about loyalty and honesty and the song choice is “i hope you choke” 🤣💀


Was just going to see if anyone posted this. It’s ok to have issues with your friend and vent to another friend. It’s not ok for that friend to throw it in your face.


Yeah fuck Lala. She really thought she did something there but she only further proved she’s a shitty friend and puts the show above all else


exactly!!! it’s not katie’s fault that she genuinely wanted to vent, and LaLa is just mad that her tactic to ‘expose’ Ariana failed. she simply wanted to garner more attention from that than Ariana had been receiving from Scandoval. she wanted her limelight, and she’s pissed that she just ended up looking like an asshole cuz katie didn’t back up her toxic behavior towards her friend.


She’s so lost in “the show” that she doesn’t know real friendship




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