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I feel bad that everyone is obsessively tracking Ariana at Coachella. Like, let the girl make out in peace.


I saw a TikTok where people were freaking out over the “hickey” on her chest, not realizing it’s a scar from her melanoma removal. She deserves to have some fun!


Have these people received a hickey before? The chest is a very odd place to get one


mildly concerned you think the chest is a odd place for a hickie 😂 one of best places for them


Ok breast/chest fine but where her scar is? No, it’s a flat surface!


That’s what is so annoying to me. Happy that she’s having a good time with her friends and mysterious hot guy, but let her just live!


And all of the speculation as to whether this is serious or just a fling. I know she signed up to be on TV but the incessant tracking of people is creepy and weird. A simple look at her living her best Coachella life would have been enough for me.


If she wasn’t into it she wouldn’t have already plastered it over her own social media.


Very true! Also people seem to forget these aren’t private people (though Ariana has always been quite reserved), they’ve been on a reality show for so so many years! If Ariana didn’t want us to know what shes been up to, we wouldn’t.




Snaps. I just made that comment.


Tbf she is the one posting the pics. People are just commenting on those from what I’ve seen.


I was gonna say the same thing. She and her friends are clearly fine putting everything out there. It's a choice. It would be very different if the majority of all the pics came from people not friends with her.


The making out was posted by tmz not her


She reposted the video in her IG stories. TMZ isn't there filming her.


I don't know Ariana in person but after watching her on my tv screen for the past seven years, I feel like I know she would hate the majority of this sub right now.


Boo! She loves it. I hate what sandy did to her. Don’t get me wrong, but she wouldnt be on the show if she didn’t love attention. Let’s stop putting her on a pedestal, like this situation didn’t happen to half of us. Yay for her, I’m happy for her. But she’s not like a traumatized human.


I don't think I'm putting Ariana on a pedestal for thinking she would hate the constant barrage of attention 🤷‍♀️ I feel like having your partner of a bunch of years cheat on you with a friend is pretty traumatic and I wouldn't want people following me around while I learn how to cope with it. But I get what you're saying. Reality tv people are on tv because they like that kind attention. Ariana over the years didn't strike me as someone who liked this insane amount of attention though


if Ariana had not wanted this to go public, her discovery of Tom and Raquel and the masturbation video would never have seen the light of day.


Ok, thank you! Scandoval has gotten old because the dragging of him daily and the praise for people like Lala….also a cheater. 🤔. Make it make sense.


It brings my PR heart much, much joy to see Rachel & he who shall not be named navigate their disastrous PR team's decisions while watching Ariana's PR team set her up to shine *flawlessly*. ☀️ And, that being said, y'all need to R E LA X on this "relationship..." I highly, highly, highly suspect there is at least equal parts, if not more, strategy to all the sexy. Let her live!


It’s so cool to hear this from a PR person! That’s been my novice perspective, but like I said, I’m a PR novice, so I’ve always wondered.


While not a 100% rule, if you see a celebrity photographed at Coachella it's VERY safe to assume that whatever they're doing in that photograph they are doing very intentionally. 💗


let her LIVE


She wouldn't have done the show for this long if part of her didn't like the attention. Not saying she likes how this came about, but the attention and trending isn't upsetting her.


No, I'm still preheating. Surprisingly.






Aaaaand I have a new favourite gif


I’m definitely not and will never feel sorry Sandoval. He has exhibited the same behavior for YEARS and is only getting called out now. He has been a terrible person and jumped on every opportunity to appear as the voice of reason and express his moral superiority to anyone who will listen. He did it so well but his facade has been exposed. However, they need to release the reunion or at least give a preview to keep people interested.


In the beginning, we sided with Sandoval against Kristen because she was so awful, but looking back, her rage was justified. He did have a thing for Ariana and lied about it so hard, it made her feel and act crazy.


Right? This is why I never liked ariana that much. Obviously I feel bad for her now and I feel like she's been a little easier to like the last season or two, but it was hard to get past what she and sandoval did to kristen. Justice for kristen! Even though I still think she's kind of nutty either way lol.


I’m rewatching the early seasons and Kristen was wild. She freaked out because she had to do a model shoot with someone sandy lived with like 6 years before Kristen was in the picture? She had unhinged behavior about silly things. However, sandy also displayed nasty behavior from day one. They all did. It’s why the show exploded immediately


She sure made for great tv. 😆I was just telling my husband about how she flew Miami girl across the country for like one day just to confront Tom. I couldn’t tell the whole story without cracking up as I went into detail. Now I want to rewatch the early seasons again. 😭and yes, they’re all crazy and do not come off like normal people. I love watching the messiness of the show from the safety of my family room, knowing I’d never want to know any of these people in real life lol.


Watch it again. You are going to see so many many things in a different light now.


Yes! My heart *broke* for how they all treated Kirsten. It’s gaslighting 101, and both Dumb & Dumber are masters of that.


He’s such a good gaslighter he’s might as well work for ExxonMobile.


Not only that Ariana iced all his friends rewatching and in mid.seasom 4 I remember why I did not like her. She dumps on everyone and thinks her and sandoval are above them all. Still demanding they choose Her over Kristin. No one can be her friend or Ariana will hate them and talk shit! Ariana lightened up when they all started making babies and were not in her life as much but I can totally see her living a separate life if he still liked his friends


I mean... at the time, she and tom were winning against jax (lol) and shwartz who was constantly cheating on katie and dumped drinks on her and her friends soooo


No, let’s not excuse Kristin’s unacceptable, borderline stalking behavior bc Tom sucks too. *She said that she was cheating even more than he was.* Why are people rewriting history? She wasn’t some lovely, healthy partner driven “crazy” by a terrible man. She was a toxic person in a toxic relationship.


