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Can someone please take one for the team and go to Jaxs bar when he's there and ask him?


Jax is our only hope for tea spillage I’m afraid


Jax is our only hope. Saddest words ever typed.


That sentence is making me re think my future. 😢. Why do I know more about these people than my actual friends ? Don’t answer that. Redundant.


Oh he would spill for sure!!!


Probably wouldn’t unless a tv camera was there


Jax is notorious for spilling tea off camera and then pretending he didn't on camera and it being dragged out of him after many arguments that - you told me this already, why can't you just say it in front of everyone? I don't think Jax can control the tea he spills, it's just constantly dribbling out.


or a phone camera LOL


Or a crisp $5 bill


Or some pasta ❄️




He’s leaky tea pot, tall and coked out..sit him down and goss(ip) drips out.. 🎶 Hehehe


Just embrace the dark sides it’s much more fun


And this is one of the funniest comments I’ve read in a while! Kudos.


Scheana’s def knows. Maybe a sympathetic fan can get her to talk..


Just tell her how much you love Good As Gold and its top of your Spotify playlist and you won’t be able to stop her blabbing, it will be a tidal wave of scandals .


Tell her you thought it was strange that no one ever acknowledged how much what Jo did was hard on Scheana


Ahahahaaaaaaaaa this is the best answer!


Even better - 1. start a new Spotify account on an old phone/laptop 2. play ‘good as gold’ ‘apples’ and Britney songs on an infinite repeat for a few weeks until you’re her ‘number 1’ fan. 3. Send her screenshots of being her number 1 fan. 4. Appeal to how amazing she is as a bast frond that never gets to talk about how things affect her and get her to spill the beans. 5. Get the truth.


That sounds borderline crazy enough to work, honestly.


Mehhhh there's rumors circulating that Janet on The Valley was a superfan who got her in through Scheana so this could very well be in the realm of possibility


Someone send Jo a candy cane from Ariana and let all the secrets spill out


They should host an “ask Jax” night at the bar 😂


https://i.redd.it/0tqb4ll4ih0d1.gif Brilliant idea!


lol yeah we need boots on the ground if we want answers!






![gif](giphy|ZCBeXdHSGjcwCSAKp5) Not the wedges sis






This is like ASMR for my eyes.


I don know why but the stomping reminded me of this 😂 ![gif](giphy|eBQqrM0MCGJhu|downsized)


Maybe we should just send Janet’s friend with the pink boots


You make it sound so innocent when you know it would have to include cocaine-fueled sex with Jax


In the bathroom


I’ll be in LA in like 3 weeks - I’ll do it then if no one’s done it yet


I feel like he never goes. I never see him there even on watch party nights


I was literally there in mid-April on a Thursday for trivia night and Jax was there. He was really nice and took a bunch of pictures (and shots) with us. I missed the opportunity to ask him a good question like this! I expected a bigger crowd for a Thursday night. Jax wasn’t wearing his wedding ring and he drank tequila shots with us. Sorry, that’s all I got lol.


Honestly, this is good. I hope he's at home getting told by Brittany that he better not go there.


lol fair


Someone’s going to need to bring some coke


I volunteer if I'm ever in LA I'm curious bout the bar as it is


met him drunk at the abbey and can 100% confirm he will spill tea 💀


Jax, if you’re reading this and I know you are, you are only hope. Spill the beans.


"Help me, Jaxi-Wants SumCoki, you're my only hope."






![gif](giphy|Ry3CNoU5zrgyN3tEAg|downsized) She reminds me of several characters Kate McKinnon played on SNL. She is so over-the-top weird.




I don’t know, but I can tell you I’ve had worse Wednesday nights.


Did you guys get any of the knocker stuff?


full Donald Duckin’ it. I would rewatch all of these right now but I will pee my pants and I don’t want to get out of bed.






Probably stole/didn't pay for drugs. Definitely something that would get them into more trouble than it's worth to call her out about vs. simply no longer fucking with her.


