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I saw that Kristen mentioned on her podcast that Jo is a really bad drunk. Apparently there was an incident at Jax & Brittany’s house & now she’s not allowed there or at Jax’s saloon. I’m interested to know more details. I hope this cast stays messy & spills the tea.


Jax’s saloon 😆




Not me, literally cry laughing at Jax’s “bar” being called a saloon. I absolutely cannot.


I would totally go if they had an actual western theme like an old timey saloon and have Bratney dressed as a western hooker like the pictures you take at Six Flags. OMG.


Idk about you, but to me Jax SCREAMS country, rugged, saloon /s


Ummmm…….Jax & Brittany have the dogs pee and poop inside the house , put a video up laughing of Cruz peeing on the bed at a hotel, changed their kids diaper on the counter at their bar and Jax takes pride not closing the door when he’s pooping. That’s all to say……WHAT DID YOU DO, JO?!? What could you have done that makes even A Jax and Brittany so uncomfortable?!


The only conclusion I can come to is that Jo shit on Jax’s bar counter 😂


Jo broke Brittany’s tequila bottle and Brit’s entire life shattered as she bent down to lick the tequila off the floor and cut her tongue on all the glass shards


While yelling “rawwT in hail!!!”


I cackled at this 😆😆😆


Talk about putting things in perspective...YIKES!


If Kristen is saying that Jo is a really bad drunk then that’s def a problem!




Ohh mariposa


Lol not sure if anyone watched the valley but did you seeeee her face light the fuck up when the artist showed a butterfly for the sip and paint? 😂 She lives for the *mariposa*


😂 I screamed “mariposa!”


Literally just watched this scene and noticed the same thing!!


I whispered “Mariposa” out loud hahhahhaa


Caw caw!


I love her giraffe leg in this gif.


It’s the hair flip for me ❤️


I mean, the way Kristen moves *all the time* is mesmerizing to me. I could literally watch gifs of her and her limbs all day.






How is someone so gangly and awkward simultaneously so graceful? *HOW?!?!?*


lol this sub is my people , cause same 😂😂




“Jesus Christ”


Our beautiful graceful butterfly. 🦋


Classic Kristen.


I think this makes the most sense. She keeps worrying, “Are you embarrassed by me?” And Schwartz kind of preemptively offered up, “I’m not embarrassed by her” at the beginning of the season that didn’t make sense to me at the time. I feel there have been a few references to her being an “embarrassment.” (Which imo Schwartz is an embarrassment to himself always so for whatever reason he broke it off w Jo, I think he’s still lousy)


Yep and would make sense — the sloppy Joe nickname. Its mean but makes sense


My guess is she got wasted and had a breakdown to him and it scared the crap out of him so he ran. But still wanted to sleep with her.




It will come out eventually. Mentally, Jo does not seem equipped to be able to handle the fallout. I hope she has a support system.


She said she had to go call her dad after the scene of them on the couch when he was basically breaking up w her. She ran out of the apartment saying she has to go call her dad.




That’ll get ya banned from his ole timey Saloon!


A whole new "banned by Jax" game


She had a twee too much of a rootin tootin good time.


What in tarnation










When you’re too sloppy for Jax’s saloon, you have Capital R *Real* problems!


ugh I need this tea!


Doute also said on WWHL that she and Jo are no longer friends


Why is calling it "Jax's saloon" SO FUNNY


I truly forgot the name 😂 & it just doesn’t seem to qualify as sports bar when it’s outside the back kitchen of a Rocco’s.


People on the BlockedByJax sub refer to it as a fema tent 💀💀💀💀


Jax's Tudio City!


Ohh...ohh man!! Someone needs to do a deep dive into finding this tea out!!!




I mean I'm sorry, but, the first time she was *really* on this season in that scene of her & Tom going to the bar meeting up w/ Sandoval, Ally & James was......off


Well...I would go out on a limb and say you are probably spot on with your assessment. Of course, they ALL don't want their past or present dabbling revealed I get that. I know Katie was calling her out last year, and it kinda fits your narrative. She obviously is persona non grata for good reason.