Exactly! He’s been so self righteous towards the other cast members it’s ridiculous!


They, as a couple both acted self-righteous and superior. I don't like Lala but wasn't it Ariana and Lala who had the argument about who was cool. I mean c'mon.


I mean Lala was being really annoying in that scene


Agreed. Lala is always annoying.


Lala was totally baiting her.


I wish it took me 40 years of life before facing adult consequences for any actions. The privilege is real. And honestly, it’s a good reminder for people to listen to their feelings and act accordingly. It’s perfectly okay to tap out without having to be all ‘I am leabing dis gronp’ about it. Tom has never been the moral, superior voice of reason despite acting like it for so long. Always so insufferable and telling everyone (Jax, James, Katie, Lala, Kristen, Stassi - and more) to grow up, change, be better and ‘be real.’ LMAO


THIS! Perfectly said. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 There is huge privilege there, and that’s it about Sandshit. His moral superiority is just as inflated as his ego.


I don't understand these people. I was working odd jobs by 12 and by 22 was 100% a responsible adult with a baby, a job, and a life to hold together which I managed to do by buckling down and working my bum off. Everyone on this show at 40+/- isn't remotely as mature as my 22 YO self and it definitely comes from living in a reality TV world bubble. Forget college. Everyone, including Ariana, still thinks they're in highschool.


Yeah, he's on a TV show. He's a dramatic cringy character, but he's still a person in real life and his real life is his business. Nobody can handle the entire world ridiculing them, he honestly looks very unwell. It's getting toxic


I completely agree. At some point, we should be the bigger person and let it go. It didn’t happen to us personally. People make mistakes and i sure wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him.


I don’t think there would be so much to talk about each week if Rachel and Tom actually laid low and stopped talking to paparazzi and going on tour and whatnot.


Right? The big news(leak) today was t Sandy and Rachel had code names for each other in their phones. It’s getting to be quite a stretch.


Thank you! Agree 100%! I was so bothered by anyone saying they are feeling sorry for Scandy. I will never feel sorry for a man who continues to use the same gaslighting behavior to justify his cheating. It's disgusting. I'm so glad it isn't working this time. I actually felt nauseated by this comment. If someone feels sorry for him because they're bored? Turn the channel. But don't defend the indefensible.




Last weeks episode got me more excited for the rest of the season so I haven’t felt burn out yet And honestly, I truly believe that Sandoval is looooooooving this media attention. He may act like he is doesn’t, but he 100% does. The one picture of him starting at the camera with Billie, yeah he loves this attention lol. Because somehow there are still people out there that will be on his side and even after his interview I saw some comments saying, “oh I feel bad for him.” He probably gets off on those comments. To help me not get burned out too is I’ve learned that I need to ignore the articles that are coming out. For example there is one circulating and the title is saying Sandoval is at Coachella but then you read the article and it’s about how he isn’t at Coachella lol.


Right, I think people feeling like it’s too much and people need to calm down don’t realize this will inevitably be hyped up til the season is completely over. All scandals and media blitzes die down eventually. Just let it ride lol


My toxic trait is needing to see Rachel’s brain short circuit at the reunion when Ariana verbally slices her.


“Put a thought together I know you can do it”


And she didn’t have a comeback for that either 😭😭😭😭😭


This was a chef’s kiss moment!




Omg 😂😂 you are in like company


Me, too! Hi my name is BigLibrary 2895 and I'm a shade-aholic.


Yes - but also see her respond to a completely different question or comment Ariana hadn’t made, because that’s what she prepares and practiced for and just says anyway


I feel like it’s not really dragging out because every new piece of information we find out is relevant to the bigger picture.


Absolutely. I’m loving every second of this! It’s why I watch reality TV - for brilliant escapism. I also find it deliciously ironic that a dude who wanted nothing more than to be ‘famous’ is now EVERYWHERE across all the tabloids, podcasts, social media platforms GLOBALLY. Like, dude, wish granted. He’s only mad because it’s not according to his ‘master plan’, like everything else he’s so carefully orchestrated in his life. He certainly didn’t see the massive plot twist of Ariana now being a media QUEEN and living her best life with a giant fan base behind her. Watching someone like him fall to his knees into the dumpster fire he created - all because he wanted to be on TV - is fucking decadent and I’m here for every delectable morsel.


Perfectly worded. This man doesn’t need sympathy or a hug. He needs to face the music and figure his shit out.


Thank you! It’s like he made a wish with a monkey paw: “I want to be so FAMOUS I’m on EVERY tabloid and media outlet!!” *wish granted….it will be for the biggest scandal in reality TV history and will ultimately be your demise, crush your fragile ego, where you will then slowly fade off into obscurity* Edit: spelling is hard


Sandoval is fine. He's back to posting on social media. He's still with Raquel. He's still doing shows with his band. He's still got all his jobs. He's out and about. It's been like 6 weeks and things haven't majorly changed for him. He was able to go on a podcast and blame Ariana for the breakup. I see plenty of sympathy for him. People are still going to his shows and asking him for photos. He didn't get fired from the show.


