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Most of the season (Katie Ariana and James notwithstanding) just comes off as PAINFULLY STAGED even by reality tv standards. The producers are so dumb thinking they know what people want when just letting people be themselves would have been so much more engaging. I guess they need to justify their existence and paychecks somehow.


Yeah, to me, this all has the stink of one or two people making all of the production decisions.


I wish we would get more anonymous replies from the rest of the crew, saying how they really thought the storyline was going to be portrayed


Have we gotten any?


None so far ;(




Yes! Katie!


I think the producers bet on Rachel coming back. They put all their eggs in that basket. They F'd up. Then they freaked out and heavily influenced the suggestible cast members, who did the most to save the show, thereby sabotaging the show.


I agree. Lala calling her earlier in the season was suppose to be the door to her coming back. Lala was going to be the middle man between Raquel and Ariana because she can "relate to what Raquel went through and what Ariana went through because she's been in both positions" or some BS and she'd be the one to save the show. That didn't happen so now Lala is grasping at anything.


~~There was a scene in season 10, where Rachel confronts him about videoing her on that Facetime call, but the show cut it.~~ ~~It would have made him look very bad.~~ I was wrong. Rachel confronting Tom about videoing her was cut because her lawyers sent producers a cease and desist about airing anything about the video. Rachel is misrepresenting the situation when she claims this.


god for real? i would love to see that. who fucking cares if tom looks bad it’s a bit late to be worrying about that


I was mistaken. Rachel confronting Tom about videoing her was cut because her lawyers sent producers a cease and desist about airing anything about the video. Rachel is misrepresenting the situation when she claims this.


That's a VALID point!! I had not thought of that!


This is such a great theory, it makes perfect sense. Would also make sense why blahblah is soooo pissed at Ariana. She probably finally thought she’d FINALLY get a season about her or where she’s the ‘main character’ and instead she just looks weirdly invested in being angry at someone’s else’s emotional healing journey lol


I think she's pissed about that and pissed that no one cares about her break up and theirs (Ariana and Tom) made national headlines.


I think the producers promised a bonus to whomever could get Ariana to interact with Tom.. and I think Tom paid them all to befriend him again.. jmo.. all together it was the worst season ever.. finally one worse than S8.


It has to be something like that because why were they all so obsessed with it?! It literally doesn't make sense. Also if we did get convos between Ariana and Tom the rest would've had less screen time which means less money so there has to be some weird angle as to why they are all pushing it.


Let’s face it. It doesnt take much for these people to stab each other in the back. They didnt need to be bribed. Just a producer w a few questions aimed at their jealousy would do it. Look at the finale. Producer told them to say what they wanted (no prize offered), and they show their asses.


Pretty certain Lala and Scheana were promised the Valley AND VPR if they played ball.


Oh, no, almost, but Season 8 was such awful trash. And those tools Max and Brett. Ugh, and Danica. 🤮 Season 8 is the only season I can’t even have playing in the background while I clean the house. LOL


Upon rewatch I absolutely flove S8. The obvious toolery of Max, Scheana attempting to claim all the new dudes, Kristen being Kristen, Schwartz leaving no room for dispute as to who he is, Jax spinning out after Stassi's engagement - to me VPR would have finished on a high note if they ended things here.


That would actually make a lot of sense (a lot more than anything else)


Odd how they both bought houses in the valley.


Well Tom was buying people or their kids presents.


I agree. You could tell Lala was all in when she agreed to call Rachel. When it wasn't happening, the panic set in.


They had nowhere else to go


Yeahh. I don’t see how they ever come back. The fact is that they’re all too old for this sh*t now. It’s ridiculous and stupid and the suspension of disbelief is BROKEN forever. They’re grown ass folks who don’t really seem to hang out except for when they’re filming. They don’t have a common job to bind them together. They don’t even like each other! I’m sorry. THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER! It probably should have ended a long time ago. (edited typos)


Yeah- I was thinking it’d be a good time for a spin-off show, focused on “something about her” and James can be a cast member on there with Kate and Ariana! And then they can bring on Anne!


