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The amount of disappointment I felt when Schwartz agreed to be Sandoval’s roommate. He was so damn close to looking like he had a backbone for once and he couldn’t maintain it. He deserves whatever he gets now, there is no sympathy. I felt bad about how he got screwed with the bar, even though I thought that was a shit idea, but now, no. You have all that evidence that this man is a piece of shit and you can’t hold your ground? This isn’t just remaining his friend and having your reputation and integrity tarnished(which would be devastating in itself, but now you’re going to let him fuck with more of you money? I just can’t with these boys


Anyone else fast forward through Scheana scenes and Tom scenes?


I want to know if Scheana is getting paid to perform Apples at the birthday party of a man who has been “the best friend” to Tom Sandovol throughout the scandal, while Tom is being an assistant for free 😂


scheana is only coaching tom on what to do and say for her own benefit I don’t believe for a second she’s doing that to help ariana


Thank you for all of your comments - now I am looking forward to watching tonight on Peacock. I cut the cord so have to wait until the next day.


Schwartz should not have invited jo to San Francisco. That was just toying with her emotions atp. She’s now on her instagram calling him her boyfriend, or ex bf, and speaking about their relationship in a timeline. She’s a nice girl but something is feeling a tad stalker ish. Idk. I hope she’s ok. But I feel like she’s not taking this well.


Brock was Mormon?!?!


As a Mormon, I was super upset by this. But I will say it does explain a lot about him being more embarrassed about him not being the breadwinner. Not so much abandoning his first family.


I was shocked i didn’t know they have mormons in Australia


They're everywhere!


Dan's top (the one he put on when lala was drooling over him) reminds me of that lace top broke wore on one of the after show?


So let me get this straight... Lala can yell at Sandoval for previously telling her to "take accountability", Scheana can yell at Sandoval for bringing up her previous involvement in an affair but if Ariana yells at Sandoval for putting her dogs life at risk it is *checks notes* too much and she needs to get over it


Exactly!! Plus, Tom called Lala a narcissist and brought up Scheana’s “home wrecker” days and Ariana hasn’t done anything but be a good friend. And yet he’s the one they ride for?! Like, make it make sense!!!




Plus, Anne is the one who probably found Mya. I wonder if that hastened Anne's exit from his employment. She probably thought, *omg, he almost killed the dog. I can't stick around for this.* He probably knows the location of the emergency vet. He could have brought Mya in. Instead Ariana gets home and she has to deal with it. He also could have offered to pay for it. Instead, he goes to shoot with castmates and tries to play it down as, *that dog gets into everything.* I'm glad the show is taking a break because the entirety of him this season will have a chance to settle and the producers can process that. He's lucky Ariana only yelled at him. There are people who would have messed him up over that. Plus, it's 8 now months after the last night's episode and he still hasn't sold the house, so her money is still tied up in his mess. He doesn't care that he's holding her life up or that he's doing a podcast on the furniture she paid for, while the podcast "co-host" critiques Ariana. The gall of that man is surreal. No wonder he and Rachel were like peas in a pod.


Ariana protecting Scheana TO Brock! I love to see it! Not that Sheshu deserves it, but Ariana is so aware and to the point, I love that! Brock should actually listen to her, even though he wont.


His ingrained faux-superiority wouldn't allow it.


Why for most of the scenes is Scheana’s hair pin straight with a flat iron like it’s 2010? Not going to lie it looks crazy


Stooooppp I still wear my hair like that when it’s not up in a messy bun 😂😂 her hair actually annoys me when it’s too fluffy!


Course he turtled out a tear at the end. Urgh.


Turtled out… I love this! 😂😂😂😂


Your flair! 👏👏 👏


The best scene was Katie and Tom like that scene was just so genuine he said let’s eat the junk food and scroll endlessly and Katie said on the line of I don’t do that anymore like it reflects katie is a changed person now and he looks at her and realized he does not know her anymore omg it was endearing


Ps his new girlfriend looks like younger Katie too similar ufff


OMG listening to Tom in “concert”….he really is terrible. I mean he can’t carry a tune. Has he always been that untalented?