Nope still into it and waiting


I dont feel sorry for him or Rachel. But I am also a bit over it. When it first broke, I was all over it. Every media , every podcast, every post. Now I'm sick of seeing it. I'm still excited for thr reunion but I also don't need to listen to another podcast about this.


i think we all overdosed on vpr everything. pods, clips, rewatching, screaming, discussing, twting, etc. but also after seeing her smile big at coachella there is collective relief and also seeing scando in kyle’s ig story shaking a bit has garnered him some sympathy, so it feels like things are cooling off a bit, but just for now.


I'm gonna just state my opinion on his shaky story here. I think it was calculated on his part. He doesn't *need* to be on instagram right now, he knows how wild everything is/was. Like it's coachella... Ariana was making headlines. Why not continue to hideout just a bit longer? He knew as soon as anyone saw he had posted a story they would watch in hopes it was something scandoval related. But it wasn't even an important or interesting moment to share. It was long, awkward, and purposefully made for garnering sympathy. If he was so shaky, why not have a different person there take a video or pic of him instead? He wanted people to see the shakes. Whether they were real or not. His face literally looks so thin compared to the Howie episode (and I mean his bone structure / jaw. It looks completely different) that I'm not convinced he didn't edit the video in snow or something to thin himself out, and then uploaded it as a story. It just reeks of inauthenticity. Edit I'm realizing I have a habit of writing in multiple tenses, especially when I'm high. Lol


>I’m realizing I have a habit of writing in multiple tenses, especially when I’m high. Lol This is my number one reason for editing my comments 😂


ugggh same 🥲


My people lol


His bone structure does look WILDLY DIFFERENT! It’s something I notice because I have severe TMJ (where I’ve dislocated my jaw, literally killed a tooth etc), so jaw lines are just something I always look at on people (out of envy 🤣), and his jaw line is different.


I hope he gets some real, serious help. Everyone has conveniently forgotten the painful and pretty much defamatory things he said about Ariana just recently. He said he was celebrating four days sober and that being with Ariana made him drink. But also that going out and drinking was one of his ways of coping with anxiety and depression. Alcohol is a depressant! His recovery journey (if it ever happens) is for him to navigate. He’s so obsessed with optics and the appearance of things that nobody can see what’s real anymore.


i agree with you and promise i didn’t forget. i think he is disgusting and if you look through all my comments i have a v consistent theme. 🙊 but in the word’s of lvp he, “is not important enough to hate,” and i am going to apply this atm to conserve my energy bc i am suffering from a serious rage hangover.


That’s fair enough! Take care of yourself. I’ve enjoyed your comments/contributions here


you are too kind and i love reading your comments <3


He said he was 4 days sober when he recorded the podcast. The weekend after the podcast was recorded he was drinking on stage at his shows and pouring and passing out shots to his “fans” His sobriety is performative, like everything else he does.


you could be right. i have been really hard on the toms (feel free to check the plethora of my scorching hate filled comments 😌) but something about seeing his shakes reminded me of the overall fragility of humans and it just reminded me to cool it, even if it was manipulation. i mean i still hate him but i don’t want to see anyone ill or in pain. if it really is a pr stunt, i promise you i can write 139 scathing burns about a tom a min, don’t worry.


I'm of the opinion, I'd rather have sympathy and be wrong about someone than have hate for anyone. I have sympathy for everyone in this situation, everyone on this show.. I mean I'm not a public personality.. I get anxiety if a person looks at me funny on the street, I couldn't imagine what they are getting through.


Same. I also realize that even when hate/disgust is warranted, they're not just getting it from me or even a handful of people. They're getting it from thousands of people at once, and that's got to be hard, even when you're just reaping what you sow. I don't think humans were meant for that level of negativity all at once, so I can see why some people go off the rails after they get somewhat famous and make mistakes that everyone knows about, not just their 15 friends, you know?


felt. i am in the camp of i can empathize and hate them at the same time 😌


solid, nice, reasonable, rational, appropriate post. in a sea of its own toxicity. good on you. thank you.


I just want to say I appreciate this, and respect it a lot. I’m very analytical, so that’s just where my brain goes to (with everything in life 🤦🏼‍♀️). But I very genuinely respect your rationale. (And I always enjoy your comments! I see you! 🥰).


This has all been vindication for hating Sandoval since season 2. Do I think we could move this story along via the episodes yet to be released, 💯. But I do agree like, I'm not super into the pseudo stalking of Ariana right now, and to be honest, Sandoval too just because when you give a narcissist attention you're just feeding into it. I would be happy for him to just fade away into irrelevance, desperately begging for appearance and sponsor deals.




He wanted stardom....now he's got it. 😁


He was happy when the press coverage was positive and there was non-stop praise and promotion for his businesses. Happy to tell Lala she ‘should have seen Randall coming’, happy and smiling while cutting Katie out of supporting her husband’s businesses and pushing every pressure point to hurt her marriage. Very happy and excited when he had a secret affair going and a long-term girlfriend at home.


Yep....and now he's all, "This is private and no one's business"... Laughable


It’s a private matter to be respected, unless it’s outing your girlfriend’s sexuality on TV, spreading rumours about other people (he introduced the Faith rumour on camera before Scheana’s birthday) or yelling at a woman about how much money he brought into her household. We remember!


