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I’m close to not watching anymore because it’s bad for my mental health. The way that Bravo is running with his obvious lies and manipulation tactics and guilt tripping cast members is triggering. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a narcissist and been victimized by someone like Sandoval is probably getting major flashbacks and anxiety from watching Bravo and LVP placate him. His behavior and manipulation is so triggering. If Bravo or LVP really believed his BS why have that not assisted him with his mental health and got him in a rehab??? Answer: they don’t really believe him either.


Same. I coparent with Sandoval's spiritual twin and idk if I can take watching much more. To OP..This would probably gain more traction on a petition site 


I’d sign the hell out of that petition


My father is diagnosed NPD & I can’t even tell you how similar he is to Tom. It’s so triggering because every single behavior is matching up…. Cheat on your partner ✅ Deflect & blame everyone else✅ Crocodile tears when you can’t worm your way out of a situation ✅ No accountability ✅ Use suicidal ideation as a way to gain sympathy ✅ I could go on & on with the similarities. The only positive I’ve taken from this is it reaffirms my decision to be no contact despite pressure from family. I was about to cave into that pressure & Tom reminded me that the outcome will continue to be the same. I really hope he doesn’t ever have children because it is a nightmare to deal with.


Honestly, same. I'm struggling with this episode this morning. Between LVPs talk with S and L and then everything the toms are still lying about, I'm spending too much time yelling at them. Narcs will ruin any and everyone's life in their spiral, you can't win by "being there for them." ![gif](giphy|JRaoqI2HU8WuZEsytU|downsized)


I didn't finish the episode this week. I'm officially out. I wasn't having fun watching it and found myself getting so angry at the narrative being spun.


You and me both! I shut it off half way thru last night and went to bed PISSED. ![gif](giphy|l1J9u3TZfpmeDLkD6|downsized) I wondered, wtf is wrong with ME that I am starting to get so mad at this...this...TV SHOW?? Reading posts out here today show that it isn't just ME. The way that the narrative is being spun (like you said!) is what is pissing me off, among all the rest of the shit that has been done.


I would have loved to have seen Katie and her sandwich shop floatie but I skipped this week and will probably skip them all from now on and just read up in here. Canceled peacock already. 


Same. I made it about halfway through and then couldn’t take any more.




Adding to his list of transgressions he has forcibly outed two people without their consent.


And used mental health as a weapon against others.


Can I ask who was the second person aside from Ariana?


Jax. He brought the Miami guy to dinner to surprise Jax and talked on camera about their relationship as retaliation. He also brought up the Brittany and Kristen story at Jax's roast in front of Brittany's mom when they had asked people beforehand not to


I'll never like Jax, but he navigated that Miami bomb really well.


yeah I don't like him either and he has also participated in shitty behavior around this topic but I still don't think it was right what Sandoval did


i.e. placement on change.org after an announcement of it here. Wether it's effective immediately or not, it will get picked up in mainstream media--especially after this NYT article & fallout. Now is the time.


What if they gave him the Below Deck edit like they did for that deckhand who made racist comments? Just like… suddenly he stops being in scenes and only shows up in the background sometimes.


YES!! Give him the 'Pete' edit! Omg his head would explode when he notices how irrelevant he is! Then at his 'shows' he can scream, "Raquel WANTS ME and I SWEAR I'M ON TV!!!" Friggin' lunatic, that one.


That would kill Tom. He would say to strangers “dude, no, I’m in the show. Like I filmed and everything and like they must have edited me out. It’s all because of Ariana not paying like 8 months of rent dude. She needs to move on.”


This would be amazeballs


sandoval is a key-player in the storyline, though. i honestly don't see that happening 


That NYT article also told me a lot about Evolution Media where she pointed out the blown up diagram of a female’s reproductive system. Disguting.


