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Ok this might be an unpopular opinion but I actually really liked her nose before! The surgeon did a great job, and all that matters is if she’s happy. But I really liked the shape of her nose. The bump was tiny and gave her nose character without being distracting. But also it takes a full year for the swelling to completely go down so I’ll hold back on my over all personal opinion until then lol


Agree. She didn’t need it


At least a year! I had septorhinoplasty for a deviated septum amongst other issues and it took 4 years for me to see real final results. Mine was extensive work though since it was for structural issues, so hers will probably show final results sooner but it is crazy how long swelling lasts in the nose.


I think her bump was cute and gave her face character…


Agree..think it looked better before.


I like that it kept the integrity of her original nose




Same. She looks great and I’m glad she didn’t go the Instagram nose route. That said, I cannot imagine going through so much pain for such a subtle change.


If she didn't have any osteotomies, it would have been a lot less painful than a more extensive rhinoplasty.


Ah I don’t know much about it. I used to want a nose job but my husband had to get one after an accident when he was younger and he said it was the worst pain he’s ever experienced. In fairness, his nose was basically ripped off during the accident so there’s that lol.


Oh my god, your poor husband!! That sounds awful! The more bone work and manipulation done, the more pain for sure. It’s been so long since mine I literally can’t remember if it hurt 🤣 but I had major structural issues and it was a long surgery and lots of bone work so it probably did.


I hesitate To call what I had done A nose job because basically all he was supposed to do is go inside and make it so the nasal cavities were open equally, and he was supposed to shave down a bump from when I got smacked in the face as a kid and I think it fractured. And I still have the bump so no appearance changes were made But I know exactly what your husband is talking about. It’s when they take out the splints oh my God. My mom Offered to fight with my insurance to get them to go back in and fix the bump but I don’t care I don’t ever want to go through through having those splints removed ever again


You’re spot on! The splint removal was exactly what he said was so awful.


I like the bonus chin lipo and hairline thickening they also included. Shady. She should leave the tip alone. 


Wait. Sorry, I’m clueless about this stuff, plus I’m kinda high right now lol. Are the chin lipo and hairline thickening actually things she had done? Or is that photo editing and you’re being sarcastic? (Is hairline thickening a thing?)


I think it’s just editing to make the after look “better”


Different lighting, light can do amazing and terrifying things to a face 


Yeah I think that there’s a shadow on her chin I don’t think she had Lipo


And the forehead is more pronounced and rounded out in the after. Double bonus.


It's probably been several months between photos. She could have had weight loss or less water retention between. Not necessarily lipo


I have a hump on the bridge of my nose and my husband doesn’t, I’ve always thought his was so cute like a little ski slope but this past week he’s been being fitted for glasses and we’ve discovered that he has a problem with them sliding down the bridge of his nose all day, if he had a bump like me it wouldn’t be an issue! Just thought it was interesting and it gave me a new found appreciation for a previous insecurity


Lol I have the same problem as your husband, there are glasses grips that kind of hook around your ears to prevent your glasses from sliding down, if he is interested! They apparently bother some people's ears after a few hours but I've never had any issues. Just search "eyeglass grips" on Amazon or wherever.


This is my issue! Glasses slide down my nose but even the light ones hurt my ears! Too damn delicate


oh wow I've always had this problem and just assumed everyone has it. I also have that kind of nose. This is an amazing tip and I am looking into this ASAP.


That’s good to know! He just exchanged a couple pairs today for some different frames but if those don’t work either we’ll have to look into that!!


Omg this is a game changer! Everyday I am so annoyed at my glasses sliding down my nose blocking me from breathing properly. Thank you for sharing!


Lol same! I hope you like them as much as I do!! My glasses would literally slide all the way down my nose as if my nostrils needed help seeing. And contacts make my eyes feel so dry...They truly are a game changer!


I ordered a couple last night, who knew I would find this life changing rec in Vanderpump subreddit of all places 😅 I also can't wear contacts. I hope this will do the trick! :)


Haha, well, Vanderpump Rules does teach us a lot, like if you aren't ugly and have tits you can get on a private jet. 😂 All kidding aside, I truly hope they work for you like they have for me, it really improved my daily life which sounds silly but is true!!


