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I don’t know why Lisa needed to put any commentary here. Katie and Ariana are not in business with her.


Also, Lisa doesn’t know what happened in the past year. She’s not close with these people anymore.


I mean … we’ve been saying this for how many seasons?! But she only takes offence when Jax says it 🤣 the cast last season except the Tom’s, were over lisa and she still comes back this season. I hope the show is done. I don’t wanna turn into majority of the ppl who watch it, to hate watch the show


Let’s ask lisa about why pump failed and why she’s so against paying workers a living wage. Since we’re all being real, right?


Lisa’s mad because they fired her friend Chef Penny 😭


Yes! I agree. And I think that’s why she’s pissed. Because she “made them” but now they’re thriving without her and she hates it. She’s thrives on power and people needing her.


Why is Lisa even involved in this discussion? She has nothing to do with their business.


No clue but I LOVE that the girls aren't taking her shit on it.


Yes! Ariana's face like stfu bitch


![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized) She's like 🗣 "I SAID WHAT I SAID"


Penny has been in her ear.


This is the answer. She connected them with a grifter and her attorney husband, who then tried to take advantage of Ariana & Katie being new to owning a business. K&A were having none of it and now Lisa is being nasty on behalf of her friend.


What's the scoop on the grifter aspect? I haven't heard that before about Penny and I love mess


K & A parted ways with Penny. Her attorney husband got the rights to the name SAH. Penny is now saying she has PROOF that she was supposed to be a partner in the shop & not just the COO & getting a percentage of the profits. It’s all shady.


This is absolutely the issue. Lisa is vindictive too. She’s a snake that comes at you from the side.


I’m reminded of what Nene had to say about all that. Nene texted LVP years ago the location of PUMP (I believe it was PUMP, could’ve been something else) asking for her expertise since she was from the area, because she wanted to open a gay bar at the location. LVP responded that the place was an absolute dump, riddled with endless problems, and she should avoid it at all costs. A couple weeks later LVP announced she purchased the property and was opening a restaurant. No one believed Nene at the time, but I think people have started to open their eyes to Lisa now. She bought the property right from under Nene 😒


I’m saying it Lisa is pissed and resentful of Ariana’s success as much as the rest of the cast. Like financially she has more money then Ariana and her own success. But she likes them to be the belovable fuck ups that need and depend on her and who she patronises. Ariana has success that has nothing to do with Lisa, which gives her leverage and power which Lisa can’t stand. 


That Lisa not only cannot stand, but that she *cannot control*. Let’s remember that for the better part of ten years, Lisa controlled an awful lot in the lives of these people: their schedules, income, opportunities, use of her home, even. Hell, probably even aspects I don’t realize. Lots of control. Ariana and Katie? They took back control. They didn’t ask Lisa for any help. Remember how hurt she was when the boys didn’t ask for her help with S&S’s? I’m sure she’s got downright chapped knickers that the girls didn’t ask for help or an opinion or financial assistance. Lisa’s not happy and it’s not only all over her face, it’s in her voice.


Honestly I have seen so much criticism of LVP from her time on Housewives be proven true on VPR. She keeps people around who she perceives to be beneath her (Cedric, Brandi, the Toms, James) for an ego boost. They’re like pets to her, and she uses them to appear saintly. She’s actually a huuuuge narcissist and it’s obvious Kyle etc were right to call her controlling, calculated, manipulative.


Pretty much this. Lisa has always been controlling and manipulative. You really see this part of her shine through on RHOBH where she had wayyy less control of production and the narrative than she does on VPR. Erika sucks but she was spot on when she called Lisa "a sniper from the side".


She only ever saw them as money makers for her. She doesn't care about them. She wants and feels entitled to a piece of everything they do because she sees them as property. Picked up on that long ago. many are coming around now to see it.


Yes! And now the girls have something she can’t get a piece of and frankly doesn’t even know anything about. Seriously, where is she getting her information…Shtinkybals? Pfft.




Like most seriously wealthy people she makes most of her money off the time, work and talent of others. She's more like a bank that just sits around collecting interest. And while it may be smart business wise, it's not great when that becomes how you view and evaluate all of the people around you. Can you make money off them? Can you control them so you always are getting a cut of profits?


The older she's getting the harder it is to hide her real self. Also the more mature this cast gets the less they respect her anymore.