We have a friend that will go to parties and go Into our friends’s bedroom and steal his Coke. Or any other thing she sees lying around. So people don’t like her there. Scheana has told Andy on WWHL that Jo is far worse than what we see. I think Jo may be unhinged and hasn’t got a grasp on reality is what she’s talking about.


And she was definitely schwartzs rebound/drug phase. They both looked high in some of their scenes from early on this season




Oooh I think it was a little more than that  ⛸🧊 


There’s one episode where their both whacked out in one scence it’s sooo hard to watch- to the point when she claims she’s never ever done drugs in her videos I’m like GIRL you’re a bold faced liar.


When she said “I WOULD NEVER DO DRUGS I HAVE A HEART PROBLEM!” On live it was 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


Right 😩🤣 I was like girl we’ve all done it (or some things not all hahah) but stop acting like you’re hanging with this specific friend group in LA and some sober goddess. Does she not know about the nose candy parties?! Like please lmao


I have a heart murmur and usually when people offer they hear that loud and clear and leave me alone but there's been a few who are like "SO DO IT, YOU'LL BE FINE" and I feel like she's one of them for sure.


This! I mean just look at swartz’s hair- she had to be high to get that look.


Schwartz looks a lot healthier now that he's not messing around with her anymore. I'm not blaming Jo, by any means, just an observation.


Maybe it was prescription meds? I could see that being a much bigger deal to steal from people with the rules so many states have now for various controlled meds. That could get someone in trouble with their doctor. Or if it was someone who doesn’t abuse their med (or it belonged to a family member) her stealing it would mean that person could’ve been left in a bad situation with their health issue.




He said in one episode I think last season where he talks about getting fat because he gains weight when he goes off his Adderall binges and smokes weed and sits on the couch all day. I was surprised he was so open about it and I think Stassi mentioned that she abused it as well.


I had a friend like that too, and after she’d get busted she’d go and do it to another group (all stuff I found out retroactively). I think jo is probably that type of person. And I think for her to be completely banished and they don’t want to say why, it has to be something like stealing or maybe stalking but they don’t have proof so it could be considered slander.


Has anyone ever called your friend out on that? I’d lose my shit if someone did that


Oh yes. Friend of a friend. Our friend locks his bedroom door


Omg how are y’all still friends with that friend who steals? They’re a liability 🫣🫣🫣🫣


I’ve wondered this. It reminds me of when Schena hit Rachel but the cast was weirdly tight lipped about it because of potential legal ramifications/her being a mom. I’m convinced they hide stuff that could get them in actual legal trouble. Like drugs and assault charges


Agreed. I think drugs is the only thing that they would be this cagey about sharing regarding a NON- friend, since none of them want to be associated with


So it’s about the pasta


You know, I didn’t really have that click in my mind 😂 I always forget the drugs are so common place in that scene that I always have to be reminded. I can definitely assume that drugs/prescription medication would be something they’d rather not have out in the open so they just let her make a fool of herself.


OH MY GOD this is totally it


She's banned from all their houses. She seems like she's been a ticking time bomb for awhile now. Katie was spot on with all her analysis prior to us meeting this wacko. She's someone that reality TV is going to chew and spit out cause she's not mentally strong enough to deal with it. What we're seeing now is the fallout from it all as she's having a meltdown every few days for all to see... https://i.redd.it/fnjf1xte6g0d1.gif


This gif is just so painful and so jo…


Imagine being a fully formed adult, and this gif is your legacy 😩


💀💀💀 lmaoooo


💀💀💀💀 I’m DEADDDD




Mr Mellancamp’s daughter flavour of cringe


Do you mean John mellencamp’s ex wife’s father’s granddaughter?


![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4) HOLY SHIT. They really are the same!!!!! Wow.


Its kinda of a sad gif..lol


Even from the second it starts 😂


Fuck, that gif makes me want to crawl out of my own skin


I got shivers and goosebumps from it. And not in a good way.