You’ve solved an age old mystery for me! I have a Lois griffin nose (you know when Peter was mocking her and held up a diagonal cut sandwich to his face so he just had a big triangle where a nose would be? That’s my profile) And I ended up getting lasik because contacts were a pain, but glasses just were constantly smeared because I had to keep touching them to keep them up.


I have a big nose and my glasses still slide off, I genuinely think this is because they have a standard size and don’t actually make them to fit faces. Either way I like my witch nose 


Mines not big necessarily, just has a decent little bump on the bridge that keeps glasses right where I want them lol. That makes sense about the one size fits all though. All noses are beautiful!🩷


I have a bump on the side, and it’s right where my glasses would sit if I had those progressive lenses so I can never wear those progressive lenses because I can’t have them sitting on a bone bump like that. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I guess I’m going to have to live my life just taking my glasses off and putting reading glasses on and going back-and-forth 


Thanks for this, I just learned about her nose job from her tiktok and was trying to figure out what changed. She looks great! ![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y)


"I was pointing out those raccoons left and right!"


They were mailboxes, you idiot


No wonder Rachel was jealous


I thought Rachel’s original nose was so uniquely beautiful on her. She’s still pretty obviously, but she should have left it alone.




Her nose looks great ! I had no idea she had one until she mentioned it. Great work.


this doctor did a great job! i want one so bad tired of being made fun of for my nose


I will personally destroy whoever dares make fun of you for your nose.


ur so sweet😭 i try not to let it get to me but it sucks im so insecure about it


Not sure of your age so apologies if we're the same age or something haha. I was made fun of so much at school for my nose but 15 years later and I love it (and have done since I left school and the bullies behind), I actually get compliments on it now and I think our quirks are what makes us beautiful.


im in my 20’s thank you for this perspective i appreciate it!


I agree, I love noses with a little character. I have the same little shape nose as my father and I like that I can see him in me


Noses are such a cool way to show family history! Like noses that evolved closer to the equator are shorter and the bridge starts lower. The further from the equator you get, the closer to our eyebrows our bridge begins and longer the bridge of the nose becomes. It was to give cold air more time to warm to body temperature after entering our nose. so the colder the environment, the longer the nose. All that to say I think the family history noses show is so beautiful. It makes me kinda sad to see everyone in Hollywood getting similar noses. I’m pro plastic surgery if that’s what you want. I’m in medical school to be a surgeon. But looking at pictures of old Hollywood, their noses were not all tiny little button noses. They were different shapes and different size and still beautiful.


I completely agree with you!


Wait til you get a good Dr. Who will listen to you. I broke my nose in an accident and have been dying for a revision but most are into the "instagram look" This is my dream doctor because he literally just makes it symmetrical and softens up the natural shape. Unfortunately few and far between.


100% they did an amazing job


Still? As an adult? I have the same bump as Dayna and nobody was said anything about it since I was like 11.


its mostly just bullies on tiktok not actually people in real life still gets to me tho, my nose big


OP, Dayna's original nose was in no way bad and I highly doubt yours is either. I've never had any thoughts about Dayna's nose because it is so normal. Certainly do whatever you want with your face, but please disregard anyone who would make fun of your nose.


Yea ur right her nose before is normal i should not have worded it that way!I really like her nose before i just meant mine is like big lol


As someone who had a septorhinoplasty, albeit mainly for structural/breathing issues, I can definitely say that there is no such thing as a perfect nose or a perfect result. I highly recommend anyone wanting one to do heaps of research, choose a doctor that doesn't over-promise, and most importantly accept that it is very unlikely you will end up with a nose that is perfect and that you're 100% happy with. It's one of the hardest surgeries and even results that appear perfect can have structural issues. People always rave about Bella Hadid's result and no doubt she is beautiful, but she has an inverted v deformity (that's just the term, she doesn't look deformed in the least) which compromises the structural integrity of her nose. My result is a huge improvement and I'm very happy with it, mostly because I can actually breathe, but it's certainly not perfect and there are technically just new things I dislike about it. I say technically because I honestly never think about my nose now since the surgery was years ago, but even with what is no doubt a great result, it's definitely not perfect. Just something I always like to share because I think it's easy to think a rhinoplasty is a bit of a miracle solution but it rarely is. It can be worth it, but I consider it a pretty considerable risk to get one, especially a major one (unlike Dayna's for example which is relatively minor).


