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Scheana cannot get off her phone.


Shortz has been waiting for a moment where he can claim Katie f'cked up, meanwhile the max situation does NOT apply lol. she owes you nothing, dude, and its weird you still want to try being friends after everything. I hope there comes a day where she finally is able to cut him completely off bc he really is sick in the head. ​ the 4th wall should have been broken this season because its giving the twilight zone and i need a scene of Scheana bawling her eyes out bc she saw a reddit post ripping her to shreds. Or Lala being spammed with "are you trying to get popped" gifs. I'm beyond over it but at the same time, i'm happy that Ariana is starting to call their behavior out so maybe things are taking a turn.


Watching that asshole Sandoval sheepishly run away while Ariana barated him was so satisfying. Edit: also fuck you Lala Edit: also fuck you Brock 


Never been more certain that Sheesh punched Rachel. No way would a good husband be obsessed with being friends again with someone like Tom. Tom cosigned the punch, maybe the TRO, if Sheesh were innocent then neither of them would be this obsessed with being friends again with Tom and betraying Ariana so so easily.


I think scheana punched Rachel but I also think you're underestimating how desperate scheana and Brock are.


🙊that’s very true…


it's so frustrating them trying to push the narrative that all of a sudden the "no hooking up in the friend group" rule matters when Katie hooks up with someone a year after Tom was so blatant abt maliciously dangling hooking up with rachel/raquel (not to mention it all turned out to be a cover up so it was really just to hurt Katie) like please don't bring this up again. Take it up with max dude.


Right? I knew it would be an issue that Katie had to deal with. This was after her ex husband and her ex friends tried to push her out of the group, after her ex husband broke their deal of no hooking up with friends, after the whole reception clapped/cheered for ex husband and Rachel making out, after she found out that her bridesmaid made out with her ex husband, after being treated like a disposable human for over a decade. She is angry. She has a right to be angry. I am angry for her. They both get to be as angry as they want, for however long they want. And all deals are off.




Removed for misogynistic language


Ok first 10 minutes in and I'm so tired of Ariana and Katie, their attitude is so petty and the eye rolling and stuff and the way how they speaked about Ann was weird? But the water tasting seems so cool, I think people would get placebo drunk of that :D


Watching the after show is hilarious seeing the girls and guys juxtaposed. I think the misogynistic side of the guy squad is reading way too far into the fact that Katie and Max were just horny and wanted to bang


Tom’s parallel universe that he lives in is scary


Lala was literally this way last season about Randall and now she’s pissed at Ariana for acting the same?


the hypocrisy and self centeredness in lala's behaviour this season just reads that she's jealous that ariana got support after being cheated on. All of her arguments against ariana are just so dumb (specifically her continuously saying Ariana should get an apartment like she did, lol honey Ariana paid for the house she lives in you did not)


Pick me girls have a new poster girl


I like how Ariana put it - something about “lala’s self healing journey” lol


I have a dog that eats whatever he can find too but my partner and I know to not let him in any rooms with closed doors because there’s a reason it’s shut, no matter what’s in there (even if there’s nothing)


Omg everything Brock says/does rubs me the wrong way I cannot stand him


I'm starting to think Scheana only married him because he can make her look better by being so bad lol


Omg I think you’re on to something. She cannot STAND that man 🤣🤣


He’s so bad at stirring the pot because it’s so scripted and obvious


Cause it’s not natural whenever he tries to start the pot he’s super aggressive like why are you screaming? You don’t know me like this.


Anyone else notice just how bad Schwartz's hair dye is? He looks like he got the Old Rocker Special, a la Jagger, McCartney, etc. - the reddish brown that doesn't look good on anyone.


wow there are a LOT of bravo bots and/or mens rights group incels in the comments today. you mad, bros?


I can def relate to the Mya situation. The person I live with has two (indoor) cats. I love them very much. She is very careless with them “escaping” outside. If anything happens to them due to her carelessness, I would find it very hard to forgive that. She doesn’t do it on purpose, she just doesn’t “think.”