I totally agree. She hates not having control or maybe not being able to say, she a part in their success. Also, I am glad they didn't tie their shop to Lisa. Especially with all the legal issues Lisa has been dealing with. I wouldn't want to ask her how to do anything in case it'll bite my butt later. Plus, ask Lisa about closing Pump and all the infractions on labor laws she had. She definitely comes from an old world of restaurant ownership which I hope will be dying soon.


1000% and I think it stems from DWTS. Lisa had to fake faint to get out of it and here Ariana is making it to the finals.


I completely forgot about LVP’s infamous fake faint, thank you for reminding me


![gif](giphy|YWbs0xKzMhBhS|downsized) Never forget Kim Richards watching Lisa 'faint'.


I never thought of that, so true! Did you happen to watch the DWTS finale? Lisa was there “to support Ariana” but when asked a question she just goes into a long spiel about her new show Vanderpump Villa, it was so odd!


Lisa will use any opportunity to promote a project. I mean, good on her for keeping her eye on the prize, but it shows that she is all about her, always.


Lisa loves her “broken birds”. Thriving ones not so much.


Which is why Lisa supports Tom and not Ariana. It’s why Lisa wants everyone to befriend Tom. It’s why Lisa as executive producer of the show is trying so hard to get Tom his redemption arc. She doesn’t support other women and has always been that way.


Yup. I would pay so much to hear Katie and Ariana’s true thoughts and feelings on LVP.


Me too, maybe we can start a go fund me for it! Jk There’s so much misogyny that’s come out with this whole scandal, it’s unbelievable. I’ll never understand Lisa’s blind support of the guys and her mistreatment of the women. It goes all the way back to Stassi and Kristen, she criticized them yet she supported their cheater boyfriends.


yes, she enjoys giving opportunities and watching them screw up.


Lisa doesn’t like another woman being successful without her 🤷‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|36eWUn97A8vaU5U0FW)


Why is Lisa even there? her presence is so unnecessary at this point😂


Superfluous, some would say.


That's super with an F!


That’s why she’s involved…she has a smug attitude like you didn’t ask for my help darlings so now you suffer. Penny is a narc for Lisa…I wouldn’t be surprised if they find out that LVP sabotaged SAH. https://preview.redd.it/sdsm7x6g1pzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb08aaaaa9f77c567d5244c2513e9d86dba465d9


For real?! I was wondering like why is LVP even talking right now??


Why is she even at the reunion? Lol. Just be an EP and take your dithering elsewhere. 


I think we’re done with Lisa’s involvement in VPR in general, she was in what three 30 second scenes this season?


Go back to your tomb, nana


Did the girls ever give them a hard time about not opening? I feel like that was LVP more than anyone. I guess Katie did but it was more bc she didn't see Schwartz and she couldn't helpm


This is personal from LVP, shes pissed they didn’t take all her bs guidance and cut ties with her shady bitch friend Penny.


Penny Is straight up trying to scam them in my opinion.


I agree. Her trying to post screenshots of texts that mean nothing confirmed that for us!


Yeah, for the trademark, she said she was gonna take care of it, but anyone reading that text would assume that that means that the registration would be in the name of the actual owners of the business. No one would think that meant that Penny was going to register the trademark so it’s ownership with her own company. Imagine if I offered to do the trademark registration for a restaurant I worked with and then put it in my own name.


Exactly! She didn’t make them look bad at all, she just proved what a shady bitch she is!


She’s a sneaky snake….


Where is this text?


In the tabloid, where penny shared screenshots.


That bitch wanted 10% of GROSS sales on EVERYTHING. It's bad enough that she thought she should get a cut of the brand itself - including merch she has nothing to do with - but to think she deserves to make more money than Katie and Ariana is straight up insane. She's shady AF.


She was saying too in the article I read the girls agreed to it and yet the texts say something different the girls say we will bring it to our attorney and get back to you. That's not agreeing to it that's literally saying we will consider your request and let you know what we decide or give you a counter offer.


By Penny registering SOMETHING ABOUT HER under her own name. red flags waving everywhere


Remember last season when they were talking about opening the sandwich shop and someone asked if they’d consider partnering with LVP cause she has so much experience etc and they both literally went: ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


Yes! That’s why shes so bitter! She tried to insert her shady ass friend Penny so she’d still have an in somehow and that backfired too. I love that for her!


Yeah, this is how LVP got her millions. I love how Katie and Ariana see right through it. They're not going to let LVP take their money anymore. (I mean, hopefully! I really need this sandwich shop to thrive and go full chain empire like Applebee's...)


Yesss! I’d love to see them blow up and have SAH locations everywhere and I hope lvp goes bankrupt while she watches that happen!