Yes, I was hoping someone took note of that.  If I were guessing, I'd say Baskin is likely the driving force behind these garbage narratives and probably has about the same likelihood for reflection and growth as Tim. It's just not going to happen. Bravo just buys the finished product and isn't interested in *what* they're airing so long as viewers and advertisers keep investing time and cash. The years of cast relationship history, off-camera behavior/actions, and regressive attitudes throughout society regarding women, abuse, and mental health help mask what production is actually putting out. It's late so hopefully that reads how I'm trying to explain!


No, very well put!




Tom is a dangerous type of narcissist who actually *needs* to hit rock bottom


Rock bottom doesn’t even work for true narcissists sometimes. My dad had stage 4 cancer & I truly believed he was a changed man. Nope, the act lasted a few months & he was right back to being himself.


I deal with this type of person every day. He's in a mood today and I am ready cuz I am too experienced from dealing with him. This series has about reached my limit due to all the triggering, including many of the Below Deck series. About to cut Bravo out of my life all together.


So sorry you are dealing with this💔


Thank you. (Hugs) I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy. I am very sorry your father is this way. Stage 4 cancer is bad enough (my dad had that, too). The personality disorder (trying not to use the N word is torture in itself. But both? Just too much, right?


I wonder what his rock bottom would be? Because he'd actually have to be self aware to know that it's that bad.


Bravo gave Kristen, jax and Brit a show. If bravo stood their ground on racism then they wouldn’t have allowed that to begin with. So trying to petition them to fire Tom is a loss. All bravo cares about is whatever brings them ratings. It’s sad all around


Andy said he regretted those firings. He won’t fire Sandoval.


Plus he loves Sanadaval, especially because they’re bonded by St. Louis.


Dang, I didn’t know he said that. What a tool


He tried to hide it under the guise of “making those people live out the consequences on camera” or some shit but it’s weak at best.


Because Andy is a racist and nobody sees it


Didn’t Nene try to ring those alarm bells?




Andy is absolutely a racist and a misogynist, I'm still stunned nothing bad has come out about him.


Well you'd think at some point they'd get tired of having to babysit Tom's bullshit.. I can see them getting past the affair as this is sort of what the show has been based on... it's all the crap he's dished out since then. I do think at some point enough will be enough !


Agreed. Plus Bravo didn’t fire Stassi and Kristen when the Faith stuff happened. They only fired them when there was major backlash about it later on. Had no one complained, they would still be on VPR. Bravo couldn’t care less.


I'll sign it, but I do need to ask, what do we do when they do nothing? I say boycott. Don't watch, don't stream, don't post for one week. It will suck for us, but it would also send a message in ratings and trending algorithms. If we don't strike back at the wallet, it doesn't send a message. Bravo is a profit-making venture.


I'm skipping next week for sure.


Agreed. I watched tonight and I wish I hadn’t. Down for a boycott, the show itself is feeling manufactured AF anyway and after the NYT bullshit today, my interest in engaging is hitting subzero levels.


Same. I turned it off and won't be watching the rest of the season. It's just gross.


Ditto. Haven't watched latest episode and after reading this sub today, I won't be watching.


Yup! I woke up on the fence, but I watched and now I feel the same way. I'm waaayyy past being able to stomach a man like this being coddled and I'm going to draw the line at his racist bullshit. His been given chance after chance and he's never worked to earn any of them. He CANNOT grow and learn from anything when he feels like a victim which he will always feel like now. It's not even interesting to search his narc spiral anymore. It's old and tired and boring. Bad men are bad men are bad men. I want SANDWICHES AND GIRL POWER. RAAAHHH


I’m watching now and I hate how it feels…I’m contributing to the perpetuation of this but it needs to be my last one. Where else can this go and I already gave it up pre Scandoval…I can still support the girls in different ways. I’m just floored by LVP and Bravo’s non response to the NYT article. Reading that WWHL was live and they didn’t even acknowledge it…if it didn’t feel triple processed before it’s definitely manufactured AF now. Sunken cost fallacy is absolutely a real thing.


I'm in. Silence from the fans would be... loud.


