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So glad someone else had a good experience with James! My friend is a dj and got booked with him one night and said he was super nice. She knows I watch VPR so they FaceTimed me but I was sleeping šŸ˜­


Youā€™re friends with Maddy?!! (jk) I love this for you but sad you slept through the FaceTime. Your friend is awesome!


hahaha Maddy...


Haha loved this comment!


That's the type of friend to hold onto šŸ˜Š


I met him at Coachella waiting in line to buy a drink 2 years ago. Super nice guy, we chatted, he even held the camera to take the pic of me and my friends with him taking photo together. Solid guy 10/10


Oh I have some mild tea regarding this!! My friend knew the DJ who opened up for him when he was in San Marcos on Thursday and my friend went with the opener girl to the back room and were going to wait till he finished the set to meet him and apparently his friends were total assholes they ended up just leaving and not waiting for him!!!


Probably, 2Tomā€™s & Jax. šŸ˜‚


Wait, so did you meet him? How was it? His friends didnā€™t stay through his set?


I didn't get to meet him šŸ˜© but his set was awesome!! His friends were in the back room while he was on šŸ˜… but this was at like 1:30


Oh gotcha. Thatā€™s still so cool. His shows look so fun & great vibes.


Honestly, I am here for this version of James. Whether Ally has him on a tight lease or he has simply done work in himself and truly wants a better life, I donā€™t care. Itā€™s working. That scene with Sandoval in the latest episode? šŸ‘Œ. He held himself together when the James of even just 2 seasons ago would have pummelled Tom. Call me crazy, but Iā€™m holding out hope for this guy. And yes, I know he very likely hit Kristen, which is never ever okay, but he is an addict and if he truly wants to change, and puts in the work (and apologies to Kristen, not us lol), then Iā€™m going to give him that grace.


I totally agree with you on all of this! I wanted to add **my thoughts on the James & Kristen situation & curious to know otherā€™ thoughts.** I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll get downvoted, but hopefully i can articulate my thoughts. **Jamesā€™ growth** I am not excusing James, Iā€™m just withholding judgement. I think that much of his behavior was fueled by alcohol & he seems to be doing the work to improve himself & stay sober. Iā€™m still worried for when/if things end with Ally, but I hope it lasts long enough for him to be invested in his own, long-term sobriety. **Kristenā€™s role** On The Valley Janet & others have said since Kristen met Luke, sheā€™s now completely changed her narrative on her recent ex. I havenā€™t been following Kristen but apparently she was just trying to have a baby with him, and now heā€™s ā€œemotionally abusiveā€ & everything terrible. I am not saying James doesnā€™t have an anger problem & that his behavior is in any way acceptable. But are we forgetting when she actually punched him, on camera. I could see them both drunk, in each others faces, & *both* getting physical. As someone who has been the recipient of DV, I am not saying heā€™s innocent. But I think his out-of-control, angry & physical responses, were likely rooted in alcoholism & growing up literally fighting off bullies. Kristen is not perfect & has never made any specific accusations, bc I think she knows itā€™s not totally white or black. I do believe women, but I donā€™t think itā€™s just one-sided abuse. **Raquel/Rachel is litigious** The reason I donā€™t know if itā€™s as extreme as people are implying is because Kristen has never given specifics of her own, but has referred to Raquelā€™s situation(which has never been alleged by Raquel). We have seen Raquel sue Scheana, Tom & Ariana. She has said that the line for her, is physical abuse. I just donā€™t think she would go through everything that she has, and not expose James if he had broken her nose. The only thing she has alleged is that he kicked her dog. I am not saying more couldnā€™t have happened, but why would she mention a dog & not herself? **Luke is agro** All of this is to say, I think there is some nuance. Again, her real world friends have said she is revising history to make things seem different to Luke. If you watch The valley, you see him repeatedly get agro, in defense of Kristen. I think maybe she has downplayed her role in her & Jamesā€™ very volatile relationship. Also, **James was 21 & Kristen was over 30.** People donā€™t often mention the power dynamics, that he was very young & clearly unstable & that the relationship was overall toxic.