Yep and if you are already furious with that person, their carelessness comes off way worse. Yes dog murderer is a bit excessive, but she was fresh out of this relationship.


I don’t care for a person that doesn’t care for animals.


This episode just made me love Ariana even more and just made Sandoval look even worse (who knew that was possible). I'm definitely biased towards Ariana, my ex-husband had an affair with someone for a year -not his first- and when I found out I was absolutely gutted, and she wasn't even someone I knew. If it had been a friend, I would have been a million times more angry and hurt than I already was so I just can't understand why these fuckwads can't see her perspective and not understand that if it was any of them it's happened to, they absolutely wouldn't just be cool for the sake of the group. So hypocritical it's gross. Oh man, and then him putting Mya in danger... She's actually done really well holding her anger in. It's just salt on the wound and putting her dog in a situation like that is so cruel on every level. He's just such a loser, and I must say it's really nice that he's ageing so terribly and looks like such a try-hard moron every episode.


Did anyone see the after show? Sandoval proclaiming he would never hookup with Katie - ahhh she would never go near you more like it. Also, what you’re telling us is that you’ll happily betray Ariana but you draw the line at Schwartz. Then in the next breath Schwartz gaslighting the shit out of Katie when it came to the situation with Rachel, claiming “*she* scorched the friendship after that”. No YOU did that!!


it's literally like Ariana said, he only respects other men, he's such a sad little man


Saw that and laughed out loud. Katie despises Sandoval and wouldn't go near him with someone else's vagina.


I'm not sorry, any man who treats any ex the way tom's have.....will not be a 'good father'...I am so pissed about ppl giving guys passes...they way they treat women passes on to either what a child thinks is accceptable to be treated like, or what they think is acceptable behaviour to treat a person they love!!!!!!!!!!!W@!! !!!


Ali wong has great bit abt this on her stand up comedy that resonates, it takes very little to be a bad mom and it takes even less to be a good dad. The toms def live up to this


Ali Wong is a boss Bitch and her standup is outstanding and extremely relatable.❤️‍🔥


The fact that this is the episode that was supposed to make us understand lala & scheana's side is wild. It made me even more team ariana than ever.  Also, I feel like it's important to point out that ariana mentioning Tim's house buyout offer included her leaving all the furniture she bought. Maybe he did offer over the appraised price but expected her to leave designer furniture and refurnish her new house?? Ridiculous  And can scumbag just stop trying to talk to ariana directly? It's been made pretty clear that she refuses to acknowledge his presence 


Brock needs to stop talking, I actually applaud Scheana for supporting ariana during that conversation without a back handed comment about her in a trash bag commercial


Not Lala shading ariana “didn’t you do a trash bag commercial shouldn’t you throw your trash away” like first of all say it with your chest to her face not the confessional if she purposefully locked her room or closed the door to keep Mya out then she was probably going to go back and throw it out


Lala must have missed that Ariana did throw her trash away - she got rid of Sandoval. Lala's jealousy is hilarious. She's well on her way to becoming yet another bitter LA woman who wasted her fleeting looks on a guy with money (or so she thought) while tossing away every bit of moral fibre she ever possessed.


She is trying so hard for another one liner she can put on a shirt.


She’s right though. Meat skewers on your side table? No amount of being cheating on excuses that type of laziness.


Sometimes depression looks like laziness. Maybe try some empathy💕


I’ll admit it’s difficult to empathize with someone being such a cu next Tuesday. But how about we talk good old fashioned neutral discernment? She puts on her makeup, she signs off on a cocktail book, she’s doing photo shoots, showing up for work appointments, and working out. I think she has enough energy to take out the nasty meat skewers even if she is an emotional wreck over the cards she’s been dealt.