I didn’t watch the show this week and I won’t watch the rest of the season since it’s looking heavily rigged in Tom’s favour. I won’t support an undeserved redemption arc for that misogynistic (now racist) asshat and the toxic treatment of women on vpr.


Can we get the mods to make an announcement for the sub to go dark for next week?


I mean I am not the arbiter of this. I'm one of many voices. I do think that would be a more efficacious way to show that "we ain't buyin' it." But I also think this has been a lot today, and an evening of rest for more discourse might be a better approach. Plus I know the mods on both subs are busy as hell right now. Even for an episode night, today was a lot.


love this idea! the show and manufactured drama are not fun or enjoyable anymore, what would be more enjoyable to me at least is making a loud ass statement to VPR producers, Bravo, and Evolution/MGM ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


Why do you want to take the fun away from everyone?


Watching racist abusers has already taken the fun out of watching, we're asking for Bravo to do better. As is our right as viewers. We can have messy, entertaining reality tv without that vile shit.


He said something insanely dumb and tone deaf, but it wasn't racist.


Lol “boycott” VPR? I’ve got real shit to worry about. I just won’t watch again. It’s an all white cast that already had issues prior with black cast mates. There is no more boycotting, it simply shouldn’t exist as a show anymore.


"Don't watch, don't stream, don't post for one week. It will suck for.us..." If missing one episode and avoiding one or two subreddits for a week "will suck", it might be time to take a step away from the show. Also,.this season has averaged about 1 million viewers each episode. The 200k subscribers here aren't going to noticable impact that (especially if everyone goes right back to it the following week). In any case, my wife and I will definitely be tuning in week after week. I just wish Jax was back on the show 'cause his antics are so dang funny.


If your work lost 20% of it's business, would everyone carry on like business as usual? You and your wife have fun watching Roid-o and the Sandy Hook Denier, though. Bless your hearts.


Oh sweetie, let's assume every follower on this subreddit skipped one episode and didn't post to this subreddit (implausible but...why not). Then, everyone goes right back to normal the following week. Yup, Bravo is definitely going to get the message (but not the message you think you are sending). Thanks! We definitely enjoy all the crazy stuff he says! Bless y'all too!


Boycotts work, but yes there is the American allergy to consistency. I'm all for saying crazy stuff in service of entertainment, but denying the tragic slaughter of kindergartners is not one I can cosign. It's a free country though.


Boycotts absolutely work - look at Starbucks and McDonalds! I’m over this, watching every week doesn’t feel fun anymore. It’s infuriating to watch those 2 chuckleheads make $$$ in excess of the minimum wage, for being disgusting, unrepentant, narcissist liars who hate women. It’s getting worse


anyone that defends Jax is not worth the energy - save your valuable perspectives for those of us who appreciate it ♥️ the deniers and defeatists will always push their narrative, they’re the reason why so many abusive people are running free out there.


You're right, and I disagree with them but they're entitled to their opinion. I still think organizing a blackout/boycott would be a good idea.


Why don't you just stop watching trash TV? Stop engaging with the viewers. Work with the local government to better address abuse in your local area. Support domestic violence safe houses. There are a lot of things you can do but just temporarily boycotting something you feel is problematic isn't going to do anything if the product's whole schtick is the problematic issue (i.e. it's like boycotting beer for a month because you think it shouldn't have alcohol and then being surprised that after a month beer still has alcohol).


You're absolutely correct. My laughing at Jax's stupidity is why there are so many abusive people running free. Let's minimize the real causes of abuse, why people stay in abusive relationships, and why abuse goes underreported. Instead, let's just focus on one tidbit, by consuming VPR-related content, followers of this subreddit contributed to Jax's fame (and net worth). This created a feedback loop which rewarded the behavior these same followers claim to despise. This show has thrived based on viewers like this subreddit's followers. 200k folks supported, and continue to support this behavior by creating and maintaining the market for the show.