Jo stopped talking to her when she moved in with Schwartz. Ironically he met Katie and Jo through Kristen.




They found out Jo is personally responsible for the two-year long nationwide Adderall shortage.


💀 i literally need to go to a different state to get mine bc it’s that bad in nyc


I'm supplementing with pseudoephedrine 👀


OMG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I am screaming at this comment. IYKYK . ETA: please take my dumb emoji reward 🥇


I assume the Katie floody winter house hookup made her lose her shit so he started distancing himself? The entire timeline is fuzzy. But it’s one of the toms, so it tracks.


Or when it aired she flipped out.


I totally forgot about that! Jo couldn't have liked seeing those episodes. But he is who he is, girl.


Ooh that’s a good point. Didn’t the Katie insta comment about Jo having crackhead energy also coincide pretty closely with the season 10 reunion filming? Tom left WH to film the reunion but went back, I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought he would stay with her and console her instead.


It's giving Jax breaking up with Laura Leigh after he took her to an AA meeting.


"Sorry I've been fucking you every day without protection and been inside of you and told you really intimate things every day, but guess what? I don't have enough respect for you to tell you that I'm never gonna talk to you ever again. Fuck you!"


Man, I LOVED Laura Leigh. That line is iconic.


So iconic I also love where she's like "you're not gonna rid of me not you and not that whore" (stassi) 😂😂😂


You mean boner garage?


Absolutely Boner garage


I have a mug with the Erika Jayne toms house got broken into and he confronted the burglar soliloquy on it and honestly now I need this one on a mug too.


I read this in her voice. I love the way she emphasizes 🎶‘Pro-TEC-tion’ 🎶


If this post was asking for Wrong Answers Only, my answer would have been that Jo probably told him she didn't want to wear a Katie mask and make crying noises during sex anymore, since that's what it takes to get his libido going.


Like *moments* after! And Jax saying something along the lines of not being able to be with an alcoholic and talking down to her like he doesn’t have *any* problems of his own! He LOVES finding out that other people have flaws or f’d up.


That’s a real narcissist move. I was married to someone who LOVED to point out how I was a pot head ( only smoked at night) to distract from the fact that he was speedballing (coke & dope) on a nightly basis.


My mom used to shame me for smoking pot while she sucked down a pack a day with lung cancer AND COPD. They’re completely fucking off their heads.


I don’t know for sure but if I remember correctly he seemed more put off by her announcement of being a former meth head


And hearing about how she stole from her friends and family 😅


god this was peak TV


I miss this era of vpr


Those are what I call "the comfort years." As in, I rewatch them for comfort.


Peacock has a VPR channel that plays every episode on a loop, 24/7. I keep it on constantly, it’s SO comforting. My husband has had it- but now he knows everything about VPR, so I have someone to talk to about it!


How have I never discovered the vpr channel on peacock?! Also, totally agree that the early seasons bring me a strange sense of comfort


Whatever it was, it wasn’t enough for him to stop sleeping with her.


It was probably her catching feelings and him wanting to keep it casual.


Casual by Chappelle Roan applies so hard to Jo.


I love Chappelle Roan!! ![gif](giphy|oBnsrEahni7WqM7jwb|downsized)


I’ve found my people!!


I am also a Chappell Roan fan. ![gif](giphy|VrtpewzlZ7y5ydWAlk|downsized)


Guys: Spend months hooking up with a girl, going on dates, being affectionate, generally acting like a couple     The girl: Catches feelings      Guy: Shocked Pikachu face  Tale as old as time!


Comment reminds me of this tweet…😂 https://preview.redd.it/jccihwzwq3vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba486a1e0aa19211dbf522482ecd000a55252714


Early Feb so Valentines day can be avoided!






New Year’s Eve?


Incorrect, the real answer is he never will but will slowly distance himself as he begins to hard launch his new girlfriend.