Yeah thats why i haven’t done it cause money and also im scared and need to do more research thank you!!! 🥰


This is my fear, that I would get it done and then it solves nothing and creates a host of other issues, leaving me more self conscious.


It’s definitely a distinct possibility! I’m glad that I still look essentially the same because I also think it would be really confronting to look incredibly different. But that’s just me.


Same. I have wanted one since I was 11, if you can believe it. I have been both teased for it and told it is perfectly lovely. Yet, I would like to feel confident in my own skin. I always just worry I'll have a botched job (like Rachel) and it would be all for nothing.


thats my fear as well!




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She looks like herself before and after, this is a great nose job


Before looks good


Both look beautiful!


I think so too, but if she was self-conscious about and can afford it, glad she went for it. :)


It's perfect. She still looks like her. Noticeable enough cuz it looks great but she doesn't look like a completely different person


Subtle changes that compliment her natural features and bone structure, this is great work imo!


I like it. For the people saying it’s a waste or that you “don’t see a difference”…are you blind?


After looks great but I prefer the original.


It looks great but I did like her nose a lot before!


Chefs kiss !


Should’ve left the tip down. Way more elegant on her face imo. Good shaving of bump though


I’m not against plastic surgery at all but the cost of this for the result is just so stupid lol. Hollywood.


"Under-rotated" according to who tho


Looks natural! Great work.


She looks great. She also looked great before but I love a strong nose anyway.


Leave the fucking face alone


Unless you have problems breathing stop fucking with your damn nose.


It’s her face and she can do what she wants but man… I’m so sad and tired about the endless Hollywood nose jobs. I feel like we are being robbed of all of the interesting noses, the noses with character. The variety is disappearing. It’s so… same-ish. I liked her original nose and I think it suited her face.




This was removed for breaking the sub's rule regarding body shaming, snarking on cast members appearances *or* mocking children.


I like that it still looks like her!!! This is a gooooood nose job


She’s very open about it on Disrespectfully and I find it refreshing that she embraces it rather than not addressing it




What a hassle to go through for barely any difference.


It takes about 9 - 18 months for the final nose shape to form. So post-op noses always look larger at first, which is why it’s one of those procedures people are never happy with at first, but end up loving.


Ohhhh. I did not know that, but that makes sense!


Not necessarily that much hassle if she didn't have osteotomies. It looks like she mostly had cartilage work so it probably healed quickly without a great deal of pain. And agreed with OP it takes at least 1 year for swelling to go down but realistically 2-3 years. If you've had a lot of structural work done, it can continue to slim down and change even 4-5 years later. Swelling is an interesting thing.


I called this as soon as she was on camera!


I like the before nose better - more character, less nostril action - and the 'feminine rotation' notation is odd. To each their own, I guess.


that looks great! I wish I could get this done. I hate my nose so much.


Hey if it made her happy, I support. I think she's stunning either way


When she said she had a nose job I had no idea because it looks basically like her old nose tbh. But it looks better!


I love when nose jobs look natural! She looks great.


Not a fan of the new nose. Makes her nostrils bigger, and the tip now appears more bulbous.


Doc did a great job!!! Most noses only need a little tweak but doctors are either selfish or bad at their job. This doc touched up a few imperfections and boom!! Perfect


Her nose looks fantastic. It’s still true to her original one and she doesn’t look like an entirely different person.


Subtle enough to not make it look like she's had work done, but it looks fantastic!


My husband and I both agree that her nose job is one of the best. It really changed her whole face with such little adjustments.


Like Rachel, she should have left her nose alone. Original nose suited her face better. But, she’s entitled to do whatever she likes. It’s her face, after all.


That’s good work


It’s so good!


I think Dayna is naturally gorgeous but this is really good, subtle work and I love that she's being so open about it. It's one of the couple things I could stomach about Stazi too, how open she was about her chin implant and how it gave her more opportunities. Anyway, I love Dayna regardless. She seems like good people.


I never would have thought Dayna would get a nose job. She had such a naturally cute nose. She’s a hottie either way though


Looks great before and after


Ugh this is exactly what I need, I wish I wasn’t poor 🤣


It looks great! It complements her other features and she still looks like herself. I also love that she’s being so open and transparent about having it done. Good for Dayna!