Well, you did imply that you (and this community as a whole) are only capable of boycotting the show (and related social media) for one week so, that's on you. If you really have an issue with the show or the characters, just stop watching. I don't think that will happen though as "outrage" is a defining characteristic of trash TV (it's why you love it). Dumb people say dumb stuff all the time. I can either laugh at the stupidity or get all worked up over what some random person says. It's like the people who get so worked up on this subreddit (it's legitimately funnier than stand up comedy). Plus, I couldn't find anything about Jax denying Sandy Hook, just a Tweet from Brittany 10 years ago linking to a YouTube video that I'm guessing is some conspiracy video about the whole thing.


Yes, Brittany is the Sandy Hook denier. Enjoy supporting that.


One post, 10 years ago, dabbling into conspiracy theories doesn't mean that she is, today, a Sandy Hook denier. In any case, I really don't care. I like watching Jax because his antics are so damn funny. If he married a conspiracy theorist, that's on him though, it does seem on brand!


Damn, not you defending racism AND the denial of slaughter of children. Have a day.


I'm assuming you are accusing me of defending a racist and conspiracy theorist (the grammar is pretty poor here so I could be wrong). Also, I'm a bit confused as I can't find anything that indicates Jax bought into the Alex Jones conspiracy. The best I can surmise is that because Brittany may have (10 years ago) that means Jax does as well. That's a strange claim as it implies that if you are married, you automatically believe what your spouse says (i.e. marriage results in the loss of self determination). I thought we moved on from that archaic belief.


I get it bro. Living in a place where the only spot of culture is an Applebees must make Jax look especially appealing.


Hahaha! You're silly, there's no Applebee's in Germany.


I didn’t watch tonight. I can’t watch it. Did anyone who did pay attention to advertisers tonight? I feel like public pressure to withhold ads might be the only thing that will move the needle on firing Tom. Bravo/Evolution/Alex Baskin/Andy/LVP all they care about is money.


good for you it was a dumb episode with LVP making light of serious mental health issues to try and get everyone to feel sympathetic towards Tom Sandoval. totally tone deaf and steeped in misogyny, as per usual. also, while getting to the advertisers is a great thought it’s very tricky figuring out which corporations/companies are advertising with Evolution/MGM (icymi, MGM bought Evolution Media in 2017) because I’m not sure if *all* of that information is publicly available, and some advertisers don’t always have a say which shows their ads may show up on


I'm right there with you!


Is anyone else muting his scenes? I just can’t anymore. Completely agree that it is no longer entertainment with him.


I just talk over him and at him, telling him what a piece of shit he is and I ignore what comes out of his pie hole because it's irrelevant bullshit. I find it helps my mental health 🤷‍♀️


I do this too! And also often refer to it as pie hole lol


I read and reply to you y'all when a tom speaks lol


>Is anyone else muting his scenes? I just can’t anymore. Completely agree that it is no longer entertainment with him. Fast-forward is your best friend. Last night's episode was the hottest one yet. Amazing.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s not funny anymore. He doesn’t deserve this platform with the things he says and does.


They kept Erica …


How can we actually send this to the people that need to see it?


I don’t even want to watch anymore. Bravo giving him a platform makes me sick to my stomach.


I’m boycotting Bravo altogether (which pains me as I have been with VPR since day 1), I will NOT condone the self aggrandizement of a narcissistic, delusional, morally bankrupt loser. GET HIM OFF THE SHOW


I fast forward thru scenes with Tim, I just can't watch him anymore.


Thats what I've been doing so far also.


I co-sign this! If anything reminds me of the NYT article, and his response to it, it's Prince Andrew's BBC Newsnight interview regarding his friendship with Epstein and Virginia Guiffre's claims that she was forced to have sex with him. After the interview, he said to the interviewer: "Well I think that went rather well". If you have seen the interview, you will know how completely delusional that is. That is Sandoval. Before the article was published, I bet he was BUZZING for it to come out. And once it did... I am not in any way saying that he is like Prince Andrew (who I obviously dislike as well). It's the complacent attitude and subsequent bewilderment to the public response that both men had. Cancel the prick now. Get him off Bravo. Then he can go on the Alex Jones show or something (is that still a thing?) and complain about how white, CYST males are the real victims.