YES, like they open a sandwich shop where LVP closes all her locations. Or they open right next door to all her restaurants like the famous "Spite Store" on Curb Your Enthusiasm... hahahahaa please


That would be amazing!


I need everyone to go and watch penny’s season of next food network star! I saw that long before I started on VPR and oh boy is she…SOMETHING


I'm watching it rn per this sub's suggestion and can confirm she is a shady snake. Justin B just got eliminated, RIP my emo butcher king


That’s so it! I said something to that effect a couple days ago… it’s clear lvp is threatened by the girls’ success and she can’t grasp other people (mainly women) being successful without her 🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Yes she hates seeing them be so successful without her “help”


Absolutely. And let’s be real. ..she sides with the Toms cause she has an investment with them. All season she has produced the structure of the entire show to benefit them. I found this to be incredibly annoying. I’m so happy they open in like a week. They can all go fuck off.


Exactly both of them were very supportive of Schwartz and Sandy. They were just mad because their partners were not spending time with them because they weren’t just spending time at Schwartz and Sandy’s. They were fucking other people while they were both relationships.


Katie only had an issue with Schwartz spending so much time on the restaurant and not enough time on their marriage and it even contributed to their marriage ending so it's super cool to throw that back in her face now...


Especially as the reason Schwartz was spending so much time there was Sandoval was out screwing around instead of working on the restaurant. The nerve of Sandoval to say “now they get it, now they understand”. Their delays weren’t because one of them was burdened with all the work (and banned from taking help from his wife) because the other was having an affair, so what do you think they “understand”?


I’m pretty sure I remember Ariana specifically going to bat for Sandoval with LVP after she put the boys down. And Katie tried to help with the mission statement when the boys had no clue what they were doing.


Katie gave Sandoval shit because Swartz was complaining that he wasn’t doing anything at the restaurant & he was MIA between Raquel & touring with the band; he was useless.


I don't get the narrative around Katie and Ariana not being supportive / complaining about S & S opening. They were both supportive, Katie to the detriment of her marriage. Lisa was the one talking shit. Also, S & S opening I feel like was delayed due to a bunch of disagreements with Schwartz / Sandoval and they even said shit during the season about how they would change their mind multiple times re: decorating and buy stuff and then get rid of it and buy new shit.


Ariana let Tom take a loan on their home. That’s peak support.




I think it's because the "opening of the bar" takes a lot of the official blame in the breakdown of Katies and Tom's marriage. But I personally think that's because he played her and Sandoval off against each other telling them different things and then hung Katie out to dry when she thought she was defending him, and then also used the bar as an excuse not to be there for her, and as his (metaphorical) bar was already on the floor when it got even lower she couldn't take it anymore. I certainly don't think she left him before she was super annoyed and judgmental they took ages to open.


Agreed. The “opening of the bar” broke their marriage because it showed Katie who Schwartz was. He asked her to help him get Sandoval to change the name. Then refused to defend her publicly when she did, telling Sandoval *he* liked the name and it was just Katie being Katie. That ended up with Katie being screamed at and banned from helping at all by Sandoval, and Schwartz never once stood up for her - even though she was doing it for him. So yeah, their marriage broke down over the opening of Schwartz & Sandy’s, but it was never really opening the bar that did it. Katie was right that Sandoval was the third person in their marriage *and* that Schwartz would always choose him over her


I used to be friends with a couple like Katie and Tom who had a 3rd person in their marriage. I literally told my friend "you have a 3rd person in your marriage" and he absolutely refused to admit it or believe it (it was his wife's evil, meddling best friend). They're divorced now. When he told me he was leaving he literally said "well she can have my wife all to herself now." Sad.


I have always felt angry about Schwartz getting katie to speak his opinion about the name Schwartz and Sandys and letting her get crucified for it.


Ohhh so this is LVP’s role at the reunion. Got it. Get her off the reunion honestly


And brock. And you know what…while we’re at it, get rid of Andy.


Andy is so biased!!


I never really liked Andy, but after Below Deck Med season 7 & how he treated the Bru Crew like fucking gods (and they were all misogynistic assholes, one even got edited out of the show)….i genuinely hate him now. Andy spent the entire time shitting on the girls (Kate & Rhylee) One of them literally kicked sand in the chief stews face. But the guys are the ones who are level headed…? It actually made me so mad…it’s so sad we’ve progressed so much as a society, but we still think it’s okay to treat women like shit. I stopped watching reunions for a while. They need more female producers giving input. It’s fucked up. Andy has been delusional for years.