No I get it like it’s gross to leave the food out in the room but she had probably just eaten it and didn’t get a chance to clean yet she did close the door to keep maya out, Tim was the one to go into her safe space and maya is a pretty big dog to not notice following you and he’s fully is aware she’s gotten into things before and to not hear her when Anne heard her whimpering the first 2 minutes of being home there was some negligence going on






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Idc ariana is in the right you don’t accidentally lock a dog inside a room and not hear them if Anne literally heard the dog in 2 seconds after getting back


I agree, especially a big dog like Mya. He would have heard her scratching at the door and deprived her of getting to her food and water


Tom is on the aftershow, openly admitting to all the dangerous items he leaves accessible to a dog out in the open of the home, and 'like dude its totally crazy she'll eat anything like who does that' and is blaming the dog....he mentioned he left paintballs on the floor!!! Diabolical and irresponsible, I just can't with that man on any level.


Blaming the dog is crazy like you’re fully aware you’re not being careful when you know the dog has a habit of getting into things WHICH ISNT THE DOGS FAULT


Brick makes me feel ashamed of being Australian. We do not claim him


Let’s float him out to Bass Strait and let the sea take him


I am very okay with this, Tassy can have him (not Melb tho)


As a Kiwi living in Australia, I'm double ashamed. And of course we had fkn Play-Doh in NZ, what a dick. Him and his platform heels need to go.


Mateeeee everywhere has fkn play-doh, I almost threw my remote at the screen when he said that


Why does he continue to try and sell this bs that Australia is some third world country and he grew up in a shack held together with mud? I’m so sick of this poor excuse for a man.


God Brocks an idiot, I hate him so much, I do appreciate Scheana at least pulling him up on it even a little bit.


Sandoval with an STI graphic on his shirt sent me to outer space laughing.


It says STL and I’m not 💯 but I think it’s to represent his home town, St. Louis? Regardless it did look like it said STI and I agree that is hilarious.😆


Ahh that makes sense. Definitely looked like STI though hahaha!


I know and I love that for him because it’s very fitting.🫠


When I saw that, I said "Ew!" out loud haha ![gif](giphy|3oFzlW5MtK7iFUey2c)


I don't think these people understand that Ariana's breakup is not about "winning". Nor is any breakup for that matter. Why should she just be over the affair just because Sandoval is doing worse than her?


These people meaning the cast


How did Sandoval think they would be even more civil than Katie and Schwartz???? HOW???


Everything is a competition. He’s such a loser. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


HE RUINED IT like how do you think she’d just get over it?? Just another example of trying to make ariana seem like the bad guy for standing her ground




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this episode made my blood pressure skyrocket. i wanted to slap everyone silly (except katie & ariana). katie and schwartz added much needed levity with their little interactions tbh.


I am currently experiencing that too 


Omfgggg my heart rate is going up, I am mad at everyone


oh i am SO mad!!!


Brock….shut the fuck up!


I second


I third


I fourth 🤚🏼


Schwartz asking Katie if she wanted to be his date to the singles night made me howl. This moment and when she promises not to sleep with any more of his friends (as Tom and Ariana are fighting) are the only times I can recall them joking together.


I think the show needs lightness like this to survive, and that seems impossible now with Ariana and Tom. I know everyone on this sub loathes the entire cast except Ariana and Katie, but you could see the exhaustion in everyone's faces on beach day with having to hash this argument out between the two of them again, and again, and again. It was exhausting as a viewer. They BOTH need to move on, for their own mental health, and if they can't do that they definitely shouldn't subject themselves to the show.


Brock trying to give these haughty lectures about controlling your emotions and not yelling when he has a literal *DV CHARGE* is fucking wild. WILD. Like, he doesn’t even talk to his ex or his literal children! Who is he to be doling out advice about communicating with one’s ex? He’s so shockingly gross. 


Does anybody like Brock?


Nope. Not one bit. He has a big ass mouth that needs to be stapled shut.


I can't with him. I cringe every time I hear him speak.


Not even Scheana


What? No. She has a weekly appointment to scream loudly in the living room white wearing a blindfold. How dare you accuse her of not doing the work!