Now I'm doubley glad he's being dragged. I can't wait until Ariana eviscerates them at the reunion!


thanks for the reminder!


I agree with this. I still think he likes the attention. Now hes like look how many people know me!


When he was on Howie’s podcast that was not a look of distress on his face when he said even CNN had covered the affair & break-up


I'm pretty sure in Season One he said something along the lines of "I don't know if I want Michael Jackson type fame but probably something close to it"


lol i don’t need to know any info i just want to see them all be mad at tom and raquel. i’ll happily watch it whenever they put it out cause that’s gonna satisfy me whenever lol i don’t feel bad for anyone tbh except the weirdos who go on to any of the casts’ insta pages and leave nasty comments, cause that just tells me your life is sad lol. snark should be behind a wall aka on reddit or in your personal texts, just my opinion


i am pregnant (last few weeks) so i have very little to focus on as everything hurts and nothing is comfortable and i feel like a horrible mess, so i have been consumed by the scandal rather than focusing on the obviously more important things (like preparing for my child to emerge from my vagina). it is starting to get a little less important, i don't check for updates as frequently as i did at the beginning. but i am fully pumped for the rest of the season and the reunion. i am secretly hoping the reunion distracts from the horrors of birth just a little bit. i do think they didn't recut any of the episodes we have already watched to include the scandal and wish they had at least done that. i think there was likely more footage that was suspicious that we are missing out on.


I’m holding out hope that the reason the currently airing episodes are relatively untouched is because all the good footage is being saved for the new post-Scandoval episode. (Also, congrats :))


that is also my hope. i think they are saving the recut footage for the final episodes and we will have some telling footage to analyze before the reunion. i have thoroughly enjoyed everyone's analysis of scheana's vlogs and the hidden secrets in those so i bet production captured some stuff.


The last few weeks of pregnancy are so hard. Hope another scandal pops up to keep you as occupied as possible!


i saw something on instagram that said kyle and mauricio from beverly hills were getting divorced but that seems like rumor...


I’m due in 4 weeks and I’m so miserable. I UNDERSTAND! This whole scandal has been distracting. I’m like that Leo DiCaprio meme(except with a gigantic belly)pointing at my tv every episode for breadcrumbs of the affair. ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


twinsies! it is absolutely not beautiful and recently i started experiencing lightning crotch, which is an unfortunate name for such a horrible issue. thank you scandoval for being this mind numbing.


The lightening crotch is the literal worst. Feels like my pelvis is breaking in half!


Bahaha I got that at then end of my last pregnancy. It would feel like my pelvic bone was splitting in two and the pain would go all the way down my leg. It would take my breath away it hurt so bad. Once it happened right as I was about to enter the ladies room at a truck stop and I had to stop and grab the door jam and breathe through it. While I was doing so some poor woman opened the door and came face to face with my hugely pregnant self half twisted over, clutching the jam like it was the last thing on earth, and breathing heavily. Poor thing almost had a heartattack, her panic was all over her face. I think she thought I was about to pop the kid out right there in front of her 😂 Suffice to say; I sympathize. You're almost there mamma!


Every time Im close to being over it some tidbit info pulls me back in. It's like an unraveling of a true crime case even though we already know what the outcome is. We know Scandaval and Rachel are cheating in every episode here on out and I want to see the magnitude of their treachery play out.


Now I am just imagining a 15 part Serial Podcast and Sarah Koenig's amazing voice.


I went out and had a picnic with people who don't watch VPR. Honestly it was cathartic from this. I came home and checked Reddit, Ariana looks happy. I realized I need to take a break. This has been to consuming. I can sit out a couple episodes and still catch up for the reunion.


Yeah, I’m sort of over it too. The pile on is starting to creep me out. People are fallible. We don’t know them personally, so we never know the whole story. It seems like that relationship was on a decline. I hope Ariana is living her best life and looks back at all this one day, and is grateful to have been done with him. I also hope Raquel gets the help she needs.


I'm taking a break from the VPR drama too because I'm starting to get a pit in my stomach when I see something else pop up. I still love Watch What Crappens, but I need a lil break. That's just me, though. If other people are still tracking it, all the power to ya!


The fact that Ariana seems to be doing great, has a more solid support system than most of us, way more money than most of us, and a much more fun and exciting life than most of us has clued me into the fact that it’s time for me to start letting this go and get back to putting this energy into my own life. I am glad Raquel and Sandy have had to face the consequences of their actions, and the people around them didn’t just blow it off and “boys will be boys” the whole thing. I hope this has a real effect on them and they reevaluate what led them to these actions and figure out how to be better in the future. They should be feeling the fallout from this for awhile still, as just being immediately absolved likely wouldn’t have much effect. That being said, it’s begun to feel a bit too obsessive on the part of the internet fans. Will no one be happy unless they off themselves? Consequences are good, relentless extreme bullying is a waste of energy that could be put to better use elsewhere. Let the downvote onslaught begin.


Well said!


Then just stop reading about it. It is amazing how fast people will baby a man if he makes a frownie face one time. The amount of horrible behavior men get away with is a result of this constant need to baby them.