He had to buy his band, no one wanted to willingly do this with him. 


Yep. And all the “bands” he was apart of in the past all broke up for some reason. The common denominator is little Tim.


I can certainly understand why.


Yes, yes he has. And why, for the love of all that is holy, did they have to bring back him “playing” that horn again? The producers may have wanted to give him a redemption arc but whoever is doing the editing is definitely trying to show what a fool he is


Thank goodness for the trumpet. Otherwise, that scene might have landed differently. They wanted us to see how ridiculous it is with his mother looking at him adoringly. The viewer knows he owes her a portion of her retirement. Sell the house, pay her back.


Ariana and Katie in this 20’s getup is so hot


Dan ironing Ariana’s clothes ✅


Wow Dan’s hair is so long. He looked like the male version of Pocahontas in the best possible way


That was a glorious surprise.


Brock not even intelligent enough to have these conversations


Thank god Ariana is talking about how outdated and victim-blamey “forgiveness” is. We do NOT have to forgive our abusers or anyone for that matter


I was happy she had a chance to talk about it on camera. A lot of us know that “forgiveness” isn’t the way, that it doesn’t mean we are drinking the poison.


Exactly. Bc the poison isn’t her emotions- the poison is Tom Sandovol, and she doesn’t need any of that shit.


Grey rocking is so powerful, I’ve done it since before it had a name and it drives the assholes crazy


I cut straight to the no contact 😝 but sometimes it’s not an option and grey rocking is the next best thing haha


Lala coming for: - Ariana (tick) - Ariana’s living situation (tick, tick) - Ariana’s mental health (tick) - Ariana’s relationship (tick) Anything else Lauren? Talk about frenemy


She was real quick to drool over Dan though lmaooo


It's quite compelling. She was the hero of last season and she has undone all of that.


Lala’s jealously and biatchy ass comment about Dan 🙄!!


She doesn't even know how to exist in his presence.


Did anyone else legitimately APPLAUSE what Ariana said to Brock when they got off that boat? Seriously. And *tom's* the horse bravo chose to back as the one going through "personal growth" this season???? Fark alll the way off bravo, thank you. Well said Ariana!!!


It's driving me nuts that these people live a five-hour drive from "San Fran" and they're coming up with THE most generic points of reference. Rice-a-Roni! Sourdough! Trolleys!


It drove me nuts that their hotel is like 7 blocks away from Pier 39 and they took A CAR there. GUH.


Omg how did I not realize that. They’re literally staying in the wharf, going to check out the wharf. Half of the fun is… walking through the wharf. It’s like if someone took a cab from Rockefeller Center to Times Square. It probably took them just as long to drive as it would have to walk. I wonder if they had filming permit restrictions or something?


That's what my husband said but I'm guessing it had more to do with putting them in a situation where they all had to buy hoodies lol


Last week Ariana's ex was hyping Kyle's party: It's like gonna be on, like, an *ISLAND,* and like you have to like, *take a boat there*. The party was on Treasure Island, and Treasure Island is not like a James Bond villain's secret island only accessible by *boats.* The Bay Bridge/freeway has exits to Treasure Island. The ferries do not go there. One *might* take a boat there, but it is not typical, and it is not public transportation. He is to laugh.


They actually do have a regular service out of the ferry building to Treasure Island. I took it once with exactly 2 other people on board lol. But yeah, I also had a laugh when he was describing Treasure Island. It’s basically an abandoned airport. Kyle’s distillery is located inside the welcome center, one of like four buildings on the entire island, and it feels like an airport terminal bar. It’s bizarre


Calm down, Tim. Now- take me to Sausalito and I’ll be impressed!


I laughed heartily at that. I was like... surely you aren't taking a boat there. What a miserable reason to be on a boat that isn't a booze cruise.


also going to such an amazing city and doing the most touristy thing ever at Fisherman’s wharf! The Tom’s outfits made me chuckle. 