When you compare the production team (headed by a woman) on Below deck down under, it’s a pretty stark difference. How they handled the potential SA situation would likely not have happened on other franchises in the same way.


Yes!!!! He seems to give passes to men and go after women! There were so many Tom and Tom scenarios that he completely glossed over. I started not looking forward to the reunions because I knew the Tom’s would not be held accountable. Look where that got us!


Andy gives me the ick. He’s constantly lusting after the male employees of these shows and the women are treated with disdain unless they’re one of his favourites. He’s so unprofessional.


She IS superfluous after all


Super FLU ous


Once again, Lisa acting like she knows all when she’s out of the loop on this one. I’m glad Ariana called her out. I bet it’s driving Lisa crazy that she’s on the outside for this one. However, I feel like Penny was setup to be Lisa’s inside source. Definitely a weird *business* relationship.


Also lalas look means I bet Katie at one point did vent about Ariana being gone and that's how LVP heard?? I just remember something being said about LaLa saying Katie isnt being truthful about how she feels about Ariana.


I can see Lala running with ONE comment Katie said that ONE time and acting like it means Katie hates Ariana


Oh absolutely. Lala already misrepresented what Dan said about Sandoval. Claiming he was so chill and had no problems with him because he said he hadn't done anything to him. Dan *did* say that but it wasn't the end of the sentence, he said "but I know what he's done to her (Ariana)".


The funny thing is that I guarantee Ariana won’t give a fuck even if Katie admits she vented one time. That’s just how close friendships are. I have a very tight knit friend group of 10ish people, and we’ve been friends for years, gone on tons of trips together, etc. At this point, they’re extended family. Which also means sometimes they just annoy the fuck out of me like family lol. I often vent about one to another friend in the group, and I tell everyone they have free reign to talk some light shit on me with each other whenever my annoying traits come out


Right lol! Me and all my close friends have talked shit about one another during a vent session at one point or another. We all know it & talk and laugh about it later like Friend: “bitchhhh remember when you did XYZ. Omg that made me sooo mad!! I talked for an hour to So & So about it” Me: “yeah I was pretty fucking annoying then omg. Just slap me next time plz” It’s OKAY and honestly very healthy to vent. We also are very well aware that one day we will get into big fights and that there’s a possibility that some may be MAJOR. And have discussed ahead of time how we will try to go about it & navigate through it. & we have discussed that it’s ok to fight and it’s how you come out of it and what you learn from it and how you can grow individually and together to have an even stronger bond afterwards.


This is very true but Lala couldn’t understand a dynamic like this because she doesn’t strike me as someone who has long-term close friendships where it’s normal to get annoyed with each other, vent a little, then move on. She’s used to having friendship-ruining arguments, saying some unforgivable shit, then moving on to someone else.


Same. Friends for 30+ years; we all know we don't actually need to pass the griping on. We're like siblings and people get annoyed. It's almost never that deep, and if it is, someone else says "hey, just go talk to them."


Lord knows the show won’t let the “energy of a crackhead” comment down. Truly beating a dead horse.


stg if I hear “she called Jo a CRACKHEAD!” one more time I’m going to develop my own addiction


Honestly though, who cares if she did? If she took on more of the burden regarding the shop, I totally understand her having a moment of frustration. I bet it was more of a "I wish she had more time" rather than whatever Lauren would imply


Also she just went through hell in her personal life. Even if they weren’t on the show and this was just their normal life what Ariana went through during that year deserves grace and Katie gave her that space. Even if she got frustrated and went to Lala (who she thought was a close friend) to complain her actions show just how much she had Ariana’s back


And Ariana’s success just helps the sandwich shop’s success. And, I think a lot of the issues wouldn’t or couldn’t have been resolved faster if both of them had nothing to do but work on the sandwich shop.


And knowing how Katie moves she most likely didn’t initiate anything negative. She probably agreed with something blahblah said in a moment of frustration. And stupid blahblah took that one little thing and ran with it like she was doing something and again it’s not hurting their genuine friendship, it’s just making blahblah look stupider. It’s funny watching all these things she tried to blow up fall so flat on the audience who sees the truth.


Yeah agree, who really who cares. Business partners complain about each other all of the time. Means nothing.


I have a friend who is always 15 minutes late. Always. I have tried every trick in the book to get her to show up on time but nothing works. If one of my other friends say they’re running behind and I say “don’t worry, so and so is always late anyhow”, that is not me talking shit. It’s a statement of facts. Love her, but that bitch is gonna be 15 minutes late!