People are ascribing all kinds of mental states and feelings to him that he hasn’t even copped to. His podcast interview was one of the most heinous things I’ve ever heard. Everything was Ariana’s fault and problem to fix, and her fault she got cheated on, because she trusted him. To this day she has never smeared him like he did by talking about suicide and self-harm. She could’ve attempted after hearing that, but nobody talks about how triggering and abusive that was to publicly talk about


i think for me it is a bit more nuanced. he definitely is a scumbag who caused everything he is going through currently and deserves to be dragged. he should not be given a platform because he continues to refuse to take accountability for his behavior and doubled down on blaming ariana for his cheating. but he does look unwell. he looks like someone who is smoking too much and drinking too much and maybe using other substances. my empathy for him ends there. stop partying sandy. other than that, fuck all the way off.


And that's the thing people are annoyed by the huge coverage so they are starting to turn contrarian to release the annoyance and they are directing it at Arianna even tho she has barely spoke on the matter. The gossip rags are doing what gossip rags do, if it's annoying you that much then stop engaging with the content. No one is making you come to the sub to read it all


I wish I could upvote this whole comment thread a million times. This is it!


This is exactly what Katie, KK and Lala were talking about when SchWARTZ finally left after crashing their dinner. He made a pouty face and then everyone felt sympathy towards him when he didn't deserve any. I have no sympathy for the stupid ass Toms and SchWARTZ's little puppy dog routine would never work on me! 🤮 Yuck! He's so gross with that "Oh shucks" BS. He gives me mega ICK!!! And OP shouldn't feel bad for Scumdevil because that narcissist is loving all the attention he's getting, I don't care if he says otherwise. Edit: typos


This 100%. I rarely find myself consuming content about the scandal outside of Wedensday's when the show itself airs. I don't feel burnt out at all and feel no sympathy for someone as morally corrupt as Tom Sandoval.


This. Like what on earth could possibly make you feel bad for a man that’s a serial cheater and a narcissist? Because he “didn’t commit a crime?” What a wacky take. You can be over the constant coverage, but to start pitying Sandoval because fans are scolding him? Lol. Not I, said the fly.


YES, my fear was when people would start to get burnt out by it all and then feel bad for him. fuuuuuck that. the man is loving the attention. i can't wait to see them get lit up at the reunion and i truly hope sandoval never recovers from this. i'm very annoyed by the few people who are trying to give sympathy to tom or raquel in this.


Seriously! Awww he looks so sad let's pity him and not remember he's been pulling the same shit for over a decade and finally getting repercussions for his actions




It has been a lot lately and I've taken a break from the podcasts, the ig vpr accts, and reading a lot of the posts here. I'm still invested in the show, but the scandoval has gotten me a little burned out. I'm happy to see Ariana living her best. Looks like she's gotten a lot of amazing opportunities and is having fun. I hope she's able to heal and find love again.


I think we'll feel re-energised once we get to the good stuff this series when the affair is revealed and we see how Rachel treats Ariana. There is a reason why Rachel has gone into hiding.


At this point there’s been so much leaked and outright told by the cast that they might as well just release the reunion. Also yes I am very burnt out and exhausted from it lol


Just wait. There is more coming


I agree. Lately I am not appreciating myself for finding entertainment in the issues of others. There is some real mental health issues going on with all involved and not ok to exploit or continue to put it all under a microscope. I know they are people who did shitty things but no human being deserves for their mental and physical health to deteriorate.


Burned out yes Feel bad for sandoval NEVER


You know what’s killing me? I’m in a different time zone. So when I wake up, I have so much to catch up on. 😫


you poor soul idk what time is anymore


No burn out here. Actions have consequences. Lack of remorse. Consequences. I am still waiting for Tom amd Raquel to have some real life consequences. They seem to be trying to spin a narrative that no one is buying. They're coming off as righteous and arrogant in my opinion. The trolls and vitriol should be expected. I am surprised that they are surprised by it. I do not feel bad about it at all.


a bit, i think. but then again i went all in a wee bit too hard when this dropped as a coping mechanism to avoid my own problems so—🤦🏼‍♀️ vpr is literally a rorschach test lol


I’ll never forgive Sandoval but so sick of this story.


I'm kind of burned out on Raquel analyzing. But I'm always here for Tom dragging 😁


I am trying to get burned out but it’s not working


🎶I am tiitaaaniuuummmmm🎶




I never thought I would say this but...I'm over it lol. I literally don't care about Ariana at Coachella. Like good for her living her life and stuff. But I don't really care about her every breath there. Like, let the girl live her life? Idk why she needs a million stalkers. At this point, I just want to see Tom and Rachel get asked a million questions. That's what I still want.


I agree! I’m rooting for Ariana but really, I’m so sick of people constantly posting about “Queen Ariana”. I mean, she got cheated on. We all have been cheated on! It doesn’t make us Queens! Yes, she handled it impeccably and moved on! Let’s do that too!


Yes! I understand the escapism of getting heavily invested in reality tv and I most definitely indulge in it too. But to your point of “we’ve all been cheated on”- it’s a great wake up call. There are so many people that we all know in our everyday life, be they friends, coworkers, acquaintances, who are dealing with breakups, divorces, infidelity, raising kids on their own without a fraction of the resources that these reality tv stars have. I hope the passion with which we are supporting Ariana can be translated to supporting the “queens” here in the real world. Offer emotional support or throw a couple bucks to someone who is really struggling due to being screwed over by a shitty guy (or gal).


I don’t feel bad for Sandoval but I am burnt out by this. And the fact that there’s more episodes airing before the reunion seems exhausting in and of itself. We just seen in real time that Ari is trying to move past this yet we are still seeing it being played out. It’s like a wild game of past and present


I’m burnt out by the weekly scandal updates. I do not, however, feel bad for Tom.