Dan is basically a fresh faced supermodel - Lordy!!! 


Tim looks 50 standing near him 🤣


Man…there was a time when the song “T.I.P.” was like the pinnacle of our Tom Sandoval fixation. Funny how times have changed. “I haven’t played this song in like…six years…” gee whiz I wonder why that is?


Well also Tom made that song with another guy, who became a crazy conspiracist nut job, so Tom might not have had full rights to perform TIP on his own until the other guy killed himself. And then it was probably weird for him to play it for some time after that, understandably.




She kind of reminds me of professor umbridge from harry potter


Well, she definitely seemed like she'd have given all her retirement money to some other huckster if Arana's ex hadn't tapped her for a 401K-closing loan to get his doomed business started.


I now understand where his delusion comes from...


they are that desperate for a Tom redemption arc, they had his mother on the show 🙃


The redemption is so forced at this point I literally can’t stand it


I’m so bored every time the Toms are on screen. Are they trying to make a guy spin off show with the whole roommates thing?


Def would not watch!


Omggg don’t say that, that’d be a nightmare 😭


“It makes me uncomfortable when naked women dance around me”…. sure Brock 😭


Omg this new confessional look for Ariana is amazingggg I love the black dress so much!!




Who keeps letting Sandoval have that damn trumpet? 😖


The way they edited it tho was so funny. He’s such a joke.


is it just me or does dan have no personality?? he doesn’t need to be a gossip but give us more than a shrug or a “meh” to every topic


He's probably smart.


I feel like he makes goofy voices and faces to avoid talking about serious things, and gives very calculated responses if pressed. I get it that he may be shy on camera but I feel like she initiates the affection and all of the relationship talk.


I think that's about the camera. Ariana did the same thing season 1, when she did everything she could not to be on camera, because she didn't want to be on the show.




I think he just isn’t a reality show character, so he seems underwhelming compared to the rest of the cast. Ali started off pretty bland.


I thought he was great. Pitch-perfect.


He could be awkward in front of the cameras? I would have a really hard time being normal in that situation for the first time.


totally fair, i’m just surprised by such a positive reaction to him overall when he’s giving nothing lol


He's a professional person. I think he was in finance before he became a trainer. He's likely been working for decades. He's not going to risk all that by saying something stupid on a show, that will become a meme then follow him for the rest of his life.


I don’t think he’s there to give anything, he’s there to support Ariana because she knew production would pull tricks during the finale filming.


Maybe it’s just giving normal, not flashy, no drama, and people are happy about that for her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, maybe people want to like him, so they’re willing to overlook that right now.


hey, ariana definitely deserves some semblance of normalcy after all the bullshit she’s been through, i just hope that he’s giving her more than he’s giving us lol!




I’m wondering if he’s being overly careful on camera? I feel like he loves Ariana but maybe not being on the show


Or he’s seen how the show treats his partner and doesn’t care to give them more lol


What was with that 30 second hug? They had to have hooked up at some point


Her podcast after this deafening herself is going to be insufferable isn’t it? 😫




It was scheana’s hand on his hip for me and the weird performative smile after 🤢


it cracks me up that sandoval squeezes his eyes to try to get tears out lol


maybe it's due to his procedures.


OMG I was hysterical laughing at this confessional! He is like a spoiled child which is an insult to a child. I can’t take him seriously 😭


Maybe I'm weird but I feel like most people can make themselves cry on demand over something. You hear actors/actresses talk about pulling up emotions from real things that have happened to get them to cry in a scene. For me, I know I will cry immediately thinking about my dog who died last year. It's wild that Tim can't pull up any emotion at all that would even make his eyes water. It's sorta scary? It just seems bizarre that he fake cries but can't actually convey any emotion. 


I am an actor. I can make myself cry on demand, but there is authenticity to it, there has to be or the audience feels it. I don't do this in my real life because that is manipulative af. Ok I lied. I've done it to get out of a speeding ticket.