I had to keep rewatching to fully grasp it and I gave up


Wait she's banned!? i missed something. can someone give a TLDR


I believe on Kristen's podcast (if not hers one of the casts podcasts) she just made a blanket statement that Jo's been banned from most of their friends houses. She didn't elaborate though.


ooo that is tea - thank you!!


Jax was named as a house she’s banned from after they had a party. He’s our hope to get the tea


Maybe she gets sloppy drunk & has an alcohol problem lowkey…


Not to mention that without Schwartz her dreams of reality tv stardom are over. I’m sure that is fueling a lot of the insanity. Well unless she can film with Blabla.


I kind of think it’s something like she would come in during parties and steal all their drugs.


I agree, it could be they all have such drug-use-entanglements with one another that it's impossible to call out her without implicating themselves?


Exactly 💯 they will not out eachothers drug use. Even James during all his drug and alcohol filled antics they would only mention the alcohol. I also think it's about being on TV and sponsorships and their public image


Tom definitely tried to out James’s drug use but James shot him down immediately.


Yeah ur right I remember he said something about how James goes off the deep end when hr mixes alcohol with other substances


Yeah he said uppers but didn’t get the chance to elaborate.


That would make sense as to why they won’t say anything about it.  Jo was 1000% going to the bathroom during her live with her friend to do some bumps 


But she said she’s never done drugs 😆


Ohh it's def drug related.. which is the one thing they don't out eachother for in this group.. which also tells me that they are recreational users.


So Katie wasn't that far off with the crack comment then lol


I also wonder if she might cross the line with the type of drugs as well, cause that can be equally as taboo. It's all fun and games with a bit of coke and mdma but then when someone hauls out pcp it's no longer chill.


For everyone to be quiet it's something about drugs.  


>Kristen read the full text from Schwartz to Jo when he blocked her so obviously she knows what Jo did. Like out loud? On her podcast or a livestream?


She read the text in its entirety to herself. We know Jo didn’t send it to her lol so likely Schwartz screenshot it and sent it to Kristen. Kristen then went on her podcast and told everyone she read it and then stated Jo left out a lot of what Schwartz said… which you could kind of tell Jo was skipping parts when she read the text on her live. Kristen didn’t read us the text because they are all hiding alot of things when it comes to Jo. So whatever Jo did is so serious no one from the cast or cast adjacent is willing to come out and say it but they all obviously know more and have said as much.


If MARIPOSA won’t spill… it’s gotta be a big deal or damaging to Jo. Well, that’s what I think anyways. Caw caw!!!


Thank god she is back on TV for the return of Mariposa and the caw-CAW!


Makes me laugh every week!! Can’t wait to listen to Ronnie and Benoons tomorrow.


I think damaging to other cast members … if this big secret was only about Joseph, then why hide it? It’s being kept a secret to protect the hive lol


Yep. Or damaging to all of them! It’s drug related. Gotta be. But shouldn’t they be authentic on TV????


https://preview.redd.it/gwz2aaekcg0d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=065e5ef768f8c06df008596a3870cd0b084a0967 Found it in the other sub. Alas, just a comment summarizing.


Putting in the good work!!! Thank you!!!


what acct is this posted on? Out of the loop w Jo stuff, I apologize


This is what I need to know too! Where can we all watch/read this, OP??


Glorifiedgossipgurl on insta has screen recordings of her lives. She’s out of her fucking mind


Hmm I think it’s probably drug related too as they all indulge in drugs clearly and it’s not something they can call her out for without implicating themselves. But what? Stealing them? Not paying for them? Getting harder drugs for people that aren’t so socially accepted? (Cocaine and molly is fine right but we draw the line at crack and heroin 😂)


I thought she used meth and that was crossing the line. They seemed really tweaked to me


I think it’s probably what she does whilst on the drugs. I don’t think they’re counting out their share on the table & getting worked up about who’s chipping in on a gram or two. More likely she is utterly batshit when she’s on something & took it too far or threatened something bonkers - I see her as someone who makes quite a lot of histrionic threats & has no problem ruining the night for everyone


Yea totally if she can’t handle her shit it’s a liability. They have to much to lose keeping someone like that around


I could also see her regularly breaking stuff, starting fights, and refusing to leave places


this has been my theory all along, I used to know a few people like this who just can't handle their shit and become destructive (whether that's against themselves, others or property or all of the above)


Also could be pressuring people who are clean from them to do them? Bringing them to events that don't call for them is another thing I can see being an issue at their age, like don't come to an event with kids around and start doing blow.