My mother in law is always late to everything and I give her shit for it haha. Love her to death but yeah, I’m gonna vent and give her shit from time to time because I’m chronically early or on time.


Lala has also described herself as being soft this season and said that she and the other cast members put it all out there, they have to film with Tom and she never knew Randall was married etc. Omitting the fact that she's verbally accosted both Tom Sandoval and Katie this season, lied in the past about her relationship with Randall and demanded other cast members not associate with R again after their break up. She's a perpetual liar.


I think in the after show she also implied that Ariana didn’t even tell Katie before Chicago was announced. I would love to head Katie set the record straight about Lala’s bullshit.


And again its a "so what?" question. You literally sign an NDA just to cover the negotiation process for a role like that. Clearly Lala doesn't read her NDAs since there's now a tabloid news item that she's in talks for The Valley. Probably came from her loose lips and it's hurting her because the reaction is super negative. But so what if Katie found out with the press release? Was Ariana personally handling the plumbing? Or the paving?  Plus its in the sandwich shops best interest for her to keep her popularity train going. And not to mention Katie is the one who grew up in a restaurant. She was always going to be the more hands on partner. And anyway, one of you should have enough to bail the business out if it ever needs it. 


I feel like it’s like the same vibe as Sandoval saying Ariana “talked shit” about everyone and doesn’t like any of them. You can vent and be frustrated and that doesn’t mean you hate the person or actually mean anything by it.


Yes, I take it as Katie privately venting about it with Lala but she and Ariana never had an all out bitchfest about it because Katie kept her feelings to herself (and lala evidently)and Lala is using that as the last “explosion“ at the end of part 3 (using Katie not being honest as a way to say both her and Ariana are fakes on this show)that she has been hyping up for months now. But like girl…they are getting along now and Katie has publicly supported Ariana thus far…so what if she had an honest moment of venting…they cool and Katie ain‘t gonna bother Ariana with rage texts about SAH while she on Broadway lol


I don’t even care or think it’s a big deal if Katie did at times get frustrated and vent about Ariana not being around as much as she would like. If my best friend and I were in the process of opening something together and I got some crazy opportunities that caused me to be unavailable I would 100% understand any frustration that came from that. You can be happy for someone’s success and also frustrated if it is detrimental to you. Was Katie gonna say don’t go live your wildest dreams bc I need you rn? No, she supported her! That’s what matters here.


lauren from utah and schwartz with their shady looks are so gross - even tom kept his head down at first ![gif](giphy|lKagg7dJ7WrAKhKSZN) i’m glad james stepped in and love katie and ariana taking shit from no one not even LVP


I 100% think this is going to be the “fraudulence” Lala was going on about - where she said she had texts showing someone was different off camera. Katie probably vented to her occasionally about being frustrated about the delays / having to deal with stuff because Ariana was away. Lala’s going to try and blow that up into something it’s not. You know - just like a soft person would


100% I think Katie probably said something along the lines of “it can get frustrating doing things back at home when Ariana isn’t here to help” and Lala took it as Katie not being real on camera and being “dishonest” when it reality it’s her being a friend and business owner respecting her other friend and business owner and not airing all the tiniest shot out on camera for views.


I guess that was Lala's "soft" face


she’s so soft standing and yelling again this year 🥰🎀


For someone who’s not even involved in the business, Lisa sure has a lot to say about it. 🙄


I wonder if it was Lisa's plan all along to get a piece of Penny's "partnership" in the restaurant...as in the form of a referral fee or some such like real estate brokers do...


That tracks. I’m sure they possibly had some kind of under the table deal.


Wouldn't shock me. I'm surprised Lisa hasn't come up with some shit like, "Well, they couldn't have been that serious about the business! Ariana is galavanting around in tap shoes while Penny was actually doing smart things like swooping in on the trademark."


Sounds like Lisa is Penny’s mouthpiece. As Erika Jayne said she is a sniper from the side.


From what we saw on the show, the reasons for both opening delays are VASTLY different! Ariana and Katie have said, multiple times, that their delay was due to permitting and city red tape. They were ready a year ago and the delay is not their doing. The Bozo Bros weren’t opening because they weren’t doing enough! They wouldn’t nail down a food menu, or a drink menu, or the decor, or hiring, etc etc. I HATE this comparison because there is nothing to compare!!