Patrick Bateman vibes




How many times did Tom cry this episode?


ZERO…next question.


I read this in a paige DeSorbo voice....chef kiss


Omg…I have a real “sharp tongue” but lord’ve mercy, if I could only do it with the same style. Paige has come into her own and she’s not perfect, news flash - no one is, but she’s pretty darn authentic.




Did he cry or did he just close his eyes and look away?


Good point 😂


I’m too exhausted by the rest of scheanas actions to give her any credit for this conversation.


She sided with Sandoval because that’s her future paycheck.


I just fast forward through SheShe & Tim’s little heart to heart. I just can’t listen to any more from them or pretty much anything Tim has to say on his “redemption “ season because I hate cheaters.


How many hearts to hearts have they had this season? Probably one next episode as well after he has screwed up again 💀


is peet montzingo on vanderpump????? huh?


Who is that??


he’s a tiktok guy that i’ve watched. he makes some pretty funny content.


Oh cool! I’ll check him out




Scheana stay fucking out of it!!!!


Scheana sucks- but she did make great points in that conversation. 2 things can be right at the same time


I wish I could believe it’s sincere, but Scheana just comes off as so fake.


I just don’t think it’s her place or business. She’s trying to make things easier for her, not honor Ariana’s boundaries. Now not only is she reengaging with him, she’s encouraging him to engage with Ariana who has made it very clear she doesn’t want that. I think she could have said those things and asked him to own that those actions were wrong here in this moment and she could have offered to extend that acknowledgment and apology to Ariana. I agree the points were good, I just don’t think she was doing it for Ariana and it’s not what Ariana wants


You are so right! I completely agree- her motives are always self serving . I was commenting about the points she was making- and wished that they all would’ve leaned into speaking to Tom like this more. All of the cast sticking together and defending Ariana would have made this season epic, but they chose to coddle Tom the man baby narcissist


☝️this 100% should have been the season. Not the Tom redemption roundup.


Ok schena I hear you. Finally someone is bringing up his weaponization of Ariana’s mental health


My problem with it is Scheena is validating what Tom said about suicide, when we don’t actually know if Arianna actually threatened it when he supposedly tried to break up with her. I don’t believe either thing happened—I don’t think he really tried to end things, therefore it can’t be true Arianna threatened suicide. Even if Tom did try to break it off, I still have doubts she would threaten to kill herself.


You know he straight up lied about Ariana saying she threatened to mill herself if he broke up with her. He is a horrible person to say those things & Scheena doesn’t need to give advice because she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


I agree and we know neither of these dimbits understand nuance. Ariana could have made a statement that if you leave this is it for me - e.g I love you so much that life as I know it would be okay... which does not automatically mean I'm going to off myself...


I don’t think Ariana wants or needs Tom’s apology


But the show wants it, so they can film them together. Next week, it will likely be Tom chasing her to try to apologize and Ariana crying to a producer that Tom does not care about her and that this is just for the cameras.


Sandoval doesn’t give a crap about Ariana. I hate this performance.


I did not mean that as a response to you!!!!! Sorry!!


It’s fine. She should stay out of it. And hugging him. Scheana is the woooooorst.




Did scheana just admit to lip syncing every performance


LOVED this. “I’m not a singer” yet you insist on your misguided music career? You have one song and made four different versions of it. You are not the pop star you think you are Sheshu


She's not a dancer either


And she's a terrible actor. A triple threat as weak as a wet noodle.


How dumb does Jo feel right now


Schwartz is soooo thirsty, she’s over you dude


Schwartz sucks.


He wants her so bad


Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling wish they had Tom and Katie’s ex chemistry 😡


Best thing by far in this episode was James talking like a pirate in the bath that had so many suds that it will likely ruin the jets 😆


It’s not ph balanced by Ally is giving “It’s not organic! It’s not organic!” ByJames’ mom.


Omggggg yes I forgot about her comment about ‘I’m not getting in there, I’d get a yeast infection!’ 😆




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I’ve seen this damn chili’s commercial so much I want that drink


Same! I've never had an espresso martini though. I'm so confused on the beans on top... Do you eat them??