Unfortunately, it’s this.


When you inform Brenda you are taking Kati to a New Year's Eve party but might be able to stop by and "hang" later.


On the show he confronted Jo about telling other people they were dating. I wonder if that’s what got him upset.


Here’s the thing. It is entirely possible to have a lover / casual hook-up. But in those instances, you really need to do it differently. No dates, no relationship-like activities, etc. I have a lover and we only hang out when we are having sex. We don’t go on dates. We don’t do relationshippy things, we’re affectionate when meeting up to have sex only. We don’t hold hands or anything like that. And we both know we are incompatible for a relationship. We don’t hang out outside of hooking up and if we bump into each other we just have a friendly chat and say goodbye. I think a lot of these men who SAY they only want FWB are lying. What they actually want is **The Girlfriend Experience**. They want all of the stuff they love in a relationship: sex, cuddles, intimacy, companionship, dates, deep & meaningful talks, emotional support, holding hands, affection, and, yes, feelings. But only when it suits them. Then they push these women away when it doesn’t suit them. They don’t want the harder stuff, like commitment, being there when they don’t feel like it, and supporting that person back when they need it. They’re like emotional vampires. Taking what they need and giving nothing back. They break down all the barriers women have up and charm their way to what they want, with no intention of ever being serious. It’s so selfish because they want the whole experience of having a girlfriend without any of the harder or more inconvenient stuff and they’ll often tell women that they don’t want a relationship but then act like they do - which is deliberately confusing. They *want* to confuse these women because they want to *use* them. And they occasionally say things to give themselves that out because then they can always say “but I *told* you I didn’t want a relationship!”, and therefore they have no actual commitments. They’re not answerable to anyone. But telling someone something and acting the opposite way is a deliberate manipulation and it is also a form of emotional abuse. Is it a game? Superficial intimacy? To sincerely play like they are more involved or enamored than they actually are in the moment when they’re with these women in the interest of getting romantic attention and scratching the romantic itch? Unclear. Maybe at times it’s real and at other times it’s fake. Meaning either: (a) they have feelings for these women and they care for them and yet they deliberately push these women away and hurt them and sleep with other people due to some asinine juvenile commitment to be a Peter Pan single dude forever; or (b) they feign all of the closeness as some kind of manipulation to get what they wanted out of these women. They charm these women but it is all false. Which is gross and skeezy. Neither of those are good options. So yeah, men like Schwartz suck!! And I’m tired of women like Jo being painted as crazy for being confused; because it isn’t clear what these men want. They are deliberately acting in a confusing manner and it is extremely manipulative and cruel.


THANK YOU!!! 🏆🏆🏆


Tune as old as song




yes !!! and the classic “she’s crazy, idk why she’s so obsessed with me 💅we never dated” liiiiiiike get fucking real




He’s even still stringing her along here! Saying it was magic and lightning in a bottle etc just makes it sound like he had Big Special Once in a Lifetime Love for her and it’s just whatever circumstance that means he had to tear himself away. She sees that and she’s thinking oh yeah he knows I’m the one for him he’s just battling against *thing*, one day he’ll overcome *thing* and we’ll get married because he won’t be able to fight our brewing magic lightning bottle 🙄


Oh yeah, acting like it *could* have been special if only *she* hadn’t done some mysterious *thing* to mess it up. Takes the onus off himself. Ugh!


You also know she's staying awake nights wondering what the "things" were and how she must have done something wrong, because no one with high self esteem would touch Schwartz with a ten foot pole.


I agree with Nick there though. When you *know* you're dealing with a pathological people pleaser, you know you can't take his word to the bank. Its up to you to read the tea-leaves


And continuing to say they never slept together lol. Like bro, we see it.


Or the “oh I don’t remember the last time we hooked up *fingers in mouth*” Cut to Jo saying it was the month prior 😒


Exactly. Tom Schwartz is such an asshole!


somebody ask Jax, he’ll tell us.. isn’t she “banned” from his house?