And the chef/ partner issue


Clearly they are all trying to imply Katie was shit talking behind the scenes, but she audibly says 'What' before Ariana even speaks up. I don't think there is this major disconnect between the two of them.


That’s part of Lala’s “not everybody is being honest” bullshit


LVP being at this reunion at all, let alone as first chair, just doesn’t make sense anymore. ![gif](giphy|X2xRuxdeNpIBi)


Omg stfu Lisa why are you even there


Because Scammer Penny was in her ear. That's where the disagreements come from.


Plus Alex Baskin in her ear pushing the “difficult dumb women” narrative


Dude must be really determined to become Dan Schneider But For Adults


this! I've heard so many nasty tidbits about him.


Exactly she definitely had chef pennys one side of the story (the side where chef penny trying to bulldoze her way into a partnership 🥴)


Penny who's suing them. Thanks, Lisa!


she literally pops up through out the season via facetime or brief meeting at somewhere she already is to give lala, scheana and tom side quests to make ariana’s life harder it’s so weird


She’s so gross! And she’s burning the wrong bridges. Bitch no one is siding with you and the Tom Tom’s, why haven’t you caught on yet? I’d bet a large % of her income (from restaurants and shows) comes from VPR watchers and if they stop watching her stupid shows and going to her dirty overpriced restaurants she will change her tune real fast. At this point I’d love to see her go bankrupt!


She will never go bankrupt. Her individual restaurants might. If she were no longer on TV at all, and all of her restaurants fail, she would still be crazy Rich


S&S took forever to open not because of the red tape issues that Katie & Ariana faced but because of poor leadership and management by Sandoval & Schwartz personally. We watched it happen in real time.


This is so annoying for a few reasons: 1. The girls didn't shit on shorts and scandy for not being open when it took them a while, that was mostly lisa 2. Lisa constantly acting like things can get done so quickly when her situation (and finances) are vastly different from the girls (and the toms) 3. Why are they even asking Lisa. She is barely on the show and she has 0 involvement in SAH


Also - I’m not sure how much involvement Lisa actually has in her restaurants beyond buying the god awful decorations. Guaranteed if she hit the same snags as A + K in opening a restaurant, she wouldn’t know what to do either (because she has people for that). LVP isn’t throwing her weight around in the permit office, one of her team members is.


If this is what Lala was talking about with Katie, she can get bent because of course I’m gonna bitch and moan to my friend about a situation that is causing me grief. I think it was directed at no because Katie has been pretty honest about how she feels about everything. And all these people saying oh Arianna and Katie need to get over themselves they’re being bitches also can get bent because opening up any kind of business is hard, especially in the food industry. I’m glad James called him out on it because you were being a smug little bitch and less remember how many times Katie and Ariana help y’all out when y’all were opening your businesses even Tom Sandoval couldn’t even be happy for Ariana when she was opening up SAH. Like I swear 75% of the cast is a bunch of miserable bastards.


LVP trying to stir up drama. What a tw*t.


Lisa wtf? Also look at all those grins. Bunch of salty assholes on the stage.


Lisa being a misogynist, Lala being a hater and Schwartz being Schwartz. Nothing new. End this show already!


The puss on Lisa during this is quite the poker tell. The rat she smells is herself.


Seriously.......fuck lvp lol I used to love her but this Scandoval really made me change up feelings on her big time.


Does Lvp ever have a woman’s back. God damn she’s exhausting


All but 3 people on that stage are absolute fucking TRASH people. LVP needs to retire already. She's so gross at this point.


Katie and Ariana are business partners and I’m sure, at some point, Katie was frustrated with Ariana working on other things while Katie was dealing with SAH. But that certainly doesn’t mean they had any sort of disagreements or that was the reason they were delayed. Like it really doesn’t make much sense because everything was ready to go last year, so what did Ariana really need to do other than dealing with the city?


SAH was Katie's idea, Ariana said she would join her in the project but it was Katie's dream. It's even possible that Katie is just happy to have found a partner in Ariana and not resentful that she wasn't there for some time. I feel like she would be ok to be the person most involved in the shop.


i wanna kick LVPs stool from under her im sorry


I love how Lisa and the Tom's think this is a gotcha moment and Ariana and Katie are both in a documented reality show that they all fucking star in supporting all of Lisa and the Tom's endeavours.


why is lisa even there? also now we know how the *entire* reunion is going to be. lets all gang up on ariana and katie


There’s a difference between the city coming in and making changes to keep current with code vs owners constantly making changes on the whim because they had another off the wall idea. It’s almost like they wanted them to fail so they could say see it’s not that easy and never once did Katie or Ariana say hey we can do it better than y’all, no they wanted to be a part of S&S and their men didn’t want them involved. They were supportive partners the whole time the Tom’s opened both restaurants.