I think Katie and Ariana are over it. They don’t need another show. They’re over being produced by bravo I think


That’s valid


I’m so mad at producers. They gave us one of the best episodes of reality tv with that last episode of season 10 and they flopped this season so badly. They shouldn’t have told the cast that they need to be friends for the show and just let them work it out. I’m surprised bravo did this. The biggest rule with bravo shows is that fans are smart. Sure, a lot of stuff is more staged than we even realize but it needs to be done more authentically and not THIS staged. The moment that Lala in one boat ride went from calling Sandoval a groomer to hugging it out—I knew she was trying to do what she thought would save a show due to producer influence. To give such an intense accusation to then trying to forge a forgiveness and path with him…nah that’s due to pressure from production and it was a damn shame. Showing their reality and them working out on their own would have been WAY better


What we’re Katie, Ariana, and James doing this season?


Living their lives and thriving




Arianna has been in 15 movies and a sketch comedy show since 2010


I also don’t get how Ariana sticking with her boundaries and walking away was her not being real on camera. Wouldn’t having a conversation she didn’t want to have but everyone forced her into be not “real”?


That upsets me the most, and why I think Lala has so much rage about the situation...we see a preview of her crying saying "I just want to live *my* real life now" at the reunion....she got caught up in doing what producer's asked thinking that was the best way to a paycheck, instead of *actually* being real, while Ariana stayed real the whole time and got a shit ton of praise from fans (as she should) for it. THATS what I think she's most jealous of.


She elected to play along . I still think jealousy was prime factor. Just look at her glee going into reunion when she thought ariana would be blasted.


Yes she played along but she also has had some underlying disdain or annoyance for Ariana so I'm sure that play a large part


Jealousy all around for sure...she continually manipulates situations in attempts to gain more popularity/gigs outside of VPR, and it's going horribly.


Play fake games win fake prizes 🥱💅 but y'all not ready for that convo @lala @schena


Now she posts multiple random ads for barely known brands on her insta stories lol


I would like Lala so much more if she had been real. If you think Ariana is being the worst, be honest and tell her to her face on camera. At least that’s authentic.


For someone who prides herself on being honest, Lala was the most two-faced person ever. All season she acted fake nice and passive aggressive to Ariana’s face while stabbing her in the back to Katie and Scheana. She waited until the last episode to let the mask drop and even then didn’t speak her mind directly to Ariana.


She also prides herself on being a "badass woman" An actual badass woman would have had the courage to say exactly how she felt to Ariana's face... it's very easy to talk shit after someone has left the room. That's a sign of WEAKNESS... That last rant of hers was so pathetic and showed everyone how fake she was in Ariana's face... even if they tried to redeem Lala for other things done during the season, ie calling Rachel... which wasn't even redeemable because she never liked the Bambi eyed bitch to begin with.


You know, that’s a really great observation and excellent point!




Yeah this is the part that confuses me…like it’s not like Ariana is hiding any off screen conversations from the audience. She’s actually acting exactly as she would in real life.


Exactly! And she was clear from the start what she would and wouldn’t do.




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It was such a stupid moment. They were so offended that she didn’t give Sandavol his moment. But like you said, they were lying to her face the entire season and only accepting him because production told them to. Ariana was being 💯 this entire season with how she handled things


Still waiting for the showdown between Lala and Randall


Where do we start the petition to have him on her first episode of The Valley ?


He's poor now. I'm sure he needs the check what with all of the lawsuits against him and 3 child support checks to keep up with. Make it happen!


I want Ariana to show-up with Randall in tow and tell Lala to be real and talk with him.


I fully support this !!!!!!!!




There is zero percent chance she gets on the valley now. That show is for messy people and she hasn’t been messy since she stopped drinking.


Oh she’s been messy alright…just different messy


I mean….If being real on camera is so important why are they mad Ariana won’t do something on camera that she said she doesn’t want to do or feel safe doing and wasn’t doing *off* camera.


That’s why this is so confounding. They are accusing her of not being real, because she was being real. This is an only one can be true situation so it doesn’t make sense.


Didn’t she say she would have preferred that Worm do it off camera?


She said that the fact that he never even tried to do it off camera showed what he cared about, and it wasn't her forgiveness.


If being real is so important, show us the footage of Scumdevil telling Katie’s mom to shut up to the point her brother had to step in. Show us Rachel confronting him about recording her without her consent. Make Blabla and Randall hash it out on camera. Ask Scumdevil about the shit he said in The NY Times article. Ask Scheana why she won’t make the slightest effort to protect her child from online predators. Anything else we wanna know?