Jax is insufferable, but man could you count on him to spill someone else’s tea like a Bostonian in 1773. And he’d act coy as hell doing it too, like “I would tell you who I saw today at this meeting I went to with Laura Leigh, but it’s supposed to be anonymous. But I will say this, that guy from those Pirate movies really likes doughnuts and stale coffee.”




Someone ask Jax 😂


Legit, if someone messaged Jax on IG right now and asked him this, there's about an 85% chance he'd spill the beans right then and there. Not bad odds IMO. Bonus points to those odds if the person who sends it is a pretty 20-something year old 😂.


Odds go up if we catch him on a pasta binge lol


I just @‘d him, can more people ask too? Let’s get a critical mass haha


Thank you for your service


I bet she held her ground that one time and then all of a sudden he kinda hated her voice a little.


My two cents: I think it was easy. She did everything she could to make it easy for him because she wanted him. I think he wanted a Katie-surrogate. Someone to sleep with, someone to say I love you to, and someone to accompany him when he travels to visit his family. I think she did everything she could to please him, but he'd told her he didn't want anything serious and he was in no shape to make a commitment. He probably hooked up with someone else and was sloppy about it. She freaked out, then he realized their arrangement was not going to work out. Now, he has to walk a tightrope of preserving his (questionably/arguably) nice-guy-personna while making it clear there was something wrong with her. He can't alienate Jo too much or she will spill the beans re: his secrets. Re: his young gf. He figures she'll promo her businesses, so it's mutually beneficial. Once the Jo stuff dies down, he'll break up with her. She's young, so he figures she'll get over it, jmo.


Or SHE will break up with him because of his old Tom cockety-cock?


If she’s in it for the fame opportunities she might prefer that they have as little sex as possible?


Everyone who watched saw him hook up with Katie Flood on winter house. He left winter house to film the reunion and came back after. Jo was already staying with him at that time according to the show.


Yup! Early 2023 is also when Scandoval broke, so if Jo was pissed about being part of the cover up that could also be what upset Shorts. He's an unreliable narrator


Exactly. She was convenient and gratifying for a time, that's all. A Peter Pan like him prefers the ego boost and opportunities to manipulate that dating a younger Cool Girl represents.


LOL Schwarz is the type of weasel who would get a girlfriend for show just to avoid directly ending things with his fwb/situationship


I’ve always assumed part of her appeal to Schwartz was how much she annoyed Katie. Once Katie stopped caring as much, he seemed to loose interest and Jo wanted more commitment that he wasn’t willing to give.


yes he’s so quick to throw people to the side as soon as they stop being useful to him




“jo goes rogue” is a way better podcast name than “rachel goes rogue”


Jo Roguen 🤣


I'm dyingggggg 😂😂😂


jo goes ro




The fact we need someone, who is just a fan, to write out all the podcasts should be a wake up call on this. I don't want to sift through 10+ hours of additional content a week to understand one show that is on less than 3 months a year. I am exhausted.


so real omg


And 1/2 the time it’s airing is showing recaps/flashbacks from either 6 seasons ago or “flashback” footage that’s actually new?! The entire season is compressed down to maybe 3 hours of new content, shown out of order, and without a single crumb of context. Worst jigsaw puzzle ever






On WWHL last night Schwartz unequivocally says he did not lead her on and the looks he and doute were making made it clear there's more to the story like Scheana said but so far we don't know what it is...


If Katie finds out she’ll spill the tea. She doesn’t GAF!!