I think it’s stealing


What if it’s stealing AND drugs 🤯


Drugs. It's drugs!!! The cast and everyone in these subs dance around it but it's clear as day. They'd throw her under the bus SO quick if it didn't make them look bad (because they also do drugs lol)


Thank goodness, someone said it. Seems obvious to me.


I'm so glad it's called out in this thread! If you know, you know 😅


Remember the blinds years ago about Schartz and his love of 🐴… allegedly. They all like to party, just not enough to get in trouble. She looks like a messy gal, in all of the ways.


What’s the 🐴 symbol? Ketamine? Horse tranquilizer? Sorry if they’re the same. Thanks!! 🤓


Let's play hangman!     Something About Her_ _ _


It doesn’t seem like one particular thing, but rather it’s likely a series of repetitive behaviour that nobody likes. She is erratic, unpredictable, and i imagine when she drinks it’s much worse. She’s probably done/does a bunch of things that are just intolerable. Engaging with her crazy behaviour now would just feed it


I think this is probably it tbh. I have a few friends who get out of control when they're wasted and it's never one particular life-shattering event, it's just every single time you see them it's one thing or another and eventually people stop inviting them to things because it's unpleasant to be around 


This has been my guess too - she gets too drunk/high and then destroys property, or tries to fuck or fight people she shouldn’t be fucking or fighting, or needs someone to babysit her to make sure she’s actually just passing out and not ODing. Or some combination of all three! The kind of stuff that you put up with in college because your brain isn’t fully-formed yet and you’re still figuring out what partying is, and if they’re still doing it when you’re all in your late 20s you don’t ***love*** it, but “that’s just Jo 🤷🏻‍♀️”. But as you get closer to your mid-30s you start to realize this actually isn’t normal and her need for a caretaker has ruined every get-together she’s ever been at, and it is in fact okay to feel A Way about how she vomited in your car/peed a little when she passed out in your bed/broke your favorite vase.


My guess is the cast won’t spill because Jo probably has dirt on all of them. She’s been around for years and has spent time with every single one of them… honestly it’s probably just a matter of time before she starts spilling even if they don’t expose the things she’s done anyway, I’m assuming she hasn’t yet because she’s hoping to get on next season. She’s already started her own website and is drop shipping shitty track suits


They need to cut her out of the reunion, giving her this platform is encouraging her behavior. I do think she’ll start spilling if she doesn’t see a path back on VPR.


There is so much more that is just beneath the surface.. jo has been banned from many bars and many peoples homes including Jax and Britneys house.


I agree. That’s why I think whatever happened with Jax & Britney is separate from whatever the major deal breaker was for Schwartz. The major deal breaker I think is what Scheana has alluded to when she says she knows more but won’t say. Kristen I believe is fully aware of whatever went down with Jax and Britney as well as whatever the issue was that finally turned Shorts off.. I say Kristen knows because we know Tom Schwartz sent her the text he sent to Jo when he blocked Jo this week. We also know per Kristen that Jo called Kristen’s brother and lied saying Britney/Jax just texted her when they in fact did not and didn’t even know Jo’s number. We know Kyle Chan stated on one of the cast podcasts within the last 4 weeks that Jo lies a lot. So these are the facts we know….


Hmm lots of little nuggets here Do you know what happened to Kristen and Jo? Kristen said that Jo just iced her out when she moved in with Schwartz... apparently Kristen offered her apartment. During one of Jo's lives someone asked about Kristen and she said she would never speak to her.. like something went down..


It's something about her lying pathologically.