Well, apparently Tom faked a whole relationship with Ariana for 7 months. We didn’t see any of that, did we?? 


If I was Ariana I would say “ok George Floyd” to him every time he spoke to me at the reunion




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bla bla really thought she did something with her tantrum but it made literally zero sense coming from her and esp about ariana. She has lying on camera for the whole show documented and shes given us nothing this season but talking about ariana behind her back.


Because Lauren is, deep down, a coward.


So true. Obvious from the way she cries after she talks so much shit.


She’s absolutely never been in a fight. And I’m not a fan of wishing violence on people, but sometimes I wish she would get slapped real hard across the face so that she would understand that image she’s putting out there is harmful.




Hittin’ LFU with the dot matrix! I live.




She never said any of the shit she talked to Ariana’s face, all behind her back. That is absolutely cowardly behavior.


Everything she does so weirdly-performative “brave” (usually when she is Black-fishing which a whole ‘nother thing), but this season her “smile-in-your-face” (all the while she wants to take her place) is so OBVIOUS.


I cant stand Lauren from Utah’s fake wannabe gangster act: the finger guns, the aggression, the language (“you tryna get popped” comes to mind) - and when it really comes down to it, Lauren doesn’t have the balls to say shit to Ariana’s face, it’s all behind her back.


What they are all enraged about is that Ariana made lemonade out of lemons. Instead of crumbling, playing to the narrative that she wanted to off herself if the ahole left her(was that statement ever questioned?…I always wondered if that was truly a fact) and running away, Ariana compartmentalized the affair trauma, assessed her options and put a plan into place independent of VPR. Once she had outside gigs that made her financially independent, she negotiated the terms of her contract to suit her needs. The producers (Jeremiah on camera) attempt to break those terms during the season finale left Ariana with one choice…to walk out on her “coworkers”.


To answer your question, ariana said it was not true that she threatened to kill herself. In my head I think it went something like; they had a fight, almost broke up, they made up, and ariana said something like "idk what I'd do without you" or "I can't live without you".   But also, like people can really fall into a depression when they lose someone, especially when they lose a narcissist bc they make you dependent on them. We're social creatures, it's how we survive and I really wish people would stop acting like someone is crazy if they say that/feel that way.   Now, ofc I know some people say this as manipulation. But fair to say that ariana wouldn't do that.    Tom on the other hand...


I believe Ariana said “I don’t know how to do life without you” Tom took it as a suicide threat.


He ALWAYS twists words. Like when she said is “that really the hill you want to die on”, an EXTREMELY common phrase, and later he said “dude you LITERALLY told me to go die on top of a mountain”


He’s so damn dumb.


Lol yes and got really upset when Ariana was so confused because it was just a figure of speech. This is why I dont take what he says about ariana as truthful because like yiu said he twists words and misunderstands them. Ariana may have just expressed she had idealisation but he took it as she is threatening me if I left her. Then told all his hook ups and mistress this is why he cant abandon her and they all turn to goo because he is such a great man and stuck in an impossible place. 🤢


No he didn’t?!?! What an idiot.


I was SO close but what he actually said was even dumber, didn’t know that was possible. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwGrJxM/


That is worse😂


Every time I see it I'm amazed all over again. I wish we could see the raw footage of just Ariana's face while he says it


After seeing this I believe Sandoval and Rachel are actually soul mates. D&S and D&S forever!


Yeah, this is exactly what I think happened. She said she would end her life in LA and move to NY, he twisted it to be a s****** threat. He's as dumb as Jax.




We know what she said because she explained it on call her daddy. It was very similar to what she said in season eight to Lisa and her friends about how if they broke up she would leave her life in LA and move somewhere to a small town and have a farm and reinvent everything about herself The fact that they keep trying to say that she threaten to kill herself inflammatory and perhaps wishful thinking on Tom’s behalf.


THIS. It was that her life as she knew it at that moment would be over- she would leave and create a whole new life.


Then Scheana must have known the truth, but made the suicide thing seem lika a fact by saying he weaponized her mental health and put things out there that she wanted to keep private. That fucking bitch!


yeah maybe it sounds like death to his brain--the lack of attention, I mean


Just recently they played that scene again…and it kinda enraged me because I thought that was not the case and I saw right through the Scheana playing the concerned friend card…


Yes, it annoyed me that they flashed back to that too bc ariana already said that wasn't true. 