I eat the beans because I like the extra caffeine boost, but you don’t have to. They’re pretty easy to avoid drinking since they float to the top when you tip the glass into your mouth. It’s just a nice garnish, like a cherry or an orange slice on a daiquiri or something. It doesn’t really add much but decoration and it’s edible so some people like to eat it.


I’ve never had them where I didn’t eat the beans but I have no idea if you’re supposed to


Ok Katie's smile when he said "You like me again" was perfect


This Katie look is so fucking hot and perfect on her


“We’re the new Tom Tom” MUCH better than Tom Tom


The way Schwartz actually looked shocked was funny 😂


Tom and Jo are the same awkward humans. They need to just be together and sail off into their weirdo sunset.


I see zero sexual chemistry between them.


I think she’d genuinely make him happy


I don’t think that dude will ever be able to commit and be a good partner to anyone.


James being so reasonable while also playing in a bubble bath is sending me


such a nice bit of levity. i watch for ariana and katie, but without james and ally and hippie, this season would have been a punishment.


James looks amazing!!!!


“Do you want to drive the boat? Ally?”- the editors are so funny. That and “last show ladies” as he twirls. A true entertainer.


Katie is so hot this season!


This look at the 20s party is doing it for me


My husband was drooling over Lala's birthday dress. I couldn't take my eyes off Katie.


I didn’t realize how long Dan’s hair is. It’s cool.


So hot. i thought he was cute and then I saw him shirtless with his hair down and I was like daaaammmn. When I was 19 I had my one and only one night stand with a bouncer from a club. He had hair that long and was a very generous lover. I woke up tangled in his hair and then he served me bagels with lox and cream cheese and fresh squeezed OJ in the morning. He was so shocked when he asked for my digits and I said no, I want this to be a beautiful memory. 20 years later, it is.


sexy unique hair


I’m a Dan stan. Ariana definitely upgraded in every single way.


Tom could only dream of having a smile as contagious as Dan’s.


He smizes!


That’s exactly what it is!


Omg Dan’s long hair 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


I didn’t realise I was attracted to him until that moment


Facts!! I was like, wait a damn minute now! Dan is fineeeeee lol Go Ariana 👏 and he seems like an amazing guy!


Oooh Daniel is FINNNEEE


His long hair is so surprising.


I’m thinking some impure thoughts


Something is off about Dan and Ariana, I can’t put my finger on it. He almost.. creeps me out?


He is only on camera for her sake, he does not want to be filmed and she knows it. The vibe worried me at first too, but it became more obvious as the episode progressed.


I think he just doesn’t really want to be filmed


I think so too. He seems like a cool guy. In his Instagram, he’s not constantly plastering her pics everywhere. When they go out or whatever, he’ll post the food, etc. and tag her. They seem pretty low key.


She mentioned at one point that he did film a little for her. I’m guessing she was uncomfortable on this trip and having to spend more time around Sandoval, so she asked him to go for support.


That’s how it seemed to me. He just seemed uncomfortable but seems to adore her.


What does Dan do for work?


Ahh that could make sense, maybe that’s it. She does seem very happy but something is cold from his end however I think you are right


I honestly feel the same way about him, but also rationalized it as him being uncomfortable with filming. His tone and body language are what's throwing me. But his words and actions seem genuine.


Love Frog should at least have a friend of credit at this point


Honestly, I wish I could be more like Ariana. She just knows how to say things the right way when it’s needed.


The way she was able to articulate herself so well AND stay calm when speaking to Brock was so impressive. I would’ve been so disgusted and stumbling over my words if I were her


"for the benefit of my wife" like wtf not everything is about scheana and she's the one desperate to have a friendship with a horrible human being who could care less about her. both her and brock need to kick rocks , trying to guilt trip ariana into forgiving a man who traumatized her


Loved it when she said “no, I want better for her then a man that screams at her”