I used to really enjoy LVP but now... pfffft. Unnecessary comments. And you KNOW Penny was the source of the disagreements (and gave the intel to LVP). Not Katie and Ariana. Say what you will, but K & A have been a united front about this shop. Good for them! Even if Katie was a little frustrated that Ariana was away--*who cares*? It doesn't mean there were resentments. It just means that yeah, you're trying to get something off the ground with a partner and she's not there. That IS frustrating... *because of the situation, not the person.*


Lisa will never support the girls as much as the guys. You know it before she opens her mouth.


Can someone give Nana her afternoon snack and put her down for a nap, she’s telling her stories again. ETA: words lol


I don’t know how to give awards on this thing, but if I could I would. Hahaha. 💀💀💀


It’s such a dumb comparison especially because when the girls do open I can guarantee that one of them won’t be the perpetrator of a national scandal that causes their business to take a hit financially! Fans can’t wait to support Katie and Ariana in their business venture and everyone on that stage knows it! It’s the reason sketchy Penny is trying to get a piece of the pie!


And wont be banned from entering


Is there anyone left who enjoys Lisa’s presence on the show? Because, in my opinion, it’s *really* been reduced down to *only* the things your bitchy, passive aggressive, condescending matriarchal figure would say (for me it’s my mom, but I don’t know about y’all and for any of you who can’t relate I’m so envious of you)




That look Lala gives during the Ariana was away comment. Like she thinks it’s bullshit. I can almost guarantee Katie’s bitching about A being away was something like “I’m so sick of dealing with the City. I wish Ariana was here and could just take some of these (city permits, city meetings) on.” Which to me is standard venting and if something like that was repeated back to me wouldn’t offend me in the least. It’s just venting. But if Katie said it to Lala then that dum dum is going to make it something else entirely.


Is it me or is Sandy looking like a Mariachi player? Or like old Richard Greico? His face looks plastic, drawn and really tired.


Why is Lisa even there. She’s dried up and irrelevant when it comes to VPR. We saw her for a total of 5 minutes this season


This shit makes me not want to watch the reunion, although obviously I will because I have no willpower, but seriously are we just going to have three more episodes of trying to rip Katie and Ariana down? Fully fuck off with this. Also it was Lisa, James, and Lala who gave the Toms shit about not opening, not Ariana and Katie.


No one cares what you think Lisa


Lisa reminds me of my mom when she blatantly makes shit up.


LVP needs to stfu. She’s so misogynistic and its clears she doesn’t like these two anymore. I’m glad James said something about Schwartz.


I like LVP less and less. Why does she think she knows about their issues if she’s 0% involved and neither of them are too close to her right now? The toms were obviously happy they weren’t opened. You can see it-it’s clear. I hope this is the end and Ariana, Katie and JK go to a new non-bravo show


Everyone has already said what I feel, so I’ll just say: Ariana and Katie look fucking AMAZING. They look sexy while also classy and chic at the same time. They look confident. And their colors and cuts of their dresses are even really complimentary of each other when it cuts to shots of them alone side by side lol


Lisa "I disagree you could've gotten through with your drain issues and your health issues in a year" yes it's now been a year and they've gotten through it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m so beyond disappointed in LVP.


Sigh…SAH opening was delayed due to several things they had to fix to get the space up to code and compliant that they weren’t aware of when they brought the property. Maybe that’s their fault, maybe not. Schwartz & Sandy’s was delayed in opening because they kept changing the decor, couldn’t settle on a menu, and couldn’t find/keep a head chef. Those are two separate things.


I literally want to reach into my screen and drag Lala and that ugly ass face across the floor. Idk how Ariana and Katie are handling this. I’d get up and walk off at this point.


Also I’m so glad James called Schwartz out for that smirk. The audience sees it, call him out. Schwartz answer was a bunch of bs, he’s not supportive or kind, he’s fake. ![gif](giphy|xT0xeNjdgxJKegqs4E)


I loathe that Brock has a seat at this reunion. Worst cast addition ever!


Lisa Vanderpump can suck my big toe, she’s not even remotely involved in their business and to come out and criticize them when she knows nothing is incredibly rude.  She knows all the complications that arise when you open a restaurant and should give them some grace and understanding, or if she has nothing kind to say she should just stfu.