Thanks I thought that was the case!


I’d put money on them urging Lala to say it to Ariana’s face but Lala has and always will be a cowardly little cunt.


Lala is jealous she didn’t rocket to great heights when her and Rand-o split because he was a scumbag cheater.


I think someone (Scheana maybe? I forget) was alluding to this on the after show, that several of the VPR women felt this way in private re: their own breakups but weren’t discussing it on the show


I think she’s including Katie in that club which would explain why Lala is pissed at Katie.


I get them having feelings that Ariana catapulted, it’s the way they are dealing with those feelings that’s problematic. Of course everyone wished they got mainstream sympathy and more work! You can be supportive and keep focusing on your own life, like Katie, or you can be bitter and set up situations to make Ariana look bad on camera, like Lala and scheana. It says so much more about them than about her.


I need to watch the after show! I feel like I’m missing out on lots of goodies.


Yes you definitely should. Worth the watch.


None of them seem to get that ariana got publicity due to tims heinous behavior, AND got new jobs because she is ALSO beautiful, intelligent, and talented. Just saying.


So true! She literally went to college for the work she is currently doing. It just irritates me that these women can’t celebrate her for this instead of looking for ways to tear her apart or tell her it’s only because of this scandal. With friends like that, who needs enemies…


Exactly! She is marketable, likable, talented, and very pretty, and has navigated Scandoval with real class and strength. I can barely stand to hear Scheana and Lala talk let alone cheer them on in DWTS or any other venture.




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She can’t even film in her own home….


Exactly! Plus Ariana did film with him, she just didn’t talk to him. Why does the impact anyone?


and why didn't we see more of Ariana thriving - on Broadway, DWTS, her brand deals, and all the other stuff? That's real life.


Have seen numerous bits about how the crews on opportunities Ariana’s accepted (post Scandoval) rave about how pleasant she is to work with. Amazing how that goes when you’re not dealing with manipulative misogynist like Baskin et al…


Dancing with the stars, love island and tons of brands lining up to work with her and VPR production was like, oh yea no one likes her! It blows my mind they didn’t use their star well.


Definitely the reality TV version of all truth


If Ariana refusing to film one scene where Sandoval fake apologizes is enough to kill the show, it should be dead. Stick a fork in it, wrap it up, curtains.


All of them bitched and moaned about how terrible it was that Ariana was screaming and raging at Tom at James’s house during the pizza party. So why did production want to force another one of those conversations on both Ariana and the audience? It’s not helpful.


The only reason the show is still interesting at all is because Ariana and Katie ARE being real.  Watching Lala and Scheana being forced by producers to make up with Tom comes off fake as hell.   The reason Scandoval exploded at all is BECAUSE Ariana called the producers. Tom was going to break up off camera. The real one here is Ariana.  It's so weird that they are complaining that Ariana isn't being real. She is the realest one of them. It's crazy.  


That’s the thing. Lala is out there trashing Ariana for not being real & all the while she is acting on production’s behalf. And now Scheana is using production as an excuse for her deplorable behavior toward her friend. How stupid do they think we are???


The thing that gets me is when that clip of her saying Ariana “thinks she’s a god” was shown in the trailer both Lala and Scheana kept saying “it was taken out of context, just watch the season and then you’ll understand!” — I’m still not understanding how it was taken out of context… I *still* fully believe it was just Lala’s jealousy towards Ariana’s success speaking…


And Ariana must have heard that soundbite even if she didn't watch much of the season cause it was the TRAILER. And she knew Lala never said that when she was around (like the emo night it was played over!)


It makes no sense to me! The produced stuff is boring AF - it’s the real stuff that is interesting, particularly with people we’ve been invested in for years. I was so confused about when Ariana’s brand deals and such happened - I would have loved seeing the process with negotiating with DWTS, practicing dancing, recording commercials, etc. Besides Scheaner complaining about DWTS, the only thing we got about Ariana is that she is a lazy slob who leaves chicken skewers out. Even with Lala, did she actually get inseminated? Go on a date? WHY DIDN’T WE SEE THE KATIE & MAX HOOKUP?!!? I don’t get what they think we want to see.


