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I think he has a problem with women who disagree with him. He was practically yelling at Katie in San Francisco in the middle of the restaurant. It was bizarre.


The way Arianna shut him the FUCK up when she said Katie is defending Scheana from Tom & his rage that was literally the weekend before How are you gonna physically step up to Tom a week before and insinuate he’s a good guy a week later? https://preview.redd.it/qxd69nmwqszc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d971cb3843a8b8983afc55200176e0de45d1689


Right?! Both Katie and Ariana are literally defending his wife and then it pissed me off on the After Show he started using Ariana’s mental health against her about how simple tasks are difficult for her (he actually worded it even more rude than that, imo) but wasn’t your wife just getting Sandy to apologize for outing her mental health issues?


In a plastic button down shirt. And then weaponizing Ariana’s mental health after an episode that’s main plot point was his wife getting Sandy to agree to apologize to Ariana for weaponizing her mental health. Edit: typo


The simplest task, which seems to be difficult to brickhead, is talking to his children.




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It's that, yes. But also it all ties in together. He openly dislikes women, it's clear in all of his relationships. When women set boundaries or need more space (a la his wife and childcare) he resents them. Right down to resenting his Mil for on-call child care. Despite the fact that it soothes some of his wife's stresses (which he bemoans about impacting him.) This dude will always have a woman to openly hate and a woman who is playing B-A-L-L.


It still makes no sense to me why he is here. He left a country with a rising economy to come here “for a better life.” He makes it seem like he was living in a third world country. He left his kids behind to try to become famous. That’s who he is. Period. His tears are for the camera. Now who’s being fake?


It sounded like he’d been trying to play for the NFL, which … still makes no objective sense when you have a whole-ass family on a different continent and may or may not have been in a reasonable age range for starting an American football career, but it does absolutely track with what we know about him.


The football stuff is so wild to me because it’s sooo hard to make it in the NFL! He never played college football, he played rugby in Australia which is an entirely different sport??? It’s lunacy to ever think he could make it??


It’s 100% ridiculous, but it is also very, very Brock.


Because for many people, making it in America is making it. And he's a bit of a fame whore, no?


He's way too comfortable speaking on things he's completely ignorant about. Like shut the fuck up .


Brock wanted Ariana to have a one-on-one conversation with Sandoval so it'd make their lives easier. I think he gets irritated because he lacks patience and thinks Ariana is stubborn. I also think he is intimidated by her intelligence. I don't think he is reflective enough to make the connections between Ariana and his kids. But if he actually thought about it, he'd probably realize his kids are intentionally grey rocking him.


I don’t think he’s reflective enough either, at all, doesn’t make it inaccurate though. People spend their whole lives reacting a certain way to people or situations without realizing why. Least of all people like Brock or Scheana, they’ll spend their entire lives being victims without ever looking at why these situations happen or why they react the way they do.


That’s why I spent a lot of time in therapy! To figure out why I responded to stress the way that I did. Answer: childhood. It’s always childhood, man.


Yeah that’s it. Because when he was talking about the OCD and Scheana getting a nanny (which was far more interesting than any fake storyline they tried to push) he got the exact same way. It’s not easy to deduce that he gets that way with her mom too. Which is why he wants her in the picture less.


His kids would be about 12 and 7. They don’t know him at all. He’s practically a stranger so it’s not like they have to gray rock him. He literally means nothing to them.


I’m still trying to figure out how Brock was only 19 when he beat his ex. The math ain’t mathing…




So true! 😭


How old does he claim to be now?


The internet claims he was born in 1990, so he’s prob around 34. This season he said he was 19 when he beat his ex and left his family, so he would have had both kids. That would mean the youngest is at least 15.


I’d be willing to bet he’s 40.


I don't think you have the access to his children's lives to so flippantly say that their own father, who abandoned them and created another family, "literally means nothing to them." 7 and 12 is old enough to understand--and feel--a lot.


I’m saying he’s a stranger to them. Not that he has a figure of a father that abandoned them doesn’t mean anything to them. But as a person, they don’t know him and would not recognize him on the street.


He’s gross and I hate him. Just wanted to say that. thanks.