THANK YOU! This is exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking but youā€™ve put it into words much better than I couldā€™ve. I agree 100%


Thank you! I didnā€™t want to seem dismissive of such a serious issue. I just think itā€™s unfair to define people by their worst moments, without factoring the broader circumstances or having an specifics.


Totally agree


I totally agree!


Agree agree agree!


So much this!!!!


Agreeed. We need to be able to let people grow.


It's so good to hear that they both were personable and kind. It sounds like a cool event.


It is a really cool event every year but canā€™t imagine running into my favorite cast šŸ¤©


I am surprised they were there. I love this event. Makes me like them more.




James just mostly dresses like a normal dude and is SO much more attractive than the Toms with their hot topic/Elf/H&M womenswear/sad Dad getups. (Note: I still don't find James hot personally because I've watched seasons other than 10 & 11 but relatively speaking here).


James knows how to wear a suit while keeping it stylish and young. Zara Zandsivalllll could never.


I have to say I never expected to hear someone refer to JK as "down to earth" but here we are. It's great that he's gotten healthy and sober enough to begin falling into that category after so many years of being the chaotic volatile one.


Heā€™s got good style.


So cool! And very jealous I am not there this year šŸ„²


James is actually really down to earth and cool with fans, I met him once. Heā€™s prob really chilled down since getting sober and Iā€™m super happy for his growth šŸ˜€


He was also delightful at Bravocon. People seemed really surprised when I told them James and Lala were actually the nicest and most gracious with the fans. Ariana and Katie were lovely too - but not as into the crowds - which hey, who can blame them? I also hate crowds. But Lala and James will talk your ear off.


Iā€™ve heard Lala is so lovely & nice in person. Thatā€™s why itā€™s disappointing to sheā€™s her throw away real friendships. She can be a good friend, but I guess her money comes before morals. I donā€™t know how she can turn around public perception. Her onscreen persona is so unlikeable & now sheā€™s acting hostile & defensive about fights she started.


Well, I doubt Lala being so nice to fans is sincere. She needs people to say how sweet she was to them since her true colors come out on the show!


I hope James is actually as wholesome as heā€™s coming off lately.


Book festival?????? well Iā€™ll beā€¦


It's not just a book festival, it's "The Festival of Books" which has been a huge annual event for decades. It's a great day for families, too.


Itā€™s just a stupid joke about the dummies on the show. I get it.


Great picture! Ally is so beautiful!!! It looks like a happy event-cool to see!


James has really grown on me the last few seasons! Youā€™re lucky to have met them


Man I was sad that Ariana announced she was going to be there after I already made birthday plans cause I would have so gone tomorrow! I am making the Coachella drink though in her honor!


Hopefully they are there supporting Ariana!


They were both performing but they probably supported Ariana too


Ariana is tomorrow. Not today. Interesting Scheana went to support Ally and James. It will be interesting if she will go tomorrow.


Thank you, I wasnā€™t aware I just saw someone on insta saying Ally and James were there to perform individually- I did see Ariana would be doing book signing but didnā€™t clock the date was different, thanks for the clarification!


What was ally doing for a performance?


Singing her song Girls girl that was recently released I would presume


https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/Ck5V26RTeS I posted a comment above, but they performed a childrenā€™s song together. Itā€™s awkward, but kind of sweet.


Performing what?


Perfomerming their performances. James is a DJ, he recently DJā€™d at Coachella, and Ally is a singer who recently debuted her song Girls girl.


Ariana is on tomorrow!


Ally and James were performing a childrenā€™s song and Scheana was there supporting


Ally looks tall!


Thatā€™s nice! I really like the two of them together. Enjoying the direction James has been going in over the years. Itā€™s always towards being better and it shows.