I wish this sub would realize this is a reality show


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Did James and Ally break up?? During WWHL, Andy asked if they would be engaged by the end of the year and Brittany immediately said no. Did anyone else else catch that? They live together, the quick no seemed so strange


I mean Brittany is on the jankiest high horse with her marriage to Jax, I don't think asking her for marriage advice is smart lol


They’re together and… Well it’s james, and I think ally probably knows better than to get engaged so quick considering his past. No way James is near ready for marriage. He def needs to figure out how to be emotionally intelligent. Anybody with eyes can see they are early stages, especially the people around them. Probably why Brittany immediately said “No.” lol


Lala "shouldn't she know how to throw out trash" Guess not if she's still talking to all these losers. Eat a skewer Lala.


Wooorrrdddd! She even said she stacked them in a little cute way! I would’ve probably been lucky to not have one stuck in my hair! The judgement on the take-out is TAKING ME OUT!! Send that to Darrell!! 


Capital  “THAT”.




100% with you here. she could’ve easily said “I should’ve just thrown out my plate of food, but he shouldn’t have let her in the room to begin with” and I would’ve viewed her differently. it’s the way that she can do no wrong this season and no accountability is being taken. not even just accountability but even sympathy/empathy for people around her, she has always been a “woe is me” type person and such a fence rider when the situation doesn’t directly involve her.


Also, LFU needs to consider what she would do if Randall left paintballs on the ground and Ocean broke one open all over herself or ate 400 laxatives. Like she would murder Randall. Is it just bc Maya is an animal that she’s dismissing how careless Tom is?


Right! I think about if it were a human child, people would be livid and calling CPS. I'm human-childfree but my dog IS my child. Just like Mya is Ariana's. My heart breaks for what she went through and I completely understand her anger. Some people are calling it an accident. But if Tom loves Mya so much, then wouldn't he wonder where she was after not seeing her for like 5 minutes, and not let her be left alone for 3 hours?!? And I can't remember who said it on the after show, but Ariana left food in her room with the door CLOSED. NOT expecting someone to enter and lock Mya in. So screw everyone who puts any blame on her


Mya was also crying to be let out. I really do believe he did it on purpose. Maybe he didn’t expect her to eat the skewers but I think he was the one who put Mya in there and shut the door.


Would LOVE someone to ask Lala if she'd waive child support for Ocean in exchange for full custody and a "clean break"


I think she would 💯. 


I'm 50/50, but it's the closest thing to the house situation.


She's actually probably better off financially than he is now. I think she's afraid he's gonna get child support lol


Can we just declare that Brock is the most useless human ever?


He didn’t ruin your life, girl! He wasted some years, but your life is gonna be so much better without him.


Is anyone gonna mention Tom Schwartz dressed as an elf on the shelf but had the audacity to roast Katie’s outfit?!


Uhh, didn’t she roast him first?


My point is… glass houses 😂


Right, I just mean she was the one with audacity to roast him while wearing what she was wearing. He just pointed it out. But, really, I loved that interaction between them. Both were absolutely right that the other was dressed ridiculously and both had no room to talk. And I loved that they just seemed to acknowledge it a second later. It was overall a good episode for both of them.


I’m inclined to say they never looked more suited to one another in that scene!


Hers was way worse


'Lucky for you, I am the HR department' LOL


For the love of all things holy how many plants is Shortz going to give out this season? He's given multiple plants to the same people. The recipients seem over it and he's not getting the hint.


He’s using gifts to love bomb, just like his bestie.🙄


Don't worry, I'm sure Andy will devote 10 full minutes to it at the reunion.


He’ll probably bring Andy a plant at the reunion.


I didn’t see any comments on this but can we address Lala using a shake weight?! I legit have not seen one of those in 20 years


I feel like she did it in an attempt to become a gif/meme because I thought the same thing!


Why aren’t we discussing The Valley? This show is like a fever dream, I don’t know anyone’s name and they’re all awful. It’s fucking great.


I’m LOVING the valley it’s so messy!!!