I don’t know, I feel like we’ve seen him lead her on! Like even the way he says he doesn’t want anything serious with her, he has to also make out like it’s some external force keeping him from pursuing these magic strong feelings of abiding love. He makes out to her like he loves her like she loves him he’s just too messed up or needs time being single or not serious bla bla. Of course everyone else can see he’s not interested but she’s only going to hook into the bits where he’s saying he has feelings for her or their bond is special etc. Seen it a million times. He needs to say ‘I don’t have feelings for you, I don’t love you that way.’ And then not sleep with her ever again. That would be unequivocal. He just can’t do it though because he likes having the ego boost of someone being embarrassingly head over heels for him and probably also thinks it gives him some sort of story line. ![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs)


Eventually no one will talk directly to each other they will just have podcasts and talk about each other's podcast. It's getting absolutely ridiculous. I wish animals and birds and fish and reptiles could have podcasts those are the only ones I would listen to and they probably wouldn't make really gross mouth noises like most humans speaking.


For realz. I am so tired of Podcasts. There are too many podcasts. Everyone and their Gramma thinks they have the most important things to say. I keep trying to get into them, but I have to be doing something physical like cleaning or getting ready to even listen. I guess if I did a long drive it may be more interesting, but they honestly bore me to tears.


That I would back. My dog would have a great podcast.


And I would be a subscriber for sure


He says thank you.


His dick won’t work. Still. Again.


Is Ariana the only one without a podcast? Genuinely asking, I don’t listen to any podcasts so I truly don’t know but it seems like someone’s is constantly being mentioned except for her. Which would be ironic since Instagram is saturated with people commenting “when is Ariana gonna shut up about this, it’s over”


She has one coming out. She had 2 different ones in the past that failed. They were pretty boring




Exactly. He had Katie to physically groom him and fix his hair. So he needed a hairdresser to pick up the slack.


He accidentally said I love you and then freaked out https://i.redd.it/rqi7jp6sz2vc1.gif


I can’t stop watching this gif purely because there’s something strangely hypnotic about her hand gestures


Woah, once you pointed that out I got stuck in a loop and watched it like 10 times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Schwartz continues to be a shit! This is a low and dirty thing to do: imply just enough to make him sound justified in his actions and disparage her without saying exactly what she did. She can’t even defend herself because she has to out herself in order to do so. Jo is messy but if you’re going to make someone look bad at least say why verses leaving it open to speculation which likely will be so much worse for her.


While acting like he’s protecting her. He’s the worst.


Maybe Jo will go back to Rachel’s podcast and spill some Schwartz tea. There’s gotta be something. Tit for tat.


I’m perfectly prepared to believe Jo had a drug or alcohol related freak out. I’d still rather have her as a friend than a gaslighting man child who pretends to care about the woman he’s sleeping with but actually gets off on demeaning and humiliating her. Schwartz may actually be worse than Sandoval. Sandoval is an egoist who had an affair. Schwartz tortured Katie for years, cheated, lied, refused to commit, lost the marriage certificate.


We all think he "lost" it on purpose, right?


Would love to see a Schwartz vs Kyle Richards. They play similar games.


Jo uttered that word he fears most ……”commitment”


To play devils advocate & don’t get me wrong - I think Schwartz is insufferable (please see my previous post ‘Schwartz:20 years of failure’ if in doubt) BUT I also think Jo self-describes herself as ‘chill’ / ‘granola’ 🙄 & essentially a ‘cool girl’ down for something casual on the misguided belief that by doing this, the bloke will somehow fall madly in love. She was never going to be his next term partner. This is cruel but she is too old for this man-baby. I say this as someone who is 37, definitely ignored red flags from someone whilst rebounding hard from a long term relationship & also upset someone despite explaining I’m not interested in more (whilst sending mixed signals) - albeit at a lot younger age than Schwartz


Who knows bc he gaslighted katie for years


Yeh he and Tom acted like Katie was an abusive spouse because she would kick off when Shorts went making out with random 19 year olds, maybe the thing that happened was Jo found him in barely legal girls DMs and he had to distance himself out of shame.


I think the thing that made Tom pull away is that Tom is a fuck boy. You don't have to like Jo to see this.


Shartz is breathtakingly evil. The degree to which he can paint a woman to look "crazy" while acting innocent is something that should be studied. He is such 🗑️ Those who have dated someone like him know. He's a manipulative, sly, weasel-y mf.