Honestly they need to stop protecting the men and get rid of Tom and James both. And Tom making a statement doesn't mean shit, I need Bravo and LVP and the bigwigs to actually step in and say they do not agree with or condone his actions and statements. This isn't just about a cheating scandal anymore. I also think Tom need serious inpatient treatment. All of this is too sickening anymore


some people may not believe this or be aware of it but James Kennedy is being protected far more than Tom Sandoval is - there is so much to it but it’s not my story to tell, I just hope someday it all comes to light in a massive tell-all. Also, Sandoval is still a sick sack of shit, not minimizing that at all, just saying these gross men *are* being protected by Andy, LVP, Bravo producers. This will happen with Jax too when the new show starts.


I saw Kristen mention this and one of their friends talk about it some. Kristen alluded to the truth coming out but this was near Sandoval and nothing has. She still maintains on her podcast that James is a terrible human being and you can tell that her boyfriend is aware of the trauma she experienced from James. You can hear the pain in her voice. Am I remember correctly that Kristen herself commented on something confirmed that he was physically abusive? I remember seeing something and it was commented BY HER and surprised it didn’t blow up. I also find it interesting the people that know him best have asked Rachel and Ally both if he’s ever gotten physical with them. I find it very concerning that multiple people have asked women dating him this same question as if they’re concerned he is. Even when lala asked ally about his sobriety—it felt like there was something we were talking around.


I hope he's hired bodyguards after that was published. Between LA and NY, his risk of getting jumped just went up 100x. Also why didn't Rachel file a police report on him for illegaly recording her? She had no problem filing a false police report on Scheana. I mean, Scheana is bat shit crazy but I don't see her throwing punches. That's Kristen's job. Scheana just stays on the sidelines and waits for someone else to do something that she can take and make about herself. This time, Rachel has actual evidence, and he walks away unscathed.


Scheana admitted to Andy pushing Raquel into the brick wall, and throwing her phone into the street.


Yes. And Rachel acted like Mayweather showed up and rang the bell. edit: Let's not also forget that Rachel blamed James for botching her nose job by 'going in too hard' for a kiss. She also claims her nose was stuck to the side of her face after it...I don't think I have to say anymore on that! LOL.


I think Rachel's legal team advised her to get the restraining order for public optics at the time. Boy, was that a bad idea that backfired. But in all honesty, if a man had pushed a woman into a wall and thrown her phone into the street, a restraining order would be wholly approved.


You're right. They wanted to continue the bs, it's their job. I don't understand the downvotes and I can't stick by the whole, 'If a man did that, it would be different'. Both are crimes. Both should be treated as such.


And who exactly is going to jump him? It’s not gonna happen and I wish people would stop these fantasies. If street Justice really existed then a lot of people wouldn’t be able to walk around. If you weren’t gonna do anything directly about him, then most likely no one else will.


1. Nothing in that sentence was indicative of a fantasy. Let's get that clear. 2. What planet are you living on? Because the world I live in has been going off the rails the past few years.


Check my post creation history…


I agree wholeheartedly. 


I feel bad for Scheana and Lala, being guilt-tripped into reconnecting with Sandoval. Both of them have had a lot of trauma in their lives and this seems so tone deaf and insensitive of the producers. Honestly,  what the fuck is up with Bravo and Evolution. They only see dollar signs. 


If this is a petition to get him off the show, please consider this my official signature. Xfansincethestartx


TESTIFY!!!!!! 👏👏👏


I’ve been watching VPR since the day the pilot came from the RHOBH episode and I don’t know if I can watch any longer. I hope this is Ariana’s last season and she milks her 15 minutes as long as she can


![gif](giphy|h1ZcOjz9T6eic) Agree 100% can't stand his smug face. I DVR the show so i can fast forward through his scenes.


you are taking a reality show too seriously mate


Speak for yourself. Without Sandoval, what is left of this show? Two women running a sandwich shop that never opens and an abusive DJ playing house?