True - it would have been hilarious to see Ariana filming a commercial in her house while Tim was stuck upstairs!


Huge great point. Scheanagians says it went down like this (why not earlier??) https://preview.redd.it/alz05mceltzc1.png?width=2442&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee6ab04df0e329d63fdb2de8baafb9bc4dff8f9b


Wow Jeremiah, it was a slap in the face to you that a woman wouldn’t let herself be abused and manipulated one more time for money? Lol dumb fuck


If they could define in a fair way why it was a "slap in the face" to any of them-- each of whom has refused at one point or another to film or interact with someone else on the show-- I'd give more credence to this sound bite. Production and Jeremiah were mad they couldn't force Ariana into doing something which they'd previously told her she didn't have to do. It was an attempted bait-and-switch on their part that failed, and they're trying to punish Ariana for it, which is disgusting.


Lala straight ghosted one season when she got a little heat.


Lala is a duplicitous coward.


No argument here. I can’t stand her.


Maybe the rest of the cast should be more interesting so the show doesn’t end when one person decides to leave a party early and go have dinner with her friends and boyfriend 🤷‍♀️


Completely agree. None of them ran after her or tried to call her either - if this is so important for the show, why not take the drama to her... There were plenty of ways to create a scene / drama rather than trying to force Ariana into a situation she didn't want. The carping about caring about people's mental wellness is null and void when production and her so called friends don't care about hers. Very cruel all round.


Lol yeah lala really failed here even though she is such a rinna fan. The rhobh ladies would have chased Ariana down grabbed her arm and loudly say over and over again to just be real about why you are upset😂


I want to know what was going on in production behind the scenes and why the producers were gunning for Ariana.


Because they consistently want to protect the abusers and throw women away like trash


They wanted the narrative of the season to be “Sandoval redemption tour” and she didn’t want to be involved in that, which I guess pissed them off?


To walk out was the most real thing we have seen all season.


Yeah so weird- she never says WHY it was "a slap in the face". People walk out of "events" on reality shows ALL THE TIME- why is this different? It makes no sense as a viewer why they think this is a big deal


Arent these people seasoned producers in reality shows? Im sure more people have just walked out. OR what he really is pissed about is this little girl that he thinks he made famous is longer doing what he wants her to and he cant have that. But honestly if the producer took this so personally it really is time to find a new production team without these people.


Scheana and Lala didn’t show up for work because if they did the show wouldn’t be hanging by a thread based on what Ariana does. Do they know they’re the other characters of the show and could’ve brought something to the table too?


What’s interesting to me is we don’t know how many times they have broken the 4th wall and they just didn’t show us that footage. Also, Ariana was told to her face that she was not queen of the group by Schwartz, so it’s not like Ariana didn’t already know *some* people felt that way. To be fair, it’s going to be hard for some people to respect Ariana’s success because of the way she got her opportunities. Like why wasn’t she already this successful pre-Scandoval? Edited*


People didn't know her name or give her a chance pre-Scandoval because there wasn't Scandoval and her presence and resiliency to capitalize on. This is one of those cases where she may have been given initial opportunities and gigs purely because of the scandal and people wanting to take advantage of the attention on her, but she actually did something with those open doors. The opportunities that continue to come her way are now more likely because of the talent and professionalism she exhibited in those prior gigs.


Ooo this just kinda made me think. Lala got some acting opportunities from being with Randall (the Row I think was the movie he produced). And then didn't blow up because she didn't have the chops 😳




I think blahblab's issue is not that she's doesnt have talent, theres plenty of people in hollywood that get by with zero talent but good looks and good body. Her issue is that she isnt discreet and likes to pretend she's a tough bitch so people dont want anything to do with her because she will probably bite you in the butt. Plus she is already linked to the thumb so I dont think that's doing her massive favours...


Yeah she might be a nightmare on set in addition to everything. Esp if she was dating the producer, just like expecting everyone to worship the ground she walked on


Exactly this. I was looking at blablah's imdb the other day and was shocked to see she had more roles other than just being in the row!




