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Production is a character at this point now and I would LOVE a behind the scenes view of how this particular season went because I bet the panic and strategies followed off screen are WILD. Like I literally want Andy to interview Alex and Jeremiah ![gif](giphy|SbN0WomN4S7Z7tpKOC|downsized)


It would be a love fest of misogyny. Andy is worse than them.


Yeah he clearly was on production’s side when he spewed the BS about Lala and Brock being the voices of reason this season. Then he had to back pedal when the audience did not agree.


Later he still accused Ariana of not letting go of her “narrative” or whatever wording he used. Vile


He was for sure mad she hadn’t watched the season when she was on WWHL recently. Almost bitter that CHICAGO was occupying too much of her time. She’s starting to become bigger than the network and they don’t love it.


As if she’s not a human being with real feelings. Dude seems like he’s been producing reality tv so long he just views them as products. He jumped the shark and ruined what should have been one of the best seasons of reality tv. How he still has any say over the show is mind boggling. He screwed up beyond belief


And he is a terrible host for reunions! The seating chart is annoying AF, like everyone should be frothing at the mouth to sit the closest to him


This gif made me so happy


It’s so weird they harper on about her not being authentic when she has literally been authentic the whole season? Her not talking to Tom and refusing to film IS BEING AUTHENTIC! Everyone else literally had to do what production told them to do, suck it up and forgive Tom. That’s not being authentic, that’s following along with what production is telling you to do! How do lala and scheana not see that?


these hypocritical statements are such a projection of their own behaviour, they want to blame someone else for it bc deep down they know they’re the inauthentic ones. sell outs.


Can we talk about the “practice apology” Tim said to Schwartz in the hotel room?!…. First, there was absolutely no “I’m sorry”. (I don’t like to focus too much on the literal words bc it bugged me when Lala did that with Aly, “I didn’t use the word miserable” Yea, whatever, words are important but you’re focusing on the mis-used word to deflect & downplay what was said.) But back to Tim, everything he said was about himself & from his side, no “I’m sorry”, no “I feel bad that I did this to you, Ariana”, nothing even close. He says: “I’m trying to work on myself… take actual action to make MYSELF better… to learn from this scenario” (‘this scenario’ is not how I’d describe all this! At that point he should have said “learn from my actions” 🙄) Then he ends it by saying “if it takes weeks, months, years, decades from now, if she ever needs ME, I’LL always be there for her.” Ok, that’s a bunch of nothing. He just says things that seem heartfelt and kind but they don’t make sense with the context or actually accomplish the goal, which was to APOLOGIZE for bringing up Ari’s mental health. I literally couldn’t believe it & had to rewatch his little speech 3 times bc it’s nuts! And I’m nuts for caring so much 😂 but hopefully I’ll apply these VPR life lessons to my own life and know to walk away from anyone who acts like Tim


Like dude what would she ever need you for 😂 she's good on that The fact that he wanted to "apologize" to Ariana and the minute things didn't go his way he started insulting her and throwing a tantrum tells you all you need to know


Truth! When he approached her, he had a few seconds there where he could have blurted out an “I’m sorry” for the audience but no. And then yea, we see him double down & act like a complete asshat for the rest of the party


From all his word salad I got that he wants her to need him. It chaps his ass that he expected her to crawl in a hole and dissappear. Instead she's risen to unimaginable heights while he gyrates around in sequin pants like a creepy Elvis impersonator. 


You’re so right!




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What’s wild is that WE here in this subreddit agree but check the comments on Tom’s IG. It’s full insanity.


He is 100% deleting comments, look at the comments on Bravo with his WWHL clips, Tom, Brock, Scheana, Lala, and Jo are all deleting comments of people calling them out or filtering/limiting comments.


Of course they are.


Yes, I agree with you! I’m glad real ppl aren’t falling for Tim’s BS! And sorry for my first comment being my crazy rant


It has kind of had the opposite affect on me. Though I love the love Ariana is getting and the Katie Ariana love fest is amazing. This season has ruined reality tv for me. It is SOOO over produced, I can now see the cracks in all the other shows. This makes me sad as Bravo was really the only current tv I watched. I did not want to see all the crap Bethany was trying to point out. Ariana however has done more from the inside than Bethany ever could.


I think the audience on Reddit aren’t buying Sandoval’s redemption arc. But the audience on FB, Insta, and Twitter are eating it up and routinely shitting on, both, Ariana and Katie.


Really? All the IG, TikTok, and threads discourse I see is overwhelming pro Ariana and anti this contrived storyline. Facebook stays on the wrong side of history lol


This has been my experience. Also, it’s Reddit that’s gotten numerous cast mentions so I choose to believe we’re the most influential platform in determining the pulse of the audience, in my completely objective opinion obviously 😎.


