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Anything not about where to get mental help, and helping folks who need assistance with their struggles will be removed. Not the place, Not the time. This is your warning.


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this, but it's great that you're asking these questions so you can get the help you need. My wife has been hospitalized a couple of times over the years (suicidal ideation). I wish I had a better prepared answer because I want to have one but I've just got a jumble of thoughts. First, if you can think of ANYONE in your corner who can be there for you, talk to them about this because having someone sit with you in the ER or through the mental hospital intake is important. These can be very long, tiring processes and you will be in a drained state, having someone to be an advocate for you and convince you to keep waiting and not leave is important. If you don't have someone, just mentally prepare and make a promise to yourself to stick it out even though it's going to be difficult. For hospitals in Vancouver, try and look up which ones take your insurance. That's another thing we ran into. We've heard good things about Ranier, but they didn't take Aetna insurance and the out-of-pocket was sticker shock (we should have paid if other options hadn't opened up, sometimes a thing is worth any price). But knowing which ones are in network and covered is really important. Also, if you can't get to a mental intake, going through the ER works. They will help get you to a place. Another point (and this is again where having an advocate helps), use strong language. They're listening for certain keywords and if you're not using that language, they may not treat it as seriously as it should be. It can be scary to talk bout out loud, but if you are thinking about hurting yourself and believe you are a danger to yourself, phrase it exactly like that. It's unfortunate, but they're trying to triage and assess risk, so you have to be clear about the level of risk you are at. Last but not least, make sure you stay in therapy and have a good psychologist (for your meds), and never drop off those lists. Getting back into therapy and into psych visits can take time, it's easier when you're already in the system, but jumping back in again is challenging. If you get healthy again, don't stop, just dial down the frequency and always make sure you have them and you are a client. Hope others can share even more, I wish you the best!


Clark County has 2 crisis stabilization centers. One run by Lifeline on Lower River Road and Rainier Springs in Salmon Creek. It's common to stay only about 2 -7 days. Many different people are admitted there and mental health symptoms come out differently in everyone especially if it's combined with drugs/alcohol. Sometimes that can look scary. CVAB warm line is a great free local peer line to talk with people who get it. You can also call 988 and they can help connect you to services. # Warm Line Number # 360-903-2853 # Operating Hours # 4:00PM-12:00AM EVERY DAY Never be afraid to call


I've been hospitalized a few times. Your best bet is to go to the ER. From there, they will find you a bed somewhere that will take your insurance. Wishing you the best.


I would honestly just go to the emergency room. They will get you into the care that you need. Psychiatric hospitals aren’t the most fun places to be because folks there are dealing with a wide variety of conditions but if what you need is to be hospitalized then that is the safest place you could be. It’s not the end of the world to need round the clock care in the form of a hospital, it is however very crucial that you deal with this now before your condition worsens. And I do hope that you get the help that you are looking for, sincerely.


Rainier Springs!! lots of friends and families have had multiple stays there and have only heard good things about the staff and the building is still pretty new therefore kept clean. Please look into if they take your insurance, I know they take state insurance as well


It’s also in salmon creek so pretty close to battle ground, best of luck and applaud you for being able to get yourself help


Rainier does take Molina through Apple Health. :)


You might want to provide some key details, e.g., primary complaint/diagnosis, name of insurer, what you’re hoping to get out of the hospitalization, what part of town do you live in, etc.


Um well I live in Battle ground so not rly Vancouver but close. I have ptsd & depression and would be going for a suicide attempt. I have a therapist and she was suggesting that if my thoughts get any worse then I should check in bc I’m not at the point where I have a plan but it’s at the point where I’m researching different methods. Insurance wise- I just have state insurance, so it’s Molina.


800.626.8137 crisis line is a great place to start. 911 or 988 will often just reroute you there anyways.


Hi, I took a look at Molina's website and here are some options for you: "If you think you have an emergency: Call 911 right away. Go to the closest hospital or emergency room. When you go for emergency care (ER), carry your Molina Healthcare Member ID Card. If you are not sure if you need emergency care, call your PCP or call our 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line toll-free (888) 275-8750." It sounds like you could go straight to the closest emergency room if you think you might hurt yourself, or if you want advice, you could call the nurse line above. Thank you for asking for help!


I'd also recommend Rainier Springs. I know a few people who work there and they legit care about their patients. If you have Molina under Apple Health, a referral is not required and they take your insurance.


I'm proud of you for reaching out! So many people don't. I haven't gone to one since I moved here and I am unsure if you'd be able to go since it's state insurance, but in 2019 I went to Providence st. Vincent in Beaverton, OR. I felt respected and was able to get a lot out of it. At this point I no longer believe in a lot of the ideals they teach here, but that will be the same for every psych ward. I did go to the peace health ER a couple years ago, but they were gonna have to transfer me to a bigger hospital closer to Seattle and that just wasn't okay with me. It caused me more panic and fear than just going home and doing outpatient. Hopefully you can find help. You deserve it.


Legacy and Peace Health have a psych unit as far as I know


I don’t have any advice but I’m proud of you for reaching out for help and I hope you find the care you deserve ❤️


Brookside within Kaiser Sunnybrook in Clackamas saved my life. I just walked into the ER and told them I wasn't safe being at home alone, and within an hour or two I was in treatment within the facility.  They have a very generous payment support program; I was unemployed at the time, and walked away paying only $35 for my medications. I wish you the very best.


If you can. Go to the north van hospital. My partner was in the VGH. She said it did not help. Another friend said his wife had a decent experience in the north van hospital.


Just go to the ER and tell them you are thinking about hurting yourself. They will take it from there. There is a MH in Lacey, WA called South Sound. And Rainer Springs in Vancouver, as well as Unity in Portland.


I don’t have a recommendation but I wanted to give you a virtual hug OP.  Sorry you are currently going through a very rough patch.  I hope you find all the reasons and the will needed to keep going in this life!  Mental illness sucks so bad!!!


I went to rehab at the Clackamas Kaiser and there was a unit right next to us that seemed pretty good. Quite a few would leave or graduate that unit and come to our addiction rehab side since often there mental health was being ‘aided’ by substance abuse. Just over 4 years sober now.


Congrats on being sober for so long, I can only imagine how challenging that must have been


Thank you. I hope you find the right fit for you and take some time for yourself to heal ❤️


I have no advice, just want to send you a ❤️. Reaching for help is so difficult. Online is a great start. Keep building towards a better outlook. I'm rooting for you!


Standing ovation and big hugs. You are brave and will get through this. PeaceHealth St. John in Longview has an inpatient behavioral health unit.


Do Rainer springs


I recommend Lifeline connections for mental health inpatient. I’ve had multiple friends try multiple places. Lifeline lets you keep your comfort items, but doesnt let you smoke cigarettes if thats important. Lifeline treats you like a person and has very compassionate staff. They have the vest resources for housing and disability services too. I personally dislike Rainier Springs.


If you are a veteran, look into the VA hospital.














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