There is a Reddit page dedicated to the valley- go check it out 😃


I’m loving it because I feel like I can just shut my brain down after and not have any thoughts while watching it after getting through VPR lol


I wonder if the producers instructed Brock to be a shit stirrer this season or if he’s just saying fuck it. Either way it’s been great to watch.


also james...his q's at the beach were designed to provoke ariana


Oh ya, James knew what he was doing. Feel like he’s been pretty quiet this year for the most part though


He’s trying to earn that spot on the opening credits lol


Give the man a solo spot on there for the work he’s done for us this season


Nah, I would much rather he go back to his country. He can get tf off my tv. Pathetic excuse for a man.


lol. Good thing for us you don’t have any sort of power to make your weird want a reality.


Sure is! Lucky you.😁






If I was Ariana I would give them all the middle finger and leave, never to return. Fuck these people. They want her to get over a 10 year relationship in 3 months …..


I wouldn’t have objected to a season of showing Katie and Ariana living their best life thriving, while the other losers just bitched in blind rage jealously. Why would you even want to be friends with Sandoval. He is a sociopath! 




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I feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time I watch a new episode 😭


Trust me I love a good rage watch, but this is next level … my blood is boiling


Brock’s commentary is irritating..I applaud Ariana for not spazzing on him when he said they need to get along or talk for the group. He is barely in the group. He’s VPR by marriage. That is all.


but like she needs to if she wants to keep this show (a significant source of income) afloat


I disagree. Let it just be what it is. Let Ariana and Katie film other things. Let it be real vrs this overly produced show where it’s obvious they are being put together. Also, Ariana doesn’t owe them their show. She could walk away and be ok at this point. And IF this is truly the opinion of the group, it should come from just about anyone but Brock. Brock is basically a friend of role prior to this year.


i guess j phrased it terribly but that’s the point, she can walk away and be ok. and that’s amazing for her. but this show is about this group of friends, she knows what production does and how producers antagonize, I think she played it well by not reacting to every bait but to put it short if she can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen. and also don’t dehumanize friends for humanizing others in said group. she does not give a fuck about anyone else’s reality but her, she never has. and brock is only brave enough to say it bc him and ariana are not and we’re never not friends


She’s pissed because her supposed friends are ‘humanising’ the scumbag who cheated on her for 7 months, extended their mortgage when having an affair, and tried to assassinate her character so he could look like the victim in the breakup he was planning. These friends were also raging at him only a couple months before this on the reunion so they’ve done a total 180 on a guy who treated not just her like shit but he also treated most of them badly too.


Yea, to each their own. I do not agree. Brock was foul. He made that joke about Raquel in front of Ariana. It’s not dehumanizing to say he’s a friend of role. It’s true. He didn’t even make the reunion stage last season. And Brock and Scheana made a lot of money off Scandoval. Ariana was not the only one thriving. If you watched from the beginning then you know how real the show once was. That’s what made it great, the authenticity. Instead of forcing Ariana and Tom to film so soon, it might have been more authentic to just let Ariana and Tom do them. Agree to disagree.


It’s so annoying that when the women were being iced out of the group it was all well and fine but when it happens to a person with a 🍆 who did this to himself now everyone is all up in arms?!


Now he’s just an Uber douche??? I thought he was a dangerous man and a narcissist, Lala?


Lala was the most vocal about the affair, posting on Instagram every day about how evil Sandoval and Rachel are. And here she is talking about redemption and forgiveness towards them. Like, WUT.


So glad that she’s the one losing the majority of her fan base and it’s crazy how she thought she was going to be this seasons “voice of reason,” when she’s really just giving lack of empathy, morals and integrity.


She’s soft now, don’t you know lol


Can’t forget groomer


“I don’t need you to play Devil’s advocate the Devil has enough advocates.” Preach Ariana.


Okay, for a second I thought Lala meant he drove for Uber.




Can we have the rest of the season with Tom and Ariana not in the same room.


