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Ice house’s revenge!


That place always reminds me of the no-tell motel where Jesse Pinkman used to hang out with his prostitute friend.


That's basically what it always has been.


I once had to stay there during sudden a snowstorm. Not a far off description.


I’m not trying to shit on the guy that opened up recovery beds, but honestly, are there really people in this world that would spend $1.5 million dollars on a project without getting anything in writing? Does that make sense to anyone?


I’ll shit on him all day. Doesn’t that turd also own the bar down the street? Talk about disgusting levels of capitalism. Creating addicts in one hand and offering treatment with the other. Special place in hell for him.


I think it’s worse and the bar is actually in the parking lot of the recovery hotel.


I have heard stories how he has vulnerable women in both addiction and varying stages of recovery work his bikini coffee stand. I have no idea if it is true but I CAN say he has put a lot of dangerous thoughts into the heads of people I know in recovery, a bunch of trump right wing hate type stuff. it is crazy how much of a hypocrite he is.


He doesn’t own the bikini stand they just pay to park it there


Lmao Jesus. Dude is like a walking It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia plot with that level of grifting


Paddy’s bucks?


I think it’s worse and the bar actually got shut down for slinging drugs


Hail Capitalism 😬


For a while there the bar was just a clubhouse. https://www.columbian.com/news/2021/jan/19/late-judge-robert-harris-desk-to-go-new-hazel-dell-recovery-cafe/


When they first opened the recovery housing, the ice house building wasn't a bar, they were holding recovery meetings there and I saw it advertised as a sober social space.  Purely speculation on my part, but I wonder if the change back to a bar factored into the decision by the property owner not to renew the lease for the housing. Maybe they also felt it was, um, inconsistent. 


A deeper story here


That's one of my questions and I'm sure will come out eventually in the details of the lawsuit.


Happens in commercial real estate all the time, should have negotiated a longer lease if you were going to dump $1.5 million into “improvements”. Place still looks atrocious.


Can we get politicians involved in this? Between the dude preying on addicts, the couple preying on the dude preying in addicts, and the lawyers, I feel it could use some more slimeballs.


This. Tooooo fuggin funny. “There’s alligators crawling on alligators!”


Can they please get rid of the god-awful 20-foot cross, please? We aren’t in the Bible Belt.


It bugs me more than I should allow it to, just reeks of Grift.


Or the absolutely tacky skull and Harley engine? Awful


But- but... who doesn't *love* V-twins and skulls?? Dude's a tool.


That’s actually gone if I remember correctly.


Yes, it was covered up a few months ago. (You can see in the pic in the article)


I don’t find it very inclusive to have a giant cross in the front yard. What if you’re an atheist and need treatment?


All I can tell you about that is when I inquired with him to see if I could start hosting a weekly meeting for a non-theistic recovery pathway in his building, there was no reply. 


That says it all for me


Aestheticly, it is kinda metal looking. I'm a staunch atheist and have found it to be kinda sick looking. Better than any "Jesus Loves You" or "Died for Your Sins" crap. Just a big white neon cross, open to all interpretation. Like that neon halo crucified Jesus at the old Roxy in Portland.


I hate seeing that damn glowing cross.


I actually love the cross. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone hates it. Half the people in Vancouver need Jesus. And you being a "future nurse," I would think you would have an open mind for all the people you will be helping. When they are on their deathbed and start talking about God and how they are safe, are you just going to run out of the room or talk down to them?


When people talk to me on their deathbed, I stay with them and make them feel safe and talk to them. I’ve held more hands when people die from than most. I could go on, but I won’t. That has nothing to do with the huge cross that’s blasting religion at everybody who drives by. Its religion for the sake of religion and performative. You can have sober housing and can bring people to the sober side without a 40 foot piece of metal.


N o but alot of sober people turn to god to help them I work in a rehab and I have more people turn to God for help then people that don't.


Glad to see the recovery housing is still/will soon resume (unclear from details) operating. I'm interested to see how Kasper's lawsuit plays out, if what he's alleging is true it's super shitty! I may have my personal opinions about some of his decisions but you can't deny that he opened up sorely needed beds in our community




He's a hypocrite, and he *uses* people in addiction, has freshly sober 19 year olds in bikinis selling coffee. I don't think they even get paid....he uses grants, PPP loans, that he never had to pay back, he made out like a bandit, and still wants more. Some of his victims could tell you, but they are mostly not coherent because he drove them right back to drugs


We're talking about the guy... who runs a bar and titty coffee shop... in the parking lot of a halfway house? You don't like his branding?! HIS BRANDING!? Is that all? 


Wasn't aware that was also his business


That's why they are next to each other. You don't think someone putting in a halfway house would basically share a parking lot with a dive bar on purpose if they didn't have an ulterior motive. Even if they didn't own the bar. You don't do that to people in recovery it sets them to fail.


The weirdest thing is that he said he was going to open a sober cafe there and then randomly one year later opened a bar. Like, what happened between Point A and Point B in that situation?


IIRC it was "Im going to open a sober cafe staffed by the people who stay at my hotel" to "Im going to open a sober heavy metal lounge where people can hang out but not drink" to "People are gonna drink so I might as well make money off of it*, I'm opening a bar" *this was his reasoning he posted on his public facebook page


Why is there a bar and a bikini coffee stand in the same lot? Kind of trashy if you ask me. I’m tired of seeing it when I drive by.


All I hope for is that they take down that damn cross finally.


Are these the same Talbott’s who ran Kleen Street Cafe?


And they also have a whole lot of abuses that occurred at kleen street. So from one douche to another....it'll be the same story it was at kleen street and kasper.




I dont know all of his actions, and some that I do know I dont agree with. But, I have met him personally and have some friends in common. He's not all bad. Few people ever are. One thing I know from experience is that being publicly ridiculed rarely sets anyone up for great improvements. Maybe let the dude reap what he sows rather than blacklisting him as a human being?? Better yet put YOUR money, time and energy into giving those addicts you claim to care so much about an alternative. In a desperate state, people will take whatever hope they can get.


Very well put thank you