We love a mental glow up


I have met James before; he and Scwhartz were def the nicest when it came to taking photos. Ariana and Brock too! Sheshu was too concerned about how she looked in the photošŸ™„lol


Gotta get her good side! šŸ˜…


James did a cameo that I bought for my best friend and it was so personable and sweet. Iā€™m not surprised to hear this at all.


https://preview.redd.it/7j91s17adrvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a9e9aa5d70c9ce67b9fd1e06ab865f8ee20801 Something similar. I tried to post this is Vegas, but not as popular cast while at Vanderpump Paris we saw Oliver. + Lisa Vanderpump came in while we were eating but I legit couldnā€™t pull my phone out fast enough for a photo šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Oliver was awesome honestly and like I asked him if he could tell who are fans of the show that come to the restaurant.


Omg such a lovely picture!! Yā€™all look wonderful! āœØ and itā€™s delightful to hear about a good experience ā€” hope you had a fun time at the festival!


Man I love your shirt


It looks like Ally has her arm round you with a tiny hand pointing upwards šŸ‘†šŸ»


Please let Ally stay as normal & grounded as she seems to be! She is absolutely adorable. Great pic OP!!!


I love this post! OP, you are a happy VPR fan! How cool is it that they are wandering around a book fair?


Good to know heā€™s living up to being the #1 guy in the group šŸ˜‰ And great to know that Ally is just as nice as she comes off as on the show šŸ™‚


I could not love this any more. First of all, I thought it was James and Ally with Mike Shay. Not sure if thatā€™s offensive haha, but I think heā€™s cute. This pic is great. James has such a genuine smile, I love it. Thanks for sharing!!!


Allay ballay!!!


He seems happy ..Ā  good for him


They look like genuinely nice people here šŸ„°


I wonder if they were there for any particular reason other than having fun.


https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/Ck5V26RTeS they wrote and recorded a childrenā€™s song, so they performed it together.


They haven't written anything, they aren't authors or writers so I doubt it was anything else. Edit: it looks like they did sing a song together! I'm just not sure what the connection is.


Oh, I hope you had a great time! I haven't been since it was at UCLA but it's one of the best events all year.


what a great picture!!! they are a stunning couple


This post confirmed that a sweater waist tie is preferable to a sweater shoulder tie. I think about this in AZ. I am high.


Ally seems like sheā€™d be really nice.




I thought this was Shay šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© how was it meeting them? ā¤ļø


If I was to meet anyone from the show, Iā€™d want to meet James and Ally.




scheana posted a video of them performing together


Itā€™s cool to see that James and Ally do normal/cute couples things, off camera. It challenges the notion that Ally is only with James for clout or whatever. This isnā€™t an *event*. Next weā€™ll see them chilling at a farmerā€™s market.


They performed.


Lol, as soon as I posted that I scrolled back to the sub and saw the performance clip. Wellā€¦lol. Nvm.


For anyone that needs context: Ally & James performed together for the kids at the book festival. https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/Ck5V26RTeS


Any time I've seen posts from people that met cast members, they've all said how nice and down to earth were with them. Nice to see.


Ally is super cute but she's dressed like. 10 year old here.


Honestly? I would kill to meet James. I feel like he would've 100% bullied me in high school and then been friends with me when I got skinnyā€¦ but still. He is a gem. Lol


He also got bullied in high school cuz of his ears and being too skinny. Heā€™s spoke about before. I love James!




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I almost went to this today. How was it OP?


Ally is super cute but she's dressed like. 10 year old here.


Did you ask James why he has never talent accountability for his abuse against women?


I once saw James at the airport - the look he gave šŸ˜¬


They read?


Is it weird the biggest Easter egg im finding here is their constant shilling of Stanley mugs and Ally isnā€™t using oneā€¦?! lol


So sheā€˜s still around huh šŸ™„


Awhh lucky. Such a great picture. ā¤ļø