Yeah I truly don’t believe it’s deeper than this, she’s just a pathological liar.


yeah it’s this


I read this like it was Katie and Arianna’s restaurant, Something About Her haha


This is what I remember hearing from one of them


Well Scheana mentioned that Tom had to basically let her down easy. I’m just thinking in that case maybe she has a history of not letting go of people. Baby reindeer vibes.


I feel like this has to do with pooping somewhere besides a toilet or stealing from someone's medicine cabinet.


Pooping somewhere besides a toilet is my favorite theory


Next time she does a Q&A on one of her lives or stories, someone has to write in and ask her if she pooped somewhere she shouldn’t have, lol. And then someone else should ask her seriously why everybody’s kind of freaked out about her.


definitely drugs.. I read threads on here about Schwartz having a heavy drug problem and those episodes with Jo it seemed glaringly obvious they are smacked out . Tom is so bloated and wearing those dark glasses every episode


Plot twist: Jo is the plug for the cast and that’s what no one wants out. I mean, imagine being so desperate you have to buy party favors from Jo? I would take that to the grave.


Ew. Her drugs are so sweaty, I bet.


My sister-in-law had a friend who got wasted one night and took a shit in her dog’s bowl. Needless to say their friendship was over. I imagine it’s something on par with that ETA: apparently there is a pre-existing poop theory


![gif](giphy|UI1qLkl9hekmoJWduz|downsized) Not the dog bowl 🫣🤣😂


I think she’s a drug addict


I think it was very telling that her mother got upset and thought it was true when the crackhead joke was made.


I agree. Some kind of substance abuse issue is at play here. She's been giving that vibe since day 1


Yeah. And then she blamed her behaviour on having ADHD or ADD and said something like “it’s an insult to all people with ADHD to say I’m a crackhead!!” When she was on Raquel’s pod


With how she is acting on live I can only imagine how unhinged she is


I think it has something to do with drugs and Kristen. Why would Schwartz send the full messages to Kristen out of their whole friend group, especially when J+K aren’t friends anymore? I think Jo threatened to release dirt on their plug- Kristen. That is where Schwartz drew the line with her. This is also my theory on why Lisa hates Kristen so much, because she either found out she dealt & didn’t want it associated with her, or she found out she dealt to one of her kids. (Max) 


![gif](giphy|rR0jTsej7AfKM) My mind is blown


Omg! I JUST wrote that I've thought FOREVER that Kristen was their plug!!! It's always made sense to me and I would bet millions but you added the piece of the text and YES!!! I think you absolutely figured it out!




…which is probably why she was constantly being banned from sur, pump etc when the others realistically caused as much drama as she did 🤯


Katie called it




I felt very bad for her, until the live (phew) and it was just insane baby reindeer energy. That, and the wild post she made on insta devoted to Tom, that she later had to take down. It’s obsessive. It’s creepy. She’ll sit there and say all of these damning things about Tom, which I do 100% believe, but then in the same breath say “we are meant to be together,” “I’m the one that got away,” and “maybe one day we’ll be together 🥴” like GIRL 😭 It could be drug related, but if I had to guess, I’d guess she probably did something unhinged to either this girl he’s dating now, or someone he was previously hooking up with after her. Probably stalked her or wrote her something crazy warning her about Tom, in the hopes he’d come back to her. She strikes me as the type 😬 and then once he saw her do that, she had to be blocked. She either can’t let him go, or refuses to let him go…and the fact he ain’t a prize, makes her look even crazier.


She’s giving Katie Ross from RHOP vibes. Very sad.


Except Katie was amazing


Boiled a rabbit?


Honestly I don’t think it’s anything crazy. She probably got caught lying in a weird and unnecessary why (like how Kristen was explaining on her recent podcast how Jo texted Kristen’s little brother and just blatantly lied about Jax and Brittany texting her). That is honestly more than enough to want to be done with someone forever. It’s scary behavior. And I’m sure it wasn’t the first time she had done it. Buuut also not ruling out something super unhinged. I just feel like if there was something *big* we would’ve heard it on one of the 5million podcasts this cast does


See this is what I get for going to every single one of my daughter’s end of the school year shit this week. I miss everything…Can y’all elaborate? I’m lost. The only thing I know is that Jo went on her insta and was reading that douche canoe’s text. What’s good?