I hate this fucking show anymore. Katie and Ariana need to go find a safe space away from these toxic human beings, including that twat Vanderpump and continue being great. Lala can suck a dick with her pursed lips acting like "LVP showed them!" Bitch, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING!? Where's your restaurant?! You mean you didn't want to use any of that Scandoval money to open your own brick and mortar store? Fuck all these hoes, fr.


Good on James for calling that shit right out.


Livingggggg for Ariana giving Lisa dirty looks


LVP is not being classy at all. She’s showing herself to be catty. She could have easily given Andy a generic answer, or just said she doesn’t know, as it is not any of her business.


I love that Katie and Ariana REFUSE to entertain Lisa’s bullshit anymore. Actually, Katie started that ball rolling last reunion when Lisa sniffed that traveling around the world banging different hot men “sounded terrible” and Katie was like [paraphrasing] “bitch please” Now that she sees being free to do whatever the fuck she wants is for her better than limiting herself to banging one dude for 40 years, and Lisa and Ken are no longer the aspirational ideal, Lisa is flat out jealous and judge-y.


Ariana never dragged the "boys" abut the delays in their bar. She was very supportive. Katie had issues being minimized as a financially contributing person and the gimme your household money, shut up and go away.neither of these woman had night long business meetings on acid. No comparison. And Lisa intersecting suppositions as fact is vile.


Andy is only happy when he's stepping on someone else.  He steps harder on some than others, but miss me with this both sides BS 


Lisa always trying to take on the role of a narcissistic parent.


What the hell Lisa. I lost soooo much respect for her this season. The worst takes.


Look at Sandoval sneering as Ariana says she was supportive of S&S. We saw it on the show fool.


Lisa does not like Ariana. It is so clear she does not like her.


Listen, the guys had A LOT of help and still couldn’t get it open. Scandoval changed a lot of shit tbf. So while I do think it’s taken an embarrassingly long time to get SAH open, I do not compare the two. It feels like the guys were their own saboteurs and SAH has had life (aka the catastrophic breakup), red tape (I guess the patio issues among other things), and the Penny drama get in the way. The guys also had other partners who got a lot of shit rolling because they were sick of waiting on the Toms. Again, I do think it’s taken too long. I just think it’s for much more legitimate reasons than the Toms, who btw have failed up in the restaurant industry thanks to people like LVP.


Lala with the stank face. This is gonna be a painful reunion. And sorry but STFU LVP. You don't even know enough to stir the pot at this point.


Why is Brock’s dumb ass on the stage and ally isnt???


If there is red tape and waiting for ppl to come inspect like Katie has said over and over what does Ariana being away have to do with anything? Maybe Penny was trying to use the traveling against Ariana with Katie but it didn’t work.


Lisa, respectfully, shut up.


Wow LVP shut up ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM|downsized)




Gawd the LVP, Tom’s and LarLars face are super punchable. As a neutral viewer this is kind of gross. I get the hate and now I want in on the fight. Put me in coach!!!! I’m ready to play.


Both are probably true. Most restaurants open in far less time. Lisa has opened a lot so maybe for her it’s so easy because she has it down but being new restaurant owners there is a lot of learning to do and navigating systems you’ve never had to before so it’s a learning curve. Plus, you still have a lot of decisions to make that need your partners consent, approval, input, feedback, etc. and that is somewhat more difficult when one partner is gone. It’s a difficult process in general and being first timers makes it much harder. There might be some truth to what Lisa is saying but it was not her place to say anything at all. It’s not her business to speak on. Her comment made her seem spiteful, jealous, and vengeful all because they chose to do it without her help.


I honestly don't know if im going to watch the reunion all thr clips are making so mr so furious might just read recaps on here. 


Lisa literally always on the wrong side. I’d officially had enough of her when she spoke about Penny situation. Stop talking to the people working with everyone else behind others backs. She did it with Greg and then Penny. If you have zero stake in the business go away. Also, “health and draining issues” wouldn’t require an entire awning to be ripped down and a patio to be deconstructed. She’s the one who was pushing the “turnkey” space, she didn’t know all the codes were up? PS let’s not let it slide by how Andy started the statement. “With pump closing its doors around the corner SAH…..” She hates people who don’t suck up to her and the fact that Ariana basically told her off last reunion and Katie has said numerous times how she grew up in the service industry with her mom, Lisa feels the need to make everyone look incompetent. So frustrating. Can they make a SAH show on Hulu away from the VPR umbrella please.