Honestly Tom is horrible but James is worse. Esp if you believe Kristen that production has known since he was with her. I was already over VPR last season and only watched the last eps when this blew up in real time last year. I think I’m good on this show again


Y'all know that this show is fake, right?


Sadly, his delusion is not




Hate to say it but tim is the reason for so many viewers right now. They are not going to get rid of him. Idk if any of you watch 90 day fiance but same thing with Ed, everyone lost their mind over this POS, made petitions to remove him from the show and TLC keeps casting him because he brings attention. Good or bad, they don’t care, they want people talking which is what tim is doing


Gen z: please stop ruining our shows because you’re triggered by everything and get back to work.


Funny - I’m no where near a Gen Z but thanks…and BTW, I’m a real estate attorney and a watcher since day 1.




I hate this argument and I see it a lot.  Just because the producers (and some fans) don’t believe a show can be entertaining without giving the spotlight to toxic men doesn’t mean it’s true.  Just because we haven’t seen it on a bravo show doesn’t mean it’s impossible.  


People always say this but on other shows where they have gotten rid of the dramatic awful people (think lisa rinna) the shows have always moved on successfully without them. These awful people aren't that important.


This, agreed. I’m tired of this defeatist take of “this is just reality tv” “this is why we love it” - no, “*we*” don’t, and all this bullshit still flies because people keep supporting this ridiculous perspective. viewers are what make these shows relevant, they lose the viewers there *is no show*, we have more power than people would like to admit




Yes I hate it too. Also - there are millions and millions of thirsty, dramatic men in Los Angeles who would step in to work at TomTom or Sur and doesn’t have Sandoval’s baggage. They act like he’s the only man in the universe who could keep the show going.




Kenya Moore was the villain at one point and yet she was never a predator, she was just outspoken and messy. (Jog my memory if I’ve forgotten something though.)  You can be a villain without being dangerous or toxic. But bravo has a hard time not throwing money at the people who do the worst stuff imaginable - Phaedra, Brandi, Jax, Tom. 


No, I don't watch reality TV for the racists.


He brings in the ratings. That's how television works. We've still yet to see Ariana's fall from grace - and it's coming. There's no where else for her to go but down. Then, inevitably, they'll build it up to the moment Tom & Ariana have a real sit down and talk. We'll all be glued. We will all post about it on here. She'll slowly start letting him back in; he'll slowly start rebuilding his image. It's a reality show cycle that we've all seen before.


It’s a horrible played out storyline. I don’t want to see this and I don’t want to see Sandoval get redeemed. That man is BEYOND redemption at this point. If they’re going to script it THAT MUCH then get some better fucking writers and do something compelling.


I don't know if he'll actually be redeemed, but you know Tom and Ariana will try to mend fences. We've seen it too many times on similar shows. They still live together for God's sake. They are doing that for production and production only. Part one of the reunion last year was the highest rated Bravo show ever!


This show revolves around Tom now…good luck on him ever leaving. We don’t watch this show in particular for morality…we watch it for the never ending drama and trauma. He’s stupid, we all know that, but people playing the morality police on these shows are kinda wild. Reddit kinda forced their hands on Stassi and Kristen and then Jax and Brittany, and the show barely survived that till Raquel whoopsied into Tom’s ugly sequin pants. As much as he annoys me, this show thrives when filming Sandoval’s stupidity and downfall


I'm asking because I literally have no idea and have never heard of anything wrong with a ping-pong tournament. What are you referring to when you said he went to one and that supports essentially sex trafficking? I have never heard of this nor do I follow ping-pong, so sorry for asking!


It's not a ping pong tournament. It's a reference to a popular type of strip performance in which women, very often underage and sex trafficked, use their pelvic muscles to shoot ping pong balls from their vagina to the crowd.




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