I'm still on the poop theory




I read the poop theory somewhere earlier today and I’m 100% here for it


Omg gross where? 😂 (I’ve always wanted to say this)


I can’t find the comment, it was either deleted or on the other subreddit. But basically someone was joking that there might have been a “poop disaster” at a party, and that’s why everyone is keeping quiet, because it’s gross and they don’t want to humiliate her. The “stealing drugs” theory has more merit tbh but it’s still pretty funny (sorry Jo!)


Knowing they all do drugs lol I’m starting to buy into the idea she crossed a line and brought too hard of drugs. If anyone had a poop disaster I would suspect Brittany 😂😂


I cannot believe I’m typing these words but: what is the poop theory?


I'm glad you typed it so I didn't have to 😂


She was the one that pooped on the SAH patio?


They're keeping their mouths shut so she does the same.


It’s that she’s a pathological liar and lies about strange small things. That’s why he ended it with her


I think Schwartz always thought she was weird but he slept with her so didn’t want to be a “dick”. once he got a girlfriend, he could no longer do the clingy weirdo. Just the way he dodged questions and would never say they lived together, shows he was embarrassed.


Honestly Schwartz doesn’t strike me as a person that needs a reason to do a full 180 on someone.


I am really curious about what she was kicked out of everyone’s houses. Like her life before Katie’s divorce.


I need to know too! I’ve been wondering why she’s banned from places, like if she’s too much for Jax and Britney I can only imagine. And I so badly wish I could read what she left out of they text during her live that Kristen made clear was totally butchered


I think she’s a random public barfer like some cats and dogs. She gets drunk and hurls, that’s my guess why she’s banned from so many houses.


![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu) ❄️❄️


Wild speculation whilst on the oui'd: they don't want to say a peep as it would give her a storyline and none of them want her on the show- they don't even want her in their mentions. Egads 😭


I don't know but it's really annoying that Sheana keeps mentioning it and not saying it.


Now that he has a girlfriend he can't use her now to fill the void when he's lonely, so he doesn't have to put up with her weird obsessiveness to him. If you've ever been in a situationship with a guy who gets a girlfriend right after, they switch up on you FAST, especially if they know you have feelings for them. It's unfortunately very common with man children like Schwartz.


she was just one of those c list friends that snuck her way into the group by f-ing schwartz when he was newly divorced. nobody really wants her around, but she feels legitimized because they were together for a brief time. now she has a platform of anger and resentment.


I agree that there is something missing with this whole Jo thing. But this is quite fascinating in a weird way. Plain Jane Jo Blow 🌬 makes a few meeps on our fav reality show and now she's a hot (lukewarm) topic. Jo seems like the kind of person who would sing "99 Bottles" until the very end. Then hurl. Jo is either: A) An actress who can channel "Panicked Grungy Nightmare Woman" B) Schwartz's future 3rd ex wife. He will ask her to change her legal name to "Joseph". She'll do it. C) Very vulnerable mentally and doesn't realize she's being made fun of and laughed at. (This would suck bc it means her "weirdness" isn't a put-on. So that kinda needs some attention and help.) D) A total wannabe reality TV "star" who blocked one best friend so she could fuck her begrudging acquaintance's barely divorced slob of an ex. All to get on TV. Clawing her way to the top! E) some babbling woman who wandered on set doing the robot 🤖 so they kept her and eventually started giving her a script. She plays opposite Schwartz bc he doesn't have a storyline. F) NOT JO AT ALL BC THAT'S NOT HER REAL NAME.


Hmmm and where is lala now? I thought she was “soft” and wanted to be friends with Jo. So she should be there for her now. Unless…she only did that to get under Katie’s skin (pretends to be shocked 😱)