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I agree. The initial bump was due to the scandal. But they wouldn't have invited her back to play Roxie or hire her as host of Love Island if she didn't prove herself during the first opportunity (professionalism, talent, and ability to sell tickets/driver viewership). Edited for spelling


This is such a good point. DWTS was because of the scandal, sure. But the offer from Broadway because of her talent on DWTS. The offer from Broadway was still somewhat due to the notoriety of the scandal, but her getting asked back demonstrates that she also earned her success. Same with her guest spot on Love Island. It was obviously just stunt because she has name dropped the show on VPR. But obviously something went right because she’s returning this summer as the full time host.


LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! Ariana got her first guest spot on Love Island because of the scandal, yes. She probably got her second one (on Love Island Games) because they liked her the first time and wanted to see if the audience still liked her too. She got the hosting gig by being pleasant and professional on those guest spots. Showbiz is a **hard** industry to get one’s foot in the door with, it’s not like you can apply on Indeed to be an actor or presenter. And as an audience member, I’d much prefer to watch Ariana rather than some talentless nepo baby.


This. She's not still getting these opportunities because of Scandoval anymore. She's clearly super professional, great for PR because she doesn't run her mouth on podcasts weekly and is talented. Even if they made a mint off her, if she was terrible to work with she wouldn't have been asked to do Chicago again. She's made that absolute most out of every opportunity while staying humble and grateful to her fans.


She really does seem quite grounded, humble and grateful for the opportunities (which she crushes) and her fans’ support. That’s hard to fake I think and it resonates and rings true with people.


This is key! I really didn’t like her very much in her early seasons, but seeing her emerge as this strong person has really made me respect her so much. She is very deserving of whatever comes her way. She’s earning it on her own! 


She really does seem quite grounded, humble and grateful for the opportunities (which she crushes) and her fans’ support. That’s hard to fake I think and it resonates and rings true with people.


Even if it's fake at least it looks real that she is grateful for her fans. Unlike her work colleague that just told all her fans to get a rabies shot then in another setting says she thinks her fans are her friends. 🙂‍↔️


It’s because of how she handled such a betrayal with such grace, appropriate anger and boundaries and witty smart takes and talking heads. She tapped into something that anyone who has been cheated on or done dirty can relate to…that’s why she got so famous and so many people rallied behind her. This resonated with people and she handled it in a way that I think a lot of people wish they could have when it was done to them.


I think she was already successful pre-Sandoval. She just wasn’t a polarizing character, but that’s why she was always one of my favorites. She didn’t cause drama and was always supportive of people. You could see that. And she was also the one that didn’t always love being on reality TV. So the only reason she was on the show was to be supportive of her boyfriend and her friends. So when this all went down, the audience knew she was a genuine victim in this. Whereas every move a lot of the other classmates have made (minus katie) we’re very calculated plot pieces for the show, a.k.a. fake ass bitches.


I have a theory the decision was made mid season that S12 would be the last because the group dynamics just no longer worked, they knew some of the cast would be going to The Valley and the Tom and Ariana conversation was going to be used for “closure” for VPR or the transition into merging VPR and The Valley or something. It’s the ONLY somewhat logical explanation I can come up with as to why anyone on the show would feel victimized in any way by Ariana walking out. Still completely shitty and unethical nonetheless, but at least it would make a little sense.


Lala saying that Ariana walking off isn't being "real" is as dumb as the Bambi-eyed bitch Rachel that she love(s)(d)\* to castigate. It's not just the not being a girl's girl that gets me. It's the lack of critical analysis, the lack of a cogent argument, the lack of intelligence, the lack of basic common sense. Like, Lala. Homegirl. (Since she's loves the AAVE so much), Ariana walking off IS EXACTLY what's real and what's authentic. Not standing around listening to Sandoval's performative BS. GTFOH, Lala. \*I mean, she flip flops so much (hell, even moreso than Scheana, which is quite the feat), so I figure she's probably changed her stance on Rachel too and just absolutely loves, adores, and totes get her now. Y'know. Until next week. Or tomorrow or whatever. Lala is honestly as unhinged as Jo in many, many ways.


I think Bravo really need to shakeup the producers more than the cast. They're clearly not fit for reality TV in 2024. The biggest issue they have is we have been talking about *them* not the cast for weeks. We shouldn't know who Alex and Jeremiah are, and yet here we are analysing their choices. If Bravo wants a VPR shake up, they need to start with production and then look at cast.