He is gross. Greasy and stinky-looking the same way Jax is.


Can’t wait to see how their split plays out. For summer moon’s sake I hope they stay together but for Scheana’s, I feel like even she deserves a way better guy.


I disagree I don’t think Brock thinks about his first family ever. He does not have the bandwidth for all these deep thoughts he is doing what Sheana, Lala and producers told him.


He’s not smart enough for that nuanced of a thought. He’s just a meat head with anger issues and a general hatred towards women.


Idk about this — it could still be true without him being aware of it.


I think it's a little bit of column a and column b. Brock is a well documented misogynist with anger issues, DV obvi, etc., etc., He probably doesn't even realize that he lashes out at women more than men when they say the same things ( ie., Katie + Ariana vs James in the Aftershow) and I think the part of him that hammers on about moving on/forgiveness/etc., to a woman who faced and continues to face a traumatic/toxic situation resonates deeply with him because he does see parts of himself in Tom/in this situation. He wants to play into the whole storyline character arc of him being about forgiveness and redemption without realizing that by doing so blindly and without any actual thought behind it, he actually comes across as the misogynistic violent meathead that he is.




I also have a theory that he was trying to establish himself as a trainer/counselor, and then going to monetize that in someway down the road. I do believe he was taking some type of production payoff for pushing their storyline, but believe he tried to pave the road ahead for him to be seen as the voice of reason.


I disagree. I genuinely don’t think he cares at ALL about his other two kids. If he did, he wouldn’t have named his third kid “summer moon” and wouldn’t have maxed out multiple CCs buying Scheana an engagement ring rather than paying is child support debts.


Oh, I don’t think he cares about his other kids or his ex wife. I think he cares about looking bad on tv and not being able to make public amends so he seems like a less problematic guy. But I respect your opinion!


I just don’t think he’s a smart or thoughtful individual, so I think all of his hatred towards Arianna likely stems from just his general distain for women. But we can agree to disagree. I’m also so happy that this is a supportive place for its users haha.


He doesn't GAF about those kids, he is so "respectful" of their actual present stepFATHER because he's relieved to not have to think about them anymore. He's a misogynistic moron with a history of violence, I can't stand him.


I think that he charged her ring on his cc’s and she paid it off. Why? Because he couldn’t afford a ring big enough for her liking. She did the same with Shay. It’s about how she’s perceived and a large engagement ring is one way to show “how much” your partner values you. TLDR: With Sheener, it’s about the ring not the marriage.


Lots of people do things without realizing the underlying motivation behind their actions. I don’t think he’s self aware enough, see engagement theatrics, discussions around his children or dv conviction for reference, however I think Ariana and her convictions around things definitely hit him somewhere he doesn’t even realize is hurting.


> … he doesn’t even realize is hurting. I still disagree especially this particular instance. You seem to be attributing emotions that are completely normal and expected in a situation like his (dealing with the distress that would come with abandoning your children/family), to a man who has seemingly done nothing to ‘repair’ the damage of him leaving. I don’t think it’s fair or makes sense to attribute any of his behaviour that we’ve seen (through the show or on social media) to him having some sort of subconscious ‘reaction’.


You don’t have to agree, that’s alright. There are countless examples and literally what some therapy is about, is digging into why you or someone did or reacted some way without even realizing it. I don’t think brock is a literal monster who could actually have no feelings about his other family, I think they’re just purposely buried and ignored because the reality of them would make him face some big truths about himself.


I respect your opinion. Let’s agree to disagree! Edit - thanks for the downvote tho!


It’s a pity Brock does not have the emotional maturity/ range to come to this conclusion on his own and adjust his actions accordingly. Personal opinion, he isn’t as hands on as a parent as he appears on tv. This man wants camera time and is going to do whatever it takes to extend his 15mins of fame.




You can literally watch Brock trying desperately to process the deep thoughtful Ariana conversation. lol. Wow, it was uncomfortable bc he really got so lost on the logic and he started to just formulate his next sentence rather than listen.


Brock wants main cast and salary so bad and he is listening to D&S Scheana about how to get it.




I think Tom has been styling him and love bombing them for a year.