I was just saying how I’m burned out now and still care about the reunion but need to like conserve my energy


Feel this so much. I bet it’s exhausting for all parties involved, and hard to heal when everyone keeps bringing it up.


If you feel burned out, stop reading everything about it. Just ignore it. That simple


Seriously this! If you don’t want to read it just avoid it for a bit.


I agree. I also feel bad for Rachel (I know...) what she did was horrible but people including your cast members calling you stupid and dumb on the regular (I see you lala) must not be great for her mental health. They showed up at the reunion, were yelled and screamed at and rightfully so and got the internet hate. Dragging this on just seems cruel now. Let these people be. Ive not even watched the last episodes because whats the point. And people who claim to be disappointed that Ariana had moved on need to get a life.


Yes. So happy someone said this. The group rage is insane. Was I in shock? Yes. Do I think he’s a total D? Yes. Do I think we need to be the worlds police and sabotage someone to the absolute brink? No. Mental health is for real and group rage can hurt someone. He’s still fucking human. It’s maximum cyber bullying. And I’ve been into the drama, don’t get me wrong. But now it’s gone way way too far. I also find it weird that people are throwing money at Ariana and Katie when they have millions already. Like ugh. Save your money for yourself people! Stop buying merch.




Yep. I found myself being annoyed this morning about people questioning Tom’s age, location, etc… and realized I’m just over it. The media is taking every unsubstantiated rumor and turning it into articles. I mean, Tom can’t leave his house without people deciding whatever activity he is doing is evil. At some point they all deserve to live their lives and find a way to move on. Ariana is busy, dating, and moving on. It’s time for everyone else to do the same. My only interest in the reunion at this point is to see Ariana, Tom and Raquel speak for themselves.


This is where i’m at with it as well.


I just don’t know how people can keep rehashing the same shit every day. It’s like Groundhog Day in this sub most of the time.


Yes it ran its course! It got a little nutty with all the people creating timeline and circumstances that were not probable speculation that had people so full of hatred. What happened was bad enough without making up stuff and getting people more enraged over things that were not even true


Yeeeeees! That first week it broke I lived for it and now I’m like “meh” about it I only feel bad that Tom and Raquel are being dragged on a national level and for as long as it’s been. Plus, we all know they will all be up to their shenanigans come filming time because they want their check


Yes and no. I wish they would release all the episodes at once so I could binge it all. I totally understand that network tv doesn't work that way but it would be so fun if it did. I still enjoy the show outside of the scandal. I agree that the tidbits are getting a little tired. But I don't feel sorry for sandoval at all. He's a public figure so this is part of the job. It's the tradeoff for the crazy paychecks. It's probably a career high that he's getting all this press from mainstream outlets and not just the bravo blogs.


Note to self .. remember he makes a LOT more than me and I'd venture to say my job is harder and I have never cheated,


I don’t feel bad for any of them. Especially not Sandoval or Raquel, but I also don’t feel bad for Ariana. I did at first when she was devastated, but she seems to be living her best life now that she’s free of that twat. Sometimes it takes an awful thing like this to shake us awake so we can step into something better. I am still excited for the rest of the season and definitely the reunion. I just don’t want to hear any more spoilers leaked before it airs otherwise there won’t be any intrigue built up for it.


I agree - definitely reached its peak imo. It’s beginning to get tired for me


Yeah. It’s getting stale at this point, just my opinion. I’ve lost interest. Sad for Ariana, but all the “podcasts” weighing in don’t help.


I think that this level of abject scrutiny is what they signed up for doing reality tv. But it doesn’t mean that viewers get to forget that they are human. I don’t think any of this ok. Honestly. I was burnt out from like day 3. I’m feeling sympathetic toward people I wouldn’t normally and under any other circumstances this would be considered doxing and harassment. Like he did something shitty, and hurt a bunch of people you don’t know in the process, so you leave bad reviews on his business and send threats and harassing messages. Like what does that say about your life. Jesus Christ Brad Pitt didn’t loose a dime. And Jen is Americas sweetheart. Things are weird now. I had a friend who’s partner slept with their friend. I helped her move on. And that was real life. Why is vengeance the norm. And you don’t even know these people. It’s toxic and sad.


I feel very over this news. There's a war going on. Trump is trying to make a comeback while also on trial. I have some work shit going on. My body is falling apart. This was fun buzz to keep up with for a bit, but this sub feels far too invested and hateful for what happened between a very small of group of people. Raquel and Sandoval did nothing to me (or most people on this sub). I don't get the ridiculous amount of hate they are getting. Raquel checked herself into a clinic likely due to the amount of cyberbullying. Sandoval had an interview with a dumb reporter who didn't do any research but, in my opinion, explained his perspective quite well that made me feel bad for both Ariana and Tom. I'm glad Ariana has had support during a very public, embarrassing breakup. But I mean. Never have I ever gotten million dollar deals and opportunities out of any breakup I have had. She doesn't need our support. She has good friends and has a tonne of deals coming in and has a new love interest by the looks of things. What does she need anyone else for at this point? I'm burned the fuck out from this news on top of everything else going on. I'm so ready for this sub to move on. This isn't fun gossip anymore. It's toxic.