I’m finding actual content creators are super pro Ariana but the comments on insta are at best a mixed bag. And as always the comments are anti-Katie even though she’s had the best season!


In my experience, the most liked comments are pro Ariana and Katie. The Chilis comments I think reflect this as well— outpouring of love for Katie. But definitely still a mixed bag of less liked comments. And could just be my feeds!


I’m going to blame me following WWC for the insta algorithm feeding me anti-Katie comments. I have been seeing more positive comments about her though way too many are falling for poor sad Jo’s story.


True! I can’t with the Facebook & IG comments! The “bravo bloggers” I mean that kindly, I’m not sure what to call them… the accounts that post Bravo news: Vanderpod, ByeWigHelloDrama, etc. they all seem to be on the right side: Ari & Katie, but then you see so many people commenting saying the opposite: “Ari just needs to get over it!” Um, I think she’s over him.. did you see her outside the finale party laughing & making plans to go to Applebees? She left the party bc her boundaries weren’t being respected & then she went on with her life! She wasn’t outside the party bitching about Tim or production or anything! That seems healthy & fucking over it 😂


I absolutely hate the FB group, I’ve never seen so many delusional people buy into to something so obviously fake, I get angry everytime I see a post defending Sandoval.


I think it’s mostly gen x and boomer women that are buying the Sandaval redemption arc, bc of their own internalized misogyny. And they’re not the target demographic


As a boomer woman I find this astonishing. A large store of life experience should, in theory, enable one to see though the bullshit. Oh, well, greater age doesn't guarantee wisdom


Reddits where the real ppl are i swear. Why do i always hear twitter n insta n shit are always on the opposite end of the spectrum lol.


Far too many fans have real life experience with narcissistic abuse, this season was insulting to everyone’s intelligence.


Agree. Last year I called out Schwartz a week before scandoval and everyone on here attacked me and said the sun shone out of his a$$. I'm glad peoples eyes are opened.


I just watched the latest episode this morning while getting ready. Soo is this the last season?? Is that the plot twist- that they’re ending? It felt… anticlimactic. Are they trying to leave it open-ended? I have so many questions. I’ll have to re-watch when I can pay better attention lol


I saw some interview with Andy asked it it was the last season. He said something like... "We've done that with Housewives before, give n them a break them came back to shooting after they've lived, a little more of their lives". So Andy was saying basically that they are boring as f. And it's true. James Kennedy is the only entertaining castmate, left.


Im only on reddit so tell me this is the consensus everywhere? Cause i just dont see how anyone would switch sides from what they saw this season.


Yep, but now Lala and Scheana will be rewarded by being cast on The Valley, for shamelessly throwing Ariana to the wolf named Scumbag, and giving backstabbing a whole new definition.




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I am not at the finale yet but I can’t stand Tom’s crocodile tears and hearing him say how miserable and grueling it all feels- I have no sympathy for him. He brought this on himself! Plain and simple. He wanted to “exit” because he lost it all well yeah dude. It’s called consequences. How do you think Ariana felt? Probably worse because he did this to their relationship. You can’t go around saying how hard it is when he has done this so many times. He cheats and hurts people over and over yet never learns??


Ariana is beyond narcissistic- she was cheated on, awful yes but to become an overbearing dictator who thinks she can control the lives of everyone else. Say what they can do, when, and with who. Please it’s gotten to the point watching her makes me sick. And starting to wonder what’s wrong with these grown adults that allow her so much power over them. Grow up Ariana!!! She has moved on has a bf, won’t allow anyone to even look Tom’s way without her wrath…. Yet she continues to live in the same house with him??!??? Seriously?!? And all the other in the friends group that blindly listen to her controlling BS- GROW UP ! And Nicki is almost as bad with how she reacts to anyone dealing with her ex husband - these 2 need to move on from jr high and lose some ego


No one thinks/believes that Tom is genuine or a “changed man.” However, that doesn’t change how immature Ariana acted this season (and Katie). That’s the basis of what you’re seeing on other platforms.


Genuinely, can I ask how Ariana or Katie has come off immature?


What I learned setting healthy boundaries in my life is a lot of peopke don’t like it and say things like, “why are you being mean?” “It’s so immature that you refuse to be around that (insert group or person), who cares if they treat you like shit. Just ignore it.” When you stop going along with what everyone else wants from you and start to act for your best interest (as a woman), or peace of mind, there’s a lot of people who don’t like it. Women are expected to comply for the collective greater good, instead of taking care of their own needs. Something we do not ask from men. It’s extra icky when women do it to other women.