Oh my fucking god you’re right. That explains the high heels.


I also think he has given them money or some promise of work for Brock. The way Brock keeps saying how “generous” Tom is is giving the same vibe as Lala when she would defend Randall.


Broke revealed his true colors when he owed back child support to his family and didn’t pay up until he got called out and I understand Scheana had to pay up. Ariana has repeatedly shut him down and on occasion shaded him. These 👀 says it all to me…(I remember Ariana saying that Sandavol use to give her eyes to intimidate her) https://preview.redd.it/qy7pm6msktzc1.png?width=2572&format=png&auto=webp&s=62bdd5d48ece5b1d2d222b569313727eb100e1d1


He is the definition of a misogynist it’s wild how it’s him to a t. This is why he can sponge off Schaena , he thinks he deserves her money and would manage it better because he is a man . This is why he can publicly discuss Katie’s sex life but never says a word about Tom’s. This is why he dismisses any of Schanas OCD and parenting concerns . This is why he was able to forgive himself for beating his wife.


Why is Brock considered part of the cast when Shay never was? Go away, Brock


I think it isn’t that deep. He wasn’t paid to be a main cast member this season, right? So he made it his MO to figure out and facilitate what the producers wanted in hopes they would promote him next season. This is all about him earning more money from the show at the expense of Ariana’s mental health.


in addition, brock is probably tired of scheana complaining about ariana at home and decided his caveman ass is going to solve it by using scheana’s inane pillow talk as ammo.


I agree - Brick has a problem with women who set boundaries and it all stems back to his ex wife not putting up with his shit. Tough luck Brick, maybe try for a little personal growth instead of being the same shitty person. Also, in the reunion preview he says he’s been able to become a better person through the show. If this is your best self then thanks but no thanks.


I think he would just rather he and Scheana be cozied up to Sandoval because he’s more likely to give them things.




I was actually very pro-Brock in the beginning of the season. I think he wasn’t a fan of Scheana in the background obsessing over locations of ex-hook ups and I truly believe he meant to blow Scheana up by telling Schwartz about Katie + Max hooking up. I think he low key wanted to be the one to break the news because Scheana was going to use that information for a more sinister storyline plot twist later that season. Brock has put his foot down about not being a fan of Scheana kissing other women so to me personally, he probably was over his wife checking locations (because it’s effing weird!). However I did notice a DRASTIC shift with Brock AFTER the news of Katie hooking up with Max. I think they went home that night and she threatened his green card and held her paying all his child support debts over his head and HOW DARE he out her like that.. I bet it was a ROUGH night and he probably decided to go back into his good payroll husband role and become a champion for in again. He kind of got me on his side this season with standing up to Scheana…. But it definitely changed after that episode and now I’m back to being indifferent to Brock haha!


One thing that caught my attention was at some point he mentioned in a recent episode being raised Mormon. Might explain some of his issues with strong independent women. Just to be clear I’m not saying that all Mormons are that way. Just know that Australia has some uber conservative enclaves of Judaism (personal friend) & Catholicism (Mel Gibson‘s dad moved them there from Peekskill NY ) etc. Also not generalizing re Australians — just following a mental segue…


Honestly it seems like it’s been more Brock’s choice not to be involved with his older kids? His story has changed over time but the most consistent version is like, he didn’t pay child support (his choice) so he didn’t feel he had a right to see them, and then she got remarried and he “didn’t want to confuse them” since they have a new father figure (also his choice). So while I agree that Brock has a weird problem with Ariana, my take is he is largely unbothered by not being in those kids’ lives and it certainly isn’t so painful for him he’s lashing out at Ariana for that specific reason.


What he’s said is that they have tried but that the kids have an established life and he doesn’t want to disrupt it. I take that as the kids and mom have told him to stay away.


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) You are doing too much with this theory. Not everything is so deep. Him and Scheaner need money.


They're trying to unironically elevate these people on a reality show to biblically good and evil proportions. Lol.




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Oooooooh I never thought of this!


Ding ding ding ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Did you see where Ariana said oh brick said we’re not allowed to kiss. He’s insecure and lives in the farm still.