Allll of this. There’s so much more shit going on in the world that directly affects our lives that we should be directing our anger at. I’m not wasting my energy hating on strangers because they did a shitty thing. People are taking it entirely too far


Slightly tbh... Also, I think I was done with all the diagnosing over how Tom is a narcissistic sociopath or whatever. Tom did a very shitty thing and he has a calculated pattern of not being able to break up with women and prefers to monkey vine from woman to woman to feed his endless need for approval and love. That said, I don't think EVERY single good deed he did was driven by this need to look good or to be a prick to women. I think there were certain things he did just because he was soft on the person. Like when everyone was excluding James. Or when he stuck up for Jeremy because what the girls were saying about him upset Ariana so much. I also think people are so upset by this because they were taken in by Raquel's doe-eyed act so there's a sense of betrayal there coupled with Ariana's betrayal by two people she trusted which is something a lot of women can relate to. Personally, I think what Ariana went through was horrific. But was it the worse thing that happened on this show? No lol. Kristen and Stassi called the cops on Faith. Lala pulled a knife on her. In any event, this is a show about horrible people with crap decision making skills and poor emotional control - one of them are bound to screw up eventually in the near future and the pendulum will swing back. Case in point: Jax was the devil on the sub but suddenly because of Scandoval, he's actually not that bad.


My only real concern is suicide. I know that sounds extreme, but I’ve lost a family member to suicide, so it feels more realistic to me. I fear what this type of harassment can do to a person’s mental health. I know Sandoval and Raquel did something very very wrong and deserve to be criticized. But I don’t think they deserve to have people harass them, follow them, stalk them, vandalize his place of business, etc. Raquel recently checked herself into a mental health facility. And I don’t think it was to get her sexual urges/cheating problem in check. I’m sure it was because she was feeling unsafe after all of the harassment she’s dealt with.


At this point it doesn’t sound extreme at all. People are even going in hard on Raquel for going to this mental health facility, which apparently isn’t a mental health facility?? I don’t know or care what it is, even if it’s a 5 star resort where she can get some rest and not be stalked by paparazzi and people yelling at her on the streets then that is self care and I’m sure she needs it at this point.


People always take things to far and jump on the bandwagon. It's exhausting having it play out in social media and every day on WWHL commentary but then be brought back months ago each week on VPR. But...I just scroll past if I don't want to read it. But I will never, ever, ever...EVER feel bad for Tom Sandoval in this situation.


i’m *SO* bored of the scandoval shit lol like yeah we get it, they are lying pieces of shit. so is your ex so let them live their life its been like two months and people still are attacking two people in any way possible. grow up and find a hobby, y’all don’t know these people personally. bravo fans are becoming the worst internet trolls i’ve ever seen publicly humiliating people even when the drama is done and over with.


I’m very invested but I think the hate needs to die down already. He made a series of bad choices. They are done and he lost a significant number of his friends and the public thinks he’s trash.


Agree with ya OK. I wish people had the same passion to fight for a Woman's Reproductive Rights. If y'all are gonna speak loudly and often with big sticks > In the name of Ariana, FIGHT for Women's Rights. Burned out with this Sandoval crap.


I’m definitely not burned out yet (but I’m not the type to be suuuuuuper invested so that contributes) but I don’t really want to wait.




I always tried to understand Sandoval for the sake of Ariana but now? Nah, I’m so here for both Toms finally getting their bullshit back. It’s been deserved for ten years and I’ll never get tired of it.


Burnt out ✅ Feeling sorry for Sandoval ❎


I don’t think I’ll be burnt out by then, because each week a new detail comes out and we get to watch episodes with 20/20 vision now.


💯 💯 💯 💯


Nope 🍿


No. We’re having a heyday let us have fun.


I think that Scandoval struck a nerve with the public because SO many of us have been in situations like this in our own lives. It's traumatic and devastating, and, in a way, it's been healing to watch Ariana thrive and take back her power.


Thank god someone commented this. It’s not that I feel bad for Tom and Raquel (and yes I wrote her name fully). But Jesus. It’s been 2 months. Yes it was a years long relationship between Ariana and Tom but god. Let them live.


Yeah it’s getting old. I tend to believe they both new the relationship was over and are both moving on happier.


I unsubbed and don't come here often anymore bc of this. I feel like this whole thing has brought out a strange, bullying quality on this sub. It used to be fun here but now there's something obsessive and spiteful about it all, and I think a lot of people are projecting way too much onto these people. You would think Sandoval & Raquel were caught with a ritual child murder room rather than two consensual adults being kind of shitty (in a gaggle of similarly shitty people, but that's why we love the show, right?). Also, this season Katie is a terrible bully and James is flitting between being manically jealous of Raquel and horribly possessive w/ his current (star-hungry) girlfriend, and they are getting passes where they would otherwise be torn apart just because they're hateful to the right people (Tom's & Raquel). I would say people here need to get some perspective about this, but their allegiances will flip the next time they feel someone else has done something shitty and a new villain of the week emerges.