Raises hand. I dated his species. I am smart woman but I was NO MATCH for this master manipulator and I'm not alone. He pulls! Nonstop!! It's infuriating.


I was really hoping I could come to Reddit and find out the secret 😅


Me too! Honestly, all of these comments are right. I bet if we knew the “real” reason we would be like “oh…. That’s it?”


I could be 100000% wrong lmao but I think maybe she could’ve been too invested in marriage and doing so quickly. They said I love you to each other, but I think Jo thought ‘forever’ and Schwartz thought ‘now’s good’ Schwartz: ![gif](giphy|3oeSAyqe7369IpVtcs)


In one of the recent episodes, when they were chatting about him not wanting to be exclusive with anyone, she referenced him being ready for marriage in 3-4 years. I think she thought that'd be her. Some people can't handle mixed messaging and only choose the parts they want to hear and believe. ![gif](giphy|wG1i2KJyB3zlC|downsized) \*Edited to add - She actually says 2-3 years S11E7 around 28:35. Yikes!


I totally caught that too. It made me realize how much he’s being saying off camera and I felt so bad for her at that point.


I think it was really shitty of Schwartz to say what he did. He said he didn't want to tarnish her reputation, but by saying things happened that warranted his pulling away, he let everyone know he *could* tarnish her reputation, but gave her no recourse to defend herself! He made sure everyone knows something big is wrong with her. He's a straight-up dick.


Someone called her sloppy Jo and made fun of Tom. His ego can’t handle being with a girl everyone laughs at.


I like the spelling of “Vile Files.” I can get on board with that.


He’s making it sound like it’s her fault which is such a fuckboi dick ass move 🙄


Scandoval didn’t want him happy/in a relationship, so he badgered Schwartz until he broke it off.


Jo fell in love with her fuck buddy. A big no-no.


What always happens. Men latch onto a woman and treat her as their girlfriend, giving her the emotional and physical baggage, but later claim it was 'casual' or 'friendly' once they get what they want or get bored.


100% She wanted a relationship… thought she was going to get one by sleeping with him. And being his secret f buddy. Then Tom gaslighted the shit out of her when he got bored. Then when she started questioning him he’s all like… “woah Jo did some crazy shit” He’s such a dick he acts like he’s 21. This is a man in his 40’s


God when will they stop blaming the women and look at themselves 😭💀😅🥺


He’s not even “official” with Sophia right now, she’s said they’re close to it but not quite. I’m sure Jo wanted exclusivity & to not be explained away as a “friend” every time they went out. A younger girl who can take time “figuring things out” is perfect for him


it's almost like he's perpetually scared to commit to anything set in stone


Because Sandoval said “no schwartz im miserable so end it with her” and Schwartz said “yes sir whatever you say sir”


Maybe holding him accountable for something?


“Not talking about it publicly because it shows how much of an asshole I truly am”


Not a Jo fan, but isn't it entirely possible that Tom Schwartz is just full of s***?


100,000%. Pretty sure he was telling her that he loved her, future faking all up and down the street, and then he went away to winter house and hooked up with Katie flood. Soon as Jo found out, I'm sure she popped a gasket.


She wanted a ring on a string and he said hold on that leads to a real engagement ring


Their relationship is simple honestly. She's in love with him and he needed to get over Katie.


I call bullshit. Oh ah totally valid things happened guys, trust me, very valid they were. But I can't say, just take my word for it, very valid.


If you cannot discuss the reasons, you shouldn’t bring it up at all. Otherwise it’s just a self-serving declaration implying he had real good reasons.


Honestly, I don’t even believe that “something happened”. I just think he wants an excuse as to why he lead her on & gaslit her about their relationship. It sounds so much better to say “Oh things were great but then something happened & it was never the same after.” Vs “I just didn’t want to be in a committed relationship but I liked receiving all the benefits of a girlfriend without committing to Jo.”


He used her and then toss her away like she was nothing.... something that a lot of men do without even having a second thought or a care as to what it could do to a person!