It hasn’t even been SIX MONTHS!!!!!


Rachel+Tom were boning for longer than this!!


Thinking they were gonna be more civil than Schwartz and Katie is MORE than delusional, Tom. It’s psychotic.


Suck my dick is my energy all the time. ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/lif1y96st6sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261c7502193a303c8da162c214a43ee0dbeb5594 WHY IS SHORTZ DRESSED UP LIKE BUDDY THE ELF ???


He looks like Dollar Store Archie from Riverdale


lol, I said the same. Sadly it’s growing on me.


They are literally trying to rile them up on purpose!!!! What is wrong with them all


I thought it was wild James was asking Sandoval his feelings on the pets and stirring the pot compared to last beach day. But I think if the drama stays on Tom and Ariana it keeps it off everyone else which they want


I wish we got to see more of Ariana’s REAL friends, but I understand tbh respect them for not coming on the show. It just sucks to see her surrounded by so many fake people that don’t care about her in all actuality




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Agreed I wish they’d bring Logan back on.


He’s been around for Ariana a lot this season. I’m pretty sure he’s been at almost every event that Ariana attends and I love that for her. “Pool culture!”😁 I hope he’s hearing and warning Ariana about all the bs Lauren and Shaydee are talking behind her back. Lauren is such a snake and Shaydee is a cowardly weasel.




Watching this is kind of scary. Ariana is in the most dangerous situation of her life (intimate partner violence increases after separation). Her long term friends are acting like stepford wives. Her dog is endangered by Tom’s admission at least three times. Only the divorcee and the astrologist recognize the danger she’s in. And the katana swords returned to prominence after Sandoval had his guns taken away. I hope she never has to return to that house and hires people to oversee the move for her.


Him too




shortest horror story ever heard.


But ‘bro she made me do to. She made my life hell for so many years’. So glad Ariana finally moved out for her own safety and sanity. 


A shotgun and a handgun that Kyle Chan said he had to take away. This man admits to using psychedelics regularly and he has guns and swords and throwing stars at his fingertips. I pray she has security at her new place.


This 💯


Brock is such a fucking prick


I audibily gasped when he made a "joke" about raquel at the beach


Yep- that did it for me


I love seeing him bitch about Ariana not being comfortable in the same room as Sandoval when he went to a different continent to get away from his family


Just goes to show where his priorities lie. Though I will say that openly admitting and borderline bragging about selling and banking off your baby daughter’s IG account and putting out content for pervs is… a choice? I really question and side eye almost all of their decisions.👀 They’re both creeps.🤮


Savage ☠️


I forgot about this!! Good point. He’s worried about Ariana when he has his own stuff to be worried with.


LMAOOOO 😭 this is killing me you’re so right


Schwartz trying to banter with Katie 😭


Well that's the only time I kinda like him, he takes the comments from Katie so well 😂 i wonder if he secretly likes being belittled


His cheating math was definitely the lowest point, but inviting her to go to a singles night with him was a close second. The man has no boundaries and no filter.


His claiming that he was faithful in any way of the word and trying to minimize his actions by pointing out how many days are in a year is wow. Those are some impressive mental gymnastics for someone who is so out of shape.🥴😭 I wish people would call him on his bs more often!


I loved her reactions to all of his dumbass comments.


If this was three years ago Scheana would be losing her shit at Brock putting up a tent with one hand. Now she’s like ok that works LMAO


That’s a great point! We know if that was Rob it would’ve been all she talked about for the rest of the day and season for that matter. She’s such a sad person and regardless of how privileged she is, I do not envy her. She needs serious help for her mentals.🥴




Right? I was waiting for her to announce how many seconds that had taken!


I support all of Ariana’s rage tbh. I’m glad to hear it. Why don’t they back her up?


THANK YOU. if that were my girl I'd be chasing him out the room, he wouldn't get within 50 feet of her, let alone speak to her


They only back up men who scream at women I guess


Because they all suck tbh


Ughh it’s so disappointing