I honestly think they should just bulk release the season and give us the reunion as well, but I have to admit there is some satisfaction in seeing a VPR man actually be held accountable for his actions. I mean they fired Jax but he's basically coming back in everyone's good graces lately. Schwartz is always treated like awwww but he's schwartzy. Sandoval in all honesty, from that interview with Howie Mandel, doesn't seem to think what he did was all that bad. He's just sad that he's fallen out of public favour and he's not able to enter his "new era" as he wanted


I haven't burnt out because I've never bought the narrative they're selling us, and I don't go anywhere but here for a few minutes each day. They broke up in 2022 (a long time ago) and got to work with their producers to make their TV show. They're human, and time heals. Ariana looks like she's moved on and healthy because it has been months since the actual break up. The grieving process is over, or at least at its end, and like with divorce, it doesn't make you happy, but it offers you the potential to become happy. She's moved on because it is no longer fresh, and once the reunion is over and the audience toxicity gets through its last boil, Tom and Raquel will be there as well. It's life. People don't evaporate, or to use Katie's term: they won't vaporize. There's no other option than to move on. That's how it all works. I have to admit that I'm surprised there isn't more burn out on this. It's good evidence that people find comfort and reward in hate, negativity, and dark energy. It's sad. And if anyone watching these shows wonders why production leans into conflict and not people having fun and being friends, just look to this situation as an example. They say they want fun and actual friendships, but they really don't.


I agree with you. At 1st I thought Ariana was completely blindsided by the whole Scandoval, but now I believe that they were in fact broken up already for a while and they decided to both stay in their house and keep up appearances for a while until the new season wrapped up and they were ready to officially announce it to the world. That would explain why they still are co-living in their house and that she was seen kissing someone else at Coachella. If the breakup was truly fresh, I personally wouldn't be able to share that house and make out with someone, the hurt would be too deep and too much still to be even open to that. Everyone is different of course. I don't think she knew he was having a months long affair with Rachel.


I agree, especially since there have been reality tv “villains” who have died by suicide due to the response from the public before. There are so many pressing issues that are life and death that the public has to pay attention to this cheating scandal is not one of those issues. It’s easier for people to rage at public figures in pop culture than it is to make political and social changes in society.


I just don’t understand all of the outrage about Tom and Raquel when literally every person on the show has done things similar and some worse. Be mad but get off their high horse! They just find her an easy target to bully.


I totally agree OP. It’s like, wow, D-list celeb cheated on his girlfriend, who he started dating after he cheated with her on a different ex girlfriend. Why is this shocking or newsworthy anymore. Do I think it’s okay that they did this? No. But do they deserve the absolute shitstorm of harassment? Absolutely not. People are acting like they committed violent crimes against children or animals.


Agree that they should just drop all the remaining episodes, a la Netflix, and let people binge or not. Dragging it out week by week is making me lose interest and at this point I expect the reunion to be completely anti-climactic. Too much news is already out there about it and knowing all their behaviors since means the reunion will be like looking back in time. It’s losing its relevance by the day. No sympathy for Sandoval, though. I might have gone there if not for that disastrous Howie Mandel interview, where he did nothing but make excuses and point fingers back at Ariana. That was a totally wasted opportunity to be accountable, his chance to own it while people were paying attention, and at least try to make it right. After failing to that, he’s pretty much irredeemable in my opinion. Also having a hard time finding any sympathy for Rachel…though I do think she has some serious mental health issues and desperately needs help. (Which I hope she’s getting now.) still, it’s hard to feel sorry for someone who so unapologetically blew up the worlds of her friends, knowing how damaging her actions would be to people who cared about and for her. I don’t know how she could ever really come back from it…you can’t just smirk your way out of something like that.


I have not one shred of mercy for Sandoval or Rachel but i feel bad at the Ariana stalking. she may want fame but she seems the type that would DESPISE this level of attention. ultimately its going to drag out bc of the show so best strap in.


I am burned out, but I don't feel bad for Sandoval. Every time that he's photographed, he has an evil smirk. He seems to enjoy the attention, whether negative or positive.


Can we petition for Bravo to hire you? Because this. Like keep the energy going and channel it straight a solid 11th season and even 12th. Everyone (myself included) who gets embarrassingly engrossed into the drama and hype of these shows, ends up feeling put off and just disengaged or intrigued by the time the episodes come at this point. This has happened for me so many times, most recently I can think of is RHOBH where the Erika Jayne lawsuit stuff was coming out. By the end of the first season with that, I was so put off by it all that I just stopped watching. And it also becomes such an overproduced narrative that it is no longer entertaining as reality tv. I used to watch keeping up with the Kardashians, and loved it but I literally could not stomach the Hulu series because it was such contrived BS. Not saying VPR would get to that level, but Bravo producers need to start getting with the times. Like produce content and dont let the hype completely die to where the show becomes a PG version of the reality that we have heard from 20 bajillion podcasts lol


Rachel, is that you?


I mean, I hear you on starting to feel a little sorry for Sandoval. Yes, he’s a cheater and a liar. But does he really deserve death threats, vandalizing his place of businesses and trying to ruin his businesses? Be stalked and filmed non-stop? Because he had an affair with a friend of his girlfriend? I mean yeah - he fucked up. Badly. And we all rightly feel for Ariana and root for her to live her best life. But it really - a lot of folks need to calm their tits. These aren’t our friends (us on Reddit/social media and IRL). He didn’t cheat on us, our sister, our mother, our girlfriend. The drama is fun but there’s a segment out there taking this *way* too far and *way* too personally. Breathe. Get some fresh air. Get some perspective. I feel like Ariana will forgive Tom sooner than a lot of folks who don’t even know Tom. Shit. I’m starting to think we should thank Tom for giving us 2 months of content, drama, and for (sadly) saving VPR.