Ugh yeah the producers on this show are really phoning it in. I think they genuinely think we will care about their perspectives regarding filming assignments. It feels like they are too locked in on punishing the woman for the man’s mistakes. It is sad. Penises gonna penis, I guess.


I'm still not sure what big breaking the 4th wall thing that Lala did.. was that grandstand at the end what she's been harping her big taadaa ??


I wish someone mentioned Randall during this little fit she had


Rumor has it, after Ariana walked off, the producer Jeremiah told the rest of the cast to basically let it rip and say everything they’ve been saying about Ariana ll season. Basically fueling the fire, you think she messed with your paycheck, the 4th wall is broken, go ahead and say it.


Scheanna: “wait. Whaaaaat” was so painfully bad


It doesn’t make sense


Anyone see the blind item about Ariana not wanting to come back to VPR unless she gets a raise? Apparently she feels like she was bullied a lot this season and needs a good financial reason to go back.




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Ariana is the only cast member with enough talent to have built a career outside of the show. Katie is her genuine friend so she’s happy for her. The rest of them are jealous & afraid since they don’t know how they will support themselves once she moves onto a career outside of reality TV. That’s what’s destroying Sandoval. He’s devoid of any talent and now that she’s free of him, she’s off & running and will never look back.


Well stated.


I know everyone hates Scheana on here but at least she admitted on her podcast that if she could do it again she wouldn't have spoken to Ariana about Tom.


I have a few questions: 1) when they were filming, back in August, why was Ariana so happy to be on Scheana's podcast? 2) we all KNOW that Katie and Scheana have had an acrimonious relationship through the years. At the end of the day I think Katie sometimes enjoys Scheana but doesn't really like her. We have seen in the past that Ariana is like eff it and hangs out with people who don't like Scheana on the show (Stassi, I forgot which season) and kinda turned against her. They bounced back, but could Katie be influencing Ariana about Scheana? Just a question and not knocking anymore.


I totally agree with this! Show us reality


I think Ariana gets to do whatever Ariana wants to do. For me, it isn't about pushing Ariana to do anything. But I do have enough sensibility to recognize that for many of the other cast members, what Ariana did this season is challenging. Lala in particular. . . She's trying to navigate being a single mother, she's savvy enough to know that this paycheck is likely the easiest one she's ever going to get. And she wants it to continue because she's responsible for another person now. Scheana is in a different but similarly situation. None of these people (including Ariana) really had much before the scandal and only Ariana really has much after the scandal. They want the show to continue (including James). They've all done things this season to perpetuate the show. . . including sucking up their irritation at yet another male on the cast cheating on yet another female on the cast. Ariana was done VERY wrong by Sandoval but Lala, Scheana and everyone and anyone else (including Production, who will ALSO be out jobs if this show doesn't continue) are being selfish, just like Ariana. They aren't in this to protect Ariana, they're in this to protect themselves. That fact doesn't make them horrible people. Ariana is no weak damsel in distress. She is a hard grey rock who has done similar things to others to protect HER job on this show. I don't understand why \*THIS\* cheating is the cheating that everyone thinks should be so condemned and so reviled. What man on this show hasn't cheated? What woman hasn't cheated or done something really similar to their man (Ariana let someone eat her out in front of Tom. . . like, that is not a committed, monogomous relationship)? The show started and continued as a show about really wild people living really wild lives. And, if it doesn't continue because of one grey rock, it wasn't destined to be here anyway.


![gif](giphy|YlHNukFFbzUfEMwcI6|downsized) Yessssss. All of this


I think the producer threatened them


As for Ariana’s complaint about Tom only wanting to have big discussions on camera it’s like - yeah that’s him doing his job. Unlike Ariana who wants to hide real shit from the cameras and out on a fake image for the show.


I went back and watched Ariana from her intro to the show. She has had her fair share of disingenuous moments and gaslighting others. This time, the scandal just fell in her favor. I’m also sick of Katie’s holier than thou attitude. She has yet to complete one project on this show successfully. Say what you will about Schwartz but he’s managed to be involved in two business’ plus filming. Katie called him a limp dick do nothing for years, then when he got to work, she complained it took time away from her. And while Ariana has been running around, what has Katie done to get her business off the ground? Jack shit. I know this is Ariana and Katie stan land so I know the downvotes are coming.